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Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behaviour

by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person or group that is

intended to cause harm, distress or fear. It affects lots of young people and happens
in many schools but it's the way it's dealt with which makes the difference between
life being tolerable or a misery for many.
Here we will answer some questions that will help us understand what is bullying,
types of bullying, its causes, the effects it has on people and also what can’t be
considered as bullying.
And remember, bullying is never okay, cool, or aceptable!
1. What is considered bullying?

Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against
someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. These
actions are usually done by people who have more influence or power over someone
else, or who want to make someone else feel less powerful or helpless.

2. What are the characteristics of a bully?

May witness physical and verbal violence or aggression at home. They have a
positive view of this behavior, and they act aggressively toward other people,
including adults.
May hit or push other children.
Are often physically strong.
May or may not be popular with other children around their same age.
Have trouble following rules.
Showe little concern for the feelings of others.

3. Is any mocking considered bullying?

Mocking is just a synonym of the indirect bullying, it happens when someone

undermines another’s reputation through rumors or other gossip within their social
group. There are many situations that constitute indirect bullying. Some examples of
this include:

Excluding someone from an activity, conversation or other group setting-

MOCKING someone for something about their appearance or personality-
Gossiping about another person in a malicious manner.
During the making of this work we could conclude that bullying is very upsetting and
if you feel you can't cope, you should tell your parents and go to see your doctor.

People bully others about perceived differences, including appearance, religion,

behaviour, disabilities or illness, family, even how well you are doing at school or
how popular you are. It is always best to try and dismiss bullying remarks. If a bully
sees that they can upset you then they will keep trying. Many people are the victim
of bullying and it is important to remember that noone should be bullied.

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