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Nurmiati, 2017. The Relation of Master's Social Competence to Students' Learning Outcomes on Civics
Subjects at Inpres 2 Tondo Elementary School. Thesis, Elementary School Teacher Education Program,
Department of Education, FKIP, Tadulako University, Advisor: (1) Dr.Huber Yaspin Tandi (II) Rizal

The main problem of research is the lack of teacher's social competence. This study aims to determine
whether there is a positive relationship between the social competence of teachers with student
learning outcomes on the subject of Civics in Elementary School Inpres 2 Tondo. Data collection using
questionnaires, interviews, documentation and observation. The sample used in this study amounted to
39 students. Instrument used in this research process is a questionnaire to obtain data about the social
competence of teachers with student learning outcomes. Analysis of research data with percentage
technique while to test the hypothesis used produc moment correlation technique at 5% significance
level with 95% confidence level and df = (n-2). Based on the results of the processing has been obtained
2 students or 5% which states the teacher's social competence is very high, 28 students or 71% who
stated high teacher social competence, and 9 students or 23% stating the social competence of teachers
enough. While for student learning outcomes on the subject of PKN that there are 7 students or 17% of
the results of his learning PKN get very good criteria, 32 students 82% of students whose learning PKN
results get good criteria. Hypothesis testing showed that r hit> r table or 0.918> 0.325. Based on the
research results can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the social
competence of teachers with student learning outcomes on the subject of Civics in Elementary School
Inpres 2 Tondo.

Keywords: Teacher Social Competency, Student Learning Outcomes, Png Subject.

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