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Belén Esquembri


Getting to know you

1. Which parts of learning English (e.g. grammar, speaking, listening, spelling,

memorizing vocabulary, etc.) do you find most difficult? And which parts
and/or skills are easiest for you?

Speaking and grammar is the most difficult for me, but I think I’m better at listening
and memorizing vocabulary.

2. Which class activities (e.g. pair work, grammar exercises, games, etc.) do you
enjoy most? Which ones put you to sleep?

I like games and pair work, but sometimes I get nervous having to speak in class.

3. Do you want to teacher to correct you when you make mistakes? If yes, how

Yes of course, because this help me to improve.

4. What are you going to do to improve your English this course, both inside and
outside the classroom?

Inside the classroom, I can pay attention and take notes. Outside the classroom, I try
to watch films and series in english with subtittles and read blogs in english.

5. What is the main reason for you to take this course?

Because english is one of the most important languages in the world, and I'm very
interesting to improve my english. In addition, I’m work in a shop at the botanic
garden of La Concepción and there are a lot of foreigns visit here.

Please write a short answer for each question and upload it to the A.V. Remember to
use only Word, Pages or Odt.

Thank you,


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