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Thy Womb

What is a mother to you? Typically, you are just going to say it as, "a woman that carried me in her
womb for 9 months" or "A woman that cooks my food, wash the dishes and clothes, and prepares my
meal." But have you ever wonder what are the sacrifices that woman did for you? Well, you need to
wake up and go deeper into the real essence of that woman.
Being a mother is very tough because you need to do your obligations and responsibilities as a
mother. Some of us will think that being a mother is easy because she is just going to cook and do the
household chores but in return, she will just receive her husband's salary. But what is the real essence of
being a mother? If your definition is a woman who cares, loves and willing to sacrifice everything, it
means you are doing well in appreciating the efforts and sacrifices of your mom or the woman that you
love; your wife. Mother is not only a woman that cooks your food or irons your clothes, but she can be
also your best friend that you can share your problems and your love life, a woman that looks like a
guidance councillor that always ready to nag you but willing to listen, a woman that looks like a nurse
that always there to take good care of you and lastly a woman that looks like superwoman that can do
all things just for your happiness and safety. But did you ever wonder when is the last time when you
say, you love her? Did you thank her a lot? Because there is a lot of young people today that they did
not know how to realize their mother's sacrifices.
Mother is the hardest job in the world because she can do all the things for her family. We need to
be thankful and appreciate our moms' sacrifices for us. You are lucky and blessed if you still have a
mother that still breathing and smiling. So, go to your mom and hug her, kiss her and tell her how
thankful you are that she can take all the risks for your own sake. She is the only woman that can always
be on your side whatever the situation is. All the things will fade except for the mother's love. Amy Tan
said, "A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place". You will feel the happiness and
contentment if you know that you have a woman who's always at your back- a mother.

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