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Load Balanced ProxySQL in Google Cloud

Learn more about load balancing and ProxySQL.

There are three different ways ProxySQL can direct traffic between your application
and the back-end MySQL services.

Locally, on the MySQL servers.

Between the MySQL servers and the application.
Colocated on the application servers themselves.
Without going through too much detail, each has its own limitations. In the first
form, the application needs to know about all MySQL servers at any given point in
time. With the third form, a large number of application servers, especially in the
age of Kubernetes, where apps can simply recycle easily or be scaled up and down,
backend connections can increase exponentially leading to issues.

In the second form, load balancing between a pool of ProxySQL servers is normally
the challenge. Do you load balance the load balancers? While there are approaches
like balancing from the application, similar to how the MongoDB drivers works, the
application still needs to know and maintain a list of healthy backend proxies.

Google Cloud Platform�s (GCP) internal load balancer is a software-based managed

service, which is implemented via virtual networking. This means, unlike physical
load balancers, it is designed not to be a single point of failure.

We have played with Internal Load Balancers (ILB) and ProxySQL using the
architecture below. There�s a few steps and items involved to be explained.

VM Instance Group
An instance group will be created to run the ProxySQL services. This needs to be a
managed instance group so they are distributed between multiple zones. A managed
instance group can auto-scale, which you might or might not want. For example, a
problematic ProxySQL instance can easily be replaced with a templatized VM

Health Check
Health checks are the tricky part. GCP�s internal load balancer supports HTTP(S),
SSL, and TCP health checks. In this case, as long as ProxySQL is responding on the
service port or admin port, the service is up, right? Yes, but this is not
necessarily enough since a port may respond but the instance can be misconfigured
and return errors.

With ProxySQL, you have to treat it as an actual MySQL instance (i.e. login and
issue a query). On the other hand, the load balancer should be agnostic and does
not necessarily need to know which back-ends do or do not work. The availability of
backends should be left to ProxySQL as much as possible.

One way to achieve this is to use dummy rewrite rules inside ProxySQL. In the
example below, we�ve configured an account called percona that is assigned to a
non-existent hostgroup. What we are doing is simply rewriting SELECT 1 queries to
return an OK result.

mysql> INSERT INTO mysql_query_rules (active, username, match_pattern, OK_msg)

- > VALUES (1, 'percona', 'SELECT 1', '1');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

[root@west1-proxy-group-9bgs ~]# mysql -upercona -ppassword -P3306 -h127.1

mysql> SELECT 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

It does not solve the problem though where ILB only supports primitive TCP check
and HTTP checks. We still need a layer where the response from ProxySQL will be
properly translated to ILB in a form it will understand. My personal preference is
to expose an HTTP service that queries ProxySQL and responds to ILB HTTP-based
health check. It provides additional flexibility, like being able to check specific
or all back-ends.

Firewall Rules
Health checks to ProxySQL instances come from a specific set of IP ranges. In our
case, these would be and Firewall ports need to be
open from these ranges to either the HTTP or TCP ports in the ProxySQL instances.

In our next post, we will use Orchestrator to manage cross-region replication for
high availability.

Stay tuned!

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