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Nature: Our Paradise

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”

This thought that came from Fright Lloyd Wright, was an American architect, interior designer, writer,
and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures, 532 of which were completed. He shows his
love for nature by creating a house and building that were eco-friendly because he believed that if you
love nature; nature will love you back.

Nature is very important in the world. It is very nice to wake up early in the morning, looking for the
sunshine from the sun, listening to the chirping birds, inhaling fresh air and appreciating the lively
green colors around you. But did you ever realize the importance of these things that you can just see
from nature? Does our nature still look the same? Well, if you still think that it still the same try to
visit some forest that is near from you and try to observe, if there’s still a lot of birds that chirping, a
greener, and lively trees that clean the air, and last an animals that balance our ecosystem.

Many of us, thinking that nature from the century ago is still the same in our time today. Based on
the scenarios that we are continuously encountering right now answered our queries regarding the
status of nature. In the Philippines, Filipinos could them and imagined again the nightmare that they
have last 2013 when one of the strongest typhoons in the world strike in the western part of the
country. It took thousands of lives and millions of properties were destroyed because of that calamity.

Maybe it is difficult to us to change the status of the nature today because the idea that comes to
your mind is, “Kung ako lang ang kikilos wala ring mangyayari kung hindi kikilos ang lahat.”-pertaining
to other countries. But if we work together as one nation and one great leader will impose some laws
that will help nature. We can change something no matter if it is smaller or bigger things. And taking
this way needs us to show our discipline because this is the great and the best attitude that will help
us to fight climate change that is happening right now.

As Wright mentioned, if we study the importance and function of nature in our life; love our nature
and stay close to nature by doing the right things and avoiding the bad one. Nature itself will love us

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