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Good morning to everyone especially to our parents and guardians who came and attend

this ceremony with us. This message is written for our respectfully mentors.

We don’t know if it is possible to convey into words the sense of gratitude we feel
towards you but we thought it is one of the best way to express the feeling. For over a year of
spending time together has been one of the best thing that happened to us. Having you not just
merely mentors and advisors but also a reliable friend; you inspired us to achieve things at a
level higher than we thought possible. All your guidance and encouragement for us is invaluable,
without these, it would be impossible for us to discover a greater passion for learning and

Without these things, we surely would have been lost at sea by now. For that we are very
grateful. We cannot begin to describe how important it was for us to seek your advices
throughout our first year in the nursing program. Most especially during the first semester as
everything around us was new. We had to adjust on the new things, new school, new
environment, new people and the like. Also, during those moment, we have been through
countless of problems and troubles, but thankful we are, you patiently stayed beside us. Because
of this, we were inspired rather than the feeling depressed, not weakened but toughened and
improved. Talking with my peers about this, we came into conclusion that without your help,
finishing first year be nigh impossible. We are beaming because you have abetted us to discover
a new reserve of enthusiasm and energy that we didn’t even knew we had. We feel so honored
and blessed to learn and continue learning from and with you. Absolutely, we are thrilled that we
still have a long run with you. We have 3 more years together and this ceremony is just the
beginning. Training and shaping us to be a great and effective nurses in the future, with you it is
within the realm of behaviors from the past. Once again, thank you, we love you.

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