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Lumanlan, Mary Jane A.

September 18, 2019

MEB13 Mrs. Jesella Turno

Advertisement 4

1. What is the message?

This advert is implying that
we should breakthrough the
barrier of indifference through
loving and accepting one
another. However, it also
implies the reality on how the
world sees people with
different races and how they are
being treated badly.

2. What is the purpose?

The purpose of the advert is to show to the world the concept of racial equality, wherein
no matter what your race is, we are all equal and can be with one another.

3. How is the message conveyed (through text or/and images)?

The message is conveyed through showing two children with different race hugging each
other and making the hair of the black girl like horns, depicting on how racist sees the world.

4. Who is the target audience?

The target audience of this advert are people who are racist and those who are unaware of
the harsh reality of racism.

5. What is the effect of the message when transmitted to the receiver in such manner?
Some may see the advert as a good way of raising awareness about racism whilst others
may see it as an implication that black people are “evil” and pretentious due to the hair like horn
of the child on the right.

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