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Crickord Academy a week prior to the tournament as per the general establishedi practice.

3. On 20h September, 2019 Sangwan SportsTM entered into a contract with Cricklord Academy for
supplying 200 kits at the price of Rs. 6,00.000/. to the academy by 25 October, 2019. Cricklord Academy
paid an earnest amount of Rs. 1,00,000. in furtherance of the contract that was prepared by the
representatives of both the parties and duly signed by both the parties.

Clause (g) of the contract mentioned that in case of non-delivery of kits by the company. on the above
mentioned date of the contract, Crickord Academy will be entitled to get double the earnest amount
paid by them.i

Clause (h) stated that if the academy did not pay the full sum on the delivery date i.e. i 25t October,
2019 then Sangwan Sports TM will be entitled to the double of sum decided for the payment of 200 kits.

Clause (i) mentioned that 14h of the kits must be delivered within the initial 15 days of the contract
wherein the quality of the kits shall be checked & the remaining kits shall be delivered altogether on 25
October, 2019.



On 5th October, 2019 Sangwan SportsTM delivered 50 kits to the academy. After which on 7" October,
the company got a notice from the academy stating that the materiall used in manufacturing of the bats
& wickets was not upto the mark and quality standards that were decided. In reply to the notice,
Sangwan SportsTM stated that they: will look into the matter and manufacture the 50 bats & wickets
once again ensuring i that the qualify is up to the mark.

In furtherance of the same, quality check inspector was sent by the academy to thel company and
manufacturing resumed on 10" October in his presence. The said 50 bats i and wickets which were
found to be of poor quality bythe academy were manufactured again and delivered to the academy on
13h October 2019.

On the fateful day of 21" October, 2019 a fire broke out in the Head Office andI manufacturing unit of
Sangwan SportsM at around -7:00 pm, burning everything to ashes. The fire also resulted in the death of
10 employees and 30 others were injured. i The matter became a national headline and was covered by
all the leading newspapers for the next 2-3 days
10. Later. a company led internal investigation revealed the cause of the fire to be, poor quality wiring
done by Dhawan Electronics. the company which performed all the

wirings and fittings of Sangwan Sports M, resulting in a short circuit at the premises. i 11.On 23d
October, 2019 Crickord Academy got to know about the incident from newspapers and with the
matches scheduled in coming days, assumed that the contract between them and Sangwan SportsTM
had become impossible to perform on the part of the company and thus gave the contract of the
remaining kits to Ardhaan Sports Goods Corporation.

12. Immediately after which, Sangwan SportsIM upon information from its agents in the

manufacturing unit of Sangwan SportsoN at around 7:00 pm, burning cverything to ashes. The fire also
resuted in the death of 10 employees and 30 others were injured. i The matter became a ational
headline and was covered by all the leading newspapers i for the next 2-3 days A

10. Later, a company led internal investigation revealed the cause of the fire to be. poor quality wiring
done by Dhawan Electronics, the company which performed all thei

wirings and fittings of Sangwan SportsTM. resulting in a short cireuit at the premises. i 11.On 234
October, 2019 Cricklord Academy got to know about the incident from newspapers and with the
matches scheduled in coming days, assumed that the contract between them and Sangwan SportsTM
had become impossible to perform on the part of the company and thus gave the contract of the
remaining kits to Ardhaan Sports Goods Corporation.

12. Immediately after which, Sangwan SportsTM upon information from its agents in the business circle,
about the academy's deal with Ardhaan Sports tried to contact Cricklord Academy but all the attempts
to establish a communication with them went in vain. On 27h October 2019 a press conference was
organized by the CEO & Board of Directors of Sangwan SportsTM after they realized that the Academy
had turned hostile towards them. In the-press conference which was attended by leading mediaI
houses, wherein the CEO maintained that, "It is very saddening how some associations i instead of
standing with us in our hard times betrayed us & backed out from the very contract that bound us. We.
from now onwards shall be more vigilant, keeping in mind the associations, we shall never cater to in
future, considering their track record ini

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