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21 Cipatat


4505,Bandung Barat

24th February 2019

My Bestie Firey,

Bismillah, how are you, Rey? I hope you are good and I miss you alot

because we have not met in a long time. Do you miss me too? I'm sorry I

can't often visit you at boarding school. I am just waiting for my holidays

to get over and meet you soon.

Firey, I still remember when went to the Cibodas Park in Bogor, do

you still remember?

It was very beautiful garden. When we went to waterfall there, it

was a beautifull memories with you Rey, we also rode bicycles together

near the lake, I really miss that time😢 It was a quality moment. Rey, I

miss the way when we used to talk about anime and everything about

Japan, I hope we can have fun together again. Next time if holiday

comes Insyaa Alloh I will go to meet you, Rey. And I want to take you

to beautiful place.
Yes, a letter from me. you know, I wrote this letter at 11:36 PM and I

feel sleepy lmao >.<

Keep healthy Rey and you don't sleep late at night like me LOL😂


Your Bestie,

Tasya Nadila

P.S I bring you souvenirs from Japan, hope you like it!♡

This loli kawai is such you

and I, LOL

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