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Karatong Dancen is named after the bamboo instrument worn by the

male dancers around their waist. The karatong is struck to a fast rhythm, in the
hopes of attracting good luck and driving away evil spirits. The female dancers
dance with sticks that are representative of bunga manga, or mango trees.
There were different blocks represents the dance of Karatong. As what I
have observed, they are energetic and graceful throughout the performance.
Their performance is not easy because they needed to emphasize every step
of the dance. Representing the culture through dance is very challenging. It
requires dedication where you need to devote yourself to what culture you are
representing of through dance. You should have a background about the
cultural dance to gain knowledge so you can feature their dance accordingly.
Modern Dance is a free, expressive style of dancing started in the early
20 century as a reaction to a classical ballet. In recent years it has included
elements not usually associated with dance, such as speech and film. Modern
dance is a broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance, primarily arising
out of Germany and the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It
is often considered to have emerged as a rejection of, or rebellion against,
classical ballet.
I could say that modern dance is one of creative dance. As what I have
observed, all of them are very energetic throughout the performance and they
have one move. They give emotions base on the music of the sound. They
danced different styles or genre. Modern dance requires passion and
perseverance. Making steps is not easy. All of you have different ideas and you
should come up with one idea for your group dance. Patience also requires in
this dance because you will consume so much time in your practice to come up
with your actual dance.

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