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Good afternoon ladies and gentleman I am megarani as 2 speaker from affirmative team, before I

delivered my argument I want to rebottle the first speaker from opposite team


I very much agree with this motion because if the country legalized homosexual then this can
impact both for the nation's economy as done by the new york State legalized homosexual
couples to get married and it is result in the economy in the country rose dramatically because of
the many homosexual couples who registered himself to marry and
make marriage numbers surged as well as registration of marriagesis soaring. If the State
legalized indonesia this then state economy would jumped not only because homosexual couples
domestic, non domestic sexual partner will held their wedding and it also can introduce the
placesof Tourism-tourism in indonesia. In addition to raising the economy it can also reduce the
amount of unemployment in our country. due to the ever increasing tourism of our country then
it will be more and more need for labor……………………………..

and the second argument, with the presence of homosexual couples to have a child then they
will adopt orphans which it also helps to reduce overcrowding and they also help the orphans by
raising their as his son. According to research at the university of melbourne in the
year 2014 the children raised by gay couples has achievements a 6% higher than in children who
are taken care of by the normal pair.
saya sangat setuju dengan mosi ini karena jika negara indonesia melegalkan homoseksual maka
hal ini dapat berdampak baik bagi perekonomian bangsa seperti yang dilakukan oleh new york,
negara ini melegalkan pasangan homoseksual untuk menikah dan hal ini mengakibatkan
perekonomian di negara tersebut naik drastis karena banyaknya pasangan homoseksual yang
mendaftarkan dirinya untuk menikah dan membuat angka pernikah melonjang serta pendaftaran
pernikahan melonjak. jika negara indonesia melegalkan hal ini maka perekonomian negara akan
melonjak tidak hanya karena pasangan homoseksual domestik tapi pasangan seksual non
domestik juga akan berdatangan kenegara kita untuk melangsungkan pernikahan mereka dan hal
itu juga dapat memperkenalkan tempat pariwisata- pariwisata di indonesia. selain menaikkan
perekonomian hal ini juga dapat mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di negara kita. karena
semakin meningkatnya kepariwisataan negara kita maka akan semakin banyak diperlukannya
tenaga kerja

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