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SCIENCE FOR THE CURIOUS Discover a an an peo aots a ne) eed 9 Thecux ne fa aed To eons ac Hr smcrranains f What Learned Studying Real Vampires ha ne DaGoe « facebook @06 Express Yourself. a (Editor's note: One of the most popular articles on our site isa piece by nology researcher John Edgar Browning about his ‘work withthe real vampire community, published in March 2015. Init what a real vampire i, how they live their lives, and arn about them. Here, he expands on the ‘enigmatic group of people, as well as Georgia Institute of 7: Browning discusse ‘what researchers are hopin ifculties of finding and studying t Tessons he's learned inthe process.] With Christopher Rice’ tantalizing tweet about the new Vampire Lestat television treatment and news of Dacre Stoker and J.D. Barker's Dracula prequel, Dracul, ue out from Putnam in October, the topic of vampires that just set an astonishing new heat record Mandatory Labels ‘lessened Vermont’ Fear OF hos Asa heat wave bullds, dozens of burning across nearly a half million ares of the US. TEI FREE DOWNLOAD Perse (an welive Weexpore what it wold ake tome TheCux -briet $ recw Bere Peers ‘again looms nigh for lovers of fiction and the supernatural. What happens, rons - _ ‘hough, when the borders between fact and ftion fade into gray DB vwrotense owt uncertainty? Te cone In rang See For real vampires (orhuman vampires as they areotherwse alle), thisis || sy up eco Aivnssn & czy the reality they live with every day. What fllows snot the full sope of thie Jotimneses story. It's not even a little. But it's enough, I hope, to offer insight and invite eter curiosity. And pechaps, from some of us, evento spur self-reflection. ‘Vampire fiction aside, there are inthis word people who actualy do drink ein an GY wrneesence GQ) tory rane blood from humans an animals alike~or drain from others what they call setrommenon psychic energy. It's ritual performed not out of pleasure, but need, and it's eae ae EK cron ormally done with the uimoet care fr ther donor's safety and comfort. Thief TEPEIIED ‘eed, according to them, arises fom the lack of natural energies theirbodies | ep/nea produce. Fttngly enough they've adopted the word “vampire” to self ‘inne describe their unusual predilection, one which they claim Begins to surface seit sovrson just after puberty. a Seber an wa The Vampire Interviewer ‘ Search The Crux {know this because I've interviewed a numberof real vampires face to face, during the course of my research asa graduate student, much like Christian Slater's character in Interview with the Vampire. It's not at all as glamorous ast sounds though, nor as easy. Real vampires aren't particularly looking to be found, and ifthe comments section of articles on the topic is any measure, See More can we really blame them? {tall started for me about nine years ago, shortly before I transferred from a [Recent

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