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Electroplating. Electroplating is the coating of an object with a metal. ...

metal bar dissolves in the solution and plates out on the object, forming a thin
but durable coating of metal. It is often used to gold-plate objects for decoration
or to stop corrosion

A positron is a particle of matter with the same mass as an electron but an

opposite charge. It is a form of antimatter because, when a positron encounters an
electron, the two completely annihilate to yield energy. ... The positron is not
the only known antimatter particle

A quark is one of the fundamental particles in physics. They join to form hadrons,
such as protons and neutrons, which are components of the nuclei of atoms. The
study of quarks and the interactions between them through the strong force is
called particle physics. The antiparticle of a quark is the antiquark.

Torsional rigidity is also known as the twisting couple per unit twist. As the name
suggests it is the amount of twisting couple or torque required to twist the object
by one unit angle, i.e., one radian.

A digital signal refers to an electrical signal that is converted into a pattern of

bits. ... A digital signal is easily represented by a computer because each sample
can be defined with a series of bits that are either in the state 1 (on) or 0

Frame of Reference:-
In physics, a frame of reference consists of an abstract coordinate system and the
set of physical reference points that uniquely fix the coordinate system and
standardize measurements within that frame. In n dimensions, n + 1 reference points
are sufficient to fully define a reference frame.

Annihilation, in physics, reaction in which a particle and its antiparticle collide

and disappear, releasing energy. The most common annihilation on Earth occurs
between an electron and its antiparticle, a positron.

A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a specialized semiconductor diode that converts

visible light into direct current (DC). Some PV cells can also convert infrared
(IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation into DC electricity. ... Large sets of PV
cells can be connected together to form solar modules, arrays, or panels.

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