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The Gypsy Thread - Gary Ouellet Hixpus ano Gresits Finda Thread tic, and this lane designation may in fact be more accurate ax Ali Bongo actualy saw a magician in India perform the efect there have been no reported sighting of Romany wanderers tearing and restoring strands so far as | know, although ‘many linguists insist that Romani, the language of European eyp- sies, ears a song resemblance to Punjabi andthe fis gypsies to arrive in Europe inthe 14th century came from Northeast Indi) T: Gypsy Thread tick is also commonly referred ta 36 the As far back as Professor Hofman’ Later Magi, the concept of restoring a broken thread seers ta have ben par ofthe magicians repertoire In Sach’ Sleigh-of hand, under the heading "The Cut andl Restored “Thvead", the author describes a version, adding that the feat "is tore effective when performed with string instead of thread? refer ring the reader to The Tarbell Course i ‘ther string methods, and finaly adding that “it isnot advisable to have the cotton measured fist Magic, Volume 1, fr fur Kaplan, in The Fine Aet of Magic, suggests that considering te sin plicty ofthe articles used and the open manner in which its per fowmed “it is doubtul here is any Wick in the whole real of ‘magic which can compare with it” The Kaplan version is notewor- thy for the clas line ckawings which clearly explained his thread preparation. I fal intresting to note that Kaplan’s version as ‘explined under the “Platform Ticks" section of his book, 1 iis true that the devil i in the details, then the comments ia Hillards Greater Magic seem panicularly appropriate: "I do not know whether this rick sealy af Hindu origin but a kon that the correct methor! has been very carefully guarded as a sit secret. As far back as Sachs various methods have been given but none of them have been coer. Camirand Academy of Magic (Curnent Greste he trick was kept alive by such legends as Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay Billy McComi, Ali Bongo, Hans Trier and Marconick, The April 1953 issue of Peter Warlock’s Pentagram fully explained cr llatian of the methods of Al Baker, George Kaplan, Hans Ties, Peter Warlock and Marconick. Indeed, the method suggested in this hook isa variation ofthe Kaplan-Trxer version, "Hindu Threat, aking it clear that modern versions are ads In 1980-The Supreme Magic Company in London published the sev lenteenth issue of the Lewin Ganson “Teach series, under the tle “The Hind Thread Tick often referred to asthe Gypsy Thread, which Present! the base effect and methocs, including a number af pre sentational ideas by Ali Bongo, plus an innovative method of prepa ing the trea by Pat Conway. Iwas this book that ignited my inter es inthe effet (which | hac never seen performed up to this pont) In contorperary Himes, Pater Sameleon andl Eugene Burger aro best known for the strong addition ofthe compelling storyline, making the trick a true theatrical piece. This is ako reflected in the versions presented by Alain Choquette, Kirby Van Burch, Hans Klok, tus erates and Stove Wyric, Credit should be given to Alain Choquette and Bertrand! Petit, his slirectos, for adding the UY concept making ita tuly practical effect forthe largest theatres. Magicians everywhere understood the importance ofthis sep when they saw Alain performing it on ‘The Worlds Greatest Magic | ‘And in tum, it was the wotk of Keby Van Burch and Guy Carina \which permite the development of Glo-Threa, bringing the eect, ‘o proiasional magicians everywhere who want ene ofthe strongest staye magic ticks asallable today. ‘The Gypsy Thread - Gary Ouellet A.VARIATION | should note, as an asc, that there isa dlifeent version of the ceflect - due toa different method, which fist appeared as one of the Tannen’s New Stars of Magic by Max Londono. The trick start 2 out with a set of torm pieces and a piece ready to he restored Basically one set vas substiued fr the ather ~ and you never needed anything else! The Londona method, which relied in part on specially treated thread, was medified recently by Mike Wong in his video titled Dragon Thread”. Mike does not use eated thead, and his han. ling is very clean, However, both the London and Wong han lings are strict close-up pieces in my opinion ~ for instance, ‘Wong uses a table which enhances the handling Stace ‘The original method lends itself to both closeup and stage Handling-wise, the method proposed here is identical for both close-up and stage | firs studied the Ganson Teach-n Series on the Gypsy Thread, from which most ofthe basc handling herein was gleaned Over the years, have worked on ways to quiekly setup, and decided on the mest tangle-proof preparation. In turn, I aught the method to Alain Choquette, Kiby Van Burch, Hans Klok, Sieve Wyck and ‘other illusionist, who all se this handling in thee iusion shows. It as Alsin Choquette who fist suggested the use of black light to ‘make the thread moce visible ina large theatre. Indeed, on Worlds Greatest Magic 1, Alain performs it a poem wetten forthe ecea- sion (The Canvas of Lae) (Originally the iea was to use a Day-Glo pen to color the tread, and put i under blacklight. The method worked, and prompted me to continue experimenting in this field. Other magicians assisted, Camirand Academy of Magic anche results the Glo-Thread - which isthe fines thread for per. forring the trick on stage ever oer! to magicians Cuose ur ranean For close up work (or on stage ifyou do not use UV lighting) there iso need to use Glo-Theead. There are no black lights needed ox available in most close up conditions For closeup, you need a thread that breaks easily. Go out toa fab- rie shop and ask for what is known as Quilting Thread, oF Cotton Bating Thread ~ and be sure to get 100% cotton (polyester and ther synthetic products give you a thread that you can break only with great etort and sometimes great pain!) Element ae The Gypsy Thread - Gary Ouellet Vioto scarenst Some stage performers prefer to add a video camera and video screen, but personally | never saw the need fr it~ atleast as con- cerns the Gypsy Tread, hecause the Glo-read will work in most theatres without video assistance, But I is yp to you. f you have the setup you might ty with and without, and choose the option that goes over best To c1ow ok Nor 10 Gow Under the proper conditions with the Glo-thread and the lighting iscussed below, the thread will be vsiole in the largest hal. A decision forthe stage performer is whether to turnoff all visible light and gowith only the glowing thread, or leave fl lighting anc add ultraviolet light this later eption means the audience will see fo change in lighting, but the thead wil sil pop and the effect can be clearly seen in the back rus. Or the perlarmer can go for a ‘ix of both options ~ summon the UV and lewer the main lighting somewhat, Again, and this fs only 2 personal preference, | ike the idea ofthe audience not sensing a change in lighting, and not real- izing that any glowing eects are being used. AAUL Anu ULTRavioUrr UGHT ‘Visible light stars at 400 nanometers (Blue Light) and goes up ro 700 nanometers (Red Ligh. Ultraviolet ight comprises tht section ofthe electromagnetic speci between x-ay radiation and vis ble light. Ultaviolet radiation clase to the visible spectrum, 280: 400 nanometers, is quite safe to the human bod. Radiation that falls shorter than these frequencies, however, requires limited exposure times relative tothe level of radiation Professional stage UV lamps utlize high ourput ultraviolet lamps. Camirand Academy of Magic ‘Tese lamps prove far more ultavilet light than incandes- ent, fluorescent, mercury vapor, or even HMI type lamps of ‘comparable wattage This lights then passed through specially