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List of 100- Practice English Questions (With Answers)

Directions (Questions.1-3): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in

meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

1). Clamored
a) Acclaimed
b) Applauded
c) Cried
d) Refused
e) Decided

a) Increase
b) Goad
c) Project
d) Exhilarate
e) Weaken
a) Hindrance
b) Trigger
c) Curb
d) Impede
e) Prohibit

Directions (Question. 4 to 5): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST

OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the


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a) Practicable
b) Reasonable
c) Feasible
d) Impossible
e) Workable

a) Indolent
b) Alert
c) Lifeless
d) Slack
e) Slow

Directions (Questions.6-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical or idiomatic error in it. If any error is present choose that particular option
as answer. If there is ‘NO error’, the answer is 'e'. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

a) The CBI has filed a petition in NIA court
b) Here seeking its permission to interrogate
c) A Sri Lankan national held for
d) Allegedly spying for Pakistan
e) No error

a) The government apprised the court
b) About instituting another committee
c) That would review and draft amendments
d) To the five key laws over environment, forest, wildlife, air and water
e) No error

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a) In the absence of a legal guarantee of safety and privacy
b) The court should not ask for sources
c) To be revealed, especially when the cases at stake
d) Involve powerful people in politics and business
e) No error

a) Government plan to link the universal health assurance scheme
b) For providing medical treatment
c) To all citizens with Aadhar number
d) To check ghost beneficiaries
e) No error

a) The supreme Court has ruled that
b) Citizens have no fundamental right
c) To carry out business in potable liquor and the state
d) Has the power to prohibit such trade
e) No error

1). c) 2). b) 3). b) 4). d) 5). b) 6). a) 7). b) 8). e) 9). a) 10). c)

Directions (Questions: 11 to 15 ): Each question given below has two blanks, choose
the correct word given below which suites exactly in the place of blank.

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11).Current deposit accounts are opened to ______ transactions of business and trade
and hence not ______ to any interest from the bank.
a) accept, obliged
b) do, liable
c) seek, authorized
d) meet, entitled
e) find, ready
12).The opening up of insurance sector has resulted in ______ of new products,
particularly the unit-linked products which offer both capital______ and insurance cover
and have attracted the attention of the insured.
a) appropriation, formation
b) introduction, appreciation
c) opening, collection
d) distinction, depreciation
e) separation, investment
13).The Reserve Bank exercises its supervisory role_____ the financial system_____
commercial and urban cooperative banks, financial institutions and NBFCs, through the
Board of Financial Supervision.
a) in, around
b) about, within
c) for, covering
d) of, for
e) over, encompassing
14).It is _____that congress leader Shashi Tharoor had to lose his job as the party’s
spokesperson______ for praising a man who had called Tharoor’s wife a Rs. 50 crore
girl friend.
a) ironical, allegedly
b) useless, certainly
c) worthless, illegally
d) critical, particularly

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e) proper, formally

15).More than two lakh students________ up to two years preparing for the Common
Admission Test (CAT) all in the attempt to ______ a seat at one of the top business
school in the century?
a) read, fetch
b) wait, go
c) spend, secure
d) go, here
e) study, take

Directions (Questions. 16 to 20): In the following questions, a sentence has been given
with some of its parts in bold, to make the sentence grammatically correct replace the
bold part with correct alternative options given below. If the sentence correct as it is
given option ‘D’ (No correction required).

16).In the past two years, Goa witnessed high growth in household saving and was one
of the few state where inflation declined.
a) saving and was the few states
b) saving and were one of the few states
c) savings and was one of the few states
d) savings and has one of the few states
e) No correction required
17).India should not tolerate Chinese incursion of its territory and realize that
appeasement of an assertive China is a recipe for global marginalization.
a) incursion of their territory
b) incursion of his territories
c) incursion besides its territory
d) incursions into its territory
e) No correction required

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18).By deciding to allow the Indian private sector to bid for the entire lot of six
submarines, the government has ended a debate.
a) Deciding to
b) Decision to
c) Through deciding
d) To decide to
e) No correction required

19).To illustrate my point, I have been taking the example of three cars from three
different segments.
a) I have taken
b) I might take
c) I ever take
d) I could be taking
e) No correction required
20).The congress working committee will be restructure and young faces will be
a) will restructure
b) will be restructured
c) will have restructured
d) can restructure
e) No correction required


11). d) 12). b) 13). e) 14). a) 15). c) 16). c) 17). d) 18). e) 19). a) 20). b)

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Directions (Questions 21-30): In the following passage, some of the words have been
left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word the options given
against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the
paragraph meaningfully complete.

By choosing Jean Tirole for the 2014 Nobel Prize in economics, the Noble
Committee tips its hat at regulation of economic activity. Tirole has made
fundamental (21) to the branch of economics called Industrial organization,
which (22) insights into regulation, apart from other things. (23) with degrees in
engineering in 1981, Tirole was eminently (24) to display game theory to model the
incentives of the government, the regulator and the regulated (25) under different
conditions of information (26) to given a formal, unified basis for coherent regulation.
Newspapers are spared charges of predatory pricing, thanks to Tirole’s (27) of
platform businesses, a case of what economists call two-sided markets. Low cover
prices-TV channels are often free, as are search engine and social media platform – go
hand in hand with higher advertising(28).So a business case (29) sustained pricing
below the cost of production, rather than (30) desire to kill the competition. Along with
long-time collaborator Jean-Jacques Laffont, Tirole has used formal analysis not only to
validate intuitive judgments on optimal regulation but also to institute counter-intutitive

a) Opposition
b) Contributions
c) Regulation
d) Substitution
e) Convention

a) Brings
b) Furnish

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c) Comply
d) Yields
e) Supply

a) Occupied
b) Strengthened
c) Armed
d) Having
e) Taking

a) Placed
b) Informed
c) Known
d) Famous
e) Kept

a) Thing
b) Body
c) Authority
d) Scheme
e) Entity

a) Distribution
b) Sharing
c) Allotment
d) Assignment
e) Giving

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a) Investigation
b) Abstract
c) Analysis
d) Reading
e) summary

a) Revenue
b) Profit
c) Reward
d) Dividends
e) Tariff

a) Induces
b) Inspires
c) Provokes
d) Influences
e) Motivates

a) Some
b) Few
c) No
d) Any
e) More

21). b) 22). d) 23). c) 24). a) 25). e) 26). b) 27). c) 28). a) 29). e) 30). d)

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Directions Questions (31-35): In each of the following sentences, on idiomatic

expression or a proverb is highlighted. Select the alternative which best describes it use
in the sentence.

31).The course of events made it necessary for Joseph to start working

a) Events that were planned
b) Long list of future events
c) A succession of unexpected events
d) Nature of events that followed after Joseph joined work
e) None of these

32).The team put their plant into execution the very next day
a) Proposed a plan
b) Discussed their plan
c) Started thinking about a plan
d) Started carrying out their plan
e) None of these

33).Mrs Nayak opened the discussion on the “alarming rate of poverty in India”
a) Sated the discussion
b) Gave her opinion in the discussion
c) Did not agree on the discussion
d) Welcomed the people to the discussion
e) None of these

34).The new law on “Right to food Safety” will come into force next month
a) Be forced upon the people
b) Be associated from next month onwards
c) Be implemented next month

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d) Be withdrawn next month

e) Be widely rejected next month

35).When the girl wanted to stay out past midnight, her father put his foot down
a) Gave in to request
b) Walked away disapprovingly
c) Obstructed her from leaving the house
d) Requested her to her home on time
e) None of these

Directions Questions (36-40) : Each sentence below has a blank/s, each blank indicates
that something has been omitted. Choose the word/s that best fit/s the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.

36).The sate-of–the-art school is______ with a medical clinic and fitness center
a) Establish
b) Illustrative
c) Having
d) Equipped
e) Compromising

37).Many leading members of the opposition party ______to justify the party’s decision
a) Having tried
b) Has tried
c) Have been trying
d) Tries
e) Is trying

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38).The charity _______ most of its money through private donations

a) Receives
b) Borrows
c) Uses
d) Proposes
e) Invests

39).The Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Mahabharata, but it stands ______ and is ___ in
a) Dependent, incomplete
b) Together, justified
c) Separate, dignified
d) Apart, complete
e) United, connected

40).The artist’s work of art is worthy _________ praise

a) For
b) Of
c) To
d) About
e) To be

31). c) 32). d) 33). a) 34). c) 35). c) 36). d) 37). c) 38). a) 39). d) 40). b)

Directions (Questions 41 to 50): In the following passage there are blanks, each of
which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against
each five words are suggested. Find the appropriate words.

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In all Compositions ( 41 ) is the most ( 42 ) virtue. You should write in a simple

and ( 43) manner. The Choice of the words should be ( 44 ). Try not to use ( 45 ) words
merely because they are ( 46 ). Do not allow poetic images or ( 47 ) to spoil the grace of
good style. It is no longer ( 48 ) to stuff your composition with too many ( 49 ) or
proverbs especially if their relevance is ( 50 ).

a) complexity
b) flourish
c) simplicity
d) reserve
e) truth

a) hidden
b) described
c) ornate
d) admired
e) disguised

a) straight forward
b) showly
c) ornate
d) decorative
e) natural


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a) haphazard
b) quick
c) easy
d) simple
e) discriminating

a) short
b) appropriate
c) small
d) literary
e) difficult

a) familiar
b) literary
c) distant
d) admired
e) confused

a) picture
b) stories
c) similes
d) examples
e) figurative

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a) disliked
b) uncommon
c) difficult
d) fashionable
e) flourish

a) philosophies
b) writers
c) quotations
d) systems
e) metaphorical

a) good
b) observed
c) clear
d) doubtful
e) described

41). c) 42). d) 43). a) 44). d) 45). e) 46). b) 47). c) 48). d) 49). c) 50). d)

Directions (Questions 51 - 55): Choose the same meaning of, the word given in bold as
used in the passage.

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51). Disinvestment
a) Weaken
b) To remove money
c) To free
d) To separate
e) All of these

a) Component
b) To become heavier
c) To command
d) Deeply fixed
e) None of these

a) Fewness
b) Lack
c) Deficiency
d) Scarcity
e) All of these

a) Complete
b) Indirect
c) Rounding down
d) Approaching a circular
e) None of these

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a) To continue
b) Outcome
c) Advantage
d) To prosper
e) None of these

Directions (Questions 56-60): Find out the most opposite meaning of the word given in
bold as used in the passage.

a) To be in want
b) Cure
c) Prosper
d) Weak
e) None of these

a) Disintegrate
b) Construction
c) Devolution
d) Formation
e) All of these

a) Imperil
b) Assure

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c) Seal
d) Insure
e) All of these

59).Set up
a) Set out
b) Set off
c) Set down
d) Set free
e) Set about

a) Condition
b) Engage
c) Deprecate
d) Move
e) None of these

51). b) 52). a) 53). e) 54). b) 55). b) 56). c) 57). a) 58). a) 59). d) 60). e)

WHO estimates that, within next few years, non-communicable diseases will become
the principal global (61) of morbidity and mortality. The role of diet in the diagnosis of
most non- communicable diseases is well (62). The shift towards highly refined foods
and towards meat and dairy products containing high levels of saturated fats, now
increasingly (63) In middle-income and lower-income countries, have , together with
reduced energy (64) contributed to rises in the (65) of obesity and non-communicable

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diseases. Because of the global extent of the epidemic, the advantages of promoting
healthy diets and preventing over nutrition should be explored.
The prohibitive costs of treating the consequences of over nutrition require that
increased attention be given to preventive measures. Parallels exist between these
requirements and the initiatives taken to control tobacco consumption, from which
important (66) can be learnt, especially with respect to the use of international legal
instruments. However, because some of the largest multinational companies are heavily
involved in the creation and marketing. Of unhealthy foods, the control of these activities
presents a (67) challenge. There is a growing (68) that prevention demands public
health actions at both the national and global levels, ranging from more health
education to improved food labeling and controls on the marketing of certain foods and
soft drinks. This will require innovative and committed (69) by all (70).

a) Session
b) Effect
c) Result
d) Causes
e) Trouble

a) Document
b) Established
c) Aware
d) Timed
e) Proportioned


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a) appeared
b) Presenting
c) Evident
d) Prevalence
e) Existed

a) Cost
b) Expenditure
c) Intake
d) Savings
e) Expansion

a) Incidence
b) Happening
c) Commonality
d) Occasion
e) Expulsion

a) Tutorials
b) Lessons
c) Practice
d) Point
e) Habits

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a) Formidable
b) Pretentious
c) Alarming
d) Enormous
e) Solution

a) Need
b) Demand
c) Association
d) Credit
e) Recognition

a) Amalgamation
b) Joining
c) Knowledge
d) Collaboration
e) Information

a) Party
b) Population
c) Politicians
d) Segmentations
e) Concerned

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61). d) 62). b) 63). c) 64). b) 65). a) 66). b) 67). a) 68). e) 69). d) 70). e)

Directions (Questions 71- 80): In the following passage, some of the words have
been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the
options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to
make paragraph meaningful.

A new avatar of the Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) launched by the government
to ( 71 ) people to save more is welcome. It will reduce some demand for gold as
investment, (72) imports and help savings rate dropped to 7.2% of GDP in 2013-14. It
should be raised. The answer lies in both (73) inflation, improving the appeal of financial
savings and offering a (74) variety of financial products. KVP offers an annual return of
8.7%, a tad higher than the 10- year g-secs yield of 8.2%, making it attractive for risk-
averse investors. It also (75) flexibility. Investors can (76) after a lock-in of 2.5 years,
and also (77)their certificates as (78) for loans. Clearly, an instrument such as the KVP
provides comfort to people with limited (79) to formal finance and makes available long-
term funds for investment. It wills also (80)many away from fraudulent schemes.

a) Encroach
b) Enamor
c) Encounter
d) Encompass
e) Encourage
a) Apportion
b) Spread
c) Curtail
d) Mar

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e) Execrate

a) Reining
b) Replenish
c) Renew
d) Relinquish
e) Abate

a) High
b) Little
c) Small
d) Wider
e) Limited

a) Makes
b) Offers
c) Pitches
d) Gets
e) Denies

a) Exit
b) Enter
c) Have
d) Vent
e) Invest


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a) Demand
b) Deposit
c) Pledge
d) Warrant
e) Access

a) Accessary
b) Auxiliary
c) Subsidiary
d) Warranty
e) Collateral

a) Outlet
b) Access
c) Reach
d) Avenue
e) Passage

a) Save
b) Carry
c) Manage
d) Keep
e) Hold

71). e) 72). c) 73). a) 74). d) 75). b) 76). a) 77). c) 78). e) 79). b) 80). d)

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Directions (Questions 81 – 85): Which of the phrases given against the

sentences should replace the word / phrase given in bold in the sentence to make it
grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is
required, mark (5). Ie (No correction required), as the answer..

81).Top managers are often stymied by the difficult of managing conflict.

a) Difficulties of managing
b) Difficulty for managing
c) Difficulty for management
d) Difficult of management
e) No correction required

82).Reaching collective decisions based on individual preferences is an imperfect

a) Based for
b) based
c) in
d) based in
e) No correction required

83).Hollywood bare escaped being totally sidelined by the rise of television?

a) Bare escapism
b) Barely escapism
c) Bare escapes
d) Barely escaped
e) No corrections required

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84).Taking good decisions and implement those quickly are the hallmarks of high –
performing organizations
a) Implementation quickly
b) Implementing quick
c) Implementing these quickly
d) Quick implementing those
e) No correction required

85).Innovation have always been the top corporate agenda?

a) Has always
b) Had being
c) Has always been
d) Always been
e) No correction required

Directions (Questions. 86 – 90): Rearrange the six sentences denoted by A, B, C, D,

E and F to make a meaningful seven – sentence paragraph together with the first
sentence marked as no. I and then answer the given questions.
(1) So how is global competition changing companies
(A) For example, a group with a Europe – wide pay freeze may have to be flexible enough
to authorize salary increases to specialists and managers in developing countries, who
are still able to jump ship for a better offer.
(B) Second, the emerging – market companies as well as established multinationals are
rivals, - there is no way these can be ignored
(C) First, businesses are having to respond faster than before to pay changes.
(D) A case in point today is Africa, where rapid growth in key countries, notably Nigeria,
has persuaded many business people that the continent’s time may finally have arrived.
(E) The sight of well – paid expatriate foreign managers inspires the local Indian executives
to ask for more and employers have to respond.

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(F) So such countries where people move easily like India- are seeing executive pay rising

86).Which of the following should be the LAST (SEVENTH) sentence after

a) F
b) E
c) D
d) C
e) B

87).Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) F

88).Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?
a) S
b) B
c) C
d) E
e) F

89).Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?
a) A
b) B

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c) C
d) E
e) F

90).Which of the following should the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) V
d) F
e) E

81). a) 82). e) 83). d) 84).c ) 85). c) 86). c) 87). e) 88). d) 89). c) 90). a)

Directions (Q.91-95): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some
of its parts in bold. To make the sentence grammatically correct, you have to replace
the bold part with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is,
give 5) as your answer (i.e. No correction required).

91).She said that neither the flat nor its content was for sale?
a) Content were on sale
b) Content were for sale
c) Content is for sale
d) Content had for sale
e) No corrections required

92).It is high time that we send the magazine?

a) that we’ll send

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b) that we would send

c) we sent
d) that we had sent
e) No corrections required

93).My father forbade me not to go through the contents of his letter?

a) to go into
b) from going through
c) from
d) from going into
e) No corrections required

94).The SC ruled that any civil servant who exposes corruption cannot be a subject
to disciplinary proceedings?
a) Cannot be subjected to
b) Cannot be a subject for
c) Can be a subject of
d) can be subjected into
e) No corrections required

95). Four men from kalian in Maharashtra had been left to fight for the ISIS in June?
a) Was left to fight for
b) Were left for fight against
c) Left in fight for
d) Had left to fight for
e) No corrections required

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Directions (Q.96-100): Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that
something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the
meaning of the sentences as a whole.

96).While technology plays a major role in the life of the modern man, the most
important aspect becomes the ability to _____________ technology and___________ the
data from all social infrastructures to create useful information for the well-being of the
a) Integrate, combine
b) Accommodate, blend
c) Assimilate ,merge
d) Conform, coalesce
e) Consolidate ,mix

97). Shimla’s celebrated Mall Road, the city’s most happening___________ zone all
through the year, has ______________ as many ATMs as places to eat.
a) Haunt, near to
b) Resort, party
c) Joint, essentially
d) Den, practically
e) Hangout, almost

98).Investors, businessmen, academicians and politicians are once again looking at

India with___________ interest and realizing that that this is one huge country which
simply cannot be
a) Renewed, overlooked
b) Revuved,excluded
c) Improved, omitted
d) Reborn,reglected

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e) Restored, left out

99).HRD ministry’s move to teach Sanskrit___________ of German in Kendriya

Vidyalaya has stung their management, left students in the ___________and, of course,
hurt the Germans.
a) Despite, flounder
b) Despite, flunder
c) Instead, lurch
d) In lieu, seesaw
e) Because, sway

100). A person ___________ the mountain is called the nominator and the
person___________ it is the nominee.
a) Effecting, bringing
b) Executing, inheriting
c) Accomplishing, drawing
d) Making, receiving
e) Doing, giving

91). B) 92). C) 93). B) 94). A) 95). D) 96). A) 97). E) 98). A) 99). C) 100). D)

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