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In many countries people are inundated with information by their work or studies and

then they feel lethargic, for that they do different activities to simmer down and also feel
rejuvenated. Commonly people from different countries do similar activities when they
want to relax but some of them are different. In this case I’m going to mention some
similarities and differences between activities that Peruvians and Americans do to be
First of all, I’ll start with the similarities between them, in America and Peru the sports
are very popular specially soccer, Peruvians and Americans enjoy to play soccer and
watch tournaments about it to cheer on their favorite team and imitate some plays of
soccer players for example Cristiano Ronaldo, who is a famous soccer player, makes
incredible dribbles, people who do this activity really bubble over with excitement, for
instance in Peru is called “Torneo Clausura”. Second this is more common in girls
because they like to go shopping to relax, project a new image and be distinctive, dress
up, for example they pair blacks with whites, take some photos and sometimes they run
into with other friends and decided to move on to a restaurant to continue their
conversation or shopping. Another similarity is about festivals, they remember dates in
that people go together to enjoy different kind of festivals, the most common is about
music, In USA has been called “Tomorrowland” and in Peru is “Vivo por el Rock”. During
the festival Peruvians like to wear clothes that are worn by their favorite singers and so
do Americans, furthermore they like to take photos and coordinate their voices when sing
a song of their favorite band.
However, they both have some differences for example in Peru especially February
people like to play with water, it’s called “Carnavales” by them. On the other hand is
different because for them carnival is a celebration for an anniversary, for their country,
it depends. Furthermore, in USA not only play soccer, baseball is other sport very popular
between teenagers and adults, it is like other form to relax, one person hits the ball with
a bat and simultaneously the other one needs to concentrate to catch the ball. In contrast
in Peru people don’t practice this sport they would rather to visit public places with their
friends or eat fast food.
In conclusion, Peruvians and Americans have similar and different forms to relax. Also
this activities helps them to enhance their communicative skills and meet new people
and hit it off with them quickly.

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