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Derby Valensia - F11180092

Lady Bird

I think this film raises a big theme about the lives of teenagers. In the film it seems
clear that the conflict that exists about the life of Christine from friends, boyfriends,
even parents. All aspects ranging from wanting to get out of the house, wanting to
live freely, having a cool boyfriend, being a famous, to opposing parents.

It is very clear that Christine's mother was possessive, she did not want her child to
follow everything that was unclear and which could not be controlled. While Christine
herself wants a mother who is understanding of the desires of young people.

The figure of Christine feels very, very close to what is now. How to live a teenager
and all his desires. Activities such as choosing friends for profit can also be felt. Also
especially regarding quarrels with parents. Teenagers always consider themselves
not children anymore and want to do many things freely, but parents feel their
teenagers are not mature enough to be able to make their own decisions.

That's what Christine experienced, I was in my teens and maybe for everyone in my
teens. One scene that was very memorable for me was where the quarreling
Christine wanted to go to college in New York and still leave without her mother's
blessing. Christine might not have known that the look of hatred she received when
she had been taken to the airport had been replaced by the mother's sad look. His
mother, whom we know, is very unhappy with this rebellious child who is in fact very
fond of Christine.

Likewise with Christine who finally knew that her mother really loved her when he
was in New York. From this film, we realize that parental love is always there, but
somehow and when we realize it. So when you are still like Christine, don't rebel for
too long and try to look back. Because maybe that's where we find evidence of our
parents' love that we were not aware of.

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