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The history of the education curriculum in Indonesia often changes every time there is a change in the

Minister of Education, so that the quality of Indonesian education has yet to meet clear and steady quality
standards. In the course of history since 1945, the national education curriculum has undergone changes,
namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2006. These changes are a logical
consequence of changes in the political, socio-cultural system economy, and science and technology in a
nation and state society. Because, the curriculum as a set of educational plans needs to be developed
dynamically according to the demands and changes that occur in the community. All national curricula are
designed based on the same foundation, namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the difference being in
the main emphasis of the educational goals and approaches in realizing them.
1. Lesson plan 1947
The beginning of the curriculum was formed in 1947, which was named the Learning Plan of 1947.
This curriculum at that time continued the curriculum that had been used by the Dutch because at that time it
was still in the process of struggle for independence. The main characteristic of this curriculum is that it
emphasizes the formation of sovereign and equal human character with other nations.
2. Decomposed Lesson Plan 1952
This curriculum details each subject called the Decomposed Lesson Plan 1952. "The syllabus is very
clear. a teacher teaches one subject, "said Djauzak Ahmad, Director of Ministry of National Education Basic
Education period 1991-1995. At that time, at the age of 16, Djauzak was a teacher at Tambelan Elementary
School and Tanjung Pinang, Riau.
3. 1968 curriculum
The 1968 curriculum is a renewal of the 1964 curriculum, namely the change in the structure of the
education curriculum from Pancawardhana into Pancasila mental formation, basic knowledge, and special
skills. The 1968 curriculum is an embodiment of the orientation changes in the implementation of the 1945
Constitution purely and consequently.
4. Curriculum 1975
The 1975 curriculum as a substitute for the 1968 curriculum emphasizes goals, the 1975 curriculum
emphasizes goals, so that education is more efficient and effective. "The background is the influence of the
concept in the field of management, namely MBO (management by objective) which was famous at the
time," said Drs. Mudjito, Ak, MSi, Director of Development of the Ministry of National Education
Kindergarten and Elementary School.
5. Curriculum 1984
The 1984 curriculum carries a process skill approach. Although the priority of a process approach,
but the goal remains an important factor. This curriculum is also often called "Enhanced 1975 curriculum".
Students position placed as studying subject. From observing something, grouping, to discuss, to report.
This model is called Active Student Learning Method (CBSA) or Student Active Leaming (SAL).
6. 1994 curriculum and supplements to the 1999 curriculum
The 1994 curriculum revolves more on efforts to integrate previous curricula. "His soul wants to
combine the 1975 curriculum and 1984 curriculum, between the process approaches," Mudjito explained.
Unfortunately, the combination of goals and processes has not been successful. Critics are scattered, because
the learning burden of students is considered too heavy. From national to local content.
7. 2004 curriculum
The cool language is the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). Each lesson is parsed based on what
competencies students must achieve. Unfortunately, confusion arises when it is associated with measuring
student competency, namely examinations. The final school and national exams are still multiple choice
questions. If the target competency is to be achieved, the evaluation will certainly be more in practice or in
the problem description that is able to measure how much students understand and competence.
8. KTSP 2006
The most recent curriculum is the 2006 KTSP curriculum which is a development of the 2004 KBK
curriculum. The 2006 curriculum used at this time is a curriculum that gives autonomy to schools to
organize education whose peak task will be carried out by each instructor of subjects, namely the teacher. So
that a teacher here according to Okvina (2009) is truly moved to become a professional human being who
needs to be able to respond to a teacher.

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