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Come with me to the Celestial Hall of Records and discover the 16000 year old Celestial

Sphinx, Hu, who was the blueprint for the Sphinx at Giza. Gaze upon the face of the Creator,
the "Giver of Life in the Beginning".
Learn the Lost Word. Discover the greatest of the Lost Secrets of the remote Ancient
Egyptians including their knowledge of Precession which they encoded into their
mythology, art and the Narmer Plate.
The remote Ancient Egyptians mapped the constellations, discovered Precession and
invented hieroglyphs. It was they who introduced the arts and sciences to the rest of the
world. Freemasonry is the legacy of the Ancient Egyptians.

Part 1: The Hall of Records

Part 2: The Celestial Sphinx: The Lost Word and The Lost Secrets
Part 3: The Celestial Sphinx: More Lost Secrets
Part 4: The Osiris Legend and Precession
Part 5: The Royal Arch and the Precession of the Equinoxes
Part 6: The Osiris Legend and the Tree of Life
Part 7: The Tree of Life and the Pyramids
Part 8: The Narmer Plate is a Sky Chart
Part 9: The Narmer Plate and Osiris, the Lord of Precession
Part 10: The Narmer Plate and the Substituted Secrets
Part 11: The Narmer Plate and the Sacred Gateway
Part 12: The Narmer Plate and the Four Standards
Part 13: The Narmer Plate and the Great Conjunction
Part 14: The Narmer Plate and the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac
Part 15: The Narmer Plate, Baal and the Beltane Festival
Part 16: Giza, the Stellar Observation Deck
Part 17: The Celestial Sphinx and a Sumerian Cylinder-seal
Part 18: From Celestial Sphinx to Celestial Fish: The Age of Aquarius
Part 19: Sacred Stars and Treasure Maps
Part 20: Freemasonry: The Legacy of the Ancient Egyptians
Part 21: Washington, Tyne-Wear, England - What's in a Name?
Part 22: Washington, Tyne-Wear, England - The USA Connection
Part 23: Skara Brae: an Ancient Egyptian Settlement
"The Hall of Records"

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 1


Who Mapped the Constellations?

The Remote Ancient Egyptians.

Did you ever wonder who mapped the constellations? From the evidence about to
be presented you would probably give the credit to the Ancient Egyptians and you would
be right!

Astronomers agree that the Constellation of Orion is keeping the Constellation of

Taurus the Bull at bay with his bow and arrows. The two long spikes above Orion's Bow are
the horns of Taurus.

Orion keeping Taurus the Bull at bay

with his bow and arrows

However when Orion is examined more closely in his connection with Ancient Egypt
the scene takes on a new significance.
In Ancient Egypt Orion was known as The Soul of Osiris. Traditionally Osiris is
considered to be the Lord of the Two Lands; Lord of the Heavens and Lord of the Earth. He
was also considered to be Lord of the Dead and in this capacity was always represented in
mummy wrappings and wearing the White Crown of Egypt.
Osiris Orion: the Soul of Osiris

Clearly the White Crown of Egypt, as much a symbol of Osiris as his mummy
wrappings, is not evident in the constellation of Orion. However we do not have far to look
for it. It is situated directly above his left arm. In fact Orion gives the appearance of having
both arms upraised in the act of placing the White Crown of Egypt on his (non-existent)
head! The White Crown is represented by the Constellation of Taurus.

Orion captured in the act of placing the

White Crown of Ancient Egypt on his head.

The White Crown is as synonymous with Ancient Egypt as is the River Nile, the
Sphinx and the Pyramids and the Red Crown of Ancient Egypt enjoyed the same renown.
Egyptologists associate the White Crown with Upper Egypt and the Red Crown with Lower
Egypt due to misinterpretation of the Narmer Plate. (The subject of a later discussion paper.)
They also mistakenly associate the Double Crown with the Unification of Upper and Lower
Egypt around 3200BCE.
The White Crown The Red Crown The Double Crown
of Ancient Egypt of Ancient Egypt of Ancient Egypt

Just as the White Crown of Ancient Egypt is mapped in the constellations so too is the
Red Crown. To locate it we need look directly below the Constellation of Orion. Today the
constellation is referred to as Lepus the Hare, so named by the Ancient Greeks, but in the
days of the Ancient Egyptians it was referred to as Orion's Chair. When the constellation of
Orion's Chair is rotated 90 degrees the Red Crown becomes evident.

The constellation of Orion's Chair The Red Crown

Orion's Chair flipped 90 degrees of Ancient Egypt

Now let us take a look at the constellations of the Northern Winter night skies.
Immediately recognizable are Orion, the White Crown of Ancient Egypt in Taurus and the
Red Crown of Ancient Egypt in Orion's Chair.

Now, very carefully see if you can find another Red Crown, a face and an Osiris beard.

The Northern Winter Skies. From top left to top right: Gemini and Taurus.
From middle left to middle right: Canis Minor, Monoceros and Orion.
From bottom left to bottom right: Canis Major, Orion's Chair and Eridanus.

No-one except the Ancient Egyptians could have contrived these star constellations.
They are pertinent only to the Ancient Egyptian civilization. No other civilizations had Red
Crowns, White Crowns, Osiris beards and a Sphinx! Remember also that in the Osiris
Legend, Thoth is credited with having introduced all the arts and sciences, including
astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the Ancient Egyptians. He was the Keeper of the Records. It
was Osiris who was the source of all Knowledge. It was Osiris who contrived the
constellations. It was Osiris who was the Great Architect

The constellations of Orion's Chair and Eridanus

form the Ancient Egyptian "Super Giant"
complete with the Red Crown and the Osiris Beard.

The Ancient Egyptians kept their Secrets well. There is really no need to look beneath
the Sphinx for the Hall of Records or the Pillar of Knowledge: we need only look up to the
heavens. When the Super Giant, complete with Red Crown and Osiris Beard, is viewed his
full length to the end of the constellation of Eridanus, the Sphinx is revealed!
Directly in front of the Super Giant's mouth can be seen the Constellation of Orion.
This positioning was not accidental. The Constellation of Orion, and by association Osiris,
is being revealed as the Word of God. God is identified as the Celestial Sphinx.

The constellation of Eridanus extended to it's tail end reveals the Sphinx!
The constellation of Orion, and by association Osiris,
is revealed as the Word of God.
God is the Sphinx Super Giant comprised of the
Constellations of Lepus and Eridanus.
The Sphinx at Giza is a representation of God on Earth.

God in his heaven is the Sphinx Super Giant situated alongside Orion, the Word of
God. God on Earth is the Sphinx situated next to the Pyramids at Giza.

The Pyramids at Giza, like Orion, are the Word of God they are beginning to speak
but they still hold many Secrets.

The Pyramids are the Word of God

There remains no room for doubt that the Ancient Egyptians mapped the heavens.

The veil has been lifted.

Nothing was wanting but the Key.
The Celestial Sphinx: The Lost Word
and The Lost Secrets
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 2

Who is God, the Creator? The Celestial Sphinx?

Hu is God, the Creator, the Celestial Sphinx.

The Lost Word

In the heavens the Celestial Sphinx is caught in the act of Creation. As he becomes a living
God he gently expels his first breath Hhhhhhooooooo. As the first Word of God is pronounced it
sounds like the harmonics of a cosmic breeze.

As a second breath is expelled Hhhhhhooooooo the sounds and name of the Ancient Egyptian god
Hu Hu, meaning "Authoritative Utterance: Word of God: Word of Creation", is revealed.

"h" "h" Hu

A "hawk on a standard" is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "God". The phonics of the
hieroglyphs sound out the pronunciation of the pictogram of the God Hu. Technically he is called
Hu Hu as it is a double utterance.
As the Celestial Sphinx continues to expel his breath of life, Hhhhhhooooooo, the heavens are
progressively created. The Celestial Sphinx is the Creator and Architect of the Universe. The
Celestial Sphinx is God and the ancient name for God was Hu.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John
1 v 1,2)
* In the beginning was the Word, Hhhhhhooooooo,
* and the Word was with God, who was the Celestial Sphinx named Hu by the remote Ancient
* and the Word was God. Hhhhhhooooooo.
Clearly "Hhhhhhooooo" or "Hu" is the Word or utterance which means "God".

The Lost Secrets

The earthly representation of the Celestial Sphinx can still be seen today to the east of the
Pyramids at Giza. The word "Sphinx" is of Ancient Greek origin meaning "an enigma" or "a
riddle", because to the Ancient Greeks the purpose of the Sphinx was obscure, its meaning had been
To the remote Ancient Egyptians however the esoteric meaning and purpose of the Sphinx at
the Giza Plateau was abundantly clear: as demonstrated by their name for the Sphinx Hu.
Imagine the scene at the Dawn of the Egyptian Civilization. A ceremony in which the
Creation of the Universe is re-enacted is in progress. Night is falling. The image of the Giza Sphinx,
Hu, sits waiting. There is absolute silence. The Act of Creation has not yet begun. Finally, at a
given signal the air vibrates with the sound of the First Word of Creation, Hhhhhhooooooo. The
Word of God is chanted throughout the night and the following Dawn until the process of the
Creation of the Universe is complete. The final Act of Creation is the Sun when it rises in the East.
The first and final Words of God were identical, Hhhhhhooooooo. With the First Word God
created Orion, the soul of Osiris. With the Last Word God created the Sun. The whole process of
Creation is contained within the name Hu Hu the First and the Last Breaths of the Creator.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first. (Mark 10 v31)

The body of the remote Ancient Egyptian God of Creation, Hu, was deliberately leonine, as
the superbly crafted lion was a symbol of Power and Strength. The lion was omnipotent. Even today
the lion is referred to as "King of the Beasts". The face of the Creator with the distinctive Osiris
Beard, and the Red Crown of the Creator, are the hallmarks of the remote Ancient Egyptians.
The remote Ancient Egyptians must have thought it uncanny when they first stumbled across
the outcrop of rock, which so resembled the general shape of the Celestial Sphinx, on the Giza
Plateau. However, even more startling was the fact that it lay in a perfect East / West alignment. By
carving out the Sphinx, Hu, facing towards the East, the Creator was able to daily observe his final
Act of Creation, the Sun, rising above the horizon.
Imagine the Giza Plateau at Dawn, 6:59am on March 19th 14000BCE. (Working back in
Time using the Gregorian Calendar.) The Celestial Sphinx, Hu, is sitting on the horizon watching
the birth of his final Act of Creation, the Sun. It is sunrise on what would seem to be the first perfect
However there is one imperfection: the Sun is not rising exactly in the East. Rather it is rising
in the ESE. Sunset is not an exact twelve hours later. It is at 5:13pm.

Dawn at the Giza Plateau 6:59am March 19th 14000BCE.

The celestial Sphinx, Hu, is sitting on the horizon viewing
Dawn , the Birth of his last act of Creation, the Sun.
The Sun is rising in the ESE.
Sunset is at 5:13pm, not an exact 12 hours later
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
Moreover, on what we consider to be the Spring Equinox, March 21st in 14000BCE, the
Celestial Sphinx is not sitting horizontally on the horizon and the Sun is still not rising in the East.
It was not until July 4th 14000BCE that the Sun rose in the East.

When the sun rises at 7:01am on March 21st 14000,

the Spring Equinox, the Celestial Sphinx is not sitting
in a horizontal position on the horizon and
the Sun is still rising in the ESE.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

At 6:26pm July 3rd 14000BCE the Sun set in the West. Exactly twelve hours later at 6:26am
July 4th 14000BCE the Sun rose in the East! Exactly twelve hours after that, at 6:26pm July 4th
14000BCE, the Sun set in the West. The cycle was broken at sunrise the following morning at
6:25am; eleven hours and fifty nine minutes following sunset the previous evening.
The crucial dates are July 3rd and July 4th 14000BCE. (Remember that these dates are
using the Gregorian Calendar.)
Furthermore, at the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm to midnight on July 3rd 14000BCE the
Celestial Sphinx could again be observed sitting on the horizon gazing towards the East where his
final Act of Creation would be born the following Dawn.

At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE

the Celestial Sphinx could be observed sitting on the
southern horizon gazing directly eastwards.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

This conjunction involving the Celestial Sphinx and the Sun setting in the West, rising in the
East and setting in the West again at exactly twelve hour intervals (which explains why the Ancient
Egyptians divided their night and day into exactly twelve hours each regardless of the amount of
daylight and darkness) has never occurred since.
The Celestial Sphinx began to disappear below the Giza horizon within 200 years of the
conjunction. Indeed by 13750 BCE the Celestial Sphinx, was no longer fully visible above the Giza
Based on both remote Ancient Egyptian astronomy which must pre-date 14000 BCE and the
East / West alignment of the Sphinx at Giza, the Sphinx, Hu, dates back to 14000 BCE! He will
celebrate his 16000th birthday on American Independence Day 2000 AD. (I think that if George
Washington were still with us today he would nod his head and smile.)
(Note: Except for the positions of the planets and the Sun, the sky charts for Dawn at the Giza
Plateau 6:59am March 19th 14000BCE, and nearing midnight at the Giza Plateau 11:57pm July 3rd
14000BCE, are identical and therefore virtually interchangeable. To avoid confusion I have chosen
11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE as my reference point in Time. I made this decision based on the
twelve hour night followed by the Sun rising in the East, which was in turn followed by a twelve
hour day. I could equally have chosen 6:59am March 19th 14000BCE because the Celestial Sphinx
was sitting on the horizon as the Sun rose, albeit in the ESE.)

Amazingly the similarities between the Ancient Egyptian star map and the ground plan at
Giza involving the Sphinx facing directly eastwards do not end here. Take a look at the star map
below. The dotted lines which have been added indicate the Milky Way which was considered by
the Ancient Egyptians to be the Celestial River Nile. Notice how the Celestial Sphinx is gazing
directly across the Celestial Nile towards the East where the Sun will rise the next morning at
6:26am July 4th 14000 BCE (using the Gregorian calendar). This identical image and moment in
Time was recreated on the ground at Giza. The Constellation of Gemini, the Twins, clearly visible
in the ESE on the sky map below, represents this duality.

At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE

the Celestial Sphinx could be observed sitting on the southern horizon
gazing directly eastwards, across the Celestial Nile towards the exact
point where the Sun would rise at 6:26am the next morning.
This identical image and moment in Time was recreated
on the ground at Giza.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Thousands of years later the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Sphinx Constellation and its
associated secrets and mythology had been lost. All that remained was the enigmatic Sphinx at Giza
facing towards the East.
Incredibly however, the Lost Secrets do not end here for when Hu is facing directly Eastwards
at around 11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE three pyramids are clearly visible directly behind, and
directly west of the Celestial Sphinx.
When Hu is facing directly Eastwards at around
11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE three pyramids are clearly
visible directly behind, and directly west of the Celestial Sphinx.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Significantly the three pyramids are part of the Constellation of Phoenix, so named by the
Ancient Greeks the myth attached to it being about Death and Resurrection. In Ancient Egyptian
mythology the precursor of the Phoenix was the Bennu bird which, like the Constellation of Orion,
was also known as "The Soul of Osiris".
As the soul of Osiris is also considered to be the spirit or the breath of life, Hhhhhhooooooo, it
could be argued that only Osiris could be the Creator God, the Celestial Sphinx. In support of this,
the Celestial Sphinx is sporting the Osiris Beard!
In this small section of the heavens is recorded a pictogram representation of remote Ancient
Egyptian mythology which centred on Creation, Death and Resurrection; particularly the death and
resurrection of Osiris whose soul is represented by both the Constellation of Orion and the
Constellation of the Phoenix.
The main three pyramids at Giza, (Kafre, Kufu and Menkaura) which are representative of the
Constellation of the Phoenix and its association with Death and Resurrection, were erected directly
behind, and directly west of, the Sphinx at Giza in imitation of the heavenly original, as indicated
on the star map.
The Great Pyramid represents the body of the Phoenix or Bennu bird, while the pyramids of
Kafre and Menkaura represent the wings.

Orion: Soul of Osiris


Phoenix: Soul of Osiris

The union of the Constellations of Orion and Phoenix was not only achieved in their both
being the "Soul of Osiris". Their union was also achieved in the ground plan of the Pyramids at
The ground plan of the main three pyramids at Giza was discovered to be a replica of Orion's
Belt in the Constellation of Orion by Robert Bauval in November 1983. (Bauval, R & Gilbert, A,
The Orion Mystery. Mandarin, London 1994)
Furthermore the Osiris Crown could be interpreted as an earthly representation of the
Constellation of Phoenix the White Crown flanked by two feathers representing the body and
wings of the Phoenix or Bennu bird. It would therefore follow that the symbolism of the Crown
would emulate that of the Constellation of the Phoenix: namely Death and Resurrection. It is an
indisputable fact that in Ancient Egyptian mythology Osiris did represent Death and Resurrection.
His was the first Resurrection, the first Raising. His child Horus was the Son of the Widow, Isis.
The Celestial Sphinx: More Lost Secrets
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 3

More Lost Secrets

Lost Secrets continue to be revealed as we cast our eyes along the horizon
from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE.
Positioned opposite to the Celestial Sphinx at this precise time in the North /
North East sky, lie the Constellations of Draco and Ursa Minor. This dual
constellation can be interpreted on several levels.

Sky view from Giza: 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE.

Positioned opposite to the Celestial Sphinx in the North / North East,
lie the Constellations of Draco and Ursa Minor.
This dual constellation can be interpreted on several levels.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Firstly Draco is accompanied by his offspring who is cradled in his arms! This
is symbolic evidence of the Creation Principle: the Celestial Sphinx, Hu, being the
The imagery of Creation is quite explicit in the Constellations of Draco and
Ursa Minor. Ursa Minor represents the Male Principle while Draco represents the
Female Principle. Draco is symbolically impregnated.
The imagery is continued in the Constellation of Cygnus which straddles the
Milky Way. It is in the Constellation of Cygnus that the Milky Way divides into two
streams creating a symbolic Birth Canal.
Deneb, the bright star of Cygnus is at the
head of the birth canal of the Milky Way.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Deneb, the bright star of Cygnus is at the head of the birth canal of the Milky
Way. The womb is the space created between the Arch of the Milky Way and the
horizon. The result is the birth of Baby Draco!

The womb is the space created between the

Arch of the Milky Way and the horizon.
The result is the birth of Baby Draco!
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Secondly Draco is not the dragon which his name suggests. This is a
misnomer. Draco is a serpent. Moreover Draco and Ursa Minor can be regarded as
one constellation; that of a double-headed serpent.
Draco and Ursa Minor can be regarded as
one constellation; that of a double-headed serpent.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Thirdly considering Draco on his own, he has assumed the position of a cobra
about to strike. This is the origin and meaning of the Uraeus on the brow or head-
dress of the nobility of Ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for Uraeus

Fourthly the rearing serpent in Ancient Egyptian mythology is associated with

the Eye of Ra. This involves the concept of the invisible third eye on the forehead.
The all-seeing eye.

Sky view from Giza: 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE.

The rearing cobra is associated with the eye of Ra.
The Eye of Ra is associated with the Uraeus.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
Consequently the Uraeus (the serpent emblem) on, or just above the forehead
on the head-dress of the Pharaohs represents the all-seeing eye, the Eye of Ra. The
Uraeus was a symbol of Divine Authority, an authority which came from the
heavens in the form of the Constellations of Draco and Ursa Minor. The hieroglyphs
for the name of the god Osiris, Ausar, embodies the all-seeing eye.

The hieroglyphs for the name of the god Osiris,

Ausar, embodies the all-seeing eye.

Fifthly serpents were plentiful in the Underworld. It was because serpents hid
away under rocks or underground that they were associated with the Underworld,
the Land of the Dead or the Twelve Hours of the Night. Serpents abound in Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs, carvings and paintings. In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the
Duat the Constellation of Draco is represented at the eleventh hour.

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Duat the

Constellation of Draco is represented at the eleventh hour.

The Lost Secrets continue to be revealed in the North West night sky, as
viewed from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE. In this location is to be found the
Constellation of Aquila the Eagle.
Sky view from Giza: 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE.
The Constellation of Aquila, the Eagle, is sitting on the horizon in the NW.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

In Ancient Egypt the eagle is usually found in connection with the serpent,
though at a later date the eagle motif was replaced by that of the vulture. For
example: the vulture and the cobra, in the form of the Uraei, are prominent on the
forehead of the mummy mask of Tutankhamon. In general terms they are considered
to be symbols of power. In real terms they form an essential part of Ancient
Egyptian cosmology.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for Uraei.

They form an essential part of Ancient Egyptian cosmology

Perhaps the most vivid and long lasting application of the eagle to Ancient
Egyptian art and Sacred Knowledge was in the form of the Winged Disk. It looks
not unlike a sycamore seed, and was especially prolific in Ancient Egyptian tombs
and Temples. The Winged Disk was a combined emblem of the Sun, a double-
headed cobra and eagle or vulture wings.

The Winged Disk

It would appear that symbolically the eagle is connected with the Sun.
Technically however the eagle enjoys rain and floods. This explains why the
Constellation of Aquila is situated in the waters of the Milky Way!
Moreover, the vulture and the cobra represent the Female Principle. The
vulture is the emblem of the goddess Nekhebet while the cobra is the emblem of the
goddess Wadjet / Buto. The Female Principle is recorded in the Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs "Mut" meaning "Mother". In addition to the Vulture and the Cobra there
is further confirmation of the Female Principle in the Mound (pregnancy) and the
Egg. The English word "Mother" is a derivation of the Ancient Egyptian word

The Female Principle is recorded in the Ancient Egyptian

hieroglyphs "Mut" meaning "Mother". In addition to the
Vulture and the Cobra there is also the Mound (pregnancy)
and the Egg. The English word "Mother" is a derivation
of the Ancient Egyptian "Mut".

A dilemma occurs when the circular emblem in the centre of the motif is
considered to represent the Sun, a male deity. A more logical explanation is that the
circle, or opening, represents the Female principle. (There will be more on the
symbolic meaning of the "Opening" in later sections.)
The eagle and the serpent are opposites. The one soars in the sky while the
other slithers on the ground. Similarly, the Bee and the Cobra are opposites, as are
the Vulture and the Sedge. This is an indication that they are meant to represent the
two different realms of Heaven and the Earth, otherwise known as Upper and Lower
Taken one stage further, in terrestrial terms, Upper Egypt is considered to be
the Land of the Sedge and the Vulture, while Lower Egypt is considered to be the
Land of the Bee and the Cobra. Taken as a whole Ancient Egypt was known as the
Land of the Cobra, the Vulture, the Bee and the Sedge. All four motifs are fertility

Lower Egypt: the Land of the Upper Egypt: the Land of the
Bee and the Cobra Sedge and the Vulture

Viewing the sky from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE all four
symbols are represented!
• Constellation of Draco
= Cobra in the N / NE
• Constellation of Aquila
= Vulture in the NW
• Constellation of Lyra
= Bee in the N
• Constellation of
Lacerta = Sedge in the N

Viewing the sky from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE all four
symbols of the Cobra, Vulture, Bee and Sedge are represented!
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

It has become apparent that More Lost Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians are
encoded in the sky, as viewed from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE. At this
time the sky stretching from West to East (via North) above the horizon is female
and represents Egypt in general. The Cobra, the Bee and the Vulture, the Womb and
the Birth Canal of the Milky Way are all female symbols. The sky stretching from
West to East (via South) above the horizon is male and specifically represents the
site of Giza! The Celestial Sphinx, the Milky Way, (think about that one!) Orion, the
Twins and the Sun are all male symbols.

View of the night skies from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE
Celestial Egypt: symbolized by the Cobra,
the Bee, the Vulture and the Sedge.
This section of the sky is Female.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

View of the night skies from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE
Celestial Giza: symbolized by the three pyramids,
and the Sphinx looking across the Nile to the East.
This section of the sky is Male.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

As above, so below
The Osiris Legend and Precession
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 4

The Osiris Legend

The legend of Osiris begins with Thoth, who was credited with having introduced all the arts
and sciences, including astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the Ancient Egyptians. He was also the
spokesman, or messenger, of the gods and the keeper of their records. "Thoth" is actually the
Graeco-Roman form of the Egyptian name "Djehuti". Thoth was usually represented as an ibis bird
or a baboon; both of which are native to Africa. This is significant because it reflects his ancient
African origin. In addition, because he was regarded as the moon god he was sometimes seen
represented together with a winged moon. In legend Thoth had played a game of draughts with the
moon and won from him a seventy-second part of his light, from which he created an extra five
days in the year. Prior to that time there were 360 days in the Ancient Egyptian Calendar.

Thoth the Moon god ...

it is not difficult to work out
why he was given this role!

Thoth the Keeper of Records

... the product of
sophisticated thinkers.

Osiris was Thoth's master, and in this capacity he was both God and the source of all
knowledge in Ancient Egypt. Osiris is frequently pictured with ebony skin, which is usually
considered as symbolic of his role as Lord of the Dead. However, when Osiris close association
with Thoth who was of ancient African origin is taken into account, the fact that Osiris had
ebony skin takes on a new significance: that he too originated in Africa. His wicked brother Set who
wanted the throne of Egypt murdered him. The plan was to induce Osiris to lie down in a
magnificent coffer under the pretext of a game at a banquet. Set and his seventy-two conspirators
immediately closed the lid and threw the coffer into the Nile.

Osiris' wife Isis, who was also his sister, searched for and found the chest which had been
borne down the Nile and across the sea to what was later identified as the Phoenician coast, where it
was deposited at the foot of a tamarisk tree. (The reference to Phoenicia was added at a later date to
illustrate that the Ancient Egyptian culture was adopted by the Phoenicians, possibly around the
16th century BCE, when Phoenicia was brought under Egyptian control. The Phoenicians are also
known by the more familiar title of Canaanites.) As the tree grew it enclosed Osiris and the chest
within its trunk ... which was later cut down by the king of Byblos and used as a pillar in his palace.
The fragrance of the pillar became renowned far and wide, and when Isis heard about it she
immediately understood its significance. Isis returned the pillar, and the body it contained, to Egypt.

Osiris was the source of all knowledge

in Ancient Egypt. The tamarisk tree which
enclosed Osiris within its trunk
was cut downby the King of Byblos
and used as a pillar in his palace.

Isis, the wife of Osiris, was

also his sister. She returned
the pillar, and the body
it contained, to Egypt.
Unfortunately Set discovered the body of Osiris by chance and this time, to ensure his
brother's complete demise, he cut up Osiris' body into fourteen pieces and scattered them far and
wide throughout Egypt. Isis found all the pieces of Osiris' literally dismembered body except the
phallus, and through purification by Thoth, together with magical incantations in which the actual
sound of Thoth's voice played a significant part, the resurrection of Osiris and the subsequent
fathering of Horus was achieved. Following in the wake of his resurrection Osiris had conferred
upon him the title and position of the God of the Dead. In fathering Horus, Osiris embodied the
Masculine Creation Principle. In mothering Horus, Isis embodied the Female Creation Principle.

The number seventy-two is significant in terms of astronomy since the sky bodies appear to
move through one degree of their cycle over a period of seventy-two years.

It was no coincidence that the original number of days in an Ancient Egyptian year was
identical to the number of degrees in a circle; i.e. 360. The Thoth legend encodes the knowledge of
Precession by the specific reference to the numbers 360 and 72. When the number 72 is multiplied
by the extra 5 days in the year gained by Thoth in the game of draughts with the Moon, the result is
360, the number of degrees in a circle.

Finally, when the seventy-two years are multiplied by the three hundred and sixty degrees
of the complete cycle, we discover that it takes is 25,920 years for each heavenly cycle to be
completed at which time the process starts all over again. This cycle is referred to as

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Royal Arch and the Precession of the Equinoxes
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 5

The reason Precession occurs is that the Earth not only rotates on its axis otherwise known
as the Axis Munde or World Pillar it also wobbles. This wobble effect is a phenomenon caused
by forces exerted by the Sun on the bulges of the Earth at the Equator.
The wobble effect is best explained in terms of a spinning top. As the top begins to lose
momentum it begins to wobble. It is this same kind of circular movement, or wobble, of the Earth,
which moving at a constant speed over long periods of Time alters the direction of the Polar Axis.
One revolution is completed every 25,920 years. The central point of revolution is called the "pole
of the ecliptic".

The visible effect of Precession on the Pole Star.

The wobble effect is best explained in terms of a spinning top.
As the top begins to lose momentum it begins to wobble

The apparent cycle of the Pole Stars over a period of 25,920 years is not the only effect of
Precession as viewed from Planet Earth. Another effect with which most of us will be familiar is the
apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac across the sky on an annual basis. It is reasonable to
suspect that most of you reading this will be familiar with the Sign of the Zodiac under which you
were born, and many of you will read your stars in newspapers and magazines everyday. You
might be an Aries or a Libra. Or perhaps like me you are a Scorpio.
The apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac across the sky does not only take place on
an annual basis however. The cycle also occurs over a period of 25,920 years, often referred to as
Plato's Great Year.
The following diagram can be interpreted on both of these levels, but the main emphasis is on
the Great Year the Four Seasons, the Twelve Ages and the Precession of the Equinoxes. The
twelve markers indicating the timing of the Sun entering a New Age and / or Season of the Zodiac
are like "flags" denoting the boundaries. In fact they could be considered as "flagships" heralding in
each of the New Ages and / or Seasons.
The ensigns of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, representing the Twelve Ages in the
Precession of the Equinoxes, appear to arch their way across the sky as if in royal procession. The
beginning of a new Zodiacal Season is marked by the standards of the Lion, the Bull, the Man and
the Eagle sometimes equated with the Four Cardinal Directions. The Fifth Cardinal Direction is
the central point of revolution, the pole of the ecliptic.

The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac.

The ensigns of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, representing
the Twelve Ages in the Precession of the Equinoxes,
appear to arch their way across the sky as if in royal procession.
The beginning of a new Zodiacal Season is marked by
the standards of the Lion, the Bull, the Man and the Eagle.

The blue dot within the circle is Planet Earth around which the Constellations of the Zodiac
appear to revolve. The "Cross" which is formed by the four quarters of the circle takes 25,920 years
to complete one revolution. The completion of one revolution is referred to as a Great Year.
Within this Great Year are four Seasons, which are defined by the Spring, Summer, Autumn
and Winter Equinoxes. For this reason the Great Year is also referred to as the Precession of the
Equinoxes. Within each Season are three Ages. For example, within the Zodiacal Season of Taurus
there are the three Ages of Taurus (the Bull), Aries (the Ram) and Pisces (the Fish). Within the
Zodiacal Season of Aquarius there are the three Ages of Aquarius (Man), Capricorn (the Sea Goat)
and Sagittarius (the Archer). Each Zodiacal Season comprises a 90-degree right-angle like a set-
square. Each Zodiacal Season is a one fourth part of a circle. Each Zodiacal Season is standing on
the square.
The tools used by the remote ancient Egyptians to help them better understand the Concept of
Precession were the Square and Compasses and lest the value of these tools be overlooked or
forgotten, they were engineered into the constellations of the Northern Winter sky by the Great
Architect. (German astronomer, Jakob Bartsch, also lays claim to the honour.) The Constellation of
Monoceros, the Unicorn, forms the Square and Compasses. The Square is at 90 degrees and the
Compasses at 55 degrees.
The symbolism of the Lion and the Unicorn, which are readily evident on the cover of a
British passport as part of the Arms of Dominion, can now be appreciated in terms of astronomy
and the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Arms of Dominion encode the Lost Secrets of the remote
Ancient Egyptians.
The reader will also observe that Canis Minor is a Plumb Rule! In Ancient Egypt the Plumb
Rule was called a Merkhet. The Merkhet was used in conjunction with a Plumb Line to measure the
positions of stars and their corresponding positions on the ground in Egypt.

The Lion and the Unicorn

The Square and Compasses were engineered into the constellations
of the Northern Winter sky by the Great Architect.

The Constellation of Monoceros forms the Square and Compasses.

The Square is at 90 degrees and the Compasses at 55 degrees.
Canis Minor is a Plumb Rule!

Referring back to the Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac diagram: as the Sun heralds in the
Dawn on December 21st 2012 we shall be entering a new Zodiacal Season: Aquarius a
phenomenon which last occurred almost 25,920 years ago! When the Sun is risen we will be
celebrating the Resurrection of the Age of Aquarius. (This subject is covered in greater detail in a
later paper.)
From this same diagram it becomes clear that the "Cross" and / or the "Cross within a circle"
and / or the "Cross and a circle" are the symbols of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
When the Great architect mapped the heavens before 14000 BCE he included the "Cross", the
Symbol of the Precession of the Equinoxes, as part of the "Hall of Records" in the night sky.
Knowledge carved in stone is temporal. The progenitors of the Ancient Egyptians carved their
knowledge in the stars so that it would never be desecrated, worn away or lost. Their knowledge
would be eternal. The progenitors of the Ancient Egyptians were the Masons of the Heavens.
The Constellation of Grus, (the Crane) which is in the shape of a cross, lies directly to the
west of the Constellation of Phoenix. Perhaps not surprisingly, the pictogram for astronomers in
Ancient Egypt was the crane.
Sky view from the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on
July 3rd 14000BCE. The Cross is a symbol of the
Precession of the Equinoxes. The Constellation of Grus,
(the Crane) which is in the shape of a cross,
lies directly to the west of the Constellation of Phoenix.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

The symbol of the "Cross" and / or the "Cross within a circle" and / or the "Cross and a
circle", indicating the secret knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes, has been handed down
to us in a multitude of forms. These include for example: the Ankh, the Shen, Stone Henge, the Sun
Wheel, Stone Circles, Standing Stones, the Celtic Cross, the Christian Cross, the Knights Templar
Cross, the Market Cross, the Union Jack, the Hot Cross Bun, and even the Direction Indicator on a
Map. Readers will no doubt add hundreds more to this list!

Hot Cross Bun


Direction Indicator

Today we live in an Age of Science in which Precession is regarded as just another

phenomenon. No great deal is attached to it. However when the remote Ancient Egyptians first
recognized the effects of Precession more than sixteen thousand years ago it would have caused a
crisis situation. The visible effect of Precession for the remote Ancient Egyptians was that their
Celestial Sphinx was gradually slipping southwards.
At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 13750 BCE
the Celestial Sphinx could no longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, was falling out of the sky! Over the centuries, it was gradually
shifting its position southwards in the night sky to a point where it would begin to disappear below
the horizon at Giza forever. It would seem to them that their Dreamtime, their explanation of
Creation built around the Celestial Sphinx, was coming to an end that their world was coming to
an end. By 13750 BCE (using the Gregorian Calendar) their worst fears would be realized; the
Celestial Sphinx would no longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.

At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 13000 BCE

the Celestial Sphinx was disappearing further below the horizon at Giza.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

In celebration of their Dreamtime, the remote Ancient Egyptians exactly reproduced their
Celestial Sphinx, Hu, at Giza in readiness for the July 3rd and 4th 14000 BCE Festival.
Prophetically the Fall of Hu heralded the decline of the remote Ancient Egyptians and their entry
into the Dark Ages. During this time only the intellectual elite would have been allowed to be
initiated into, and share, a secret of such magnitude The Secret of Precession.
Until now the purpose of the Sphinx at Giza has been shrouded in mystery. It guarded its
secret well, lying in proud majesty in the desert sands commemorating the end of an era. The Lost
Secret having now been rediscovered and made known, it is like Darkness visible.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Osiris Legend and the Tree of Life

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 6

The Osiris Legend and the Tree of Life (the Axis Munde)
The earliest reference to the concept of the Tree of Life is to be found in the
philosophy of the Ancient Egyptians. In the Osiris Legend, Osiris was induced by
his wicked brother Set to lie down in a magnificent coffer under the pretext of a
game at a banquet. Set and his seventy-two conspirators immediately closed the lid
and threw the coffer into the Nile.
Osiris' wife Isis, who was also his sister, searched for and found the chest
which had been borne down the Nile and across the sea to what was later identified
as the Phoenician coast, where it was deposited at the foot of a tamarisk tree. As the
tree grew it enclosed Osiris and the chest within its trunk ... which was later cut
down by the king of Byblos and used as a pillar in his palace. The fragrance of the
pillar became renowned far and wide, and when Isis heard about it she immediately
understood its significance. Isis returned the pillar, and the body it contained, to
In "Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 2" the Lost Secret of the
process of the Creation of the Universe was disclosed the Celestial Sphinx Hu /
Osiris, symbolizing the Masculine Creation Principle, breathed Life into the
The loss of this Secret inspired another explanation of the Creation of the
Universe. There was a primordial ocean called Nun. It wasn't flat; rather it was in
the shape of a cosmic egg and from this cosmic egg was born the primeval hill
called Nu.
Both the egg and the primeval hill are recorded on pictures of Isis in the tombs
of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs; indicating that Isis was the personification of the
Feminine Creation Principle. She was the Holy Mother who was represented with
her child Horus by the Constellation of Virgo. Isis was considered Virgin as she was
seeded after the death and resurrection of Osiris minus the phallus.

Isis, Constellation of Constellation of Isis, the

the Feminine Virgo represented Virgo flipped Holy Mother
Creation Principle Isis, the Holy Mother 180 degrees

In ancient Egyptian texts it is written of the Tree of Life, "I am the plant which
comes from Nu." The Tree of Life grew out of the Sacred Mound, it's branches
reaching out and supporting the star and planet studded sky, while it's roots reached
down into the watery abyss of the Netherworld. The trunk of the Tree of Life
represented the World Pillar or Axis Munde (literally "Axis of the Mound") around
which the heavens appeared to revolve. The World Pillar was the centre of the
The Ancient Egyptian symbol for "plant" meaning "Tree of Life" was three
sacred lotus lilies. They have tree stems curving to the left as though blown into Life
by the breath of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx. On top of each stem is the Lotus flower
which was used in Ancient Egypt to represent Life and Resurrection. It is from this
hieroglyph that the "fleur de lis" which is frequently found in Ancient Egyptian Art
traces its origin. The "fleur de lis" represents the Tree of Life. The glyph which
denotes the sacred knowledge associated with Hu is also formed by the three stems
of the three sacred lotus lilies. The Osiris Crown can be similarly considered in these
terms. Following the role model of Osiris, in 1346AD Edward the Black Prince won
three feathers at Crecy which he adopted as his emblem. If the three feathers are
gathered at the stems a fleur de lis is created.

The Egyptian hieroglyph The fleur de lis traces its The glyph which denotes
for "plant" meaning "Tree origins back to the sacred the sacred knowledge of
of Life" was three sacred lotus symbol for "plant" Hu is also derived
lotus lilies "unb". meaning "Tree of Life". from the sacred lotus.

The Egyptian hieroglyph The Osiris Crown can Edward the Black Prince
for "plant" meaning "Tree traceits origins back emulated Osiris in
of Life" was three sacred to the sacred lotus adopting three ostrich
lotus lilies "unb". symbol for "plant". feathers for his emblem.

Osiris, in his earliest Axis Munde form of a tamarisk tree trunk, was called Djed. His
later mummy wrappings were symbolic of his having been encased inside a tree trunk. His
mummy was therefore an Axis Munde as indeed were all future mummies. Over time the
tree trunk was replaced by the imagery of a pillar which became known as the Djed Pillar,
the Pillar of Stability.
When Osiris was enclosed in the trunk of a tamarisk tree, which was later cut down
and used as a pillar in the palace of the King of Byblos, he metaphorically became as one
with the Tree of Life. Osiris became the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to
revolve; he became the World Pillar, the link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds.
He held the heavens in his outstretched arms, and he soaked up the word of God from the
waters of the Netherworld. In Ancient Egypt the Netherworld was called the "Netterworld"
meaning the "World of the gods". The gods had their home among the stars.

Osiris as the Djed

Osiris as Ptah as
Pillar the
God of the Dead the Djed Pillar
Pillar of Stability.
Osiris' mummy wrappings were symbolic
When the city of Memphis
of his having been encased in a tree trunk.
was founded Ptah usurped
Over time a tree became a pillar and the
the position of Osiris. Also
mummy came to represent the Axis Munde
in Mummy wrappings, Ptah
also known as the "Tree of Life"
represents the Axis Munde.
and the "Pillar of Heaven".

When the city of Memphis "The White Wall" was founded, the god Ptah replaced the
mummified Osiris as the Djed Pillar. According to the Shabaka Stone, the founders of
Memphis subordinated and assimilated all aspects of the Osiris Cosmogony in favour of
Ptah and the new Memphite Cosmogony. Why the sudden shift? Was it a determined effort
to conceal the Secret of Precession known to a Pre-Dynastic Ancient Egypt?

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Tree of Life and the Pyramids

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 7


The Tree of Life (the Axis Munde) and the Pyramids

Further evidence of the Axis Munde in Ancient Egypt is to be found in the construction of the
Pyramids. In mythology, sacred mountains reached up to the heavens to support the Celestial North
Pole in other words, a sacred mountain acted in the capacity of an Axis Munde. (See Part 5)
Since a pyramid is a sacred mountain it follows that a pyramid is an Axis Munde.
However, because The Tree of Life is also an Axis Munde, it follows that a pyramid is a
Tree of Life. As a Tree of Life, a Pyramid grows out of the Sacred Mound, it's branches reaching
out and supporting the star and planet studded sky while it's roots reach down into the watery abyss
of the Netherworld. The branches are the passages, once thought to be ventilation shafts, reaching
out and supporting the heavens. The roots are the unfinished subterranean passages. The watery
abyss of the Netherworld was the River Nile, which in the ancient past used to surround the
Pyramids at Giza. The celestial counterpart of the River Nile is the Milky Way. (See Part 2)

The Great Pyramid at Giza is both the Sacred Mountain and the
Tree of Life (Axis Munde) around which the heavens appear
to revolve. The star is the Pole Star, representing the
Celestial North Pole. The dotted line represents the original
Sacred Mound upon which the Great Pyramid was constructed.

It has become clear that the Great Pyramid is both the Sacred Mountain i.e. the Mound, and
the Tree of Life (literally "Axis of the Mound") around which the heavens appear to revolve. Born
out of the waters of the River Nile, (the Waters of Nun in the Creation Myth) the Great Pyramid
is a monument in stone (built by masons) which encodes both the Creation Myth and the
Concept of Precession one of the Lost Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate is a Sky Chart

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 8

The Sky is Falling
Today we live in an Age of Science in which Precession is regarded as just
another phenomenon. No great deal is attached to it. However when the remote
Ancient Egyptians first recognized the effects of Precession more than sixteen
thousand years ago it would have caused a crisis situation. (See Part 5)

Sky view from the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on

July 3rd 14000BCE. The Cross is a symbol of the
Precession of the Equinoxes.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

The visible effect of Precession for the remote Ancient Egyptians was that
their Celestial Sphinx was gradually slipping southwards. Their Celestial Sphinx,
Hu, was falling out of the sky! Over the centuries, it was gradually shifting its
position southwards in the night sky to a point where it would begin to disappear
below the horizon at Giza forever.

At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm

on July 3rd 13750 BCE the Celestial Sphinx
could no longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
It would seem to the remote Ancient Egyptians that their Dreamtime, their
explanation of Creation built around the Celestial Sphinx, was coming to an end
that their world was coming to an end. By 13750 BCE (using the Gregorian
Calendar) their worst fears would be realized; the Celestial Sphinx would no
longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.

At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm

on July 3rd 13000 BCE the Celestial Sphinx was
disappearing further below the horizon at Giza.
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

In celebration of their Dreamtime, the remote Ancient Egyptians exactly

reproduced their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, at Giza in readiness for the July 3rd and 4th
14000 BCE Festival. (See Part 2) Prophetically the Fall of Hu heralded the decline
of the remote Ancient Egyptians and their entry into the Dark Ages. During this
time only the intellectual elite would have been allowed to be initiated into, and
share, a secret of such magnitude The Secret of Precession.

Evidence that the Secret of Precession was indeed shared by an intellectual

elite down through the millennia is to be found on the Nermer Plate almost
10,000 years later.

The Nermer Plate

The Nermer Plate, which is a ceremonial palette, is also referred to as the
Narmer or Narma Plate. It was discovered in 1897/98 by a British archaeologist,
J.E. Quibell, at, or near the very Ancient Walled Capital of Egypt, Hierakonpolis:
usually referred to as "City of the Hawk".
I have also translated Hierakonpolis as "City of the Sun", since the Hawk
represents the Sun in Ancient Egypt. However the nearest translation of the name
is attained by breaking down the word into its three components: "Hier" meaning
"Sacred", "akon" meaning "glory", and "polis" meaning "city' "City of Sacred
Glory". Clearly the "Sacred Glory" referred to is the Sun in the guise of a hawk.
The area of human habitation around Hierakonpolis dates back tens of
thousands of years to the Lower Palaeolithic Period. There is an unbroken chain of
habitation through to Dynastic Egypt.
The Nermer Plate was named after the hieroglyph of the catfish and the
chisel, which is recorded three times upon it. The catfish translates as "Ner" and
the chisel as "Mer". Until now scholars have deciphered and misinterpreted the
Nermer Plate in terms of its scenes commemorating the Unification of Upper and
Lower Egypt and its accompanying battle in c3200BCE.
Jean-Francois Champollion, who is renowned for having deciphered the
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing using the Rosetta Stone as his reference,
dated the Unification to 5867BCE. However this date was not acceptable to
Egyptian Scholars as it contradicted the accepted "fact" that Sumer, the Land of
the Two Rivers, was the First Civilization. In reality Sumer could not possibly
have been settled before 5000BCE because it was still under the waters of the
Persian Gulf! However the decision was made that the Nermer Plate must be dated
to 3200BCE because that date was acceptable to Egyptian Scholars.

Side One The Nermer Plate Side Two

Far from commemorating the Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and its
accompanying battle in c3200BCE the Nermer Plate is a sky chart
commemorating the Dawn of the Age of Taurus in the Precession of the
This astronomical event occurred on September 21st 4468BCE when the
Autumn Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way. This
conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of Gemini and into
the Age of Taurus.
As the Nermer Plate celebrates the Dawn of the Age of Taurus in 4468BCE,
it is reasonable to suggest that the Plate itself also dates back to 4468BCE. It
defies logic to suggest that it dates back to 3200BCE.

The whole of Ancient Egyptian history as perceived by

Egyptologists needs to be re-written!

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and Osiris, the Lord of Precession

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 9

Side One of the Nermer Plate: The Northern Winter Skies

Side One of the Nermer Plate clearly depicts the Northern Winter Skies. Many
readers will immediately recognise the Northern Winter sky chart, and perhaps even
remember some of its associated symbolism, from Part 1, Part 2 and Part 5.
A few readers may even test their skills in deciphering Side One of the Plate,
by applying what they have learned from Parts 1 to 5, before reading any further.
However, for those readers who have come directly to this segment without
any prior knowledge, I will decipher the Nermer Plate to include a lot of detail and

The Northern Winter Skies. From top left to right: Gemini and Taurus.
From middle left to right: Canis Minor, Monoceros and Orion.
From bottom left to right: Canis Major, Orion's Chair and Eridanus.

The esoteric meaning of the scenes on the Nermer Plate is best explained by
working from the top to the bottom of each side. However in the case of the chiefs,
which are the top panels where the bulls' heads are, because they summarize the
sacred message on the Plate, I decided to decipher them together. As some of the
concepts outlined may prove complex for the novice to grasp, to facilitate an easier
understanding of the scenes and symbolism on the Plate, as indicated earlier I have
included lots of pictures and explanations.

The Top Panels: The Chiefs

The chiefs summarize the sacred meaning symbolized on the Nermer Plate.
They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on September
21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction
with the Milky Way. This commemoration of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus is
vividly displayed in the presence of the four bulls' heads, two on each side of the
Plate. Each bull's head symbolizes the Constellation of Taurus the Bull. (See Part 5)
The chiefs on each side of the Nermer Plate
They present an overview of the astronomical event
which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE
the Dawn of the Age of Taurus

In the chief on Side One of the Plate, between the two bulls' heads, there is a
hieroglyph situated to the side of and beneath "Nermer"; the catfish (ner) and the
chisel (mer). As well as representing a temple it is also an Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or
horizon. In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus. This explanation is
taken a step further under "The King of the Stars"

Side One: The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the

chisel not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or
horizon. In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

I have translated the full pictogram of the catfish, the chisel and the
temple/dawn as "The Nermer Festival". Nermer/Osiris/Orion, the Creation
Principle and Lord of Precession, is orchestrating and overseeing the beginning of a
New Age in the Zodiac. On the obverse side of the plate the Sun is risen. The Age of
Taurus has begun.

Side Two: The hieroglyph beneath, and to the side of, the catfish and the
chisel not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyph representing the Risen Sun above the mountains, or
horizon. In this case it means that the Age of Taurus has begun.

A further interpretation of the temple hieroglyph is two thrones facing each

other. Each of these thrones is the emblem of Isis, both sister and wife to Osiris.
Ancient Egyptian Temple of Isis at Philae. Isis.
hieroglyph : Two Thrones The hieroglyph for Isis, Sister and wife
facing each other. the Throne, is clearly visible. to Osiris

The Giant
The Giant represents the Constellation of Orion. In Ancient Egypt Orion was known as
"The Soul of Osiris". It follows that The Giant, who is usually referred to as Narmer by
Egyptologists after the catfish and the chisel emblems in the chiefs at the top of the Plate, is
in fact Osiris, the Lord of Precession as opposed to Osiris, the Lord of the Dead.
The Giant appears to capture one of the Gemini Twins, perhaps in an attempt to halt
the progression into the New Age of Taurus. More likely however he is giving the Twin his
blessing in the closing minutes in the Age of Gemini. The scene is reminiscent of a person
receiving a Knighthood for services rendered. The one figure represents the set of Gemini
Twins since the Twin's body is facing forward towards the forthcoming Age of Taurus,
while his face is looking back upon the Age of Gemini.

The Giant represents The constellation of Orion: Osiris:

the constellation of Orion the Soul of Osiris Lord of the Dead

The omission of Orion's head and legs in the constellation of Orion, illustrated above,
is immediately noticeable. It would seem that Orion has had his legs and his head chopped
A similar practice was observed by the Knights Templar five and a half thousand years
later when they were buried. By adopting this practice the deceased Knights Templar
became as one with Orion and, by implication, Osiris. The "skull and crossbones" Orion's
missing head and legs were also adopted by the Knights Templar as their emblem, their
symbol of recognition.
As we shall soon discover, the severed head of Orion is in fact the Sun. Moreover it is
the headless Orion which is the source of legends about severed heads.
It is also noticeable that both the Giant and Orion are wearing a belt, an apron and
tassels; though in the case of the Giant he is wearing only one tassel. Anyone who was to
adopt a similar regalia would also adopt the Orion/Osiris image.
Orion is depicted as using a bow to shoot at Taurus the Bull. This same outline of stars
can be seen on the left of the Giant's upper body on the Nermer Plate. Firstly trace the line
from the Giant's left hand to the back of the head of the Sphynx. Next continue up to the
right elbow of the bird, to its head. The beak is formed by the last two stars at the top of the
Bow of Orion. Similarly a crude bow is formed by the outline of the twig and the Sphinx.

Orion using a bow The outline of Orion's Orion with his

to shoot at bow can be seen held in bow in his
Taurus the Bull the Giant's left hand. left hand.

The Giant's crown, the White Crown of Ancient Egypt, is yet another star constellation.
It is the Constellation of Taurus the Bull which is positioned immediately above the Bow of
Orion! In the star chart below Orion is caught in the action of placing the White Crown on
his head. Orion's counterpart, Osiris, is always pictured wearing the White Crown.

The Giant wearing Osiris is always Orion placing the White

the White Crown pictured wearing Crown of Ancient Egypt
of Ancient Egypt the White Crown on his head

Egyptologists associate the White Crown, which the Giant is wearing in the
closing seconds of the Age of Gemini, with Upper Egypt. However the Sphinx with
the papyrus growing out of its back, indicates the White Crown as being associated
with Lower Egypt.
The White Crown The Red Crown

The Giant in the opening seconds of the Age of Taurus (on Side Two of the
Plate) is wearing the Red Crown, which is usually associated with Lower Egypt.
Clearly there was no Upper and Lower Egypt at the time of the Nermer Plate. This
division was imposed later, possibly by well meaning Egyptologists, when the
esoteric meaning of the Red and White Crowns was lost. The White Crown, as
worn by Osiris, the Lord of Precession, is a symbol of Precession. (See Part 5,
Part 6, and Part 7 for other symbols of Precession.)
It is significant that not only is the Giant wearing the Osiris Beard he is also
carrying a symbolic sword in the form of a feathery branch of the tamarisk tree, at
his right side. It will be recalled that in the Osiris Legend, Osiris was encased in the
trunk of a tamarisk tree. This further identifies the Giant as Osiris, the Lord of

(Continued in Part 10)

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and the Substituted Secrets
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 10

Sirius: the King of the Seven Stars

To the Giant's right, a man carrying an axe has taken off his sandals because he
is metaphorically standing on holy ground. (This same idea is reworked in a later
version of this celestial myth; that of Moses and the Burning Bush.) Remembering
that the Giant is Nermer/Osiris/Orion, and that from the Osiris Legend it was learned
that Osiris is God, then the man carrying the axe is standing on the right hand of

The man carrying the axe is standing

on the right hand of God.

The Axe is a symbol of his kingship, as is the vase-like glyph of his name,
which appears to the side of his head and as a container in his right hand. The vase-
like glyph is possibly the symbol of his throne. The flower, which is divided into
seven segments, discloses that he is the "King of Seven Stars". The centre of the
flower with seven petals represents the star Sirius. The seven petals represent the
seven minor stars surrounding Sirius. The King of the Seven Stars is in fact a
personified portrayal of the constellation of Canis Major.

Sirius: The Constellation of

King of the Seven Stars Canis Major
In the above representation, the star Sirius becomes the King's head. The body,
legs and left arm of Canis Major become those of the King. The axe of the star
system is lying in a horizontal position. The container held in the King's right hand
is evident in the three stars on the right hand side of the body of Canis Major.
Around his neck Sirius, the "King of the Seven Stars", is wearing the double
tau, the "pi" symbol. From the Tau hieroglyph in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the
Dead it is clear that "Tau" means "holy or sacred gate" or "holy or sacred opening".
The five-pointed star denotes the word "sacred".
The reason the five-pointed star was considered "sacred" was because it was a
symbol which encoded the Secret of Precession. The number of degrees around the
centre-point of the star (360) divided by the number of arms of the star (5) renders
the number seventy-two ... which is significant in terms of astronomy. (See Part 4)
Seventy-two is the number of years that it takes for the sky bodies to appear to
move through one degree of their cycle.
When the seventy-two years are multiplied by the three hundred and sixty
degrees of the complete cycle, we discover that it takes is 25,920 years for each
heavenly cycle to be completed at which time the process starts all over again.
This is the cycle referred to as Precession.

Temple at the top Triple Tau: The
Triple Tau: Gates
of the Nermer Plate Temple of Jerusalem
or Sacred Opening
The Double and Triple Tau represent the plural form of Tau. Visually, when
the Taus are joined together horizontally, they represent a temple, as in the
hieroglyph between the Taurus Bulls' heads in the chiefs on each side of the Nermer
Plate. The vertical trunks of the Taus represent the columns of the Temple. In the
Osiris Legend, Osiris was encased in a tree trunk, which was later utilized as a pillar.
The pillar of a temple therefore represents Osiris who has already been evidenced
as the Axis Munde in the Djed Pillar; the Pillar of Stability. (See Part 4 and Part 6)
Since a Tau is a "sacred gateway, opening or portal", and multiple Taus form a
Temple, it follows that a Temple is a gateway, opening or portal: a portal to the
Netherworld through which the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
The Triple Tau represents the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for the
Temple of Jerusalem is "Templum Hierosolma", which translates as "Temple on a
Sacred Mound". Since a Tau represents a Gateway, opening or portal then the
Temple of Jerusalem follows suit complete with Osirian Pillars! It is through this
portal that the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
As discussed earlier in Part 7, the Great Pyramid is also built on a Sacred
Mound and, like the Osirian Pillar, it represents the Axis Munde. The Temple of
Jerusalem as the Triple Tau, secured within the triangle of the Great Pyramid, is
displayed on the Collar pictured below. The Great Pyramid and the Temple of
Jerusalem are symbolic of the Sacred Summit, the Axis Munde, and the concept of
The Collar displaying the Triple Tau, which represents
the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid.
Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma"
encoding the Secret of Precession.

By investigating the Nermer Plate, the origin, meaning and purpose of ancient
stone Taus and Henges in Britain and Europe has become clear. They originated in
remote Ancient Egypt as Taus and they represent Temples, which are gateways for
the Sun at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac. Their purpose is to commemorate
the Dawn of the Ages of the Zodiac, and in some cases track and predict the Dawn
of the next Age of the Zodiac.

The Celestial Sphinx, Hu

The columns in Ancient Egyptian Temples were also stone representations of
the Papyrus plant growing out of the Sacred Mound. On the Nermer Plate the
papyrus is growing out of the back of the Celestial Sphinx, Hu, the Ancient Egyptian
God of Creation who dates back to 14,000 BCE. (See Part 1 and Part 2)

The Celestial Sphinx, Hu. Sky view from the

The Celestial
Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE
(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
In celebration of their Dreamtime, the remote Ancient Egyptians had exactly
reproduced their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, at Giza in readiness for the July 3rd and 4th
14000 BCE Festival. (See Part 2) Prophetically the Fall of Hu heralded the decline
of the remote Ancient Egyptians and their entry into the Dark Ages. During this time
only the intellectual elite would have been allowed to be initiated into, and share,
secrets of such magnitude The Secret of Hu as the Giver of Life in the
Beginning and The Secret of Precession.
The Secret of Precession was guarded well and passed down through the
millennia. It is a Secret which is applicable to all Ages of the Zodiac. However, as
Hu slipped further below the horizon due to Precession, he could no longer be
considered by his title of "Hu of the Horizon". As a result his Secret of being "Hu,
the God of Creation, the Giver of Life in the Beginning", was lost. This Lost Secret
was replaced by a Substituted Secret.
During the times of torrential rains and floods in Remote Ancient Egypt, the
sandstone hill from which the Sphinx was carved would have been a sacred mound
surrounded by water the Waters of Nun. The mound from which the Sphinx was
carved came to be considered as the Sacred Mound referred to in the Ancient
Egyptian Creation Myth symbolizing "Creation" and "The Holy Land". The
Floods of the Nile symbolized the Waters of Nun.
By 4468 BCE both the Celestial Sphinx, "Hu of the Horizon", and his
terrestrial counterpart the Sphinx at Giza, "Harakhte (Hu) of the Horizon" had come
to represent the Sacred Mound rather than Hu, the "Giver of Life in the Beginning".
Hu had lost his title, it had been usurped by Osiris. The Substituted Secret of "Osiris
as Giver of Life in the Beginning" ensured the total demise of the Lost Secret of "Hu
as Giver of Life in the Beginning" until now.
This explains why the Sphinx glyph, complete with mound and pillar, meaning
"in the beginning" in the hieroglyphs below, would have satisfied the Ancient
Egyptians of 4468 BCE.

Hu :"Giver of Life in the Beginning".

This title was usurped by Osiris.

Several symbols of Precession can be immediately recognized in the

inscription above: the ankh, the cross within a circle, Hu, the mound and the pillar.
The title of "Osiris: Giver of Life in the Beginning" confirms Osiris as the new Lord
of Creation as well as the new Lord of Precession.
Hu's relegation to a minor deity is clearly evident on the Nermer Plate
compare the size, and associated importance, of Nermer/Osiris/Orion to that of Hu.
The Celestial Sphinx Hu, had been relegated to a minor deity
by 4468BCE. This is confirmed by his size in comparison to the Giant.

The Sphinx and the Bird

The Sphinx with the papyrus growing out of its back also symbolizes the Delta
region of the Nile. For the sceptics who believe that the face on the Sphinx at Giza
was carved out around 2450BCE it is noticeable that even as far back as 4468BCE
the Sphinx had a human face. In reality the Sphinx at Giza always had a human face,
in imitation of the Celestial Sphinx, Hu. (See Part 1 and Part 2.)
Above the Sphinx can be seen a bird carrying a twig this is the first record
of the Flood Myth. It predates both Gilgamesh and Noah. The reader will remember
that by 4468 BCE both the Celestial Sphinx, "Hu of the Horizon", and his terrestrial
counterpart the Sphinx at Giza, "Harakhte (Hu) of the Horizon" had come to
represent the Sacred Mound surrounded by the Waters of Nun the Flood.

Above the Sphinx can be seen a bird carrying a twig.

This is the first record of the Flood Myth.
It predates both Gilgamesh and Noah.

In addition, the bird carrying the twig denotes that the centuries of torrential
rain in Lower Egypt had stopped and the floods were subsiding. The hot climate
being experienced in 4468BCE is indicated by the mode of dress worn by the
players on the Nermer Plate.
Although the bird is not present on the Northern Winter Sky Chart, (See Part
9) the reader will remember that another bird the bennu or phoenix represented by
the Constellation of Phoenix lies directly behind the Celestial Sphinx in the night
skies. It is logical therefore that the bird on Side One of the Nermer Plate also
represents the Constellation of Phoenix.

The Gemini Twins

The final scene on Side One of the Plate, is of a set of twins racing away from,
while at the same time looking back to, the Age of Gemini. This is confirmed by the
two hieroglyphs alongside the two running figures.

The Gemini Twins The Constellation of Gemini

The first hieroglyph, rectangular in shape, and not unlike the larger semi-
circular version at the bottom of Side Two of the Plate, represents the Twelve Ages
of the Zodiac. (Up until now hieroglyphs of this nature have been translated as a
fortified cities!) The second glyph, with the flower of the papyrus and two "ribbons"
is a reference to the fact that the two figures are twins. The twins in the Ages of the
Zodiac are the Gemini Twins.
The closing minutes in the Age of Gemini are at hand. The Gemini Twins are
in a race against Time.

(Continued in Part 11)

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and the Sacred Gateway
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 11

Side Two of the Nermer Plate

In contrast to Side One, this obverse side of the Nermer Plate does not record a scene from the
night skies. Rather, it records the closing seconds of the Age of Gemini and the Dawn of the Age of

The Nermer Plate: Side Two

recording the Dawn of the Age of Taurus

The Top Panels: The Chiefs

It will be remembered from Part 9 that the chiefs summarize the sacred meaning symbolized
on the Nermer Plate. They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on
September 21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with
the Milky Way. This commemoration of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus is vividly displayed in the
presence of the four bulls' heads, two on each side of the Plate. Each bull's head symbolizes the
Constellation of Taurus the Bull. (See Part 5)

The chiefs on each side of the Nermer Plate

present an overview of the astronomical event
which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE
the Dawn of the Age of Taurus

In the chief on Side One of the Plate, between the two bulls' heads, there is a hieroglyph
situated to the side of and beneath "Nermer"; the catfish (ner) and the chisel (mer). As well as
representing a temple it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the
sun above the mountains, or horizon. In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus. This
explanation was taken a step further under "Sirius: The King of the Stars", who is attendant to the
Giant, in Part 10.

Side One: The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the chisel
not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph
representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

I have translated the full pictogram of the catfish, the chisel and the temple/dawn as "The
Nermer Festival". Nermer/Osiris/Orion, the Creation Principle and Lord of Precession, is
orchestrating and overseeing the beginning of a New Age in the Zodiac.

On Side two of the plate the Sun is risen. The Age of Taurus has begun.

Side Two: The hieroglyph beneath, and to the side of, the catfish
and the chisel not only represents a temple,
it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing
the Risen Sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it means that the Age of Taurus has begun.

The Procession Panel

The Procession panel, which is directly beneath the Chief on Side Two of the Nermer Plate, is
meant to be interpreted from right to left. The reason for this is that in Ancient Egyptian art the
images always pointed towards the direction from which the interpretation was to be read. If an
image faced towards the right, then the message was read from right to left. If an image faced
towards the left, then the message was read from left to right. Mirror images were used to
accommodate this purpose. The end result, especially on tomb paintings, was balance and harmony

The Procession panel.

The meaning is interpreted from right to left.
The Solar Barque
The boat of Ra the Sun, which is referred to as the Solar Barque, can be clearly identified
above the ten decapitated figures. Next to the Solar Barque is a hieroglyph confirming that the Solar
Barque is the Temple of the Sun. The hieroglyph for "temple" is similar to that in the top panels, the
Chiefs, and at this stage it is important to recall its associated meaning as a 'sacred gateway,
opening or portal". (See Part 10) The bird is probably a hawk, which symbolizes the Sun. The full
meaning of the hieroglyph can therefore be interpreted as "the Sun at a sacred gateway, opening or
portal" which is the definition of the conjunction which occurs at the Dawn of a New Age of the

The Solar Barque and the ten decapitated bodies.

The Sun is at a sacred gateway, opening or portal,
which is the conjunction which occurs at
the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.

Moreover the hieroglyph of the bird and the temple is reminiscent of the bird and the Sphinx
on Side One of the Nermer Plate. As that bird was positioned above the back of Hu, the Celestial
Sphinx, so this bird is positioned over the temple.

The bird and the Sphinx on Side One is not unlike the
bird and the temple on Side Two of the Nermer Plate.

Since Hu encodes the concept of Precession (See Part 4) it is confirmation that the Solar
Barque and its accompanying hieroglyphs also encode the concept of Precession.
The Solar Barque also tells us that the decapitated heads between the legs of the bodies
represent the Sun, as the Sun has no body. This is the origin of legends about decapitation. It
follows that the Sun is depicted as having had his head chopped off ten times.
Could this possibly be a record that the remote Ancient Egyptians began recording the Ages
of the Zodiac ten Ages previously and that the forthcoming Age of Taurus would be the eleventh
This would mean that the remote Ancient Egyptians began observing the Ages of the Zodiac
for 21600 years before 4468BCE! Using the Gregorian calendar that gives a date of 26068BCE!

Is this beyond the realms of possibility?

Perhaps it is part of their Dreamtime
incorporated into their collective memory.

(Continued in part 12)

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and the Four Standards
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 12

The Four Standards

The four standards to the left of the Solar Barque and decapitated bodies
contain Ancient Egyptian writing, which is not entirely hieroglyphic! This means
that at 4468BCE not only were Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in evidence, but so
too was Ancient Egyptian Cuneiform writing!
Scholars would have us believe that the invention of writing is credited to the
Sumerians c3500BCE. The "Kish Tablet" which is used as evidence of this shows
crudely formed Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and Cuneiform writing!
The message on the tablet would seem to be about a man with a fish, in a boat,
heading towards the three pyramids. However, assuming that the three Pyramids at
Giza were not constructed at the time of the Tablet we need to search for the Sacred

The Kish Tablet

The man with the fish is identified as Nermer: "Ner" from the fish (despite it
not being a catfish) and "Mer" from the chisel down in the right hand corner of the
tablet. He is wearing an Osiris Beard and is seated in the Solar Barque. As with the
Solar Barque imagery on the Nermer Plate, the Kish tablet also encodes the concept
of Precession. Nermer is the Lord of Precession.
To confirm his status as Nermer/Osiris/Orion the god on the Kish Tablet is
identified with the three stars in the Belt of Orion and also the Osiris mummy (the
"leg" with the "foot").
The name Nermer is also represented by the three cuneiform wedges and/or
Orion's Belt and/or the Three Pyramids at Giza and/or the Constellation of
Phoenix and/or the Osiris Mummy and the Chisel.
It is noticeable that the Chisel is not unlike the Osiris Beard. Turned upside
down it is reminiscent of the White Crown, which was worn not only by Nermer on
Side One of the Nermer Plate but also by the Osiris Mummy in his capacity as Lord
of the Dead.
Until now the Sumerian Kish Tablet has been considered to be a form of
account keeping: three of this, two of that and one of the other. In reality the Kish
tablet is a legacy from the remote Ancient Egyptians concerning Precession.
The spoken language of the Ancient Egyptians was also unique. Having said
that, it does share some vocabulary and semantic similarities with the Sumerians, but
that is because Ancient Egyptian is the Parent Language of the Sumerians!

The information conveyed by the standards is not only about Osiris, it

also re-enforces the themes of the Flood and of the Precession of the Ages of the
Zodiac. The latter suggests that the remote Ancient Egyptians connected the
Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac with climatic changes.

The Four Standards

North Africa was affected by the Global Warming which set in motion the end
of the Ice Age. The meltdown is estimated to have begun around 16000 BCE. The
Age of Libra began in 15268 BCE. This is during the Springtime of the Ages of the
Zodiac: the Winter snows were melting. There was massive flooding on a global
scale caused by the meltdown as well as torrential rains caused by the nature of the
Water Cycle. North Africa experienced first the floods, and later the torrential rains
due to the high humidity. Gradually however the Global Warming created a hot dry
climate in North Africa which in turn caused the Flood waters to recede and
eventually dry up. The land continued to dry out and over time the once lush
vegetation became what is now known as the Sahara Desert. The River Nile became
the main water supply.

The First and Second Standards

Working from right to left the First and Second Standards are of a bird sitting
on what looks like a set-square, which is the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for
"Pharaoh". The word "Pharaoh" which we use today actually comes from the
Hebrew, meaning "Sun". Incredibly "Par" or "Peor" also means "Opening" and
"Mountain". The words "Sun" and "Opening" and "Mountain" are immediately
associated with Precession of the Equinoxes. (See Part 10)
Second Standard First Standard

The "set-square" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh".

A "Hawk on a Standard" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "God".

I have translated the First and Second Standards as: "(Osiris) God and
Pharaoh of the Waters of Nun, God and Pharaoh of the Two Lands, God and
Pharaoh of Precession.".
The Ancient Egyptian symbol for the Waters of Nun, the Flood, is on the
vertical of the set-squares. They look like Nileometres or even the flood markers
which we use here in Australia! The Ancient Egyptian cuneiform referring to Two
Lands is on the horizontal arms. They are the two big triangles. In Ancient Egyptian
Mythology, Osiris was known by the name "Lord of the Two Lands". The bird is
the Hawk, Heru or Hu, representing the Sun in the Precession of the Ages of the
Zodiac. In hieroglyphics the hawk on a standard represents "a god" and is
interchangeable with the axe (or flag) glyph. The axe (or flag) glyph is clearly
evident in these First and Second Standards.
In the context of the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac, the Two Lands
refers to the mountainous East and West Banks of the Nile. The Flood refers to the
River Nile. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology Osiris was known by the title "Lord of
the Land on each side of the Celestial Nile".
The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing "Dawn", the rising of the Sun
above the mountains or horizon, is found in the top panels, the Chiefs, of the Nermer
Plate. (See Part 8)

The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the chisel not only represents
a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing
Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

The hieroglyphs above are profiles of the River Nile running between the two
sets of mountains. The Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac is symbolized by the Sun
rising between the two sets of mountains, and above the floodwaters of the River
Nile. This is the conjunction of the Sun moving through the Sacred Gateway or
Portal into the next Age of the Zodiac.

The Third Standard

The Third Standard illustrates rejuvenation after the Flood: Resurrection

Anubis Osiris The Third Standard

I have translated the hieroglyphs on the Third Standard as "(Osiris) God

of the Hall of Judgement, God of the Land of the Dead and God of the

The symbol for the Lotus Tree of Life is growing out of the receding
floodwaters, which is symbolized by the elongated raindrop. Also evident is a dog,
which represents the Ancient Egyptian Jackal-headed god, Anubis.
Significantly, Anubis had ebony skin and the head of a black jackal,
emphasizing his African origin. According to legend, Anubis was the son of Osiris.
As his mother Nephthys, who was sister to Osiris, abandoned him when he was born
Isis, sister of Nephthys and sister/wife of Osiris brought him up.
It is Anubis who is credited with the invention of the Funeral Rites recorded in
the "Book of the Dead". It was Anubis who wrapped up the body of Osiris in
mummy bandages, thereafter gaining him the name of "Lord of the Mummy
In the Hall of Judgement, over which Osiris presided, Anubis weighed the
heart of the deceased against the Feather of Truth, Ma-at.
Osiris wore Two Feathers of Truth. Together, these Three Feathers of Truth
form the fleur de lis. The "raindrop" can also be interpreted as Osiris in his Mummy
wrappings. His crown is the fleur de lis, the Tree of Life representing the Axis
Munde. (See Part 6)

The "raindrop" can also be interpreted as Osiris

in his Mummy wrappings. His crown is the fleur de lis,
the Tree of Life representing the Axis Munde.

After his sister-wife Isis had given him proper burial rites Osiris became "The
Lord of the Land of the Westerners". The "Land of the Westerners" is another
term for the "Land of the Dead" because the Dead were always buried on the
Western Bank of the River Nile; the side on which the Sun set and entered the

The Fourth Standard

The Fourth Standard repeats the image on Side One of the Plate of a bird
carrying a twig in its beak, recalling the Flood and the subsequent rejuvenation of
the land of Egypt.

Bird with a twig The Fourth Standard

The bird's tail on the Fourth Standard is comprised of young plants, a sign that
vegetation is taking root again. However this stylized bird on a standard is also a
hieroglyph for a god. The bird's feathers on its body are the Lotus symbols for the
Tree of Life and Cuneiform symbols for Two Lands. The bird's beak is of
paramount importance as it contains the hieroglyph of the catfish, "Ner", thereby
identifying the god represented.
The hieroglyphs read: "Nermer, God of the Flood, God of Rejuvenation
and Resurrection, and God of the Two Lands".
Traditionally "Two Lands" is the name given to Egypt, and it is explained in
terms of the geographical Upper and Lower Egypt. In Pre-Dynastic times however,
there was no Upper and Lower Egypt in this sense.
The geographical "Two Lands" of Ancient Egypt were "The Red Land" and
"The Black Land". The Red Land was called "Djeseret", meaning "Red Desert"
(from which the English word "desert" is a direct derivation) and The Black Land
was called "Kemit", meaning "black silt of the Nile left after the Inundation".
Remember that in Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Osiris was known by the name
"Lord of the Two Lands".
Referring back to the glyphs for "Nermer", the catfish and the chisel: the
catfish is emblematic of the Black Land while the chisel is emblematic of the Red
Land. Catfish live in the muddy waters of the Nile, and the chisel is used to cut and
shape the red sandstone of the Red Desert; like the Sphinx, for example. This
indicates that "Nermer" was possibly the original name given to Ancient Egypt.
"Nermer: the Two Lands".
"Nermer" also means "Lord of the Two Lands" and as already established,
"Nermer" is the Pre-Dynastic name of Osiris. Moreover, it is confirmed in Ancient
Egyptian Mythology that Osiris was known by the title of "Lord of the Two Lands"
as well as "Lord of the Land on each side of the Celestial Nile".
It is noticeable that, as with the man carrying the axe, the King of the Seven
Stars, on Side One of the Nermer Plate, once again there are seven stars indicated on
this Fourth Standard by the seven small lotus flowers.
Translating this stellar imagery to Nermer/Osiris/Orion as "Lord of the Two
Lands" it is discovered that the constellation of Orion, which is characterized by
seven main stars, is the Lord Nermer/Osiris, the two Lands and the celestial Egypt.

The constellation of Orion.

Characterized by seven main stars,
Orion is the Lord Nermer/Osiris,
the Two Lands and the celestial Egypt.

(Continued in Part 13)

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and the Great Conjunction
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 13

Thoth: the Small Pharaoh

The small Pharaoh figure indicated in the procession below, behind the Four
Standards, can be identified by the lotus plants he is carrying and also by the
hieroglyphs in front of his head.
The hieroglyphs sound out the name of "Toth", also spelt "Thoth". The pincers
sign signifies the sound "th" while the mound sign signifies the sound "t". This
further confirms that there is no way that the invention of writing can be credited to
the Sumerians a thousand years later! (See Part 12)
Thoth was second only to Osiris in the Osiris Legend. (See Part 4)

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were well established by 4468BCE!

Thoth is identified by the hieroglyphs of the pincers and the mound.
The pincers sign signifies the sound "th" while the mound sign signifies the sound "t".

The legend of Osiris begins with Thoth, who was credited with having
introduced all the arts and sciences, including astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the
Ancient Egyptians. He was also the spokesman, or messenger, of the gods and the
keeper of their records. Thoth's Master was Osiris, as verified in the above segment
from the Nermer Plate.
"Thoth" is actually the Graeco-Roman form of the Egyptian name "Djehuti"
or so it has been thought until now! It is clear from the Nermer Plate that the name
"Thoth" was established well before 4468BCE (the dating of the Plate) and that it
belongs to the era of the remote Ancient Egyptians. It was merely adopted by the
Thoth is represented on the Nermer Plate in fully human form as a god, and by
association a constellation or planet. This brings to the fore the noticeable fact that
on the Nermer Plate the gods/deities, and by association the constellations or planets
they represent, are not symbolized by human figures with the heads of birds or
animals as they are, for example, on Ancient Egyptian tombs.
The idea is generally espoused that the Ancient Egyptian gods with the heads
of birds or animals belonged to a very ancient period, which was represented by
totems. The theory goes that gradually these totems were the basis for the later
Egyptian religion. However, it would seem from the Nermer Plate that the process
was the other way round. That is, the human form preceded the totem form.
In Ancient Egyptian art Thoth was usually represented as an ibis bird or a
baboon. In addition, because he was regarded as the moon god he was sometimes
seen represented together with a winged moon. In legend Thoth had played a game
of draughts with the moon and won from him a seventy-second part of his light,
from which he created an extra five days in the year. Prior to that time there were
360 days in the Ancient Egyptian Calendar.

Thoth the Moon god Thoth the Keeper of Records

it is not difficult to work out the product of
why he was given this role! sophisticated thinkers.

The number seventy-two is significant in terms of astronomy since the sky

bodies appear to move through one degree of their cycle over a period of seventy-
two years.
It was no coincidence that the original number of days in an Ancient Egyptian
year was identical to the number of degrees in a circle; i.e. 360. The Thoth legend
encodes the knowledge of Precession by the specific reference to the numbers 360
and 72. When the number 72 is multiplied by the extra 5 days in the year gained by
Thoth in the game of draughts with the Moon, the result is 360, the number of
degrees in a circle.
Finally, when the seventy-two years are multiplied by the three hundred and
sixty degrees of the complete cycle, we discover that it takes is 25,920 years for
each heavenly cycle to be completed at which time the process starts all over
again. This cycle is referred to as Precession.

On the Nermer Plate the small pharaoh figure of Thoth

represents the concept of Precession.

Giant wearing the Red Crown

The Giant on Side Two of the Nermer Plate is certainly not portrayed in the
same powerful stance as he was on Side One. (See Part 9) Possibly this is because
his identity as the Orion figure has already been established.
Giant: Side One Giant: Side Two

That the Giant on Side two is the Nermer/Orion/Osiris portrayed on Side One
is indicated in several ways. Firstly by the hieroglyphs of the catfish and the chisel
to the front of his head, which translate into the name "Nermer". Secondly he is a
Giant and his mode of dress to the lower half of his body correlates fairly well.
Thirdly he is sporting the Osiris Beard. Fourthly Thoth attends him, and Osiris was
Thoth's Master. Fifthly Sirius, the King of the Seven Stars, who also accompanied
the Giant on Side One, attends him. Finally he is carrying the Orion Club.
However there is one noticeable difference about the two Giants: they are
wearing different crowns! The Giant on Side One is wearing the White Crown while
the Giant on Side Two is wearing the Red Crown.
It was noted earlier in Part 9 that the White Crown was a symbol of Precession.
It has now evolved that a possible further purpose of the crown, White or Red, is to
symbolize a Season and/or Age in the Precession Cycle.
Pursuing this logic the White Crown would signify the Zodiacal Season of Leo
in which the Age of Gemini is the Third Month, while the Red Crown would signify
both the Zodiacal Season of Taurus and its First Month, the Age of Taurus. Part 5)

White Crown represents Red Crown represents

the Zodiacal season of Leo the Zodiacal Season of Taurus

Notice how the Red Crown looks like a throne with a curled horn sitting upon
it; not unlike Taurus the Bull sitting on his throne. The Bull imagery is carried
through in the colour red. You need look no further than Spain, in the bullring, for
evidence of the association of the colour red with the Bull. In the Bullring the
Matador and the Bull are re-enacting the Dawn of the Age of Taurus, a ritual
inherited from the Ancient Egyptians. The "Bull" represents Taurus while the
"Ring" represents both the Sun and the Portal to the New Age. (More on this later.)
Indeed the Dawn of the Age of Taurus would be the interpretation of any myths or
legends in which the colours of red and white play a dominant part.
This Taurean imagery is supported in the figure of the Giant Nermer on Side
Two of the Nermer Plate. Apart from him wearing the Taurean Red Crown he has
also transferred the Orion Club to his left hand. (A situation which gives rise to the
question as to whether the Giant is right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous!)
Handled in this position the club has highly sexual connotations linked to the Taurus
the Bull imagery of the uncastrated male, the leader and propagator of the herd. The
Giant Nermer, in effecting the image of Taurus the Bull, symbolically becomes
Taurus the Bull, the New Zodiacal Season and Age.

The Giant Nermer effecting the image

of Taurus the Bull

The analogy of the Red Crown as the throne of both the New Season and the
New Age of Taurus is confirmed in the stars in the constellation of Orion's Chair,
which is directly below the constellation of Orion. When the constellation of Orion's
Chair is rotated 90 degrees the Red Crown becomes evident. The Age of Taurus is
seated upon the Throne of Orion!

The Constellation of Orion's Chair The Red Crown

Orion's Chair flipped 90 degrees of Ancient Egypt

The Double Crown of Ancient Egypt is composed of both the White

Leo/Gemini Crown and the Red Taurus Crown. Together they represent the
Knowledge and Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians in the Age of Leo/Gemini being
carried into the Age of Taurus.
The Double Crown of Ancient Egypt represents
the Knowledge and Secrets of the Age of Leo/Gemini
being carried into the Age of Taurus.

It is characteristic of the White Crown that it looks like a leg of ham, lamb or
pork. In fact the White Crown symbolizes the hind leg of Leo, the Lion. However, it
could also be interpreted as symbolizing the hind leg of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx.
(See Part 2)
Now the dilemma arises! Hu of the Celestial Horizon, 14000BCE, is pictured
wearing the Red Crown! It will also be remembered that at this same date Orion was
caught in the act of placing the White Crown on his head; the White Crown being
the Constellation of Taurus. (See Part 1) Both the White Crown and the Red Crown
were already in existence at 14000BCE!

Have you ever wondered why the White and Red Crowns are the shapes they
are? The probable answer is that the very remote Ancient Egyptians were
outstanding sailors and navigators who recorded their origins in this unusual way
lest they be forgotten.

South America: South America The White Crown

Hu's leg and claw flipped 180 degrees of Ancient Egypt

Africa upside down is South America, Hu's leg The Red Crown
too bulky to symbolize and claw, flipped and of Ancient Egypt,
the Red Crown. A cat, re-angled reveals the complete with
leonine Hu, is revealed. Red Crown. Hu's whisker!

The question now arises as to whether the very remote Ancient Egyptians
originated in South America or Africa!

Sirius, King of the Seven Stars

Sirius, the King of the Seven Stars, (See Part 10) accompanying the Taurean
Giant wearing the Red Crown, is a replica of the scene in the Northern Winter Skies
where the Constellation of Canis Major is attendant upon the Constellation of Orion.
This is the full meaning of the hieroglyphs just in front of the figure of Sirius.

Sirius, accompanying the Taurean Giant wearing the Red Crown,

is a replica of the scene in the Northern Winter Skies where the
Constellation of Canis Major is attendant upon the Constellation of Orion.

The "flower" with seven petals can also be interpreted as a seven-pointed star,
a hieroglyph for the Constellation of Orion which seven main stars characterize.
The "vase-like" hieroglyph which appears directly in front of Sirius' face and also as
a container in his right hand, is not only a symbol for the Constellation of Canis
Major, more importantly it is a symbol for the star Sirius itself.
Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, was of utmost importance to the
Ancient Egyptians. Its annual heliacal rising heralded the annual Nile Flood and
marked the beginning of their New Year.
As the attendant to the Giant is identical on Side One and Side Two of the
Nermer Plate, that is, Sirius in attendance upon Orion, then the Giant on both sides
of the Plate is confirmed as Orion.

The Time is Nigh

The large rectangular hieroglyph above Sirius' right-hand shoulder is a
representation of the Rising Sun at the Dawn of the New Age of Taurus. The time is

The Twin Serpentine Lions

There is a battle between the Old Sun in Leo/Gemini (hence the twin
serpentine lions) and the New Sun in Taurus, which is illustrated by the two figures
with Osiris beards having to restrain the serpentine lions from fighting.
These serpentine lions, which are reminiscent of "snake belts", have halters around
their necks. The circle created by the intertwining necks of the twin serpentine lions
represents the Sun in whatever Age and the Opening through which the Sun must
pass into the New Age.

The serpentine lions are restrained from fighting

by two figures with Osiris beards.

The Great Conjunction and the New Age of Taurus

The stellar myth reaches its climax at the bottom of Side Two of the Nermer
Plate. A Gemini Twin is racing alongside Taurus the Bull and the Sun, the latter
being symbolized by the semicircle with the eight protuberances. They are racing
towards the point of conjunction, which is symbolized by the hieroglyph of the
horizon that looks like a house roof with two chimneys. This is the Gateway,
Opening or Portal to a New Age; in this case the Age of Taurus. (More information
on this hieroglyph as a Portal to a New Age can be found in Part 10 and Part 11.)

A Gemini Twin is racing alongside Taurus the Bull and the Sun.
They are racing towards the point of conjunction,
the Gateway, or Portal, to the New Age of Taurus

It is noticeable in the hieroglyph of the Sun that four pieces have broken off.
Three are previous Ages of the Zodiac through which the Sun has passed. The fourth
is the Age of the Zodiac, which the Sun is about to enter.
The hieroglyph of the Sun is very similar to that of the hieroglyph of the
Twelve Ages of the Zodiac, the rectangle with the twelve protuberances, at the
bottom of Side One. It is their basic shapes, round and rectangular, which
differentiate them one from the other. Excepting their basic shapes, they are
identical because both hieroglyphs are inter-related symbols of the Precession of the
Ages of the Zodiac.
The hieroglyph of the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac
on Side One is the rectangle with twelve protuberances.
Up till now hieroglyphs of this nature have been translated
as fortified cities!

The final moments of the Great Conjunction are recorded in the heavens, in the
Constellation of Taurus. When the constellation is flipped 180 degrees the Twin
racing, the horns of Taurus and the Gateway, Opening or Portal are revealed!

Taurus flipped 180

A Gemini Twin, Taurus degrees reveals the
Constellation of
and the Sun heading Twin racing, the
Taurus the Bull.
towards a New Age. horns of Taurus
and the Opening.

(Continued in Part 14)

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate and
the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 14


The Age of Taurus: the Fourth Age

The four tassels on Nermer's apron indicate that Egypt is moving into its
Fourth Age in this cycle of the Ages of the Zodiac. The four standard bearers
depicted marching forward in the New Age of Taurus support this, as do the four
heads of the Bull.
Moreover, if you look at the representation of the Ages of the Zodiac in the
bottom panel of Side Two of the plate you will notice that the twelve Ages of the
Sun are represented. Three are in the past, one is about to occur, and the eight still
attached to the Zodiac are yet to occur.

Four Tassels The Fourth Age Four Standards

From this encoded information we are able to work out the beginning of the
First Age of the Ancient Egyptians in this cycle. (The Giant's apron is clearly the
original Freemasonic apron; even down to the tassels! From this it could be argued
that the Giant Nermer/Osiris/Orion, was the first Freemason.)

Working backwards and allowing 2160 years for each Age, we are able to
date the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian civilization in this cycle.

Fourth Age Age of Taurus dawned in 4468 BCE

Third Age Age of Gemini dawned in 6628 BCE
Second Age Age of Cancer dawned in 8788 BCE
First Age Age of Leo dawned in 10948 BCE

The question arises as to why the Age of Leo was chosen by the Ancient
Egyptians as the First Age when clearly the Ancient Egyptians regarded Hu, the
Celestial Sphinx, as the giver of Life in the Beginning. The answer lies in the New
Beginning following the gradual Fall of Hu from his majestic position on the
horizon in 14000BCE. (Part 5)
It could be argued that technically the New Beginning should have started at
the Dawn of the Age of Virgo in 13108BCE. Why wait until the Dawn of the Age of
Leo in 10948BCE for the New Beginning? Was it perhaps because Virgo was
female? Initially I would have suggested that this was not the case because the
Ancient Egyptians represented the heavens in the female form: that of Nut, the Sky
Goddess. However it must be remembered that Hu, the Celestial Sphinx and
Creator, was male as evidenced by his Osiris Beard. Moreover the heavens which
Hu created were impregnated into the body of Nut. The female was clearly
subordinate to the male, and her purpose was one of childbearing. Hu represented
the Male Principle while Virgo and Nut represented the Female Principle. (See also
Part 2 and Part 6)
There is an additional, and perhaps more straight forward reason why Leo was
chosen over Virgo as the First Age. By 13108BCE the Celestial Sphinx had not
fallen sufficiently below the horizon at Giza for a New Age to be even considered.
However by 10948BCE the Ancient Egyptians had lost their affiliation with Hu. The
Celestial Sphinx no longer had the same relevance in their lives as he had had for
their ancestors.

The Celestial Sphinx 11:57pm July 3rd

13108BCE as viewed from Giza.

The Celestial Sphinx 11:57pm July 3rd

10948BCE as viewed from Giza.

(The computer software I used to access these skycharts is:Haney, M.A.

Skyglobe 3.5 A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)

Hu had fallen from his perch; he belonged to a bygone Age. Hu rose to

dominance, reigned supreme, and fell from power during the Zodiacal Season of the
Eagle (Scorpio), encompassing the Ages of the Eagle (Scorpio), Libra and Virgo. By
10948BCE the Ancient Egyptians were ready for, and needed, a New Beginning, a
new God a new Hu.
Because of the similarity between the leonine Hu and the Constellation of Leo,
Hu was resurrected in the new guise of the Constellation of Leo, at the beginning of
the next Zodiacal Season. The Age of Leo was the First Age to follow the
unopposed reign of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx.

Constellation of Leo the Lion Constellation of Leo the Pussy Cat

A new Hu for a new Zodiacal Season:
Hu was resurrected in the guise of Leo.

It made sense at the time but down through the millennia it was to cause utter
confusion for later generations, as the original Secret of Hu became lost. (See Part 2)
The Sphinx at Giza was no longer considered to be the earthly representation
of Hu, God the Creator, the Celestial Sphinx. Rather, the Sphinx at Giza came to
represent the Constellation of Leo, the substituted deity.
On the earlier sky charts of the lost Constellation of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx,
he appears to face towards the West. In contrast, the Constellation of Leo appears to
face towards the East. This is an optical illusion. Also Hu is clearly a picture, as to a
certain extent is Leo the Pussy Cat. Leo the Lion however is a representation.
Further contributing to the confusion, Hu's title "Giver of Life in the
Beginning" was usurped by Osiris.

Hu: Giver of Life in the Beginning.

This title was usurped by Osiris.

In the hieroglyphs for Hu's title "Giver of Life in the Beginning" the Lion, the
Hemisphere, and the Pillar denote "the Beginning". (See Part 2)
These three hieroglyphs of the Lion, the hemisphere and the Pillar are a
"Treasure Map" which discloses that there is a pillar and a cavern beneath the
Sphinx. Concerning the Pillar, according to tradition knowledge from a previous
Age is recorded on a Pillar so that the knowledge is not lost. The Pillar should not be
difficult to find since its location is clearly indicated on the set of three hieroglyphs!
Concerning the Cavern, that is probably where the Lost Secrets of Hu are stored for
Having said that, remember that the Pillar can primarily be considered in terms
of the Axis Munde, the Hemisphere in terms of the Mound and the Lion in terms of
Hu, the Celestial Sphinx all of which encode the Sacred Knowledge of Creation
and the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Hall of Records can be found in the
heavens. (See Part 1) The "Treasure Map" indicates that there is a physical Hall of
Records beneath the Giza Sphinx in addition to the Celestial Hall of Records.
Thoth was the Keeper of the Secrets, the Keeper of the Records.. It will be
recalled that in the Osiris Legend (See Part 4) Osiris was Thoth's master, and in this
capacity, having usurped the role of Hu, he was both God and the source of all
knowledge in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, in the same legend, Osiris was personified
as a Pillar. It was Thoth, who was credited with having introduced all the arts and
sciences, including astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the Ancient Egyptians

Thoth: the Keeper of the Secrets

However the Secrets of the arts, sciences, astronomy and hieroglyphics were
not for the commoner to know about or understand because these were considered to
be the ultimate Sacred Subjects, whose Sacred Secrets were fit only for the ears of
the elite in remote Ancient Egypt.
Throughout all civilizations Knowledge has been considered Sacred and as
such it was made available only to the elite few. It was no different in, for example,
England until about a hundred years ago, when education was made available to
the masses.

Sacred Knowledge
The First Age of Leo, dawning on June 21st 10948BCE, is an example of the
Sacred Knowledge pertaining to the Precession of the Equinoxes. In the Calendar
Year of the Ages of the Zodiac the First Age of Leo dawned on the Summer
Solstice. Almost six and a half thousand years later, on September 21st 4468BCE,
the Fourth Age of Taurus dawned on the Autumn Equinox.
The Winter Equinox in this Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac is due to
occur on December 21st 2012. The Sun will rise on this Winter morning to
herald in the New Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius:

the Water Bearer pouring the Water of Life out of the Urn.
First Age Age of Leo dawned in 10948 BCE Summer Equinox
Second Age Age of Cancer dawned in 8788 BCE
Third Age Age of Gemini dawned in 6628 BCE
Fourth Age Age of Taurus dawned in 4468 BCE Autumn Equinox
Fifth Age Age of Aries dawned in 2308 BCE
Sixth Age Age of Pisces dawned in 148 BCE
Seventh Age Age of Aquarius ... dawns in 2012 AD Winter Equinox
Eighth Age Age of Capricorn ... dawns in 4172AD
Ninth Age Age of Sagittarius ... dawns in 6332 AD
Tenth Age Age of Scorpio dawns in 8492 AD Spring Equinox
Eleventh Age ... Age of Libra dawns in 10652 AD
Twelfth Age Age of Virgo dawns in 12812 AD

Looking at this Precessional Cycle of the Equinoxes the "three in one" concept
becomes clear. Within each "Season" there are three Ages. Within each "Season"
there is a "Trinity" or "Triad of Ages".

Clearly the prime concern of the remote Ancient Egyptians was the
Precession of the Equinoxes, and with meticulous care they encoded the
information on to the Narmer Plate.

For those readers who may still have their doubts that the Ancient Egyptians
were responsible for the creation of the constellations in the night skies, the Great
Architect of the Universe left his signature of the catfish and the chisel! Nermer
was the Great Architect of the Universe.

The Catfish "Ner" The Chisel "Mer"

(Constellation of Taurus) (Constellation of Lepus)

All of the evidence points to the Ancient Egyptians being the progenitors of
civilization. They discovered the Great Secret of Precession and its associated
geometry. Moreover they invented hieroglyphs, cuneiform writing and mythology as
a vehicle for perpetuating and concealing Secrets. They determined 360 degrees in a
circle and created the twelve signs of the Zodiac, each of 30 degrees. The remote
Ancient Egyptians created the constellations of our night sky as their legacy lest
their Sacred Knowledge, their Secrets, be lost.
The Nermer Plate: encoding divisions of 30 degrees

The Ancient Egyptians' knowledge of geometry and Precession is clearly

demonstrated on the Nermer Plate. The centre point is the tip of the White
Leo/Gemini Crown. Line One is through the Club. Line Two bisects the Crown.
This creates four angles each of 90 degrees. Line Three is the horizontal at the tip of
the Crown. Line Four is the vertical through the tip of the Crown. Already the
formation of angles of 30 degrees can be observed. The tip of the White Leo/Gemini
Crown becomes a dot within a circle; the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for Ra and
the concept of Precession. It is the pinnacle of the Axis Munde around which the
heavens appear to revolve. (See Part 5) A revolution through the heavens of twelve
30-degree segments can take one year or, in the case of Precession of the Ages of
the Zodiac, 25920 years. The division of the heavens into twelve 30-degree
segments gives the appearance of a starburst. A further division into 15-degree
segments creates the 24-hour day.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Narmer Plate, Baal and the Beltane Festival

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 15

From Egypt to Syria: The Beltane Festival

The Syrian counterpart of the Giant Nermer/Osiris/Orion was Baal. It will be
remembered that in the Osiris Myth the chest in which Osiris had been borne down
the Nile eventually came to rest on the Phoenician Coast in Syria, and that the
Phoenicians were also known by the more familiar title of Canaanites. (See Part 4)
As was noted, this was a later insert to illustrate that the Ancient Egyptian culture
was adopted by the Phoenicians when Phoenicia was brought under Egyptian
control. Syria was a daughter culture of the Ancient Egyptians and legend recalls
that the earliest inhabitants of Canaan were a race of Giants.
Statues of Baal show him in the stance of the Giant Orion/Nermer/Osiris and
wearing the Leo/Gemini Crown. His relationship to the Giant on the Nermer Plate is
clearly evident. In the Canaanite Stele on the left, dated around 1800BCE,
Nermer/Orion/Baal has acquired a third arm to accommodate the man with the axe
who has adopted the position of the Gemini Twin. In his left hand
Nermer/Orion/Baal is holding the Tree of Life in place of Orion's Bow. The Water
of Life, Nun, is illustrated beneath his feet. What appears to be a leaf attached to his
Crown is in fact a bull's ear, representative of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus which
was previously celebrated on the Narmer Plate. The people of Canaan were clearly
aware of the symbolism but they were unable to interpret the esoteric meaning. They
lost the plot!

Canaanite Stele dated The Narmer Plate Hittite? Statue of Baal,

around 1800BCE 4468BCE Storm god, Nerik.
No sandals are evident. Sirius carries the sandals. He wears only one sandal.

Statues of Baal show him in the stance of the Giant

Orion/Nermer/Osiris and wearing the Leo/Gemini Crown.
His relationship to the Giant on the Nermer Plate is clearly evident.

The Baal Cult was associated with the Bull. Baal's story is recounted in the
Baal Myth, which concerns a crisis in the Autumn Equinox. He was the god who
died and rose again. Clearly this is a reference to the Dawning of the Age of Taurus
on September 21st 4468BCE (using the Gregorian Calendar).
Unfortunately, as the original Sacred meaning of his myth was lost Baal
became the seasonal god of vegetation, dying in the Autumn and having his
resurrection in the Spring. This resulted in the Beltane Festival being held in Spring
instead of Autumn. A Spring resurrection displays a total misunderstanding of the
original stellar myth. (It was from the god Baal that the name Beltane is derived.
More on this later.)

As the original Sacred meaning of Baal's myth was lost

he became the seasonal god of vegetation.

The Beltane Festival: From Egypt to Syria via Babylon.

Not only was the Ancient Egyptian culture readily assimilated by the
Phoenicians, so too was that of Sumeria. The result was not only a fusion of cultural
beliefs, but also confusion, which resulted in the loss of the original meaning of the
Baal Myth.
The god Bel, from whom the Beltane Festival derives its name, was the
Ancient Babylonian counterpart of the Syrian Baal.
"Bel" is translated with the titles "Lord" and "Baal". "Baal" is sometimes
represented as "Ba-al". Babylon was a village in c2230BCE when Ur was a city.
"Babylon", is the Greek rendition of the Hebrew word "Babel", and is translated as
both "Confusion" and "Gate of Bel".
The "Confusion" aspect is recalled in the story associated with the Tower of
Babel and the confusion of languages. The following will explain the confusion.
"Gate of Bel" translates as "Gate of the god Bel". Originally however, it would
seem that Bel was not the name of the god. "Ba-bel" was confused with "Bab-il".
They both sounded the same when spoken, as in the English word "babble", but
when written down the name of the god was changed, with the result that the god
"il" became known as the god "bel". Or perhaps it happened the other way round!
"Ba-al" and "Ba-il" are one and the same, and "Bel" would appear to be a
diminutive of these. However "El" is the Hebrew word for "God". "Ba-el" means
"Gate of God" and "Bel" is also a diminutive of this. Like Baal and Bel, El was also
associated with the bull. "Al", "il" and "el" are all references to the same god. The
god "il" appears in the Mesopotamian legend of the Flood, the Gilgamesh Epic, as
the Great God Enlil. "En" means "god". In a later group of Mesopotamian gods,
Enlil was relegated to Lord of the Wind, and Lord of the Mountain. In Ancient
Egypt the "Ba" was the Soul.
Certainly our English word "babble" is indicative of the confusion. People do
tend to babble on sometimes: "Babble on Babylon"! Moreover a babbler is a
person who tells secrets.
The confusion was a deliberate attempt to maintain secrecy. It was a hoax, a
jest, a whole load of bull! The truth is that from Baal and Bel is derived the English
word "Bull". The Beltane Festival is the Bull Festival; the celebration of the
Dawning of the Age of Taurus! The words "Bel", "Baal" and "Lord" are
interchangeable. Indeed the words "Bel", "Baal", "Bull" and "Lord" are
interchangeable. The Lord Baal, the Lord Bel and the Lord were all references to
the Bull in the Age of Taurus when he reigned supreme in the Ages of the
Similarly "The Lord" during the Age of Aries was the Ram. This is why there
are so many references to the family of the Ram in the Old Testament. "The Lord"
during the Age of Pisces, which is soon coming to a close, is the Fish. This explains
the allusions to Fish in Christianity.
In the confusion it is easy to overlook the other aspect of "Babel" as "Gate of
Bel", "The Gate of God" or the "Gate of the Bull". This is a direct reference to the
gateway, or opening, illustrated at the bottom of Side Two of the Narmer Plate,
towards which the Bull is running. It was the Gateway to the New Age of Taurus.
"Babel" was the "Gate of Bel" the "Gate of God".
"Babel" was the "Gate of the Bull"
the gateway to the New Age of Taurus.

The very word "Babel" encodes the concept of Precession: the Precession
of the Ages of the Zodiac, and in particular the Precession of the Equinoxes of
the Zodiac. This was the secret that the Ancient Babylonians sought to maintain:
the secret which had been passed down to them from their progenitors, the remote
Ancient Egyptians.
The Tower of Babel was the Ancient Babylonian equivalent of the much
earlier Egyptian Pyramids, and as such it represented the Tree of Life: it was an Axis
Munde. It also represented a mountain. Enlil was Lord of the Mountain. It was the
Mound which rose from the Primordial Waters: the land which literally rose out of
the Persian Gulf. It was a stairway to the stars and it pointed to the stars. It was the
Gate of God; the opening to the Netherworld of the Ages of the Zodiac. Ancient
Babylon was a daughter culture of Ancient Egypt.

The Tower of Babel is thought to have been based upon

the design of the Ziggurat at Ur.

The Beltane Festival is derived from remote Ancient Egypt

via Ancient Babylon and Syria.

A humorous aside: The Bull Baal bellowed to the Bull Bel, "Bulls bellow in
their belfry, while in another belfry bells in the shape of bulls' horns bellow".

Find twelve references to the Age of Taurus the Bull.

The Druids and the Beltane Festival

The Beltane Festival was also known as "the bringing down of the Sun". This
refers to the astronomical event, which occurred on September 21st 4468BCE when
the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way. This
conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of Gemini and into
the Age of Taurus. It is this example of Precession of the Equinoxes which is
recorded on the Narmer Plate. It is the Sun's movement out of the Age of Gemini
and into the Age of Taurus which accounts for the "Fire" and "Bonfire" aspects of
the Beltane Festival.
Tradition tells us that the person who is responsible for introducing religion
and culture to Britain was the Celt/Druid Hesus. In this, his role was not unlike that
of Osiris, who was the source of all knowledge in Ancient Egypt. (See Part 4) The
connection with ancient Egypt however does not end here. Hesus was also known as
Hu! (See Part 2)
His very name Hesus/Hu, together with his role, embodies the Sacred
Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians Hu, the Celestial Sphinx, the Creator and the
Precession of the Equinoxes.(See Parts 1-14)

The Egyptian hieroglyph for The glyph which denotes

"plant" meaning "Tree of Life" the Sacred Knowledge of
was three sacred lotus lilies Hesus/Hu is derived from
"unb" the sacred lotus.

Of special significance to the Celts/Druids were holy hills (Mound imagery)

sacred to Venus. Venus, although a planet, is referred to by astronomers as the
"Evening and Morning Star", the idea portrayed being of Death and Rebirth. This
confirms that Death and Rebirth, or Resurrection, were central to the Druid religious
philosophy; as they were to that of the Ancient Egyptians.
Druid mythology relates that Hesus/Hu was crucified, that his soul survived
after Death and that the period following his crucifixion was referred to as the
"Golden Age".
In the Beltane ritual ceremony Hesus/Hu was crucified on an oak tree which
was symbolic of the Tree of Life. Just as Osiris became one with the tamarisk tree in
which he was encased (See Part 6) so Hesus/Hu became as one with the oak tree.
Both Osiris and Hesus/Hu were representative of the Axis Munde around which the
heavens appear to revolve; they were representative of the World Pillar, the link
between the terrestrial and the celestial worlds.

The Virgin Birth

In the Druid religion Hesus/Hu was fathered by God and born of a virgin
mother, Mayence. The fact that Mayence was recorded as having her body
enveloped by light and wearing a crown of twelve stars on her head confirms that
she was a representation of the Constellation of Coma Berenices; Berenice's Hair.

A sky chart for the Northern hemisphere in Spring.

Coma Berenices lies within the zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin.
Coma Berenices lies within the zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin, which is
traditionally associated with Isis of Ancient Egypt, Ishtar of Ancient Babylon,
Mayence of the Druids and the Virgin Mary.
The twelve stars are a reference to the number of stars which comprise the
constellation of Coma Berenices. Coma Berenices is in effect the head of Virgo.
Mayence is also represented with her foot on a serpent. The serpent is the
constellation of Hydra. An almost identical description of Mayence is recorded in
Revelations 12 v 1.

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;

a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."

Although the initial purpose of the Beltane Festival was to celebrate the Dawn
of the Age of Taurus in 4468BCE, Hesus/Hu belonged to the Age of the Ram, when
the Sun was in Aries. It could be argued therefore that the virgin birth of Hesus/Hu
is in fact a myth to explain the movement of the Sun out of the sign of Taurus and
into the sign of Aries in other words a progression from the Age of Taurus to the
Age of Aries. The Virgin Mother, Mayence, is the constellations of Virgo and Coma
Berenices combined. The Father is God the Sun (like Ra in Ancient Egypt) in the
Age of Taurus. The Child, Hesus/Hu, is the new-born Son/Sun of God in the Age of
Aries. This is an example of the aforementioned Precession, the Lost Secret of the
Ancient Egyptians. This particular type of Precession is referred to as The
Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac.

The Holy Hill as a Star Observatory

As well as the stage for the Beltane Festival the "holy hill" was also a platform
from which to observe the stars. Hesus as already noted was also known as Hu.
"Hu" is recorded in Anglo-Saxon as "hiw" and means "a loud shout". The term
"hue and cry" is derived from this.
A "Huer" was the name given to a person who was standing on a high point of
land and who gave information on the movements of a shoal of fish. Hence Hu was
the name given to the person who stood on a hill, observed and gave out information
on the approach of the Age of Pisces.

The Constellation of Pisces, the Fish.

The Age of Pisces

Jesus belongs to the Age of the Fish, when the Sun is in Pisces. Like Hesus/Hu
before him he was born of a Virgin Mother and a Heavenly Father. And also like
Hesus/Hu before him, his virgin birth heralded (although belatedly) the Dawn of a
New Age: the Age of Pisces. The same stellar imagery can be applied in both cases.
The virgin birth of Jesus is in fact a myth to explain the movement of the Sun out of
the Age of Aries (the Old testament) and into the Age of Pisces (the New
Testament) in other words a progression from the Age of Aries the Ram into the
Age of Pisces the Fish.
The Virgin Mother, Mary, is the constellations of Virgo and Coma Berenices
combined. The Father is God the Sun in the Age of Aries. The Child, Jesus, is the
new-born Son/Sun of God in the Age of Pisces. The play on the sound of the word
"Sun" should not go unnoticed. This Precession Myth explains how God the Father
and the Son of God are one and the same.

Like Mayence, the virgin mother of Hesus,

the Virgin Mary is the constellations of
Coma Berenices and Virgo combined.
As disclosed earlier, Coma Berenices is the head of Virgo.

In the light of this Precession Myth, Jesus could only have one means of death
in order to fulfil his role as the new Hesus/Hu Crucifixion on the Tree of Life; an
event which is recalled every Easter and in some parts of the world even re-enacted.
It is not surprising that in Ireland, for example, Druids readily converted to the
Christian religion. Mayence, also known as Maire, was substituted with the
Christian Mary while Hesus and his crucifixion were substituted with the Christian
Jesus and his crucifixion. It was during the Middle Ages that the letter "H" was
replaced with the letter "J". The Beltane Festival, originally held on the old May
Day, was replaced by Easter.

The oak tree on the holy hill, the Mound, was cut down
and a Christian church was built in its stead.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Giza, the Stellar Observation Deck
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 16

By Audrey Fletcher

The Seventh Age: The Age of Aquarius

Soon we will be entering the Age of Aquarius. According to the calculations of the Ancient
Egyptians, this will be:

• the Seventh Age

• the Winter Equinox in the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac
• the beginning of a new Galactic Season
• the beginning of a new Trinity or Triad of Ages

The Age of Aquarius will dawn when the Winter Equinox in the Precession of the Ages of the
Zodiac takes place at sunrise on the 21st of December 2012. The beginning of a New Age was
considered to be a Process of Purification by the Ancient Egyptians. The Great Conjunction will
occur when four celestial events in Time converge and synchronize. Time and co-ordination must
be precise.

The Great Conjunction

marking the Dawn of The Age of Aquarius
at 6:48 am 21st December 2012

The "Place of Purification" is actually recorded in the Ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead"
which contains religious ritual and is of cosmic significance.
Abt: The Place of Purification

The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, which resembles the rectangular base of a pyramid with an
underground entrance, is the hieroglyph for "temple". Above this base are three horizontal rows of
the symbol for "water" which is translated variably as Nu, Nun, Mau and Mu in Ancient Egyptian.
This water hieroglyph represents both the Primordial Ocean of Nun, and also the Milky Way.
Perhaps they are one and the same. The hemisphere above the water symbol represents both the
Sacred Mound, Nu, rising out of the Waters of Nun, as well as the Sun rising out of the Waters of
the Milky Way. A stylized Tree of Life, Axis Munde, in the form of the Mummy of Osiris drinking
the Waters of Purification (the origin of the "Opening of the Mouth Ceremony" which was
conducted upon the mummy of a deceased pharaoh) stands to our left of the three-tiered glyph. The
head of the Mummy Osiris, represents the Sun while the Water of Life, or of Purification,
represents the ecliptic along which the Sun appears to move across the heavens. That the Mummy is
facing to the left indicates that the combined hieroglyph is meant to be read from left to right. From
this double glyph meaning the "Place of Purification" it is clear that:

o The Creation Myth occurred at the Place of Purification.

o The Creation Myth and the Place of Purification are one and the same.

o The Creation Myth is an explanation of where to locate the Place of Purification.

o Creation occurred at the Place of Purification.

o Creation is a process of Purification. Remember in the discussion of the Nermer Plate that
Osiris was the Creation Principle. Taking this a step further in relation to Purification,
Osiris becomes the Purification Principle and also the Principle of Precession.

o At the Place of Purification there will be a Fourfold Conjunction. This sets the precise Time
when the Purification will occur. Reading from left to right and bottom to top: the Sun on its
journey along the ecliptic will enter a passageway, be purified in the Waters of the Milky
Way and be reborn.
o The importance of the passageway (or entrance, or portal) is emphasised by its being
symbolized twice. Firstly in the "mouth" of the Mummy, and secondly in the opening at the
base of the pyramid or temple. An entrance, a passageway and rebirth suggest the presence
of a womb. Could a pyramid, such as the Pyramid of Giza, be considered as a "womb"?
Indeed it could.

The four celestial events in Time that will converge to mark the Dawn of the Age of
Aquarius, and which can only be viewed with precision from Latitude 30 degrees North, will

• The rising Winter Solstice Sun. This will be viewed from Earth as half above and half
below the horizon.

• The bisecting line across the Milky Way. The line that appears to bisect the Milky Way is
in fact the horizon. The celestial hemisphere above the horizon is the dome of the sky which
will be visible at the time of The Great Conjunction. The celestial hemisphere below the
horizon will not visible. In Ancient Egypt the Milky Way was considered to be the Celestial
Nile. The River Nile was the earthly Water of Life to the Ancient Egyptians; without the
Nile there would have been no great Ancient Egyptian civilization. The Milky Way, was
their spiritual Water of Life. The Milky Way represented the Waters of Life in which the
Tree of Life had its roots. Referring back to the simulation of the Great Conjunction you
will discover the origin of the Creation Myth of the Ancient Egyptians. They explained the
origin of the universe in terms of a primordial ocean called Nun. It wasn't flat; rather it was
in the shape of a cosmic egg and from this cosmic egg was born the primeval hill called
Nu. Of the Tree of Life (the Axis Munde) is written "I am the plant which comes from Nu; my
mother is Nut." Notice how in the "Northern Hemisphere" the Sacred Mound, Nu, has risen
out of the Waters of Nun: the Milky Way. The Tree of Life (Axis Munde) is the central
invisible line, which joins the North and South Celestial Poles and around which the sky
appears to pivot. The "reflection" is the Netherworld of the gods. The celestial globe is in
the shape of a cosmic egg!

• The ecliptic. This is the apparent course of the Sun across the sky over a one-year period. In
reality it is the Earth moving around the Sun over a one-year period which causes this
illusion and also the Seasons.

• The constellation of Sagittarius. This aspect of the Great Conjunction is of paramount

importance because Sagittarius is the gateway to the centre of our galaxy. (This is the
opening or portal to the Netherworld in mythology.) The galaxy to which Earth belongs is
called the Milky Way. It is a flat, spiral galaxy except for at the centre where it bulges. You
can actually see this bulge formed by the internal dotted lines of the Milky Way where the
Sun is rising in the Constellation of Sagittarius on the computer simulation. This is the
Galactic Stellar Womb from which the rest of the galaxy was conceived and born. Today the
Womb is estimated to contain 200 billion suns! Sagittarius can be equated with the entrance
to the birth canal of the galaxy. When the Sun is in Sagittarius as part of the Great
Conjunction, it is fathering a New Age.

As already noted, the Great Conjunction can only be viewed with precision from
Latitude 30 degrees North a fact which brings to light another lost secret of the Ancient
Egyptians: the Guardians of Time. The Great Pyramid of Giza which stands on Latitude 30
degrees North is the perfect viewing point of the Great Conjunction. The Great Pyramid of
Giza was built as a stellar observation deck for the Great Conjunction of December 21st

Let us imagine that an observation platform has been erected at the top of the Great Pyramid
and that we are standing on that platform to view the Great Conjunction: the four celestial events
in Time that will converge to mark the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius. What would we expect to
see as sunrise occurs at 6:48 am on December 21st 2012 in the direction of ESE?

ƒ The Sun is rising from its baptism in the waters of the Milky Way: a sign of the Sun's
purification upon leaving the Age of Pisces, and also the consecration of the New Age of

ƒ The Milky Way is straddling the full 360 degrees of the horizon.

ƒ The Belt of the Milky Way is bisected by the horizon.

ƒ The visible section of the Milky Way above the horizon is "reflected" like a mirror image
below the horizon "As above, so below."

ƒ Similarly the Sun is reflected in the waters of the Milky Way.

Viewing 360 degrees of the dawn skies from the top
of the Great Pyramid at Giza, latitude 30 degrees North,
at 6:48 am 21st December 2012

ƒ The "Southern Hemisphere" is a reflection of the "Northern Hemisphere". (Since the

"Northern Hemisphere" is the heavens, then Earth as the "Southern Hemisphere" must be a
reflection of the heavens "As above, so below.")

ƒ Venus is dipping her toes in the Waters of the Milky Way. Like Venus we too will dip our
toes into the Waters of Life in the early years of the Age of Aquarius. At first we will be
apprehensive of the new experience, and perhaps a little frightened, but as our confidence in
the New Age increases we will tread deeper, finally becoming totally immersed in the Age
of Aquarius.

A Dot within a Circle

Viewing the Great Conjunction from the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Great Pyramid takes on
the new role of being a dot in the centre of the great circle of the Milky Way. The hieroglyph of Ra,
who is considered to be the Sun god of the Ancient Egyptians, is a dot within a circle. Until now the
origin and meaning of the hieroglyph for Ra, has always been obscure.

A dot within a circle: the hieroglyph for Ra.

Another lost secret of the Ancient Egyptians is reconfirmed the hieroglyph for Ra, the dot
within a circle, is a reference to and symbol for the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac. (See
Part 5) Ra was not so much a Sun god as the embodiment of the concept of Precession. The Ancient
Egyptians depicted Ra in his boat crossing the sky during the day and the Netherworld/Underworld
during the night, on his eternal journey of Precession; each day heading closer to the Dawn of the
next Age of the Zodiac. The twelve hours of night in the Netherworld of the Ancient Egyptians
represented not only the Sun's movement through the nether regions at night, but also the Sun's
movement through the twelve Ages of the Zodiac. When the Sun was Reborn/Resurrected at dawn
this symbolized not only the birth of a new day, but also served as a reminder of the birth of an Age,
a Season or a New Year in the Ages of the Zodiacs.

The Sun is Risen: The Son is Risen

The Great Conjunction, when the Sun fathers a New Age, will last for only a split second of
Time. Nearly three hours later, at 9:34 am, the Sun will be risen and the new child of the Age of
Aquarius will have been born. As with the virgin births of Hesus and Jesus, the father is God the
Sun. However in this instance the child is conceived in the Womb of Sagittarius, the Mother. The
child is the new-born Son/Sun of God in the Age of Aquarius. God the Father and God the Son are
one and the same. They are both the Sun. In the New Age of Aquarius the Sun is risen the Son is
December 21st 2012 does not mark the end of the world. It is not a time for mass hysteria. The
timing marks an apparent event which occurs because of Precession. The Winter Equinox/Solstice
occurs every year on December 21st but as many of us are about our Christmas preparations at that
time we do not even notice its passing. The year 2012 will be no different. There is nothing to fear.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

The Celestial Sphinx, a Sumerian Cylinder-seal and the Place of
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 17

The Sun is Risen at the Place of Purification

The original sky chart of the remote Ancient Egyptians, dating back to 11:57pm July 3rd
14000BCE and encoding their Sacred Knowledge, was not altogether lost as the millennia slipped
by almost unnoticed. As we have already discovered it was incorporated into the Narmer Plate in
4468BC (Part 8 to Part 14)

The original sky chart of the remote Ancient Egyptians,

dating back to 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE and encoding their Sacred Knowledge.

More than two thousand years later, in 2308BCE, the Sumerians developed their equivalent of
the 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE sky chart and Narmer Plate combined. It comes in the form of a
royal cylinder-seal depicting "The Sun is Risen". The purpose of the seal is to celebrate the Dawn of
the Age of Aries. Perhaps not surprisingly it comes complete with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
In linking the seal with the Ancient Egyptian 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE sky chart the
following need to be accounted for: the Celestial Sphinx and the Rising Sun, together with the
Constellations of Orion, Gemini, Phoenix, and Grus. There are two other constellations on the sky
chart, those of Taurus and Piscis Austrinus.

The Sumerian equivalent of 11:57pm July 3rd

14000BCE sky chart and the Narmer Plate combined.
A royal cylinder-seal depicting
"The Sun is Risen", complete with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
It is dated to 2308 BCE and celebrates the Dawn of the Age of Aries.
Moreover, in linking the seal with the Narmer Plate the following need to be additionally
accounted for: the Constellation of Canis Major, the hieroglyph for the horizon and, most
importantly, Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac; the Sun moving out of one Age and into the
Central to the scene is the Rising-Sun, Shamash. The Risen-Sun is depicted as both the circle
above Shamash's hat (the Sumerian equivalent of the Taurean Red Crown of Ancient Egypt) and the
figure with outstretched wings, the Constellation of Phoenix which symbolizes Rebirth /
Resurrection: the rebirth / resurrection of the Sun in a New Age of the Zodiac. The bird with
the twig in its beak, which is also recorded on the Narmer Plate, is the Constellation of Grus, the
Crane. The twig and the long neck of the crane are interchangeable. This constellation is in the
shape of a Cross, which symbolizes Precession. (See Part 5) The crane was the pictogram for
astronomers in Ancient Egypt.
The knife which Shamash is wielding is the Constellation of Piscis Austrinus, which hangs in
the West above the Constellation of Grus in the night sky as viewed from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd
14000BCE. This is symbolically the implement used in the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony the
Opening of the Way or Portal for the Sun to pass through into the next Age of the Zodiac.

The knife which Shamash is wielding is the Constellation

of Piscis Austrinus which hangs in the West above the Constellation of Grus
in the night sky as viewed from Giza at 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE.

The hieroglyph used for the mountain, or horizon on the cylinder-seal is an Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyph, the same as appears on the Narmer Plate. On the cylinder-seal however the mountain is
covered in either waves denoting water, or feathers denoting birds' wings.

The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for Mound or Horizon.

It is a tri-partite symbol encoding the Sacred Mound, the Waters of Nun, and the Winged
Disk. In the centre of the Winged Disk is the Sun passing through the Portal, Opening or Birth
Canal into the next Age of the Zodiac which is a concise description of the event portrayed on the
roller seal.
The Winged disk

The figure with one foot on the Sacred Mound is the god Ea, the Sumerian equivalent of the
Ancient Egyptian concept of the Sacred Waters of Nun. His prominent nose sets him apart from the
others as being an introduced figure.

The god Ea is the Sumerian equivalent of the Celestial Sphinx!

Ea is a new concept which combines the Constellation of Orion, and the Sacred Waters of Nun as
the Constellation of Eridanus, fanning out behind him like a pair of wings. In effect the god Ea is
the Sumerian equivalent of the Celestial Sphinx! Ea was later adapted into the figures of Moses and
John the Baptist. Jesus is the Risen Sun/Son baptized in the waters of the sacred Waters of Nun.
Ea's association with Nermer/Orion, is evidenced by the Constellation of Lepus the Hare at his
feet. Clearly, by 2308BCE Lepus had lost its Ancient Egyptian association with Orion's Chair, the
Throne of God.

Ea's association with Nermer/Orion, is evidenced by

the Constellation of Lepus the Hare at his feet.

Moreover Ea can be compared with Naram/Orion on the Naram Stele, which is also dated to
2308BCE. Both Ea and Naram are positioned with one foot on the Mound.
Ea can be compared with Naram/Orion on the Naram Stele,
which is also dated to 2308BCE. Both are positioned with one foot on the Mound.

Meanwhile another very bewildered Naram/Orion, complete with bull's ear, (See Part 15)
stands next to the Tree of Life (the Axis Munde) on the cylinder-seal. He was necessary to maintain
balance both on the seal and on the sky chart. Like Naram he is wearing a very large overlay to
cover his Taurean virility.
It is noticeable however that he is no longer attended by the King of the Seven Stars, Sirius.
(See Part 10) Rather he is accompanied by his dog, the Constellation of Canis Major. This indicates
that the transformation of the symbolism of the constellation of Canis Major from person to dog had
occurred by 2308BCE.

Orion is accompanied by his dog, the Constellation of Canis Major.

The figure at our far right, representing the Gemini Twins, is looking back to the past and
forward to the future. Remember it is a cylinder-seal and as such conveys Cycles of Time repeated
into Eternity when twirled around and around in the hand. The past and the future are one and the
The Gemini Twins
The past and the future are one and the same.

Despite this cylinder seal being dated to the beginning of the Age of Aries, the Ram, there is
no evidence of a ram on the cylinder-seal. Either the dating of the seal is incorrect or the content of
the Nermer Plate 4468BCE and the night sky as viewed from Giza 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE
have been adapted by the Sumerians to symbolize Precession of the Ages in general.
I have translated the hieroglyphs of the descriptive title on this Sumerian cylinder-seal as
"The Place of Purification." The Sun is Purified, or Baptized, in the waters of Nun before it is
reborn/resurrected into the New Age of the Zodiac.
The Sumerian hieroglyphs, which evidence the development of writing from Ancient
Egyptian to Sumerian hieroglyphs, are written in two different styles.

"Abt": the Place of Purification

Ancient Egyptian (See Part 16)
The place of Purification

The bottom and earlier form is directly derived from the Ancient Egyptian original: "abt",
which translates as "Place of Purification". The glyphs on the right of the Sumerian writing
represent the human ritual of the "Opening of the Mouth Ceremony" while those on the left
represent the celestial ritual of the "Opening of the Mouth Ceremony"; the Sun passing through the
Portal into a New Age. (See Part 10 and Part 16)
The upper form is a later development still. The glyphs have become more stylized. The "leg"
glyph of Osiris/Orion has adopted the two triangles which form the arms of Orion in the cylinder-
seal as his identification tag. (Compare this to the Orion tag on the Kish Tablet in Part 12) The long
neck is his beard and the square is his head. His "mouth" (which can also be interpreted as the horns
of Taurus the Bull) is open ready to receive the Sun at the beginning of a New Age.
The transition has been made. The original sky chart of the remote Ancient Egyptians dating
back to 11:57pm July 3rd 14000BCE is hardly recognisable to the untrained eye in the sky chart
recorded on this Sumerian cylinder-seal.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

From Celestial Sphinx to Celestial Fish
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 18

The Sun is Risen: The Son is Risen

The Great Conjunction, when the Sun fathers a New Age, will last for only a
split second of Time. Nearly three hours later, at 9:34 am, the Sun will be risen and
the new child of the Age of Aquarius will have been born. As with the virgin births
of Hesus and Jesus, the father is God the Sun. However in this instance the child is
conceived in the Womb of Sagittarius, the Mother. The child is the newborn
Son/Sun of God in the Age of Aquarius. God the Father and God the Son are one
and the same. They are both the Sun. In the New Age of Aquarius the Sun is risen
the Son is risen.
December 21st 2012 does not mark the end of the world. It is not a time for
mass hysteria. The timing marks an apparent event which occurs because of
Precession. The winter equinox occurs every year on December 21st but as many of
us are about our Christmas preparations at that time we do not even notice its
passing. The year 2012 will be no different. There is nothing to fear.
We will however be aware of the importance of the moment when we witness
the dawn of a new Galactic Season! It will be another 25920 years before this
moment in Time will be repeated and witnessed by our descendants. We are a
privileged people: the "Chosen Ones" some might say, as we will be present at the
Resurrection, the Resurrection of the Sun/Son.
The Dawn of the last Galactic Season, Taurus, was witnessed by the Ancient
Egyptians on September 21st 4468BCE, and recorded by them on the Nermer Plate
for posterity lest the Secret of the Ages be lost. This Dawn was followed by a
Golden Age for the Ancient Egyptians, an Age of accomplishment and prosperity.
Like the Sun they had been bathed in the glow of the Dawn of a New Age. They had
undergone a Baptism of Water in which they were cleansed of the Old Galactic Age
of Leo and were reborn into the Golden Age of Taurus.
It will be no different for us. We too will be bathed in the glow of the Dawn of
a New Age. We will be privileged to witness the Dawn of another Golden Age of
accomplishment and prosperity. Christmas will retain its meaning as a celebration of
the Birth of a New Age, but perhaps the Birth date will be changed to 21st
December. (The Winter Solstice used to fall on December 25th which is why
Christmas is celebrated on that day.)The Christmas Tree will not be out of place in
the Age of Aquarius the tree represents the Tree of Life (Axis Munde) around
which the heavens appear to revolve. The branches of the Christmas Tree support
the colourful baubles just as the branches of the Tree of Life support the stars in the
heavens. The flashing lights represent the twinkling stars. The star on the top of the
Christmas Tree represents the Risen Sun on the Tree of Life, the beginning of a New
The Galactic Season of Aquarius is markedly different from that of the
Galactic Season of Taurus in the night skies. As the name suggests, water is the key
element. This does not mean however that the world is automatically going to be
inundated by floods and rising sea levels. One interpretation is that the Age of
Aquarius is symbolic of spiritual cleansing, baptism in the Waters of Life.

The Age of Aquarius dawns at 6:48am on December 21st 2012.

However for the original and intended purpose of the water symbolism we
need to refer back to the mythology of the Ancient Egyptians, the architects of the
constellations. In their Creation Myth the origin of the universe was explained in
terms of a primordial ocean called Nun. Out of this ocean was born the primeval hill
called Nu. The Tree of Life was the plant which came from Nu; its mother was Nut,
the heavens. In this quadrant of the heavens the water symbolism of the Age of
Aquarius represents the primordial ocean, Nun, in the Creation Myth. The water
imagery includes:

o The Nile River Eridanus.

o The Nile Delta Triangulum.
o The Fish Pisces.
o The Southern Fish Pisces Austrinus.
o A Whale or Sea Monster Cetus.
o A shark's fin the hat of Perseus.
o The Sea Goat Capricornus.
o The Dolphin Delphinus.
o The Swan Cygnus.
o The Water Bearer Aquarius.

The Water Bearer is the herald of the New Age of Aquarius. It is he who
figuratively sheds the first drops of water of the New Age from his urn. However the
Water Bearer is not of human form as is generally supposed. The Water Bearer is,
quite logically, a fish.
God in the Galactic Season of Eagle/Scorpio was a human headed leonine
male with an Osiris beard, in the form of a Sphinx Super Giant in the heavens. He
was Hu, the Celestial Sphinx. God in the Galactic Season of Leo was a Lion. God in
the galactic Season of Taurus was a Bull, or Nermer/Osiris/Orion affecting the
image of the Bull. God in the Age of Aquarius will be a Super Giant Fish; the Fisher

God in the Galactic Season of Aquarius is a Super Giant Fish; the Fisher King.

When Pisces Austrinus and Capricornus are joined together they form both a
fish and the White Crown of Egypt. It is becoming clear that the White Crown is not
only associated with the Age of Leo/Gemini as earlier indicated, but also with the
Galactic Precession of the Equinoxes in general.
Nermer's signature is evident in the fish of Pisces Austrinus and Capricornus
together with the three barbels of Aquarius forming "Ner" the Catfish and
Pisces Austrinus forming "Mer" the Chisel. Interestingly the word "barbel" is
derived from the Latin "barba" meaning "beard". Pisces Austrinus is suggestive of
the Osiris beard.

The Fisher King

Pisces Austrinus and Capricornus complete with fin/ flipper
joined together form both a fish and/or White Crown
and the White Crown of Egypt.

Children of the Celestial Sphinx

Today we are the Children of the Celestial Sphinx. We are the heirs to the Lost
Secrets of remote Ancient Egypt. The stars invoke us from the heavens like the echo
of a collective memory.
The Ancient Egyptians discovered the secret of Precession. They charted the
heavens. They were the Guardians of Time and we are their children.
Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.
Sacred Stars and Treasure Maps
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 19

The Grand Design

Star Map "Sirius". Each point of the five-pointed star

denotes the position of an Ancient Site.

I first discovered this compelling evidence of a Grand Design undertaken by

the peoples of the Ancient World in early March 1998. At the time I considered
these five-pointed stars neatly arranged across Europe in terms of talismans against a
world catastrophe. I now know them to be evidence in stone of the Ancient World's
knowledge of Geometry, Astronomy and Precession. As a bonus they give us
valuable information as to where to dig for evidence of Lost Ancient Civilizations. I
have named my Star Maps of Europe "Sirius", "Blazing Star" and "Venus" for easier
Star Map "Blazing Star". Not only each point, but also each
intersection of the five-pointed star is the location of an Ancient Site.

Adopting the argument that any five random points can be joined together to
form a five-pointed star it could be argued that these star maps across Europe
happened by chance. However there are more than five locations pinpointed on each
map and each location is situated on a ley.
A ley is an alignment of three or more places in a straight line. The more
places situated on a straight line of the landscape the greater the probability that their
position did not happen by chance. On "Blazing Star" above, there are no less than
six Ancient Sites on one ley, five of which are already well documented. The sixth is
where we dig to rediscover a Lost Site of the Ancient World. Who knows what
treasures await us when we awaken the Site from its long sleep.
Star Map "Venus". More Lost Ancient Sites are pinpointed.

The importance of Alexandropol, Li Muri and Benghazi as Ancient Sites is

evidenced by their inclusion on all three maps.
These are only three examples of Star Maps across Europe, yet within them is
encoded the information required to locate as many as eighteen lost or
forgotten Sites of the Ancient World! Each Star Maps reveals six locations. These
are to be found on star points, star intersections and Benghazi. There are probably
many more Ancient World Sites, like Benghazi, Ghiza and Delphi for example,
which are located on the leys but not specifically at the points or intersections of the
five-pointed stars.

The Five-Pointed Star: the Pentalpha

The Pentalpha, literally meaning five times the letter "A", has long been
considered to be a symbol of Power and Protection. It was also named the "Blazing
Star" because it symbolized not only the mystery of the night skies but also the
planet Venus.

The Pentalpha. Literally meaning five times the letter "A"

it is suggestive of a person a head, two arms and two legs.

The five-pointed star was, and still is, considered to be a symbol of the spirit in
communion with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. In the course of his
drawings Leonardo da Vinci illustrated this communion by equating the microcosm
of a single person, himself, with the macrocosm of the cosmos by staking himself
out naked upon an irregular pentalpha the "as above, so below" principle. At the
time this would have been considered to be a very daring version of the crucifixion
of Jesus on the Cross at least by those people who understood the esoteric
In this self portrait (centre) dated around 1487 Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
is literally and metaphorically standing on the square!
As witnessed in a later drawing Leonardo's facial characteristics never changed over the years.
Location of sketch: Venice, Academy.

The illustration includes three geometric figures: an irregular pentalpha formed

by the head, two arms and two legs, a circle and a square. By definition the circle
has no angles, no beginning and no end, and as such it represents Eternity, Perpetual
Motion and Perpetual Repetition of Cycles. Every point on the circumference of the
circle is equidistant from the centre, the dot within the circle. This central point of
revolution is referred to as the fifth cardinal direction. It is scientifically impossible
for a point on the circumference to materially err from the centre of the circle and
vice versa.
The square is significant since Leonardo is portrayed with his feet in the
position of "standing on the square". Leonardo standing on the square and in the
crucifix position is symbolic of him becoming as one with the World Pillar or Axis
Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve in a perpetual repetition of
cycles. (See Part 6)
A T-square is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Tau" which means "sacred
gate" or "sacred opening". Multiple Taus form a temple: for example Stone Henge.
The Triple Tau is the symbol for the Temple of Jerusalem. (See Part 10)

The Collar displaying the Triple Tau, which represents

the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid.
Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma"
encoding the Secret of Precession.
A set-square, by definition set at an angle of 90 degrees, is the Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh". The word "Pharaoh" which we use today
actually comes from the Hebrew, meaning "Sun". Incredibly "Par" or "Peor" also
means "Opening" and "Mountain". The words "Sun" and "Opening" and "Mountain"
are immediately associated with Precession of the Equinoxes. (See Part 10)

Second Standard First Standard

The First and Second Standards on the Narmer Plate.
The "set-square" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh".
A "Hawk on a Standard" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "God".

More than communion with the elements of earth, air, fire and water
Leonardo's self portrait represents the Precession of the Equinoxes as outlined in
Part 5: The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac.

The Royal Arch of Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac

The reason Precession occurs is that the Earth not only rotates on its axis
otherwise known as the Axis Munde or World Pillar it also wobbles. This wobble
effect is a phenomenon caused by forces exerted by the Sun on the bulges of the
Earth at the Equator.
The wobble effect is best explained in terms of a spinning top. As the top
begins to lose momentum it begins to wobble. It is this same kind of circular
movement, or wobble, of the Earth, which moving at a constant speed over long
periods of Time alters the direction of the Polar Axis. One revolution is completed
every 25,920 years. The central point of revolution is called the "pole of the
The visible effect of Precession on the Pole Star.
The wobble effect is best explained in terms of a spinning top.
As the top begins to lose momentum it begins to wobble.

The apparent cycle of the Pole Stars over a period of 25,920 years is not the
only effect of Precession as viewed from Planet Earth. Another effect with which
most of us will be familiar is the apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac
across the sky on an annual basis. It is reasonable to suspect that most of you
reading this will be familiar with the Sign of the Zodiac under which you were born,
and many of you will read your stars in newspapers and magazines everyday. You
might be an Aries or a Libra. Or perhaps like me you are a Scorpio.
The apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac across the sky does not
only take place on an annual basis however. The cycle also occurs over a period of
25,920 years, often referred to as Plato's Great Year.
The following diagram can be interpreted on both of these levels, but the main
emphasis is on the Great Year the Four Seasons, the Twelve Ages and the
Precession of the Equinoxes. The twelve markers indicating the timing of the Sun
entering a New Age and / or Season of the Zodiac are like "flags" denoting the
boundaries. In fact they could be considered as "flagships" heralding in each of the
New Ages and / or Seasons.
The ensigns of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, representing the Twelve
Ages in the Precession of the Equinoxes, appear to arch their way across the sky as
if in royal procession. The beginning of a new Zodiacal Season is marked by the
standards of the Lion, the Bull, the Man and the Eagle sometimes equated with
the Four Cardinal Directions. The Fifth Cardinal Direction is the central point of
revolution, the pole of the ecliptic.
The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac.
The ensigns of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, representing
the Twelve Ages in the Precession of the Equinoxes,
appear to arch their way across the sky as if in royal procession.
The beginning of a new Zodiacal Season is marked by
the standards of the Lion, the Bull, the Man and the Eagle.

The blue dot within the circle is Planet Earth around which the Constellations
of the Zodiac appear to revolve. The "Cross" which is formed by the four quarters of
the circle takes 25,920 years to complete one revolution. The completion of one
revolution is referred to as a Great Year.
Within this Great Year are four Seasons, which are defined by the Spring,
Summer, Autumn and Winter Equinoxes. For this reason the Great Year is also
referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Within each Season are three Ages.
For example, within the Zodiacal Season of Taurus there are the three Ages of
Taurus (the Bull), Aries (the Ram) and Pisces (the Fish). Within the Zodiacal Season
of Aquarius there are the three Ages of Aquarius (Man), Capricorn (the Sea Goat)
and Sagittarius (the Archer). Each Zodiacal Season comprises a 90-degree right-
angle like a set-square. Each Zodiacal Season is a one fourth part of a circle and,
like Leonardo da Vinci, is standing on the square.
Although he was not technically a Freemason Leonardo was, perhaps not
surprisingly, a member of the Prierre de Sion., the Priory of the Sun. As such he
would have been well aware of the Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac and the
concept of Precession. At the time however it would have been considered heresy to
admit to such knowledge.
When the five-pointed star is circumscribed by a circle, as it was in Da
Vinci's illustration, it becomes a pentacle. It is uncanny that Nature has reproduced
this Sacred Geometry in France, near Rennes-le-Chateau, in the form of five
mountains virtually equidistant around the circumference of a circle. Rennes-le-
Chateau appears as an Ancient Site on my Star Map "Venus" and is closely
associated with the Priory of the Sun.
Like the circle, the "endless knot" of the five-pointed star denotes "eternity".
There is no beginning and no end.

The "Pi" Ratio: the Golden Mean.

The regular five-pointed star is important in geometry because it encodes the
"pi" ratio, alternatively named the "Golden Mean".
Pi in numerical terms is expressed as 3.14159265 to the nearest eight decimal
The pi ratio in the five-pointed star, the pentalpha, is encoded in the lines of
the pentagon framing the star and in the tangent lines of the star itself. The ratio of
one star tangent line (pink) to one pentagon line (green) is:

= (1 + 5)/2 = 2cos(pi/5) = 1.61803 and this is the "Golden Ratio".

The ratio of one star tangent line (pink) to one pentagon line (green) is:
= (1 + 5)/2 = 2cos(pi/5) = 1.61803 and this is the "Golden Ratio".

"Pi" and the Ancient Egyptians

Usually the discovery of "pi" is attributed to the Ancient Greeks, the
Pythagoreans having adopted the pi symbol as their emblem. In fact it was the
Ancient Egyptians who discovered pi as attested on the Narmer Plate dated 4468BC.

Around his neck Sirius, the "King of the Seven Stars", is wearing the double
tau, the "pi" symbol. From the Tau hieroglyph in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the
Dead it is clear that "Tau" means "holy or sacred gate" or "holy or sacred opening".
The five-pointed star denotes the word "sacred".
The Narmer Plate 4468BC: the King of the Seven Stars
is wearing the pi symbol around his neck.

The reason the five-pointed star was considered sacred was because it was a
symbol which encoded the Secret of Precession as well as the Golden Mean. The
number of degrees around the centre point of the star (360) divided by the number of
arms of the star (5) renders the number seventy-two which is significant in terms
of astronomy (see Part 4) and Freemasonry.
Seventy-two is the number of years that it takes for the sky bodies to appear to
move through one degree of their cycle. When the seventy-two years are multiplied
by the three hundred and sixty degrees of the complete cycle, we discover that it
takes is 25,920 years for each heavenly cycle to be completed at which time the
process starts all over again. This is the cycle of Precession.
In Freemasonry the number seventy-two is significant, as traditionally the
angle at which the Masonic Compasses stand is 72 degrees.

The Five-Pointed Star and Freemasonry

Further examples of the five-pointed star being associated with Freemasonry
include the Master of the Lodge being represented by this symbol. Moreover it was
traditionally an emblem of the early Masonic Guilds because they were unified in
their application of the Sacred Geometry of the Golden Ratio in the building of
the great cathedrals of Europe.
Indeed Geometry was synonymous with Masonic Guilds or Freemasonry.
Geometry is referred to as the "fifth science" while the Supreme Being is referred to
as the Grand Geometrician. A Second Degree Fellow Craft Freemason is referred to
as a "G Man", the "G" referring to Geometry. The following comes from ritual
dating back to 1730.

Q: Why was you made a Fellow-Craft?

A: For the sake of the letter G.
Q: What does G denote?
A: Geometry or the Fifth Science.

The Heavenly G.
A few years ago when Freemasonic Temples were open to the public in South
Australia the letter G was evident, suspended above eye level. I was told that it stood
for God and Geometry.
To determine the position of the Heavenly G we begin our journey in the
constellation of Taurus. After locating the bright red star of Alderbaran arc north-
west through the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux, and on to Procyon in Canis
Minor. From there move directly on to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, in the
constellation of Canis Major. We continue the G-curve through to Rigel, at the
mouth of the Celestial Sphinx, and then continue in a straight line, passing to the
right of the middle star of Orion's Belt until we reach the end of our journey at
Betelgeus, more commonly known as Beetle Juice.

The "Heavenly G' in the Northern Winter Skies.

Today it stands for God and Geometry.
God, the Creator, in 14000BC was the Celestial Sphinx.

It is significant that the final line of the Heavenly G is a straight line and that it
passes through the Constellation of Orion, which was considered by the later
Ancient Egyptians as being Sahu, the soul of Osiris who represented the Axis
Munde around which the heavens appeared to revolve. (See Part 6) More important
at this point however is its symbolism as a link between the celestial and terrestrial
worlds. A link between God and Man.
This link is clearly demonstrated in the star chart above: God, the Celestial
Sphinx, is linked literally with Man, the Giant Orion. This same link between God
and Man was reproduced at Giza in the form of the Sphinx and the Three Pyramids.
The Sphinx was the earthly representation of the Celestial Sphinx and the Three
Pyramids were the earthly representation of the Belt of Orion and, by extension, of
the Giant Orion himself.
(The ground plan of the Three Pyramids of Giza was discovered to be a replica
of Orion's Belt by Robert Bauval in November 1983. Ref: Bauval, R & Gilbert, A
The Orion Mystery. Mandarin, London 1994)
There is the possibility that the actual meaning of the letter G in Freemasonry
is not as important as the fact that it exists. Ego: I exist, I am ... which relates back to
the God of the Old Testament telling Moses "I AM THAT I AM" ... "I AM hath sent
me" (Exodus 3 v 14). In this sense the letter G would represent the Great I Am, God
himself. In 14000BC God was the Celestial Sphinx.

In an expose of 1730 when the letter G was a symbol of the Second Degree
Fellow Craft the following ritual was recorded:
Q. When you came into the middle, what did you see?
A. The Resemblance of the Letter G.
Q. Who doth that G denote?
A. One that's greater than you.
Q. Who's greater than I that am a Free and Accepted Mason, the Master of a Lodge?
A. The Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe, or He that was taken up to
the Top of the Pinnacle of the Holy Temple.
The initial question "When you came into the middle, what did you see?"
refers to the Winter Skychart for the Northern Latitudes looking South for the dates
of the year October 15th through to April 1st. The most prominent date and time
among these is January 1st at midnight as the New Year is being welcomed in at
which time the Heavenly G is high in the centre of the night sky. The reply given to
the question is fully accurate: "The Resemblance of the Letter G." Notice that the
Heavenly G does not have the horizontal bar.

On January 1st at midnight as the New Year is being welcomed in

the Heavenly G is high in the centre of the night sky.
Notice that the Heavenly G does not have the horizontal bar.

Interestingly the second question asks who, not what, the G denotes, and
receives the correct reply "One that's greater than you." This person is further
clarified as being "The Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe." In other
words the person who was responsible for the allocation of the constellation patterns
to the night skies, the person who gave pattern and form to an otherwise chaotic
cosmos. As we discovered in Part 2 this person can only refer to the Celestial
Sphinx, the Creator. In turn the Celestial Sphinx was the brainchild of the remote
Ancient Egyptians prior to 14000BC.
The second description of whom G denotes: "He that was taken up to the Top
of the Pinnacle of the Holy Temple" suggests that the Holy Temple is the Celestial
Dome. It follows that the Pinnacle of the Holy Temple can only be the Celestial
North Pole. This would confirm the Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe
as having recognised the existence of a Celestial North Pole and the apparent
rotation of the stars in the night skies around it. According to Ancient Egyptian
Memphite teaching Ptah filled this prestigious position.
Ptah was often depicted raised on a pedestal which was to be
found in the Naos of a temple. The Naos, like the oak tree,
was considered to be the centre of the universe.

Ptah was often depicted raised on a pedestal which was to be found in the
Naos of a temple. The Naos, like the oak tree, was considered to be the centre of the
universe. Ptah, who usurped Osiris' role as the World Pillar, was symbolic of the
Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve. He was the link between
the celestial and terrestrial worlds.
Not surprisingly therefore, in his hands he holds an upright staff, a composite
sceptre uniting the emblems of life, stability and omnipotence. Ptah is not only the
personification of the final straight line of the "Heavenly G" he is also the
personification of Precession.

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Freemasonry: The Legacy of the Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 20

The Port Adelaide Masonic Centre 1928

If there was ever any doubt that Freemasonry is the child of the Ancient
Egyptians it is dispelled at the Port Adelaide Freemasonic Centre for it is here that
the Number Two Lodge of South Australia is built in the form of an Egyptian
Until only a few years ago in South Australia the Freemasonic Lodge Room
was called the Temple.

The Port Adelaide Masonic Centre, Number Two Lodge

of South Australia, is built in the form of an Egyptian Temple!

The side of the Egyptian Temple faces the main road while the front faces a
side street. The shadowed area under the verandah is a group of shops.
The side of the Masonic Centre/Egyptian Temple

Excepting the shop fronts, the front of the Temple is not unlike the side in
design. So realistic is the Temple that with the Australian Summer Sun burning
down and the vividly blue sky a person could imagine having been transported to

The front of the Masonic Centre at Port Adelaide, South Australia

Hieroglyph for "Temple"

The overall shape of the Temple is of paramount importance as it is an Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyph meaning "temple"!

Remote Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Temple".

Notice also the Tau hieroglyph formed by the space above the Temple

In Part 9 it was discovered that when the hieroglyph appeared on the Narmer
Plate in 4468 BCE it not only represented a temple it also represented Dawn, the
Dawn of the Age of Taurus in the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Hieroglyph for "Heaven"

Below the eaves of the Masonic Temple and directly above the main entrance
is to be found yet another Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, this time denoting "heaven".
It is pure and unspoilt.
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Heaven"

A similar hieroglyph is to be found in a similar position on the side of the

Temple. Crafted into this hieroglyph for "heaven" is what appears to be further
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs together with Freemasonic emblems of for example,
the Level, and the Square and Compasses.

Crafted into this hieroglyph for "heaven"

is what appears to be further Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs together with Freemasonic emblems.

Upon closer inspection however it is discovered that they are Anglicized

hieroglyphs. The inscription reads "Masonic Building"! The architect had a sense of

The inscription reads "Masonic Building"

The architect had a sense of humour!
The Four World Pillars
In Ancient Egyptian mythology the Four World Pillars held up the heavens
and represented the four cardinal points of NSEW. The Four Pillars of Heaven are
clearly visible on both the side and the front of the Masonic Temple.

The Four Pillars supporting Heaven as crafted into

the side of the Port Adelaide Masonic Centre.

The Fifth World Pillar

The Fifth, and most important World Pillar was the Axis Munde around which
the heavens appear to revolve. The Axis Munde represented the Fifth Cardinal Point.
(See Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.)
This Fifth Pillar is to be found engraved into each tower, one on each side of
the main window. It is not immediately recognizable as a Pillar however, as it is the
form of yet another Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph! It is the hieroglyph for "plant" and
is composed of the three sacred lotus lilies, meaning "Tree of Life".

Hieroglyph of the three sacred lotus lilies meaning "Tree of Life".

The lotus flower was used in Ancient Egypt to represent Life and Resurrection.
(See Part 6) In ancient Egyptian texts it is written of the Tree of Life, "I am the plant
which comes from Nu." The Tree of Life grew out of the Sacred Mound, the
branches reaching out and supporting the star and planet studded sky, while the roots
reached down into the watery abyss of the Netherworld.
The Tree of Life on the Masonic Egyptian Temple
grew out of the Sacred Mound,
it's roots reached down into the watery abyss of the Netherworld.

It was the trunk of the Tree of Life which represented the World Pillar or Axis
Munde (literally "Axis of the Mound") around which the heavens appeared to
revolve. The World Pillar was the centre of the universe. It was Osiris as the Djed
Pillar, the Pillar of Stability and it was the Great Pyramid of Egypt. (See Part 6 and
Part 7)
On the engraving there are fifteen layers to the Sacred Mound, and the Sacred
Waters of Nun are at level five from the top. The number 15 is important in terms of
Precession as the celestial lines of longitude are placed at 15 degree intervals.

The Sacred Waters of Nun

Furthermore the Sacred Waters are represented swirling around both the side
and front of the building, on a level with the tops of the windows. (See picture
below.) The fresco is an integral part of the decoration encoding Ancient Egyptian
mythology concerning not only the watery abyss of the Netherworld but also the
Great Flood (See Part 10) the River Nile and the Milky Way. The Milky Way also
known as the Celestial River Nile. (See Part 2 and Part 3)
The entrance to the Masonic Building/ Egyptian Temple

The Winged Disk

Directly below the two central Pillars on the front of the Temple is the Winged
Disk in full flight.

The Winged Disk above the entrance to the Temple

In Ancient Egypt the Winged Disk was a combined emblem of the Sun, a
double-headed cobra and eagle or vulture wings. Moreover it is an alternative form
of the "temple" hieroglyph. (See Part 17) The Cobra and the Vulture represented
Upper and Lower Egypt not just in the geographical sense but also in the sense of
a Celestial Egypt and a Terrestrial Egypt. The "as above so below" concept. (See
Part 3) The combined emblem represents the Sun passing through the centre of the
Winged Disk, the Sacred Gateway, into the next Age of the Zodiac. (See Part 3 and
Part 17)

The Sun passes through the centre of the Winged Disk,

the Sacred Gateway, into the next Age of the Zodiac.
For confirmation of this esoteric meaning let us take a closer look at the
engraving of the Winged Disk on the Masonic Building. Within the Sacred Gateway
is to be found the emblem of the Royal Arch Chapter: the Triple Tau within a
triangle, within a circle.

Within the Sacred Gateway is to be found

the emblem of the Royal Arch Chapter:
the triple tau within a triangle, within a circle.

In Part 10 it was discovered that from the Tau hieroglyph in the Ancient
Egyptian Book of the Dead it is clear that "Tau" means "holy or sacred gate" or
"holy or sacred opening". The five-pointed star denotes the word "sacred".

Temple at the top Triple Tau: The

of the Narmer Plate Temple of Jerusalem
Triple Tau: Gates
NB: Tau and H NB: Tau and H
or Sacred Opening
(H = Double Tau) (H = Double Tau)
The Double and Triple Tau represent the plural form of Tau. Visually, when
the Taus are joined together horizontally, they represent a temple. Two examples of
this are: the hieroglyph between the Taurus Bulls' heads on each side of the Narmer
Plate, and also Stone Henge. The vertical trunks of the Taus represent the columns
of the Temple. In the Osiris Legend, Osiris was encased in a tree trunk, which was
later utilized as a pillar. The pillar of a temple represents Osiris who has already
been evidenced as the Axis Munde in the Djed Pillar; the Pillar of Stability. (See
Part 4 and Part 6) Since a Tau is a "sacred gateway, opening or portal", and multiple
Taus form a Temple, it follows that a Temple is a gateway, opening or portal: a
portal to the Netherworld through which the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of
the Zodiac.
The Triple Tau represents the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for the
Temple of Jerusalem is "Templum Hierosolma", which translates as "Temple on a
Sacred Mound". Since a Tau represents a Gateway, opening or portal then the
Temple of Jerusalem follows suit complete with Osirian Pillars! It is through this
portal that the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
As discussed earlier in Part 7, the Great Pyramid is also built on a Sacred
Mound and, like the Osirian Pillar, it represents the Axis Munde. The Temple of
Jerusalem as the Triple Tau, secured within the triangle of the Great Pyramid, is
displayed on the Collar pictured below. The Great Pyramid and the Temple of
Jerusalem are symbolic of the Sacred Summit, the Axis Munde, and the concept of

The Collar displaying the Triple Tau, which represents

the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid.
Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma"
encoding the Secret of Precession.

The Square and Compasses

Directly below the Winged Disk and above the entrance to the Temple are
carved the Square and Compasses. Today a pair of compasses like these would be
called "dividers". Without these instruments it would have been impossible for the
Remote Ancient Egyptians to measure the rate of Precession accurately.
Furthermore without the Plumb Rule used in conjunction with the Plumb Line they
would have been unable to measure the positions of stars and their corresponding
positions on the ground. The Constellation of Monoceros forms the Square and
Compasses, Canis Minor is a Plumb Rule. (See Part 5)

The Square and Compasses

On the diagram for "The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac" in Part 5 each
Zodiacal Season comprises a 90 degree right-angle like a set-square. Each
Zodiacal Season is a one fourth part of a circle and is standing on the square.

The Sacred Gateway

The main entrance into the Masonic Egyptian Temple is perhaps the most
startling in what it reveals about Freemasonry as a legacy of the Ancient Egyptians.
It is immediately recognizable as a Sacred Gateway, the Gateway of the Sun in the
Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac. (See Part 10 to Part 13)

The entrance, or porchway, to the Port Adelaide Masonic Building

The Gateway of the Sun. The Temple of the Sun.

The All-seeing Eye of Ra

Within the porchway, above the double doors is the all-seeing Eye of Ra.
Uncharacteristically it is not like its Egyptian counterpart. Rather, like the
hieroglyphs on the side of the building, it has been Anglicized so that it appears
complete with bushy eyebrow!

The All-seeing Eye of Ra, complete with bushy eyebrow

The Eye of Ra took on several guises in Ancient Egypt:

a) As the "Ouadjit" it was a form of measurement. It is comprised of six
hieroglyphs, each representing a different fraction. The sum of the hieroglyphs is
63/64. The absolute is unobtainable. This concept is related in the myth of Osiris.
After he is cut up into fourteen pieces by his jealous brother Set, Osiris' sister/wife
Isis can only find thirteen pieces of his dismembered body. The phallus remains lost
for ever. Osiris was considered to be the Absolute, the First God. He was perfection.
Others can only aim for the absolute, they will never achieve it.
The Ouadjit: the sum of the hieroglyphs is 63/64

Note: This myth does not take into account the true Absolute, the true Self-
existent, the true First Cause The Celestial Sphinx. (See Part 2 and Part 3) Osiris
usurped the position and title of the Celestial Sphinx "Giver of Life in the
(The "ouija board", derived from the Ancient Egyptian "Ouadjit", is the
modern day equivalent of the All-seeing Eye of Ra.)

b) As the Sun, the Eye of Ra was denoted by the hieroglyph of a "dot within a
circle" as well as the Ouadjit. Even today the Sun is sometimes referred to as "the
eye of the day".

c) As a "dot within a circle" the All-seeing Eye of Ra is a symbol of Precession.

The "dot within a circle" is the pole of the ecliptic, the central point of the revolution
of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Ages of the Zodiac around the heavens, and as
such is the Fifth Cardinal Point. (See Part 5)

The Eye of Ra is a symbol of Precession. It is the central point

of the revolution of the Ages of the Zodiac around the heavens.
This is the origin of the Sun Wheel.

d) Finally, as a Watchful Eye the All-seeing Eye is considered in terms of humanity

being under the complete surveillance of a Supreme Being. (See Part 3) The
Celestial Sphinx was the Supreme Being in the heavens in 14000BCE.
The Celestial Sphinx was the Supreme Being in the Heavens in 14000BCE.

The Two Pillars

The porchway of the Port Adelaide Masonic Building is flanked by two pillars,
each of which support a different version of the Celestial Globe. In this capacity the
Pillars are representative of the Fifth World Pillar, the Axis Munde. As previously
mentioned the Axis Munde represented the Fifth Cardinal Point.
The First Pillar, which is on the right-hand side of a person facing the entrance,
is indisputably supporting the Celestial Globe. It is covered in large and small five-
pointed stars, apparently randomly spaced, and also a crescent moon. Unfortunately
the crescent moon is not visible on the photograph as it is up near the top left-hand
side in the shadow.

The Celestial Globe is covered with five-pointed stars

and a crescent moon.

The Second Pillar could possibly appear to the untrained eye to be a rendition
of Planet Earth, complete with lines of latitude and longitude but no land masses.
In reality these are celestial lines of latitude and longitude, symbolising
Precession. (See Part 5) There are twelve celestial lines of longitude set at 30 degree
intervals to accommodate the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
This Celestial Globe is covered with celestial lines
of latitude and longitude, symbolising Precession.

When these grid lines, or reference points, are superimposed on the star-
studded celestial globe a picture is produced not too unlike the one below, which is a
computer simulation of the night sky.

A computer simulation of the night sky 11:57 pm July 3rd 14000BC.

The spots represent major stars from which the remote Ancient Egyptians
mapped the constellations. The "lines of longitude" are equally spaced at 15 degrees
to facilitate ease of calculations of the apparent movement of the stars over
thousands of years. The rate of Precession was calculated at one degree every 72
years which means that it takes 25,920 years to complete one cycle. (See Part 4)
The remote Ancient Egyptians divided the sky into 12 equal 30 degree
segments, each of which contains one Sign of the Zodiac. Every 2160 years (72
years x 30 degrees) the Sun moves through the Sacred Gateway into a new Age of
the Zodiac. On December 21st 2012 the Sun will pass through the "Gateway of the
Sun" and rise in the new Age of Aquarius. (See Part 16)
The remote Ancient Egyptians mapped the constellations.

17th century Freemasonic headstone

I could not help but compare the Port Adelaide Masonic Building in the form
of an Ancient Egyptian Temple with this 17th century Freemasonic headstone. As
with the Ancient Egyptian Temple the Sacred Knowledge of Precession is crafted
into it.

17th century Freemasonic headstone.

Task: To find as many symbols of Precession as you can

o Find three Sacred Gateways of the Sun

o Find two Winged Disks
o Find two Pillars
o Find a Double Tau (the pi symbol)
o Find at least two Temples
o Find two symbols of Precession in addition to those already mentioned

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Washington, Tyne-Wear, England
What's in a Name?
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 21

"Aa's frum Weshin'ton"

Have you ever wondered how Washington got its name or why the original
Washington Village is situated where it is? It is from the name itself that we derive
the answer.
The name comes in a multiple of varieties: for example Washington,
Weshington, Wessington, and Wessynton. Locally we pronounce it Weshin'ton
"Aa's frum Weshin'ton." For our purposes let us refer to the Wessington version.
"Wessington" can be broken down into two separate words: "Wessing" and
"ton". By analysing the meaning of these two words we learn that the name
accurately describes the natural landform of the original Village area before
"Wesing" is an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning "soaking" or "steeping". The
modern German noun equivalent is "Wasser" meaning "water". The Modern English
noun equivalent is "water" and "wash". A wash is a body of water; as in The Wash
on the East Coast. In addition however both words are linked with making clean,
both physically and spiritually. Water is an accepted symbol for the Word of God.
Today it is difficult to imagine The Village awash with water but let us not
forget the old sandpit in the Glebe area which indicates the presence of a large body
of water in the past. There was another sandpit down The Dene.

The Sandpit opposite the Washington Village Cemetery

When the waters receded the land would have been at first "soaking"
underfoot. The final remnant of the "wash" was the Village Pond, which is now
filled in and referred to as the Village Green. I wonder what treasures lie metres
deep under the Village Green.
Washington Village Green

If you take a close look at the lie of the land around The Village, you will
notice that even today the location of the Village Pond is a natural drainage area.
The Home Bank (now called The Avenue), Village Lane, Spout Lane and Glebe
Crescent as far as Glebe Mount, all drain down naturally into the area known as The

Village Lane leads down into Washington Green.

On the left is the Washington Village Post Office
and in the centre is the Old Smithy.
Spout Lane leads down into the Village Green.

This view is of the Home Bank from the Emmerson Terrace side.
The cars in the picture will go over the crest of the hill and then
down the other side into the Village Green area.

"Ton" at the end of a place name does not, as many people mistakenly believe,
refer to an early form of the word "town". Nor does it necessarily refer to a
"homestead". Rather it is another form of the old Anglo-Saxon word "torr" meaning
"a prominent hill". "Torr" is a version of the Hebrew "tur" meaning "round tower" in
the form of a mountain. Our English word "turret" is derived from this. At the end of
a place name "tor" and "ton" take on an added significance; they both mean "a holy
There is only one holy hill in Washington Village and that is the one upon
which the Holy Trinity Church stands.

The Holy Trinity Church at Washington Village:

The Church on the Hill

And so the name Washington / Wessington literally describes its natural

features at three stages of development:

o A holy hill initially surrounded by water.

o A holy hill surrounded by land which was a quagmire underfoot as the
waters receded.
o A holy hill situated next to a pond as the land dried out.

The Church on the Hill. The Old Smithy is in the foreground.

This is not the end of the story however

Washington Village and the Druids

"Ton" at the end of a place name not only denotes a "holy hill", it denotes a
holy hill which was sacred to Venus and which was of special significance to the
Venus, although a planet, is referred to by astronomers as "The Evening and
Morning Star". The idea being portrayed is that of Death and Rebirth. This confirms
that Death and Rebirth, or Resurrection, were central to the Druid religious
philosophy; as they were to that of the Ancient Egyptians.
Tradition tells us that the person who is responsible for introducing religion
and culture to Britain was the Celt/Druid Hesus. In this, his role was not unlike that
of Osiris, who was the source of all knowledge in Ancient Egypt. (See Part 3)
The connection with ancient Egypt however does not end here. Hesus was also
known as Hu. (See Part 2) His very name Hesus/Hu, together with his role,
embodies the Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians that of Hu the Celestial
Sphinx, Creation, and the Precession of the Equinoxes.(See Parts 1-13)

Hu, the Celestial Sphinx

Druid mythology relates that Hesus/Hu was fathered by God and born of a
virgin mother, Mayence in the 9th century BC. He was later crucified but his soul
survived after Death. Sound familiar?
It was upon the "holy hill" that the Druids held an annual ceremony in which
they re-enacted the crucifixion of Hesus. This was called the Beltane Festival.
In Washington Village this ceremony could only have been held on the current
site of the Holy Trinity Church.

The altar of the Holy Trinity Church at Washington Village:

the Church on the Hill.

In the Beltane ritual ceremony Hesus/Hu was crucified on an oak tree which
was symbolic of the Tree of Life.
Imagine the scene at "Wesington" two millennia and more in the past a
sturdy oak tree standing atop a holy hill which was possibly still surrounded by
water. It was a sacred island; a sacred mound. The present day site of the Holy
Trinity Church was, and still is, a sacred mound. A "holy hill" is another way of
saying "sacred mound".

The Tree of Life and Washington Village

In mythology the Tree of Life grew out of the Sacred Mound, it's branches
reaching out and supporting the star and planet studded sky, while it's roots reached
down into the watery abyss of the Netherworld. The trunk of the Tree of Life
represented the World Pillar or Axis Munde (literally "Axis of the Mound") around
which the heavens appeared to revolve. The World Pillar was the centre of the
Similarly, the Sacred Oak on the Sacred Mound at Washington Village was a
world pillar representing the centre of the universe.
The Sacred Oak Tree was a World Pillar
which represented the Centre of the Universe.

The earliest reference to the concept of the Tree of Life is to be found in the
philosophy of the Ancient Egyptians. They explained the origin of the universe in
terms of a primordial ocean called Nun. It wasn't flat; rather it was in the shape of a
cosmic egg and from this cosmic egg was born the primeval hill called Nu. Of the
Tree of Life is written, "I am the plant which comes from Nu."

The key elements of the landscape at Washington Village before settlement are
identical to those outlined in Ancient Egyptian cosmology! Sacred water, a sacred
mound and a sacred tree.

The Ancient Egyptian symbol for "plant" meaning "Tree of Life" was three
sacred lotus lilies. They have tree stems curving to the left as though blown by the
easterly wind; and on top of each stem is the Lotus flower. The glyph which denotes
the sacred knowledge associated with Hesus is also formed by the three stems of the
three sacred lotus lilies.

The Egyptian hieroglyph The glyph which denotes

for "plant" meaning "Tree the sacred knowledge of
of Life" was three sacred Hesus is also derived
lotus lilies "unb". from the sacred lotus.

In the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for the Tree of Life we have a direct link
from the Ancient Egyptians, down through Hesus, to the people who re-enacted the
crucifixion of Hesus at Washington Village.

When Hesus was crucified upon the Tree of Life he metaphorically became as
one with the Tree. Just as Osiris became one with the tamarisk tree in which he was
encased (See Part 6) so Hesus/Hu became as one with the oak tree. Both Osiris and
Hesus/Hu were representative of the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear
to revolve; they were representative of the World Pillar, the link between the
terrestrial and the celestial worlds. They held the heavens in their outstretched arms,
and they soaked up the Word of God from the waters of the Netherworld. In
Ancient Egypt the Netherworld was called the "Netterworld" meaning the "World
of the gods". The gods had their home among the stars.

The Beltane Festival

The Beltane Festival which was celebrated at Washington Village two
millennia and more ago, was also known as "the bringing down of the sun". This is
a reference to an astronomical event, which occurred on September 21st 4468BCE
when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way.
This conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of
Leo/Gemini and into the Age of Taurus. This event which is known as Precession
of the Equinoxes is recorded on the Ancient Egyptian Narmer Plate dated 4468BC.
The bonfires which were lit to celebrate the Beltane Festival on old May Day
at Washington Village represented the Sun passing from one Age of the Zodiac into
the next. (See Part 9 to Part 15)
Although it was from the Ancient Egyptians that the Sacred Knowledge
encoded into the Beltane Festival originated, it was from the Ancient Babylonian
god Bel, circa 2200BC, that the Beltane Festival practised at Washington Village
derived its name. Babylon was a daughter civilization of Ancient Egypt.
"Bel" is translated with the titles "Lord" and "Baal". "Baal" is sometimes
represented as "Ba-al" or "Ba-el". "Ba-el" means "Gate of God" and was associated
with the Bull. "Al" is also the origin of the name Allah, God of the Mohammedans.

Canaanite Stele The Giant Narmer/Orion on the

dated around 1800BC Ancient Egyptian Narmer Plate, 4468BC

Statues of Baal show him in the stance of the Constellation of Orion and
wearing the White Crown of Egypt, attached to which is a Bull's lug. The Baal cult
was associated with the bull. His story is recounted in the Baal Myth, which concerns
a crisis in the Autumn Equinox. He was the god who died and rose again.
Unfortunately as the original meaning of his myth (see below) was lost he became
the seasonal god of vegetation, dying in the Autumn and having his resurrection in
the Spring. This resulted in the Beltane Festival being held in Spring instead of
Autumn. A Spring resurrection displays a total misunderstanding of the original
stellar myth. It was from this god that the name Beltane is derived.
From Baal and Bel is derived the English word "Bull". The Beltane Festival is
the Bull Festival; the celebration of the Dawning of the Age of Taurus in
September 4468BC. The words "Bel", "Baal" and "Lord" are interchangeable. Indeed
the words "Bel", "Baal", "Bull" and "Lord" are interchangeable. The Lord Baal, the
Lord Bel and the Lord were all references to the Bull in the Age of Taurus when he
reigned supreme in the Ages of the Equinoxes.
Similarly "The Lord" during the Age of Aries was the Ram. This is why there
are so many references to the family of the Ram in the Old Testament. "The Lord"
during the Age of Pisces, which is soon coming to a close, is the Fish. This explains
the allusions to Fish in Christianity.
Druid mythology relates that Hesus/Hu was fathered by God and born of a
virgin mother, Mayence in the 9th century BC. He was later crucified but his soul
survived after Death.
In the light of this Precession Myth, Jesus could only have one means of death
in order to fulfil his role as the new Hesus Crucifixion on the Tree of Life; an event
which is recalled every Easter and in some parts of the world even re-enacted. Not
surprisingly Saint Patrick was easily able to make converts from the Druid to the
Christian religion. Hesus' Virgin Mother Mayence, also known as Maire, was
substituted with the Christian Virgin Mary while Hesus and his crucifixion were
substituted with the Christian Jesus and his crucifixion. It was during the Middle
Ages that the letter "H" was replaced by the letter "J". The Beltane Festival,
originally held on the old May Day, was replaced by Easter.
In reality Christianity was the up-dated, Jerusalem-based version of Druidism.
A new-look for a New Age of Pisces and still the original Sacred Knowledge of
the Ancient Egyptians concerning the Precession of the Equinoxes continued to be
misinterpreted and misunderstood.

A similar conversion eventually took place at Washington Village. The oak tree
on the holy hill, the Mound, was cut down and a Christian church was built in its

The Holy Trinity Church, Washington Village:

The Church on the Hill.

(Note: The origin of the crucifixion legends together with the personification of the
Axis Munde is recorded in the Ancient Egyptian Myth of Osiris which can be found
in Part 6. More information on the Hesus/Jesus connection can be found in Part 15.)

The Beltane Festival, which was celebrated at Washington Village two millennia
and more ago, arrived from remote Ancient Egypt via Ancient Babylon and Syria.
With the advent of Christianity the Beltane Festival was eventually replaced by

The Beltane Festival and Precession.

The Beltane Festival and the re-enactment of the crucifixion on the Tree of Life
at Washington Village two millennia ago had been practised for at least four and a
half thousand years prior to that time in remote Ancient Egypt.
The Festival had its roots in Ancient Egypt, but the Ancient Babylonians and
Ancient Syrians later practised it, despite misinterpreting the message.
The Beltane Festival was a re-enactment of the bringing down of the Sun at the
close of the Age of Gemini, and its subsequent rising in the Age of Taurus.
The prime concern of the Festival was to celebrate the Precession of the
Equinoxes. The secondary concern was to celebrate the Precession of the Ages of the
Zodiac in general.
The Sacred Secret of Precession was known only to the initiated few who were
the Guardians of the Secret. The uninitiated misinterpreted the symbolism until

Children of the Pyramids

Today we are the Children of the Pyramids. From Pyramids to pit heaps we are
the heirs to the Lost Secrets of the Pharaohs of Remote Ancient Egypt. The pit heaps,
which were plentiful in Washington thirty-five years ago, were like the echo of a
collective memory.
The Ancient Egyptians discovered the secret of Precession. They mapped the
heavens. They were the Guardians of Time and we are their children.

The people of Washington, Tyne-Wear,

are the Children of the Pyramids.

Washington, Tyne-Wear, England

The USA Connection
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 22

George Washington: The First President of the United States of America

Washington Village, Tyne-Wear, is renowned the world over as the ancestral
home of George Washington, the First President of the United States of America.
His great-grandfather, Colonel John Washington, emigrated to Virginia in 1656
from Sulgrave Manor in Northamptonshire. The Washington family relocated to
Sulgrave Manor from Washington Manor, via Westmoreland, Lancashire and
Warwickshire, in the early to mid sixteenth century.

The entrance to the Washington Old Hall

The Washington Old Hall

The Washington family name was inherited from the name of the property of
which the family assumed ownership in 1183. The Ancestor of George Washington
who assumed ownership of the lands of Washington was William de Hertburn. He
was a knight whose ancestors fought alongside William the Conqueror. He was not
English; he was of Norman descent. Hertburn Gardens is named after him. The
Washington lands previously belonged to the Bishop of Durham but he exchanged
them for the Hertburn lands in Stockton. This is how William of Hertburn became
known as William of Washington.
The first stone manor house on the site of the present Old Hall was probably
built shortly after the Battle of Shadon's Hill in 1068 when the people of the North
revolted against William the Conqueror. Shadon's Hill stands at the Washington-
Springwell entrance to Eighton Banks. My dad's side of the family, the Hall family,
lived at Eighton Banks. It is a very old surname and there is a good chance that my
ancestors fought against William the Conqueror at the Battle of Shadon's Hill.

Shadon's Hill stands at the Washington / Springwell entrance to Eighton Banks.

After the Battle of Shadon's Hill it would be logical that William would install
one of his fellow countrymen in a nearby locality to quell the natives and prevent
further insurrections. Washington Village would have been the ideal location.
Certainly the stone manor house was built in the Norman architectural style.
The stone archways between the current kitchen and the Great hall evidence this.
The present Washington Old Hall was built in the early 1600's on top of the original
Norman foundations.

The Kitchen of the Washington Old Hall

The Coat of Arms adopted by William de Wassington reflects his position and
status of a knight. It comprises three red five-pointed stars and two red banners, in
the horizontal position, on a white background. Originally however the background
was silver. Heraldry in the form of standards dates back to the Ancient Egyptians as
early as 4468BC. (See Part 12) The introduction of heraldry into England is credited
to William I after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Originally the shields are believed
to have been a single colour but as the custom grew more popular a second colour
was introduced. The very early composition of the Washington Coat of Arms is
reflected in its use of only two colours.

The Washington Coat of Arms

In its original form: In its current form:

argent, two bar and in white, two bar and in
chief three mullets gules. chief three mullets red.

There were certain basic rules which had to be followed in the design of an
emblazonment. Metal must not be set upon metal; for example a gold star on a silver
background was forbidden. A colour must not be assigned on top of another colour;
for example red upon white was forbidden. The metal and the colour must be
incorporated into the design. Over the centuries yellow and white replaced the gold
and silver.
There is a unique heraldic vocabulary which is used to describe a Coat of
Arms. With reference to the Washington crest:

• The background is called "the field".

• The stripes are called "the charges".
• The two stripes in the horizontal position are referred to as a "two bar"
design. Forty years ago and more these stripes were referred to locally as
• The upper section of the shield, or field, is called "the chief".
• The three stars in the chief are "the secondary charges".
• A five-pointed star is called "a mollet" or "mullet" because it resembles the
rowel of a spur. A rowel is a spiked disk on a spur, used to urge on the horse
to victory. It is also a piece of hair or leather with a hole in it which is placed
under a horse's skin to discharge pus. The 14th century Coat of Arms of
William de Wassington has three pierced mullets. Combining these two
meanings the mullet signifies Endurance and Purification, or taken one step
further, Endurance to achieve Purification. Having thus distinguished himself
the candidate "won his spurs": he was made a knight.
• The white field was originally silver, and is referred to as "argent".
• The red of the charges and secondary charges is referred to as "gules", which
comes from the Latin meaning "ermine, dyed red". Ermine, the white winter
fur of the stoat, signifies Peerage, Judgement and Purity.

In heraldic terms the Washington Coat of Arms was created soon after the
Norman Conquest of 1066. This is borne out by the fact that only argent and gules
were used in its composition. The field is argent, and the two bar charge is gules.
The secondary charge in the chief, comprising three mullets, is also gules.
Expressed in its most precise terms the Washington Coat of Arms is described
as: argent, two bar and in chief three mullets gules. The intrinsic meaning is
"Endurance to achieve Purification. Winning one's spurs and becoming a knight, a
member of the Peerage. As a member of the peerage the knight can sit in Judgement
because he himself is considered to be Pure."
The Washington family took great pride in their heritage, such that when they
emigrated to America they retained their family crest. As a result, when George
Washington, who was a prominent Freemason, became the First President of the
United States, it was the Washington Coat of Arms which was adopted as the basis
of the American flag. Expressed in everyday language the red banners on the white
background were retained, but the red stars on a white background were replaced
with white stars on a blue background. The stars and banners of Washington Village
became the "Stars and Stripes" of the leading world power!

The flag of the United States of America

was based on the Coat of Arms of the George Washington whose
ancestors hailed from Washington Village, Tyne-Wear.

Commemoration of the USA/ Washington Connection

The USA connections with Washington Village are commemorated in many
ways. For example:

• in hanging a portrait of George Washington both inside the Library and

outside "The Washington Arms" at the Village Green;
The Washington Arms pub at the Village Green
in 1987 was very proudly displaying a portrait of
George Washington, First President of the United States of America.

• in the establishment of the "Washington Greys" Jazz band,

The march-past of the Washington Greys in 1977 drew big crowds.

• and in the celebration of American Independence Day on July 4th every year
at the Washington Old Hall.

The Fourth of July celebrations in 1987 were exceptional. Members of the US

forces were the focal point of the day as they performed the Raising of the Flag

Members of the US Forces preparing to raise the "Stars and Stripes"

at the Washington Old Hall, 4th July 1987.
Following the raising of the "Stars and Stripes", which was a very emotional
experience, the "Washington Presidents" also took part in the celebrations.

The Washington Presidents. They were a sensation.

Everyone was curious about their padding.

Finally the activities concluded on a British note with a terrific performance by

the Morris Dancers.

The activities concluded on an English note:

the Morris Dancers attracted everyone's attention
at the July 4th 1987 celebrations.

I wonder, how many people did you recognize in these photographs?

Footnote subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Skara Brae:
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations Part 23

Skara Brae, dating back 3100 - 2600BC, was a settlement in the Orkneys, a small group of islands which lie
about twenty miles north of the Scottish mainland.

It was discovered in 1850 after a violent storm had struck the island, ripping away the turf and sand dunes. The
settlement was exposed to daylight for the first time in nearly four and a half thousand years.

Situated on the western edge of the largest of the Orkney islands, Mainland, Skara Brae bore the brunt of the
storms coming in from the west. It was a harsh environment, the island being generally flat and treeless.

The inhabitants must have been keen to stay there ... or perhaps they had no choice.

I propose that the original families had been shipwrecked in a storm, had lost their ship(s) and possessions, and
had no means to get off the island. They could not build a seaworthy vessel because there was neither wood nor
alternative boat-building material available. Had this been a planned settlement the inhabitants would have
brought not only tools, furniture and clothing but also a greater variety of craftsmen.

I also propose that they built the initial settlement at the point where they landed because it was a good look-out
position to spot other boats approaching from the west. This could be interpreted in terms of rescue or defence.
Moreover it was near the seashore, the main food source for survival. We know from remains found at Skara
Brae that their diet included whale, fish, and shell-fish, as well as beef and venison. It sounds most opportune,
there being cattle on the island! I would suggest that they were brought to the island by the victims of the ship

The newcomers had no alternative but to build shelters if they wanted to survive on this windswept island. There
being no trees, their only source of raw materials in plentiful supply was stone.

The hieroglyphs are Ancient Egyptian and translate as MER. The meaning of the word Mer is signified by
what appears to be a triangle. It is in fact a representation of a pyramid. The Ancient Egyptian word for both
"Pyramid" and "Egypt" was "MER"! Clearly the pyramid was synonymous with Egypt.
Notice how the hieroglyph for the letter "M" is a representation of the three main Pyramids at Giza. Also the
hieroglyph for the letter "E" is a representation of the Great Pyramid with the shaft leading up from the
King's Chamber. According to Egyptologists these pyramids were not built until around 2650BC ... at least 400
years after Skara Brae was founded!
This was a message in stone to let the people of the future know that the founders of Skara Brae came from

They were familiar with the three Pyramids of Giza and could at least write this one word. This is proof that
Ancient Egyptian writing had progressed to letters representing sounds, as well as having the pictogram denoting
the word, by 3100BC.

It is clear from the excavations of the site that these people were skilled in the use of stone as a building material.
The buildings needed to be designed such that they were able to withstand the ferocious storms in the area. They
also needed to be insulated against the harsh winters. Moreover, because there was no mortar the people built dry
stone walls, a tradition which continues in the UK to this day.
Everything in the houses was necessarily made of stone, including seats, beds and cupboards. The builders even
incorporated stone sewers and drains underneath the stone floors so that the people need not venture outside in
the harshest of weathers.

All this points to the people of Skara Brae having originated from a highly civilized society.
Furthermore, it was only after these people had arrived at Skara Brae that the stone monuments, circles and
mounds, for which the Orkneys and the rest of the UK is famous, began to be erected. It was these people who
introduced the arts and sciences to the inhabitants of Britain.

From where did the inhabitants of Skara Brae originate?

The answer lies in the hieroglyph inscription carved into the right-hand side bed in House Seven, pictured
A person might be tempted to think that the inscription is Runic, and that the inhabitants of Skara Brae therefore
originated in Europe. This interpretation is incorrect.
Further proof of the Ancient Egyptian origins of the people of Skara Brae is to be found in a stone ball which
has confounded archaeologists and historians alike. I have coined the name
Pyramid Stone or Pyramid Sphere for it.

Look closely and you will see that the sphere is covered in pyramids radiating uniformly from the centre.
Pyramids in 3000BC and in Scotland? Egyptologists would have us believe that the Giza Pyramids in Egypt
were built around 2650BC!
This Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Sphere found at Skara Brae is both a calendar and representative of the

As a calendar it represents a lunar calendar covering a period of six years. There are thirteen lunar months in a
year, which over a six year period add up to seventy-eight lunar months. There are seventy-eight pyramids on the
Pyramid Sphere. The two inner circles are made up of four and nine respectively, totalling thirteen.

The inner circle of four pyramids could also represent the four phases, or quarters, of the moon during its four
week cycle.

The four central pyramids can also be considered in terms of representing the Four Pillars of Heaven. For the
uninitiated this meant that the four pillars were holding up the sky. However for those Ancient Egyptians who
were initiated into the secrets of the heavens, the Four Pillars of Heaven symbolized the Four Cardinal Points
of North, South, East and West.

Another explanation for these central four pyramids is that they represent the sun in its four seasons: they
mark the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes when the Sun crosses the equator and renders day and night equal
throughout the world, as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices when the sun is furthest from the equator. In
this sense the four central pyramids represent a period of
one year.

Working on the assumption that these four central pyramids represent the Sun, then the surrounding circle of
nine pyramids could represent the nine planets in orbit around the Sun.

Following on from this reasoning, the next ring of thirteen pyramids would represent the Signs of the Zodiac.
It is thought that in ancient times there were originally thirteen signs of the zodiac, rather than the twelve we
have today. I propose that the purpose of the Thirteen Sign Zodiac was to identify with the thirteen lunar
months in the year. I would suggest that this Lunar Zodiac (another new term that I have coined) ran
concurrently with the more traditional Twelve Sign Zodiac which served the purpose of dividing the heavens
into equal segments of thirty degrees.

The inhabitants of Skara Brae erected the twelve Stones of Stenness in a perfect circle to represent the Twelve
Signs of the Zodiac and eventually thirteen tombs were erected on Mainland Orkney to represent the Lunar
Not only was Skara Brae settled by the Ancient Egyptians, so too was the Knap of Howar.

Two similar houses to those at Skara Brae have been discovered at the Knap of Howar, on the small island of
Papa Westray to the north of the Orkneys.

They were contemporary to those at Skara Brae, and also contained evidence of Ancient Egyptian artefacts.
These Ancient Egyptian artefacts are in the form of what is now referred to as Unstan Ware Pottery. This
pottery, which has a distinctive round base, originated in Ancient Egypt. It is the artefact used to represent the
hieroglyph letter "K" and the sound "cu" as in "cup".

Grooved Ware Pottery is a further indication that Skara Brae was settled by the Ancient Egyptians.

Although the inhabitants of Skara Brae were skilled in the use of stone, they certainly were not skilled in the art
of sculpting or making pottery.

This is evidenced in what is today termed as their Grooved Ware Pottery. This pottery, which originated at
Skara Brae, is undoubtedly made and decorated by non-artisans. There was a need for pottery and it was fulfilled
in the best way the people knew how.

Had this been an intentionally designed community there would have been artisans among the population.

Interior of House Seven. The dresser was placed opposite the entrance to afford privacy to people either in bed
or sitting on the side of the bed. More people could huddle around the elongated hearth during the cold days and
nights by having the furniture postioned in this way.
This is considered to be the first building at Skara Brae. When the site was abandoned it was being used as a
I have coined the name Pyramid Stone or Pyramid Sphere for this Skara Brae ball.

The hieroglyph inscription carved into the right-hand side bed in House Seven.


A typical example of
Skara Brae pottery
The design of the Skara Brae pottery is significant. It intentionally incorporates the hieroglyphs and pictogram
for "Mer", which is translated as both Pyramid and Egypt. In this, the design reflects both an esoteric meaning,
and a longing for the homeland.
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for MER, translating as both Pyramid and Egypt, were found carved into the
stonework at Skara Brae.

The Pyramid Sphere

The Cross within a Circle formed at the centre of the Pyramid Sphere is a symbol of the Precession of the

Another explanation of the Pyramid Sphere is that in itself it represents the Sun.

I believe that the Skara Brae Pyramid Sphere was intended to encode all of these purposes but that its main
purpose was to record their knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The Skara Brae Pyramid Sphere

and the Precession of the Equinoxes.
A lot of the pottery discovered at Skara Brae had been deliberately smashed and this has puzzled historians. In
fact it was a custom or ceremony of Ancient Egyptian origin. It was called the Ceremony of Breaking the Red
Pots. The wailing mourners at a funeral would smash the red, unglazed pottery to rid the deceased of any kind of
threat or harm. It was an execration ritual for the protection of the dead. It was also a good way of relieving
stress and pent-up emotions!

The Pyramid
A cross within
a Circle
In easy to understand terms the Precession of the Equinoxes is the apparent movement of the heavens. In reality
however, the Earth is rotating and the heavens are standing still. The effect of Precession can be seen on a clear
night as the constellations apparently move across the sky.

In the bigger picture, the Signs of the Zodiac appear to move across the heavens not only on an annual basis, but
also over a period of 25,920 years. This is because over a period of 72 years the stars/constellations appear to
move through one degree of their cycle. To move through 360 degrees (the number of degrees in a circle/cycle) it
takes 360 x 72 = 25,920 years.

This also explains the apparent cycle of the Pole Stars. Our current Pole Star is Polaris, but two thousand years
ago the Pole Star was Alpha Draconis.
This same motif is to be found today on many village crosses today.
A cross within
a Circle (Celtic)
Notice how the original four pyramids of the Pyramid Sphere are retained in the Cross within the Circle, both in
the photograph and in the diagrams.
The apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac across the sky takes place not only over a period of one year,
but also over a period of 25,920 years. The latter is often referred to as Plato's Great Year. This Great Year is
divided into four "Seasons", each with three "Months".The apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac over
the 25,920 year period is referred to as the
Precession of the Equinoxes.
The Ancient Egyptians had full knowledge and understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes. This is
evidenced by the Ancient Egyptian artefact: the Narmer Plate.
As with the ordinary year, the Great Year is divided into Four Seasons, which are defined by the Spring and
Autumn Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstices. Within these Four Seasons are contained the Twelve
Ages of the Zodiac, and by association, the Precession of the Equinoxes.

We currently live in the Age of Pisces, the Fish, which explains the unusual amount of "fish" references in The
New Testament. The previous Age was the Age of Aries, the Ram, which explains the unusual amount of "ram"
references in The Old Testament. The Age of Taurus, the Bull, is reflected for example in the religious practices
of Minoan Crete.

We will soon be moving into the next Age of the Zodiac.

On 21st December 2012 the Sun will rise at 6:48am to herald in the
New Age of Aquarius.
For more information about the Water World of the Age of Aquarius, click on this sky chart of the
Constellation of Aquarius.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the key player in the Age of Aquarius
is a Fish!
The inhabitants of Skara Brae were not only Ancient
Egyptians, they were Ancient Egyptian Priest Astronomers.

As Skara Brae was settled in the Age of Taurus, the Bull, a person would expect to find evidence of this
astronomical time at the site ... probably in the shape of bull's horns. Such evidence has been discovered in the
shape of a stylized bull's head. This stone artefact, which looks not unlike a gavel, would have been used in
ceremonial ritual. I have coined the term Skara Brae Stylized Bull's Head Gavel or Skara Brae Taurus Stone
for it.
Both the Skara Brae Sphere and the Skara Brae Stylized Bull's Head Gavel or Taurus Stone are symbols of
the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The style of architecture suggests that the "Round House" at Skara Brae was built first. The rest at Skara Brae
and those at Knap of Howar were built at a later date.

The circular architectural influence was maintained in the rest of the Temple-Houses at Skara Brae as the later
ones were built square but with round corners. The Temple-Houses at Knap of Howar were square. This suggests
that the settlement at Skara Brae was founded first.

This is a reflection of the architecture in Ancient Egypt, where the earliest houses were round, later ones were

The corbelled walls of the Temple-Houses are yet another reflection of Ancient Egyptian architecture.
In Ancient Egypt the people lived on the East Bank of the Nile and buried their dead on the West Bank. For this
reason I believe that the farming community lived on the eastern side of Orkney Mainland. Alternatively, there is
the possibility that they lived on a separate island altogether.

The engraving on the Stylized Bull's Head Gavel is significant. Unlike the carving on the bedside in Room Seven
the engraving does not constitute Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Rather it encodes the Sacred Knowledge of
the Ancient Egyptians, which was known only to the Priests.

As with the Skara Brae Grooved Ware Pottery, the pattern on the Stylized Bull's Head Gavel is significant and
has symbolic meaning. Recorded on this stone object is an example of the Sacred Geometry of the Ancient
Egyptians. Initially a person gains a sense of witnessing the Proof of a Theorem ... possibly that which was later
named after Pythagoras or Euclid.

Also on the Stylized Bull's Head Gavel, and perhaps not unexpectedly, the Triangle is prominent, as is the
Cross. Both are symbols of Precession. In the Mer Triangle of the Ancient Egyptians the sides are in the ratio
of 72:100:123. The side 123 is opposite the right angle, while the side 72 is opposite the angle of 36 degrees. The
number 72 is the "Sacred Precession Number", it taking 72 years for the heavens to apparently pass through one
degree of its cycle. The right angle or "square" represents one of the four Seasons in the Ages of the Zodiac.

The layout of Skara Brae intentionally outlines the Lotus flower in bud and its leaf. Symbolizing the Tree of
Life and Resurrection each are significant motifs used to encrypt the concept of Precession. The symbolic
significance of these motifs was known only to the Priests.
The Tree of Life represented the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve. The Axis Munde is
the World Pillar, the link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds. A representation of this World Pillar is to
be found lying on the floor in House Seven, significantly the same house where the Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs were carved.

In addition, the bodies of two older women which had been placed in a sarcophagus, were discovered buried
beneath the sarcophagus bed at the right hand side of House Seven. This is the same sarcophagus bed upon
which the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs had been carved.

To the right of the World Pillar in the photograph below can be seen a square-hewn stone. This is called an
Ashlar. This is the modern equivalent of the Latin word "axilla" which translates as "Axis". Like the flat
column in House Seven, the Ashlar was also a symbol of the World Pillar.

The importance of House Seven at Skara Brae is evident, and as such it would have been occupied by the Chief
Priest. Moreover it would have been here that the ritual ceremonies of Ancient Egypt would have been re-

Several years ago in South Australia, Freemasonic Temples ... they are now called Lodge Rooms ... were open to
the public. The layout of the Freemasonic Temples which I visited were not unlike the layout of this room
pictured at Skara Brae!

A representation of the World Pillar is to be seen at the left of the central hearth in House Seven. The square-
hewn Ashlar also represents the World Pillar. Significantly this is the same house where the Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs were carved and the bodies of two older women were discovered in a sarcophagus beneath the
sarcophagus bed at the right hand side.
In remote Ancient Egypt it was the Priests who were also the astronomers. The Sacred Knowledge which they
guarded so well, and re-enacted in their funeral ritual, was the Astronomical Knowledge of the Precession of the
Equinoxes. As previously mentioned this was the purpose of the Standing Stones of Stenness.

Similarly at Skara Brae it was the Priests who were also the Astronomers. It was at Skara Brae (and
surrounding areas) that the priest astronomers incorporated, developed and adapted their distinctive Ancient
Egyptian Sacred Knowledge, heritage and culture to fit the harsh surroundings.

At Skara Brae the houses were built like a warren of tombs, with the beds being replicas of stone sarcophagi.
If this were not the intention then the front panel of the bed would not have been there. It would be warmer lying
in front of the fire without the front panel. Even having to just about crawl through the doorways of the houses
gave the impression of entering a tomb. In fact the later Maes Howe Tomb is reminiscent of the Skara Brae

As only the Priests could read and write then it follows that only a Priest carved out the Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs in Room Seven.

Even the corbelled walls of the buildings of Skara Brae reek of Ancient Egyptian architecture, let alone the
fact that they were built entirely of stone.

Furthermore the layout of Skara Brae is significant. The buildings were not randomly placed. The village was
specifically designed in the form of a leaf and a flower bud symbolic of both the Tree of Life and the Lotus.

Click on the picture below for the sacred and astronomical meaning of the Tree of Life and the Lotus.
"Any triangle whose sides are in the ratio of 3:4:5 contains a right angle" ... Euclid.

The Circle, the third symbol of Precession and also a part of the Sacred Geometry, is interconnected with both
the Cross (as shown above) and the Triangle.

When constructing a triangle with sides of specific length or ratio, the construction of circles is inherent in the
procedure and a compass is required to draw the arcs. Where the arcs bisect, they are the points of the triangle.
Most readers will remember having constucted a triangle in this manner at school. Of course the Ancient
Egyptians need not have used metal compasses as we do, they may have been made of a combination of papyrus
and rope/twine.

A further explanation for the grid lines is that they represent the celestial lines of latitude and longitude on the
sky globe. This explanation might at first sound improbable but ... it was the Ancient Egyptians who discovered
Precession, mapped out the Constellations and divided the heavens into segments and it has already been
demonstrated that the Ancient Egyptians who settled at Skara Brae were astronomers. Consequently this
apparently illogical explanation is an odds on certainty.
To discover more about the Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations click on the Sky Globe.
The grid lines on the Stylized Bull's Head Gavel could represent the celestial lines of latitude and longitude of
the sky globe.

The Skara Brae Priest Astronomers

Except for the World Pillar, the layout of the interior of the houses at Skara Brae is virtually identical. However
what was previously considered to be a stone dresser (top centre) is in fact an altar, which is itself symbolic of
an Ancient Egyptian Temple and its inherent cosmic meaning. The top slab of the altar and the double central
column forms the letter T, the Ancient Egyptian "Tau", which represents the Sacred Gateway, Portal or
Opening. It is through this Sacred Gateway that the Sun rises to herald in the Dawn of a New Age of the

It is important not to lose sight of the fact that Taus originated in Ancient Egypt. They represent Temples, which
are Gateways for the Sun at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac. As temples they are used to track the
movements of the Sun during both the ordinary year and Great Year, to predict Solstices and Equinoxes. In the
case of the Great Year they are used to track and predict the Dawn of the next Age of the Zodiac in the
Precession of the Equinoxes.

When Sacred Taus are joined together horizontally they represent a temple. In Ancient Egypt huge columns were
erected in just this fashion. Henges in Britain are Sacred Taus joined together, very often in a circular design, to
form a temple. A Double Tau forms a Dolmen. A Triple Tau later in history came to represent the
Temple of Jerusalem.
The hieroglyph for "Temple" at the top of the Narmer Plate. Notice how "Tau" is formed in the space above
the temple.
Notice the Tau formed by the top slab and double central column of the Altars at Skara Brae.
The temple at Karnak, though apparently later than Skara Brae, is a good example of how Taus are joined
to form a temple.
The Tau is represented by the letter "T". These hieroglyphs translate as "Sacred Opening"
A Dolmen is formed by a Double Tau.
Several Double Taus are evident in the Skara Brae Altar.
The Triple Tau, later in history, came to represent the Temple of Jerusalem.
The Triple Tau is clearly evident in the Skara Brae Altar.

The layout of the later Mithraic Temples is not unlike the layout inside the houses at Skara Brae. The ceremonies
in both Temples concerned the Precession of the Equinoxes, with specific reference to the Dawn of the Age of

Click on this picture of the Narmer Plate for more information on the origin of Taus in remote Ancient Egypt.
The Narmer Plate is an Ancient Egyptian artefact which commemorates the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

Skara Brae is generally thought of in terms of it being a farming community. Nothing could be further from the
truth. Skara Brae was a Commune of Priest Astronomers whose followers were initiated into the Sacred
Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians at the complex. The farming community would have been located in a
separate village, probably on the eastern side of the island.
The "Houses" of Skara Brae were "Temples" dedicated to the Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians,
concerning the Precession of the Equinoxes. Today, because they are not on a grand scale we might refer to them
as "chapels".

The passageways and doorways leading to the "temples" were only about a metre high so that the Priests or
Candidates had to stoop in a bowed position ... signifying humility.

The entrance area to the "temples" or "chapels", just inside the doorway, is the Ante-Chapel. To the left upon
entering, a portion of the room is sectioned off. This was most probably the Robing Room where the candidate
was prepared for his initiations into the Sacred Mysteries.

Beyond the Ante-Chapel is the Chapel Nave which is flanked by stone benches or sarcophagi. The sarcophagus
on the right was probably used as an Ordeal Pit. This was where the Candidate lay enclosed in the dark while a
fire blazed in the hearth only a few feet away. By enduring the ordeal in the closed sarcophagus, the candidate
was following in the footsteps of Osiris. The Priest Astronomers would have sat on the opposite bench.

The hearth can also be considered in terms of an Ordeal Slab upon which Candidates were initiated into
successively higher degrees of Sacred Knowledge.

Alongside the hearth lies the World Pillar, and at the head of the hearth lies the Ashlar. I wonder, are there any
carvings on the undersides of these objects?

Beyond the Chapel Nave is the Sanctuary, the most sacred part of the Temple. It is here that the Altar is
situated. The "Stone Things" of Skara Brae, for example the Pyramid Sphere and the Taurus Stone, would have
been kept on the Altar, close at hand for use in the ritual ceremonies.

The Temple Complex of Skara Brae

The Chapel Nave is flanked by stone benches or sarcophagi. The Sanctuary contains the Altar. the World
Pillar and Ashlar lie next to the hearth. Just within the doorway, not pictured, is the Ante-Chapel.

The layout of the Mithraic Temples is not unlike that of the Skara Brae Temples. In this Mithraic temple at
Carrawburgh, the Hearth and Ordeal Pit are in the Ante-Chapel.

The Knap of Howar: An Ancient Egyptian Settlement

An example of Unstan Ware Pottery used by the inhabitants of Knap of Howar. The design is Ancient Egyptian.
"Homage to Hrak"
"Homage to Ra of the Horizon"
"Homage to the Rising Sun"

This is a particularly interesting example to dislpay the letter "K" in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Notice the
"Cross" symbol, and remember how the "Cross and the Circle" together symbolize Precession. Notice also how
Ra is represented by a severed head ... in this lies the origin of the practice of cutting off heads, and the
incorporation of severed heads into art and architecture, mythology and religion. Finally, there is the very strong
possibility that the cairns and mounds of the Orkneys were built in the form of Hrak, the Rising Sun. However I
believe it more appropriate that they were built in the form of the Setting Sun. This is because in Ancient Egypt
the Dead were buried on the West Bank of the Nile where the Sun set ... and Great Britain was considered to be
"The Land of the Westerners/The Land of the Dead". The Ancient Egyptian Priest Astronomers in the Orkneys
were paying
Homage to the Setting Sun. Furthermore, Mainland Orkney came to be considered by them, in their isolation, as
the Land of the Westerners, the Land of the Dead.

These are examples of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics which incorporate the predecessors of the Unstan Ware
Pottery, to represent the letter "K" and the sound "cu" as in "cup".

Mainland Orkney: The Land of the Dead

There remains no room for doubt that the Ancient Egyptians settled in the Orkneys. Initially I proposed that they
had been shipwrecked and I still maintain this.

I believe that they were on a voyage of exploration and discovery. The Ancient Egyptians were very preoccupied
with the "Land of the Westerners" ( the Land of the Dead) and set out to discover its location. They brought with
them wheat, barley, sheep and long-horned cattle ... their staple diet.

Clearly there were a number of Priest Astronomers on board. Their main purpose during the voyage was that of
navigating by the stars.

I suspect that these Ancient Egyptians were on course, navigating and charting the coastline of what we now
refer to as Great Britain, the "Land of the Westerners".
Unfortunately they ran into a severe storm off the western coast of the Orkneys, lost most of their supplies, and
were forced to remain where they came ashore.

These Ancient Egyptian explorers nevertheless fulfilled their obligation to their motherland, building a new
civilization in the Land of the Westerners with the knowledge of the arts and sciences they brought with them.

For them, Mainland Orkney was the Land of the Westerners, the Land of the Dead.

Based on the Taurus Stone I would date the ship wreck at earlier than 3100BC. In fact closer to one thousand
years earlier ... at least 4000BC.

Audrey Fletcher:

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