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The Baker's Wife P/V #9- Meadowlark Aa ib, conversational @ 38 6 a 38 °° fool - ing?. When I was a gitl I Light, child like a mp Her voice could match the an- simile but she was bin The lark was Wind so ‘Tae Baker's Wife P/V “5 #9- Meadowolark st 55 ss sr ‘old King came and took her to his pal = t——_t———_* f—t—* sa 50 oo o walls were bur-—— ished bronze. and gol-den braid, fed her fruit _and_nuts. from an iv -_'y = Fate ‘The Baker's Wife P/V “6 #1 9- Meadowlark S 7 ps 7 i of the silver and TL MI Fill 8 and It buy you a priceless jew-el. and cloth of bro-eade and crew-el So S27 | NSN) SR SS | NTN YY ‘The Baker's Wife P/V 7 #9 Meadowlark 3 fa ny 6 love you for life Mts SE day asthe lark Ne N23 the god of the sun heard her in his NSS | SS NS Ns and her singing moved him so he came eae | NUNS: The Baker's Wife P/V 9. Meadowlark 10 109 104 105 brought her— the git of He gave—— her sight opened her eyes to the shim-mer—— and the Ne Nts splen = dour of this beau ti-ful— young god. ‘And he called to the lark in a voice both rough—— and ‘Die Baker's Wife P/V “9. #9 Meadowlark We will The Baker's Wife P/V 0- #9. Meadowlark 126 16, danceonthecor - al beaches, makea feast of theplums and peaches, justas _faras your vision SD NSS) SS) NSN for the old king loved her so. mes WB? | SSN SNS] SUF] SSN She could-n't bear to wound—his. The Baker's Wife P/V n- # 9-Meadowolark sun god flew a - way and when the king came down that ay, Ne] NEN SF NS) NEUES | NM EAGG he found his mead-ow lark had died. subito B Ev- ‘ty time Thea. that part poe SY Sao ‘The Baker's Wife P/V “2 #9 Meadowlark star-ry eyed and Just when I thought my heart beau - ti-ful— young ap-pears be - fore — me——_____ sing-ing Oh won't— you come?" The Baker's Wife P/V “13+ 59-Meadowlark what can I do— if fin ly for the first time: _ —* fone Tm burn-—— ing for re-turns. Ws picked got to gol The Baker's Wife P/V oe #9- Meadowlark rmead-ow - lark, a — TM grow to curse the dark, —— off where the days won't bind me. know I leave wounds—— be - hind me, but I = ‘The Baker's Wife P/V “15+ 4 9--Meadowlark 70 3. a0 20 FNP We | NAS NFS rallentando fonce a - gain ‘And we wont wait rallentando Tempo rallentondo rallentando The Baker's Wife P/V -16- #9. Meadowlark v9 to say goodbye my beau ti = ful young man A rallentando rallentando rallentando,

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