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Roland M. Pajo.

Reflection #2
Iris Perspective

All of us have our own beliefs, and these beliefs occupy a certain principle that cannot
be broken or destructed by someone easily. For example, if you believe that ghost
and other paranormal entities exist, people might judge you that this kind of belief is
untrue and idiotic. That is why we cannot force everyone to believe in things that we
think is true, but it does not mean that these entities are not true because in your own
experience, you encountered it and see it in your own naked eyes. Another example is,
when you are judged and named as a “feeble minded person”, when you do a certain
thing that is beyond expectation from their prejudice eyes—expect that they will not
believe in your accomplishment/s. Therefore, people believe and look at things that
they literally see.

After the discussion, I formulated a theory or principle that represents how people
believe and react to a lot of things, and I named it Iris Perspective.

Iris Perspective has four phases, and each phase explains how people believe in
certain things—everything in this world which physically exists.

1. Innocent eye. This phase expounds how people experience their lives when
they were young. Their ideas and understandings are not yet matured enough to
apprehend everything. Also, on this phase people tend to ask a lot of questions
about life and its origin.

2. Myopic. When people start to understand the surface level of life—how life
originates. They only opt to understand things on their surroundings. They are
not aware on the outside life of this world.

3. Pre-fly. It is obvious that people try to seek more questions over time. They
start to set themselves in a new chapter of philosophy and life.

4. Flying. In this phase, they are now at the atmosphere of learning and truth
where they can overtly see the darker side of this world.

5. Realization. After they absorbed the things which made them realized that life
has its own consequences and rewards, they started to meditate and introspect
that whatever is happening in this world has no 100% guarantee.

We use our eyes to perceive and see things that can help to understand why these are
existing. However, whatever we see it does not only stop there, there is something
beyond from it that urge us to believe in…

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