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We’ve broken the program into two parts; foundations for

weight loss & a seven day juice cleanse. In part one, we distill
our top tips for getting to a healthy weight into five simple
steps. These are small changes that will have a massive impact
on your weight & overall health. Each week, our Nutritionist will
guide you through this change and support you with lots of
amazing resources, recipes, & practical tips. Once you’ve
We cannot wait to guide you through this weight loss program. There is a
mastered each change, it will become second nature to you,
misconception that weight loss is a result of a restrictive diet, intense
and overtime, it will have a profound impact on your health.
exercise, & lots of hard work. So many people spend their lives cycling
through various weight loss programs, periodically losing weight only to put
In part two, we dive into a nourishing 7 day juice cleanse. Giving
it straight back on again. If this is you, you’re not alone! Research now shows
the body a rest from solid foods & nurturing it with nutrient-
us that 95% of people who lose weight through a restrictive diet will put it
dense juice & broths is an incredible way to hit the reset button
back on again within a year. Additionally, so many of these diet and weight
on your health. Not only does it give the digestive system time
loss formulas are just simply dangerous for our health; from food deprivation
to rest, but it allows the liver to focus on detoxifying unwanted
to deficiency in nutrients, to supplements that are laden with chemicals,
toxins from the body. This has incredible flow on effects in the
food additives, and artificial sugars, your body shouldn’t have to endure this
body including weight loss, clearer skin, more energy,
& balanced hormones.

We’re happy to tell you that there’s another way! We believe that the magic
We hope this program is the beginning of a life
really happens when we learn how to look after & nourish our bodies one
filled with health, energy & vitality!
step at a time. When we do this, incredible things happen - we lose weight,
our skin clears, our hormones come back into balance, and we have more
energy to live our lives to the fullest. James & Laurentine

1 2
Food Matters Superfood


Greens Drink

Add More Ingredients
12 ounce springwater in glass
1 teaspoon Food Matters superfood greens powder

Mix all ingredients together and serve.

Leafy Green Salad

‘Just keep adding in the good stuff! Eventually
it’s going to crowd out the bad stuff” Before your dinner have a beautiful, simple salad! Leafy
greens (especially bitter greens) help to support your liver,
aid digestion & reduce sugar cravings.
1 bunch of raw bitter greens such as arugula, cos, dandelion
Welcome to week one! This week is so simple, we’re not even going to ask you to remove anything
greens, endive, etc.
from your diet… crazy, right?!
Handful of fresh parsley and cilantro
Instead, we’re going to add a glass of Superfood Greens before each meal & a simple green salad Dressing: 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon extra
before dinner. virgin olive oil, juice of ½ lemon (½ teaspoon of raw honey
is needed)
A glass of superfood greens is quickest & easiest way to boost your nutrition, support your body's
detoxification pathways, & allow you to utilise body fat as a fuel! These greens contain powerful
vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants which help to promote some of the most important pathways
your liver uses to release toxins. The liver is the main detoxification organ in the body. Essentially,
its job is to process substances that, if accumulated in the body over time, would be harmful. This Weeks Recommended Films
These include; This week, we recommend watching Hungry For Change! This film will address the way our body and
health is affected by our dietary and lifestyle choices.
• Toxins & chemicals from our food supply, environment, and beauty
or cleaning products HUNGRY FOR CHANGE
• Liver loading substances like alcohol, caffeine, & trans fats We all want more energy, an ideal body, and beautiful, younger looking skin. So what is
• Natural substances made by the body such as cholesterol & sex hormones stopping us from getting this? Hungry For Change exposes shocking secrets the diet,
weight loss, and food industry don't want you to know about; deceptive strategies
designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what's keeping you from having
As you can imagine, most of us in today’s world keep our liver on constant overdrive. When it has
the body and health you deserve, and how to escape the diet trap forever.
too much to process, the liver gets backed up. This impacts nearly every process in our body -
including our ability to burn fat. The more we can boost our intake of greens, the more effectively
our liver can do its job!
3 4
Weight Loss Guide

Superfood Green
Wheatgrass is the sprouted grass of
a wheat seed. Unlike the whole grain,
it doesn’t contain gluten or other
common allergic agents because it has
been sprouted. Wheat grass is super
alkalizing and is excellent for promoting
healthy blood.
Ingred ients Chlorella
Chlorella is a freshwater algae and, like its other
algae cousins, it contains a complete protein
profile, all the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and
many minerals. It is the queen of detoxification,
helping to bind and release heavy metals from
the body.
These beautiful organic greens are easily absorbed by
the body. They are a natural energy booster, packed with
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and chlorophyll!
They support your body to utilise body fat as a fuel and

Spirulina enhance your detoxification pathways.

Spirulina is a cultivated micro-

algae which has been consumed for
thousands of years by the indigenous
peoples in Mexico and Africa.

Preliminary evidence suggests spirulina
is remarkably potent at protecting the
brain and reducing liver fat!
Cinnamon is added to help balance
your blood sugar levels. This will help
to reduce sugar cravings & energy
crashes throughout the day.

Barley Grass
Barley grass is a great source of
calcium, iron, & Vitamin C. Barley
grass juice has antiviral properties
and neutralizes heavy metals such Mesquite
as mercury in the blood.
& Vanilla
These two superfoods give the
greens powder a slight sweetness
without adding any sugar.

5 6
e blood
Sugar-Spike in th
th e bo dy to
level causes
ith la rg e
overreact w

gar level
amounts of in su lin

d sugar
WEEK 2 As a result, bloo
levels dips below

Rise in blood su
Start your day
ca us in g hu nger

feelings and crav

R h Normal blood su
gar level

Time after meal

Consume a form of quality protein, fat, and fiber with each meal. These compounds slow the release
of glucose into the bloodstream, preventing a large influx of glucose which would normally require
a substantial amount of insulin to be released to counteract its effect and the storage of excess
glucose. Here are a few examples of food sources that contain these compounds:

• High fiber food sources such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
• Good fat sources such as avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, and
We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. Starting grass-fed butter.
your day with nourishing wholefood really sets you up for the rest of the day. • Quality protein sources such as eggs, hemp, chia seeds, tempeh, grass-fed animal
protein, nuts, and plant-based protein powders
When we start our day with refined foods like cereal, white bread toast, or a glass of store-bought
orange juice, we initiate a rollercoaster ride of energy crashes & sugar cravings. The additional benefit of the above compounds is that they also make you feel satisfied after a meal
and keep you feeling full for longer in between meals.
When we eat foods that are high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, they are quickly broken down
into a simple sugar called ‘glucose’ which enters the bloodstream. It’s dangerous for our body’s blood We’ve create a quick ‘build a balanced meal’ cheat-sheet on the next page which we recommend
glucose levels (BGLs) to get too high or too low, so we have an inbuilt mechanism to control it. that you print out and put on your fridge! It’s a great go-to for when you’re thinking about how you
can really boost your meal.
Shortly after we’ve eaten our morning cereal, a surge of glucose enters the bloodstream. The body’s
inner alarm goes off, triggering a hormone called insulin to be released. Insulin’s job is to get glucose
out of the blood stream. It does this by ‘unlocking’ the door to your cells allowing the glucose to be
safely stored. If we then sit at our desk for the morning and don’t use this glucose for energy, it will This Weeks Recommended Films
be stored as fat. This week, we recommend watching Carb-Loaded! This film will address the impact that
refined carbohydrates can have on our health.
Often times the body releases slightly too much insulin, which causes our BGL to dip below
acceptable levels. This is usually accompanied by brain fog, low energy, moodiness, & severe sugar
cravings. When BGLs drop, the body responds by craving sugar or refined carbohydrates, like bread, One in three Americans is pre-diabetic. A huge percentage of them do not
as this is the quickest way to bring the levels back up. This causes the cycle to repeat, leading to a know that they are sick. Adult onset diabetes is no longer an illness for the
roller coaster of blood sugar levels throughout the day. obese and elderly. Millions of Americans who regularly exercise and eat a
diet recommended by the USDA are classified as "skinny-fat". The connection
between the standard American diet and numerous metabolic disorders is
now an unspoken fact in most medical circles.

7 8
rea kfas
This week, we’re just going to focus on adding in a wholesome
breakfast! Over this week, try to notice how your energy
levels, hunger, & cravings change!
Weight Loss Guide

Two Ingredient
Banana Pancake Using bananas that are "not quite ripe"; will ensure
they bind well and don't end up spreading all over the
pan (due to the state of the sugars in less ripe bananas).
SERVES:1 Make sure the pan is not too hot.

Why it is good for you:

These quick and easy pancakes are so good for you! Loaded with protein, they’re a filling
everyday treat! This type of breakfast has the best of both worlds as they’re tasty and
nutritious. The cinnamon will prevent blood sugar spikes and slumps and helps to regulate
blood sugar levels. It is therefore an ideal spice for diabetics or pre-diabetics.

(use organic ingredients where possible)
1 egg
1 banana, peeled, coarsely chopped
Coconut oil or butter for frying
Pinch of cinnamon
1 handful fresh strawberries
2 tbsp natural yogurt (coconut or organic dairy)

1. Whisk the egg in a bowl, add the banana and mash together to form a batter.
2. Heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil/ or butter in a frying pan and pour in the batter to
create a small pancake, or, if you are using a large frying pan, you can create two
small pancakes with that amount of batter in one pan.
3. Let the pancake cook through before flipping it. After flipping it, let the other side
cook through.
Serve with fresh strawberries and yogurt, cinnamon, butter, pure maple syrup, nut butter,
seed sprinkle, raw honey or your desired toppings.

11 12
Weight Loss Guide

Signature Green

Why it is good for you:

Adding spinach, ‘the green element’, to your smoothie is a great way to get in those extra
vitamins. High in vitamin A, C, E, K and bioavailable in iron, manganese, calcium and
folate, spinach is truly a powerhouse green that supports many functions of the body.

Discreet in flavor, the avocado in the smoothie is a little powerhouse on its own, and
high in essential fatty acids (monounsaturated fats) a type of fat which is an integral cell
function and synthesis of some important hormones. Not to mention, adding this fat
into your smoothie helps you feel ‘fuller’ for longer and prevents those post-meal hunger

(use organic ingredients where possible)
1 banana
½ avocado
1 handful spinach
1 serving protein powder of choice (see note)
1 date, pitted
14 oz (400mL) plant-based unsweetened milk of choice
(coconut, hemp, almond, cashew, rice, soy)
½ tsp cinnamon

1. Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.

"Fear not green smoothie newbies. This recipe does include

Optional Extras bananas, cinnamon & dates for sweetness!". The combination of
Chia seeds, hemp seeds, maca powder, greens powder, nut butter, raw cacao powder, fresh these ingredients makes for a delicious blend; not to mention all
mint, spirulina powder, coconut oil. these ingredients are functional foods as well! Bananas are high
in potassium and great for metabolic balance; cinnamon reduces
blood pressure; and dates contain fiber!

11 12
Weight Loss Guide

Breakfast Nori Roll


Why it is good for you:

Adding nori to your breakfast may sound strange, but it’s a great addition to your meal!
Known as an ancient superfood, it was once believed to be our ancestors' secret to
health and longevity. For thousands of years our forefathers ate seaweed for optimum
nutrition as it’s rich in minerals, including iodine required for healthy thyroid function.

(use organic ingredients where possible)
1 sheet nori
1 egg
1 tsp organic butter or coconut oil
½ avocado
Handful greens (spinach, arugula/rocket, bitter greens)
Sea salt to taste

1. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a small amount of butter or coconut oil
to the pan.
2. Whisk egg in a bowl and pour into the pan.
3. Cook for 1 minute. Flip and cook for a further minute.
4. Remove from heat and set aside.
5. Cut the avocado into slices.
6. Lay the nori sheet onto a cutting board, drape the cooled egg in a line, cover with
the avocado slices, greens, and the yogurt (for better digestion).
7. Roll up, cut in two and eat immediately in order to not let the nori go soggy.

13 14
Weight Loss Guide


Why it is good for you:

Oats help to stabilize your blood sugar, support healthy cholesterol levels, keep you feeling
full, support digestion and detoxification, and they're easy to prepare!

(use organic ingredients where possible)
1 cup (90g) quick cooking oats
2 cups (16oz) filtered water
1 tbsp coconut oil (or butter)
Ground cinnamon, to taste
Maple syrup (or coconut sugar/raw honey) to taste (omit for sugar-free option)


Chia Seed Pudding 1. Place oats and water in a saucepan on the stove and stir well.
2. Bring to a boil, stir, then boil for one minute until oats are thick and creamy.
3. Serve warm with butter, cinnamon and your sweetener of choice.

Why it is good for you:

This breakfast is loaded with good fats and proteins, found in the chia seeds, coconut milk
and seed toppers.

(use organic ingredients where possible)
¼ cup chia seeds
1 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Topping combos: nuts, seeds, fruits

1. Combine milk, chia seeds, maple syrup, cinnamon and vanilla in glass jars or a bowl and
place in the fridge overnight.
2. Top with your choice of toppings.

15 16
Weight Loss Guide


Getting off the

Sweet St uf f
Removing sugar from your diet is one of the most powerful ways to balance your weight
& enhance your overall wellbeing. It also can be one of the more challenging changes
because sugar is an incredibly addictive substance. Infact, studies have found that
sugar works in a similar way to many drugs, including cocaine. When we eat sugary
food, a neurotransmitter called dopamine is released into the body. This is the same
neurotransmitter released in response to sex & drug use. If we continue to consume
foods high in refined sugar, dopamine begins to be down-regulated, meaning that we
need to eat more sugary foods to get the same ‘feel-good’ chemical release in the body.
This causes an addiction cycle that can be hard to break and can leave us consuming
more and more high-sugar foods.

The food industry is well aware of this connection, they know that sugar is addictive &
people will consume more of their product if it has sugar added. This is why sugar has
started creeping into the most unsuspecting products, everything from savoury sauces,
health bars, breads to meat products. To make it even worse, the food industry has over
60 names for sugar, which makes it difficult to recognise on a label.

17 18
Weight Loss Guide

How does sugar impact the body? 1. Get off soda & other sugar-sweetened beverages
We all know that excessive sugar can cause weight gain, but did you know that it also causes One can of soda contains a whopping 8 teaspoons of sugar. This is a huge amount of sugar,
inflammation in the body? Over time, this can increase your risk of developing chronic especially in liquid form as it doesn’t provide any satiety. And if you’re about to reach for a diet
conditions like diabetes, depression, & heart disease. version of your favourite soda, think again. Studies show that diet counterparts do not lead to
weight loss and can be accompanied by other health issues.
Before we go any further, it’s important to note that Inflammation is not all bad, in fact, it
plays an important role in the body. Inflammation is a defense mechanism that allows our If you’re looking for a healthier alternative, try a kombucha or water kefir. These drinks generally
body to create a localized immune responses when we are injured, which allows healing to have most of the sugar fermented out of them which not only makes them lower in sugar but
occur. great for gut health!

The damage happens when our body is in a state of chronic inflammation. When we eat
sugar, it is metabolised to create what is known as 'Advanced Glycation End Products' 2. Swap sugar to one of our recommended sweeteners
(AGEs). When we eat excessive amounts of sugar or refined carbohydrates, an excessive
on the next page
amount of AGEs are produced which bind to our cells to change their structure and function,
causing inflammation. Overtime, this inflammation causes plaque buildup in our arteries and Try switching sugar with one of our natural alternatives on the next page. The best options for
increases the risk of atherosclerosis. weight loss are stevia & monk fruit as they have no glycemic effect or calories.

In addition to this, excess body fat as a result of a

high sugar diet can alter the action of insulin, the
3. Swap sugary snacks for a more wholesome snack like...
hormone responsible for getting glucose out of the Choose snacks high in nourishing proteins, fats, & fibre. These options will keep your blood
blood stream and storing it in cells where it remains glucose levels stable, reducing sugar cravings & keeping energy stable. Here’s our go-to snacks
as fat if not used for energy. Over time, this can
cause insulin resistance, which is one of the key • Hummus & veggie sticks
risk factors for Type-2 diabetes. • Fresh fruit with nut butter
• Trail mix
• Seaweed chips
• Yoghurt & berries
• Rice cracker with nut butter

This Weeks Recommended Films

This week, we recommend watching Global Junk Food! This film will explore how sugar is
used in the food industry.
In Europe, food manufacturers have signed up to ‘responsibility pledges’
promising no added sugar, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors and not
to target children. So why are they using tactics banned in the West in the
developing world? There, they have created ultra-low-cost products with
higher levels of salt, sugar, and saturated fats.

Filmed in Brazil, India, and France, we investigate the new tactics of brands like
Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Domino’s Pizza.

19 20
Weight Loss Guide

Stevia is a natural herb native to South American

Sweeteners For

that is 300 times sweeter than sugar! Stevia has
no calories and no glycemic impact, making it
perfect for those wanting to lose weight. It can
be grown at home as a fresh herb or purchased
as a powder or liquid. Stevia lends itself to
smoothies & raw treats, more than baked goods.


Palm Sugar
Coconut sugar, or nectar, is simply the sap from a
coconut palm that has been heated to evaporate
its water content and reduce it to usable granules
or a syrup. Coconut sugar has a much lower
glycemic index than sugar, meaning you won’t be
quite as impacted by a sugar high & subsequent
crash. It tastes similar to brown sugar, but is

Monk Fruit
slightly richer. You can substitute coconut sugar
for traditional sugar in pretty much any recipe!

Monk fruit contains compounds that,

when extracted, are 300–400 times
sweeter than cane sugar. Like stevia, it Here’s our top recommended
contains no calories and has no effect on
blood sugar, which makes it a great choice sweeteners for weight loss.
for weight loss. It can be purchased as a
dry powder or liquid concentrate.
Raw honey is a pure, unfiltered sweetener
Maple syrup made from the nectar of flowers. It is
filled with beneficial compounds and has
been used medicinally, both internally &
Maple syrup is derived from the sap of maple
externally, for centuries. Unfortunately,
trees. It contains a number of antioxidants,
most commercial honey has been heated
phytochemicals, & other beneficial
to high temperatures which destroys
compounds. When purchasing this product,
the natural goodness. Try to find a local
be sure to check the ingredients to make
beekeeper so you know exactly where
sure it’s pure as some are actually just sugar
your honey comes from.
syrup with flavour added.

21 22
Weight Loss Guide

How to identify

on a label
Regardless of how they
the following are all sugar:

cane juice brown sugar

There are many different names for sugar. Two really good ways to disguise sugar
on food labels is to use a long, scientific sounding word or to rename the sugar dehydrated cane juice date sugar
cane juice solids malt syrup
One of the easiest ways to recognize sugar on a food label is by recognizing the
‘-ose’ suffix. When you find words that end in ‘-ose’, there's a good chance it is sugar. cane juice crystals diatase

Sugars ending in ‘-ose’ include: sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, glucose,

dextrin diatastic malt
galactose, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, & glucose solids.
maltodextrin fruit juice concentrate

Just because it doesn't end in ‘-ose’, however, doesn't mean it isn't sugar. There are dextran dehydrated fruit juice
plenty of other names as well that may or may not sound like sugar.
barley malt fruit juice crystals

beet sugar golden syrup

corn syrup turbinado

corn syrup solids sorghum syrup

caramel refiner's syrup

buttered syrup ethyl maltol

carob syrup yellow sugar

23 24
Why swap it out?

WEEK 4 Refined carbohydrates include products such as white flour, bread, pasta, &
cereal. These products have been processed to remove the fibre in order to

Upgrade Your extend the product’s shelf-life. During this process, most vitamins & minerals are

stripped away and replaced with a synthetic version before having additives and
preservatives added in. Overall, there is very little nutrition to be gained from
consuming these products.

We also know that refined carbohydrates are broken down quickly in the
bloodstream which, as we touched on last week, leads to a rollercoaster ride of
unstable blood sugar levels, mood swings, & energy crashes. Because the fiber
has been removed, it also doesn’t fill us up as much which means we tend to
over-eat these products.

This week’s challenge is to get creative and try switching out these foods for better
alternatives. One of our favourite swaps for weight loss is swapping out pasta or
This week, we’re going to start to slowly upgrade & supercharge our diet, pantry, noodles for zucchini noodles, also called, zoodles! We highly recommend buying
& fridge! To get started, we suggest printing the “Upgrade Your Diet” cheat sheet a simple vegetable spiralizer, it’s definitely a kitchen essential in our house!
on the next page. This is a really easy way to see what foods you should focus on
adding into your diet and what foods to start ‘crowding out’. Lots of our clients have
found it helpful to put a copy up on their fridge or take one with them when food
This Weeks Recommended Films
This week, we recommend watching Carb-Loaded! This film will address the impact that
This week, we’re going to focus on finding some nourishing alternatives to refined refined carbohydrates can have on our health.
carbohydrates like bread, pasta, & cereal. This is one of the most powerful changes
you can make to promote weight loss! Switching out refined carbohydrates for
nourishing whole grains or vegetable-based options will not only promote weight One in three Americans is pre-diabetic. A huge percentage of them do
not know that they are sick. Adult onset diabetes is no longer an illness for
loss, but provide an abundance of nutrients to supercharge your overall health. the obese and elderly. Millions of Americans who regularly exercise and
eat a diet recommended by the USDA are classified as "skinny-fat". The
connection between the standard American diet and numerous metabolic
disorders is now an unspoken fact in most medical circles.

25 26
This Week’s Swaps For

H hlt
Weight Loss
Refined Option Supercharged

Almond Meal Bread

White Bread
Sweet Potato Toast

Crust Pizza

Pasta Zoodles

Cereal Paleo Granola

27 28
Weight Loss Guide

Almond Meal
Paleo Bread
2 cups (200 g) almond meal
2/3 cup (85 g) tapioca starch/arrowroot flour
2 tbsp flax meal
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp bicarb soda
Pinch of salt
3 organic eggs
1/4 cup (2 oz) coconut milk
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
1/4 cup (2 oz) cup coconut oil
1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1. Preheat oven to 355º F (180º C) and line a loaf tin with parchment paper 2) Combine
the dry ingredients together in one bowl and whisk the wet ingredients together in
another bowl.
2. Combine both wet and dry ingredients together and pour into loaf tin.
3. Place the loaf tin in the oven for 30 to 40 mins or until golden brown on top and
cooked through. Place a skewer in the centre of the bread and when the skewer
comes out clean, the bread is ready.

29 30
Weight Loss Guide

Nori Breakfast
1 sheet nori Dressing
1 egg 2 tbsp organic yogurt (coconut or dairy)
Handful of parsley 1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp organic butter or coconut oil
½ avocado
Handful of soft greens (spinach, arugula/rocket, bitter greens)
Sea salt to taste

1. Heat a frying pan over medium temperature then add a small amount of butter or
coconut oil to the pan.
2. Whisk egg in a bowl with chopped parsley and pour into the pan.
3. Cook for 1 minute. Flip and cook for a further minute.
4. Remove from heat and set aside.
5. Cut the avocado into slices.
6. Lay the nori sheet onto a cutting board, drape the cooled egg in a line, cover with
the avocado slices, greens, and the yogurt (for better digestion).
7. Roll up, cut in two and eat immediately in order for the nori not to go soggy.

31 32
Weight Loss Guide

Sweet Potato Toast

with Nut Butter and Berry Chia Jam
Sweet Potato Toast Recipe
1. Slice sweet potato length-ways into slices about 0.5-1cm ( ¼ - ½ inch) thick (this will
depend on how much knife control you have as well as the quality of your knives!)
2. Put in toaster 2 -4 times on high, making sure it doesn’t burn.
Tip: use chopsticks to maneuver them out of the toaster if they get stuck!

Cinnamon Swirl, Nut Butter and Berry Chia Jam

for Sweet Potato Toast
3 tbsp nut butter of choice
2 tbsp toasted coconut
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup fresh strawberries or raspberries
Squeeze of lemon juice
1 tsp rice malt syrup, stevia or raw honey

1. To make the jam, mash berries with a fork for a more chunky jam, or blitz quickly in
a blender. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and rice malt syrup, stevia or honey. Stir
in the chia seeds and let sit for 15 minutes.
2. To make the nut butter, add a good pinch of cinnamon to your favorite nut butter
and swirl in.
3. To assemble the toast, spread on the nut butter, drizzle with chia jam and top with
fresh berries, toasted coconut and an extra sprinkle of cinnamon

33 34
Weight Loss Guide

Cauliflower Crust PIzza

florets from 1 cauliflower 1 tbsp dried oregano
3/4 cup almond meal sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 organic eggs, beaten
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C / 400°F and line a baking tray with baking paper.
2. Coarsely chop the cauliflower, place in food processor and blend until it is a fine
rice-like texture. Place in a mixing bowl. Add the almond meal, oregano and
seasoning and mix with your hands. Make a well in the center and add the eggs.
Use your hands to pull the dry ingredients towards the middle until everything is
combined and you can shape it into a ball.
3. Transfer to the baking paper and form into a pizza base by flattening the dough with
your hands. Depending on preference, you could make 2 small bases or one large.
We find the small bases work better and cook more evenly.
4. Pre-bake for 25 minutes or until golden. Meanwhile, prepare the super green basil
pesto. Remove the crust from the oven. Cover it with pesto sauce, halved tomatoes
& parmesan cheese and put it back in the oven for 5-10 more minutes. Take it out
of the oven and top with fresh basil, arugula & a squeeze of lemon juice.


1 cup activated nuts of your choice 1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 bunch of basil pinch of sea salt
Juice of 1 lemon 1/4 cup good quality olive oil
1 tbsp Food Matters Superfood Greens
1. In a food processor, process your nuts until they are roughly chopped. Add basil,
lemon juice, garlic, and superfood greens. Pulse a few times until blended well.
Slowly add the 1/4 cup of olive oil while food processor is running.
2. Blend until creamy and pesto comes together, add a pinch of salt and pulse a few
We topped ours with this tasty green pesto, fresh tomatoes, and greens, but you can
use any of your favorite pizza toppings!!

35 36
Weight Loss Guide

Zucchini Zoodles
with Avocado Pesto
1 large zucchini, spiralized
1 tbsp olive oil
1 ripe avocado ½ tsp sea salt
½ cup fresh basil leaves 3 tbsp olive oil
1 cloves garlic Cracked black pepper, to taste
¼ cup pine nuts
2 tbsp lemon juice

1. Spiralize your zucchini and set aside on paper towels to soak up any excess water.
2. In a food processor, add avocados, basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, lemon juice and
sea salt and pulse until finely chopped. Then with the motor still running, add olive
oil in a slow stream until emulsified and creamy.
3. Drizzle olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat then add zucchini noodles,
cooking for about 1 to 2 minutes until tender.
4. Add zucchini noodles to a large bowl and toss with avocado pesto. Season with
cracked pepper and a little Parmesan or nutritional yeast.

37 38
Weight Loss Guide

Paleo Granola
1 cup almonds
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup mixed seeds (pepitas, sunflower)
2 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp nut butter
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
Extra options: dried fruit, chai spices, nuts, seeds, cacao nibs

1. Preheat oven to 320℉ (160℃). In a large bowl mix together the almonds, coconut,
seeds, coconut oil, honey, nut butter, cinnamon and vanilla. Mix well to coat
everything evenly.
2. Tip the granola onto baking sheets and spread evenly. Bake for 15 minutes, remove
and stir granola, return to bake for 10-15 minutes more, or until golden brown.
Remove and allow to cool.
3. Serve with coconut or almond milk, or some fresh yogurt. The granola can be stored
in an airtight container for up to a month.

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Weight Loss Guide


Bringing the
Body int o bal ance
So many of us live in a chronic state of stress, which causes imbalance in the body
that is detrimental to our overall health.

Our body’s nervous system has two branches; the sympathetic, which is our survival
‘fight or flight” mode, and the parasympathetic, which is our beautiful restorative
“rest, digest, repair, & reproduce” mode. When we are stressed or when we over
consume caffeine, our body produces a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline
communicates to the body that you are in danger and switches on our sympathetic
nervous system. Many of us spend our whole day in this mode which can lead to
poor sleep, intense sugar cravings, and an inability to lose weight.

Your daily stress is unlikely to disappear so it’s important to make time for small
rituals that help you to switch on your parasympathetic system. This could be yoga,
meditation, breathwork, a beautiful bath, massage, or a walk in nature - whatever
relaxes you. If you’re someone who has trouble sleeping, then try a restorative
practice before bed.

Weight Loss Guide

Get Outdoors Pamper Yourself

In a phenomenon known as Daily rituals of self-kindness and small
‘biophilia’, humans are naturally pleasures can go a long way towards
programmed to feel peaceful in cultivating inner peace. So often we
nature. Plants and natural scenery make time to go above and beyond to
have been shown to reduce help others out but fail to recognise -or
anxiety and depression. Therefore, make- small windows in our schedules
a regular dose of the great to give some TLC to ourselves. While
outdoors is good news for our pampering may make you think of spas
mental health! You don’t need to and health retreats (which are great if

Yoga & become a keen hiker to get your

natural nature high. Simply
you can afford to do so!), there are other
simple, inexpensive opportunities to

Meditation grounding your feet in a space of

natural earth is a great start.
pamper yourself with self-kindness.
Yoga and meditation are Perhaps you can step outside for
incredible ways to de-stress five minutes during your daily This one act can greatly decrease
and instantly activate the lunch break and lift your face to your stress levels and clear your
parasympathetic system. If the sun. You could also start a mind. Take time to journal when you
you’re new to these practices, small garden or regularly buy are stressed and note what caused
try browsing the hundreds of yourself a bunch of flowers. the stress, how it made you feel, and
classes on FMTV to find one that Anything that makes you feel more what you did to feel better. What we
you love! connected to the world outside is track, we can improve. You may
likely to lower your stress. begin to see a pattern of times of the
day or particular circumstances that
cause you stress. Use these indicators
to begin eliminating these stressors
from your life

Journal This Weeks Recommended Films

This one act can greatly decrease This week, we recommend watching this Expert interview with Dr. Libby Weaver on how to
your stress levels and clear your stop stressing and start living.
mind. Take time to journal when
Join Dr. Libby Weaver and James Colquhoun for an interview about how to
you are stressed and note what
Breathwork caused the stress, how it made
you feel, and what you did to feel
stop stressing and start living!

Not only will learn about how to stop stressing and start living, you will also
And let it out! When we feel better. What we track, we can discover:
stressed, our bodies tend to improve. You may begin to see a • The ripple effect on your life due to long-term stress and the role of
breathe shallowly or gulp in pattern of times of the day or cortisol in your body.
more air than we expel. particular circumstances that • Living in the sympathetic nervous system; and how it plays havoc
Therefore, if we practice long, cause you stress. Use these on your weight. management, food cravings, sleep quality, patience,
slow, and deep breathing, it is indicators to begin eliminating moods, self-esteem and overall quality of life.
virtually impossible to feel these stressors from your life • Realizing that the way we eat, drink, move, think, believe and perceive
stressed as this is in complete impacts our need to rush.
opposition to a physiological • Becoming aware of why you do what you do and work out what led
state of stress. you there.

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