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Unit 1 2 and 3 Task 5 Technological component Wix designing B 1

Presentado por:
Angélica Johana Beltrán Niño
Grupo: 900003_22

Presentado a:
Ángela Inés Paez

27 de octubre 2019
Unad Duitama

Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop:

Step 1: Choose a newspaper section
Step 2: Create a news according to a newspaper section.
Step 3: Publish the news in a virtual tool.
Step 4: Create a video of your news.
Activity to carry out
The activity will be developed collaboratively. In group, all the members have to
build a virtual newspaper.

Step 1: Choose a newspaper section

The newspaper has different sections. In this task the newspaper will have five
Each member of the group has to choose which section will develop and publish in
the virtual newspaper.
1. Sport
2. Politic
3. Economy
4. Social
5. Science

The student will sign them in a chart like this:

Section Group member
Science Angelica Johana Beltran Niño
Good evening dear colleagues and tutor, the section I chose is Science
Step 2: Create a news according to a newspaper section.
Each member will create a news, according to the section that he/she has chosen.
Is necessary to check the structure of the sentences and you have to add images
according to the news.

Link de Noticia
Step 3: Publish the news in a virtual tool.
The news created by each student must be added in a virtual tool to create the
You can use Wix, Blogspot or flipsnack, but the structure and the organization of
the information must be presented like a newspaper.
Take into account that the five sections must be clear in your virtual newspaper.
Watch the tutorial about HOW TO BUILD a Wix Page through these links.
Tutorial to make a blog
How to create a flipsnack

Step 4: Create a video of your news

Each member of the group has to create a video about his/her news. In it the
student has to explain what happen in it.
The video can be recorded with the cell phone. It has to be of maximum 56
seconds and has to be added inside each section.
The idea is that each section of the newspaper contains the news with the video
about it.
Example of a report or a news

Step 5: Publish your virtual newspaper link.

Finally, only one member of the group has to send the link of the virtual newspaper
to the tutor

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