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HLTH 2204

Curriculum Models in Physical Education

Tutorial Three
Games for understanding – A tactical games approach
 Confirm SEPEP Committees – Selection; Fixtures; Sports Board-Modification; Publicity-Ethics; ESE-Festivity; Records
 Footwork
 Clear/Drop shot (Development from Week 2)
 Defending Space
 Starting the point of attack
 1v1 pre-season and grading

Warm up

1. Footwork

 To make it more enjoyable for kids, they need to learn the footwork before learning anything else so that they know how
to move around on the court
o Without it, it will be hard for them to pick up further techniques and perform other drills.
 Using games for understanding in foot work warm up drills makes them more enjoyable.
o Doing it traditionally is very boring and by putting into a game makes students want to perform it.
o Up to the teacher to decide what model to use for their students.

a) Chasse’ b) Crossover step

c) Split step – Land on two feet at the same time – load legs

 To load the legs ready to move in next direction pushing from both feet

d) Travel and stop practice

HLTH2204 Semester 2 2019 Tutorial 3

2. Summary of footwork required for different shots

a) Use an extended last stride onto the racket foot (actual number of steps may vary according to individuals)



b) Experiment with ways of changing direction smoothly and quickly

 Combine ways of moving


Teacher – check for balance and posture

What are the various ways of moving?
HLTH2204 Semester 2 2019 Tutorial 3
What advantages do you have?
What is meant by quality of movement?
What methods of changing direction can be used?
How can speed be increased?
What are the effects of increased speed?

3. Badminton – Clear/Drop shot (Development from Week 2)

Court Area ½ a badminton court

Conduct Rules High serve - Drop shot or Clear as opening moves. Server moves to forecourt of rear court.

Procedural Rules Alternate service & score every serve if the correct target is selected – end of game event
Introduce service line

Tactical Solution Awareness of available space at forecourt or rear court

Attack: Where is the available space?

What are the advantages of disguise?

Forehand Clear KTP’s

 Get under the shuttle using efficient footwork (long strides)
 Line up shuttle with non-hitting arm
 Break the elbow
 Throw the racket head at the shuttle & Snap the wrist

Drop Shot KTP’s

 Disguise and prepare as forehand clear
 Stiff wrist on contact

4. Badminton – Defending Space

Court Area ½ a badminton court

Conduct Rules To begin the game. High feed hitter returns and recovers to base. Feed a second shuttle to the forecourt or rear
court. Hitter returns and recovers – play the point out.

Procedural Rules Alternate service & score every serve. Recap service line

Tactical Solution Awareness of the need to retain position at centre of court

Attack: Create space

Defence: Create time

Where should I go between shots?

1 2

HLTH2204 Semester 2 2019 Tutorial 3

5. Badminton – Starting the point of attack (Group Discussion)

Student Check KTP’s

Grip Drop shuttle
Use of cocked hand Flick wrist
Eye on the shuttle on contact Follow through
Angle of racket face Land shuttle as close as possible to base line
Weight transference
Follow through

Service Rules (Summary)

High Serve

An example of a typical practice activity for a High Serve

6. SEPEP Badminton Pre-season and Grading

HLTH2204 Semester 2 2019 Tutorial 3

 Sportsboard – introduction to SEPEP Season
o game modifications
o ethics
 Selection – criteria
 Fixtures – structure of competition
 Records – procedure

HLTH2204 Semester 2 2019 Tutorial 3

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