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A: Hey, I got this parking ticket; can you help me figure a way out of it?

B: First of all, did you park somewhere too long or in the wrong spot?

A: I was there too long.

B: Was the area clearly labeled with the time limit and all?

A: Yeah, I saw it.

B: You will need to convince the judge that you couldn't see the signs.

A: Yeah, I understand.

B: Whatever you do, you need to be respectful and polite to the judge.

A: Yeah, you're right.

B: Just try to talk to him about how IF you made a mistake that it won't happen again.

A: OK, I will.

B: Good luck!


A: Man, I got another parking ticket. I am so unlucky--what can I do?

B: Was your car where it wasn't supposed to be, or did you stay there too long?

A: I was in an area where I wasn't supposed to park.

B: Could you tell where you were supposed to park and for how long?

A: I could tell what I was supposed to do.

B: That's too bad. That means that you can't use receipts or a witness to help you out.

A: I guess not.

B: Try brown-nosing the judge, but don't be too obvious about it.

A: Sure, if it will help.

B: Try and convince him that something was labeled wrong or something.

A: Sounds good!
B: Give it your best shot; it might work.


A: I don't know how to fight a parking ticket.

B: Did you get written up for exceeding the time limit or for parking where you weren't supposed to

A: Both.

B: Did you see all the signs and just decide to blow them off?

A: I was confused.

B: Maybe you could explain that you are new and got confused--could you do that?

A: If it might work, I'll go for it!

B: Let the judge see that you are only a poor starving student who won't do it again.

A: I can see how that might work.

B: Without actually saying that the parking ticket guy was an idiot, make it seem as though it was HIS
mistake, not yours!

A: I could do that!

B: Try it. It just might save you the price of a parking ticket.

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