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“Time heals everything.

It is a matter of fact that in time, all the sufferings and waiting you have experienced, the perfect
time will come where you will be complete again and feel the joy that you thought you will never
experience again. Time in itself does not actually heal you, but the thought that as time passes
by, there will be things and people that you will encounter which will help and support you to
bring back the old you- the happy and go lucky person or make you the better version of yourself.
Therefore, for the days that will pass by, your future self-want you to start letting go, accepting,
and thinking that what you are going through right now is part of living this life and you will get
through this with God being by your side. You will do great in this lifetime and when you reminisce
about those experiences that causes you great pain, you will be proud of yourself for reaching
this point- healed and contented.

“I am proud of you! I know you will get through it!”

-Future you

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