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1. Channel and namespace don’t support special char other than underscore
2. Column names don’t support special char other than underscore. If space is there in cleandata it
will be converted to underscore.
3. Currently default length in the metadata table to columns other than text is 140 chars. If a
column contains lengthier value it will throw an error for that row.

Short term fix: When error is detected, manually change the length of the column using alter
table. Reupload the recent files for which the error was thrown. Needs to be done only once for
a ch/ns

Long term fix: Make column lengths configurable in the metadata config file. This will also give
the user option to define on what columns index should be create.

4. Publish will run through the whole data to update the Topic Table.
Fix: Implement the execute functionality, execute will only run the files in the limited date range
and update the results in the table with suffix: _topic_executed

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