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The Two Classes of Instinct

EROS (Life Instincts)

The sexual instincts are accessible to study. It can also be called as self-preservative
instinct. These instincts are essential for sustaining life of the individuals as well as the
continuation of the species. It deals with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. Libido
is the energy created by life instincts. These drives compel people to engage in actions
that sustain their own lives, such as looking for their health and safety. Love, affection,
social cooperation, and prosocial actions are behaviors commonly associated with this
instinct. It also motivates people to create and nurture new life.

Example of Life Instinct is to EAT.

THANATOS (Death Instincts)

Death Instinct is the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state.
Sadism as its representative. Freud propose that “the goal of life is death” (1920). He
concluded that people hold an unconscious desire to die, but this wish is largely tempered
by the life instincts. Self-destructive behavior is an expression of the energy created by
death instinct. When this energy is directed outward onto others, it is expressed as
aggression and violence. Sometimes these instincts towards destruction can be directed
inwards, which can result self-harm or suicide. “Pressure toward death” is an intuitive
every single living creature have that stands as distinct difference to the nature to endure,
reproduce, and fulfill wants.

Example of Death Instinct is HUNGER.

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