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Honorable, the judjges of the speech contest

Honorable, my teachers and my friends.

And all audiences in this place and opportunity.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillah, in this beautiful chance, and because of Allah's blessing and merciful, we can meet here
in good and health condition.

Shalawat and salam are always for our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness
to the lightness and that is the light of Islam.

And, in this golden opportunity, allow me, Sri Rahayu, to stand in front of you all to deliver a brief speech
about "The Danger Of Smoking".

Dear all audiences,

Do you know?A Cigarette, this little tiny thing has more than 4000 dangerous substances that will lead
the smoker to death. Imagine it, 4000 deadly substances!!! Are those 4000 evil substances not enough to
stop us from smoking ???

I wonder why are people still smoking. Among of those substances, there are nicotine, the substance
that causes addictive to smoke over and over again; tar, the substance that causes lung cancer; carbon
monoxide, the substance that blocks oxygen's circulation within blood; and carcinogen, the main actor of
all cancer caused by smoking. And most of smokers actually know about this information. But, It still
wondered why they smoke.

And still, Those terrible things of smoking are not the worst thing. The super worst thing of smoking is
the passive smokers. Yeah, the bad effects of smoking habit are not only for those who smoke (active
smoker) but also for those innocent people who inadvertently inhale the smoke of cigarettes. The
passive smokers get the bad effect of smoking even three times than the active smokers themselves. Just
remember our beloved ones who don't smoke, our friend, our family or our children. Are they really
deserve all bad things of what the smoker done?

Can we stop smoking now??? I beg you. This for the sake of peace and health world. And the cigarette is
the one of danger thing that gives us the danger than the benefit.
Maybe until here my speech, and pardon me for all my mistakes because the human is the place of
mistakes and forgetting. Thanks for your kind attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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