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Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SD Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 Kelas I

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SD__________________
Kelas : I (Satu)
Nama Guru :______________________

1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Answer The questions below by choosing the right answer between a, b, or d

Text for number 1 to 3

I always go to school everyday
In the classroom there are kinds of things
the watch is green and the chalk is colourful
the ruler is brown

1. In the classroom there are kinds of ....

a. think
b. that
c. things

2. The chalk is ....

a. colourful
b. red
c. blue

3. What is brown in classroom?

a. ruler
b. chalk
c. watch

4. RABBIT : ar - ei - bie - bie - ai - ...

a. bie
b. sie
c. tie

5. p = pie, e = ie, n = ...

a. em
b. en
c. el

6. Nadin : "Hello Chandra, how are you?"

Chandra : "...."
a. I'm fine thank you
b. Good bye
c. Good morning

7. Teacher :"Good bye students."

a. Good morning teacher
b. Good afternoon teacher
c. Good bye teacher

8. Nisa : "Excuse me, what is your name?"

Nira : "...... is Nira."
a. Hello
b. I'm fine
c. My name

9. This is my ..... (mata)

a. nose
b. eyes
c. chin

10. I can hear the sound with my ....

a. eyes
b. cheek
c. ears

11. The sky is ....

a. blue
b. red
c. yellow

12. My hair is .... (hitam)

a. purple
b. black
c. yellow

13. Banana is .... (kuning)

a. yellow
b. black
c. blue
14. We meet Mr.Benny in the morning. We say ....
a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Good night

15. There ... a book in the bag.

a. is
b. are
c. were

16. I have .... books. (enam belas)

a. fourteen
b. fifteen
c. sixteen

17. 8 + 7 = ...
a. fourteen
b. fifteen
c. sixteen

18. 20 - 8 = ....
a. twelve
b. thirteen
c. fourteen

19. I write on my book with my ....

a. ruler
b. eraser
c. pencil

20. I read a .... in the library.

a. bag
b. pencil case
c. book

21. Arrange the words!

are - three - apples - there.
a. are there apples three
b. there are three apples
c. three apples are there

22. Do ... like water melon?

a. you
b. is
c. are
23. Riana eats .... (nanas)
a. apple
b. pineapple
c. mango

24. Mario : "What are there?"

Tio : "There ... seven durians."
a. are
b. is
c. was

25. Mango, avocado, apple and orange are the name of ....
a. vegetables
b. animals
c. fruits

26. My mother is cooking .... (bayam)

a. garlic
b. spinach
c. cucumber

27. Diana : "Do you like carrot?"

Juy : " ...."
a. Yes, I do
b. No, I do
c. Yes, we are

Text for number 28 to 30

My mother cooks soup
She needs carrot, cabbage, brocolli
and potato
I like soup
This soup is very delicious

28. My mother cooks ....

a. soup
b. cabbage
c. chili

29. She needs .... to make soup.

a. durian
b. spinach
c. carrot

30. This soup is very ....

a. spicy
b. sweet
c. delicious

Text below is for number 31 to 35

My name is Budi
I have a sister
she is Wati
My father is Mr.Hadi
My mother is Mrs.Hanna
My father is a doctor
I have two uncles
they are Mr.Derry and Mr.Dani

31. Budi has ... sister.

a. one
b. two
c. three

32. Mr.Hadi is Budi's ....

a. mother
b. father
c. uncle

33. Budi's mother is ....

a. Wati
b. Mrs.Hanna
c. Mrs.Wina

34. Budi has .... uncles.

a. two
b. three
c. one

35. Mr.Hadi is a ....

a. teacher
b. pilot
c. doctor

36. Spinach, cucumber and long bean are the name of ...
a. fruits
b. vegetables
c. colours

37. apple is ... (merah)

a. red
b. blue
c. purple

38. I like .... (belimbing)

a. starfruit
b. durian
c. watermelon

39. .... pencil, book, pens and ruler in my bag.

a. this is
b. there are
c. there is

40. Tiara : "What is that?"

Revan : .... a mango.
a. this is
b. that is
c. there are

II. Write in English!

41. Apa kabarmu? = ....
42. Selamat siang = .....
43. Terima kasih = ....
44. Bawang merah = ....
45. Bawang putih = ....
46. Mangga = ....
47. Jeruk = ....
48. Ayah = ....
49. Ibu = ....
50. Nenek = ....

III. Arrange the words!

51. is - that - book - a .
52. is - this - what?
53. like - I - banana.
54. two - are - pens - there.
55. are - you - how?

1V. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

56. 5 + 4 = ....
57. 10 + 10 = ....
58. 15 - 10 = ....
59. ar - yuw - el - ie - ... = r u l e r
60. b a g = bie - ei - ...

1. c 11. a 21. b 31. a
2. a 12. b 22. a 32. b
3. a 13. a 23. b 33. b
4. c 14. b 24. a 34. a
5. b 15. a 25. c 35. c
6. a 16. c 26. b 36. b
7. c 17. b 27. a 37. a
8. c 18. a 28. a 38. a
9. b 19. c 29. c 39. b
10. c 20. c 30. c 40. b

41. how are you?
42. good afternoon
43. thank you
44. onion
45. garlic
46. mango
47. orange
48. father
49. mother
50. grandmother

51. that is a book.
52. what is this?
53. I like banana.
54. there are two pens.
55. how are you?

56. nine
57. twenty
58. five
59. ar
60. jie

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