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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA)

Actividad: Unidad 2 fase 2 ensayo sobre GPS

Elaborado por:
German Andrés Torres González


Programa de:

Acacias Meta

Grupo colaborativo:

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Y compañeros de grupo
Although GPS was not created with fines for civil use if it is not for military
exclusive use and although they handle the most advanced version of GPS after a
while since its creation, it entered its market where anyone who has a GPS can
obtain the coordinates of its position and for this it is necessary that the GPS is at
least connected to 4 satellites to allow it to have the most precise coordinates in
the same way the GPS has allowed considerable progress over time as in the
constructions in which it you need the topography that in turn uses GPS to have
better results


The GPS in the topography

Throughout the evolution of the topography and over the years the GPS has
provided great contributions that have allowed us to obtain better results in
topographic studies in the implementation of coordinates in the various tasks
performed by the topography and for this the system of GPS positioning uses
several satellites at the same time, almost four of the time it uses four to obtain
more precise coordinates. This is because when a receiver receives the
information from the satellites, this information may have errors, so the internal
GPS system eliminate errors and get the real data

In the topography one of the most indispensable tools is GPS since with this we
can work and implement different methods such as for example the lifting by points
we use only one receiver in the same way we can use the method of relative
positioning or difference this system we use two receivers which follow the same
satellites to have their coordinates relatively which also depends on the static GPS
survey this method is based on collecting data simultaneously on short or long
lines depending on the need with this method is to resolve the ambiguity
parameters that are a key issue to ensure high precision positioning these and
other methods such as static stop and walk and real time positioning that can be
used in the topography thanks to the use of GPS and that allows us to have better
results every day
In this last real-time method of positioning it is very useful, but it is recommended
to have better results with the postprocessing since it allows to analyze the data
better and in this way to be able to detect the errors that may arise because of this
it can be affirmed that the use of GPS is indispensable in the topography and more
today than thanks to the technology offered by different kinds of software that
allows us to interpret, analyze and implement various information of interest

The global positioning system is one of the best tools that have been created since
it has helped to do work in less time and with more precise results and in the
topography we can highlight the lifting of large-scale planes and obtaining level
curves thanks to the different software of today that allows us to perform this and
other necessary work in the topography and that thanks to the GPS that allows us
to obtain this data by using the different satellites with which the current system
global positioning

El-Rabbany, A. (2002). Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System. Boston, MA:
Artech House, Inc
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