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Acroleine Test

1. What is the principle involved in the acrolein test? what is it purpose?

When glycerol is heated with potassium bisulphate or concentrated H2SO4, dehydration
occurs and aldehyde Acrolein formed which has characteristic odour. This test responds to
glycerol free or linked as an ester. Acrolein test is used to detect the presence of glycerol and fat.

2.Sample equation involved in the reaction between

A. Glycerol and Potassium Bisulfate
CH2 – OH CH2
CH – OH CH + 2H2O
KHSO4 or
CH2 – OH Conc.H2SO4 CHO
B. Cooking oil and potassium bisulfate
C. Lecithin and potassium bisulfate

3. What is the compound responsible for your observation?

The compound responsible for this odor is acroleine

4.Potassium bisulfate is both a strong acid,

and strong dehydrating reagent. When potassium bisulfate is heated with a fat, hydrolysis occurs,
and the glycerol produced
is dehydrated to form acroleine (CH2−−CHCH0)

Ninhydrin Test
A. What is the principle involved in the ninhydrin test? What is its purpose?
This test is a general test and thus given by all amino acids. This test is due to a reaction
between a amino group of free amino acid and ninhydrin. Ninhydrin is a powerful oxidizing
agent and its presence, amino acid undergo oxidative deamination liberating ammonia, CO2, a
corresponding aldehyde and reduced form of ninhydrin ( hydrindantin). The NH3 formed from a
amino group reacts with another molecule of ninhydrin and is reduced product ( hydrindatin) to
give a blue substance diketohydrin ( Ruhemanns complex).
B.What is the purpose of reagent used?
Ninhydrin reagent, 2% solution, is an effective reagent for thin-layer chromatography
(TLC). Ninhydrin reacts with primary and secondary amines producing a blue or purple reaction
product (diketohydrindylidene-diketohydrindamine). Ninhydrin is commonly used for the
development of fingermarks on porous surfaces and is often used in comparison with other latent
fingerprint techniques. Studies have indicated that Ninhydrin may be useful for detecting
ninhydrin-reactive nitrogens in soil for forensic applications. Other studies have indicated that
the color developed after reaction of ninhydrin and amino acids can vary depending on the
composition and type of amino acids. Additionally, ninhydrin has been noted to be useful in the
analysis of free amino groups in proteins, peptides and amino acids.
C. Equation involved in the reaction between the ninhydrin reagent and your sample/s which
gave a positive result.

D. Compound responsible for your observation.

copper(II) sulfate
When a protein reacts with copper(II) sulfate (blue), the positive
test is the formation of a violet colored complex.
E. Group of lipids was identified by this test?
amino acid
F. Account for the precaution with the ninhydrin reagent
any of the solvents used for ninhydrin are toxic and flammable, while even dry
ninhydrin itself is harmful. Therefore, adequate safety precautions must be taken.
Nitrile gloves should be worn rather than latex, as latex is soluble in many of the
reagents but nitrile is resistant to chemicals. Goggles and a breathing mask should
also be used. A lab coat should be worn o protect clothing. For safety reason,
dipping the item into the solution or painting the solution onto the item with a
cotton ball are preferable to spraying the solution onto the paper. because many of
the solvents used are flammable, adequate ventilation should always be used and it
should be ascertained that no source of flame or spark is present which might
ignite fumes. A vent hood is recommended to remove fumes from the lab, both to
remove any chance of explosion, and because many of the solvents and the
ninhydrin itself may be hazardous.

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