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Bob Selph

Timeline of Events
Nov 14, 2000 Rich and Shorty meet in Escondido, CA with Pastors Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad and
ARBCA Coordinator Bob Selph. [MVBC Timeline]

Nov 20, 2000 Rich and Shorty begin to pursue an ARBCA Church Council. [MVBC Timeline]

Nov 21, 2000 Rich and Shorty answer Walt Chantry’s letter. [MVBC Timeline]

Nov 27, 2000 Bob Selph is asked to organize an “informal” council for Miller Valley. [MVBC Timeline]

Nov 28, 2000 Bob Selph called Tom Chantry to discuss possible names for the Informal Council, and Tom Chantry
wrote a letter to ARBCA stating his agreement to the list of men he had discussed with Bob Selph.
[Letter from Tom Chantry to ARBCA dated 11/28/2000]

Dec 5, 2000 “In a meeting on December 5, 2000, the Administrative Council [Bob Selph was Coordinator of the
AC] appointed Pastor Rich Jensen, Mr. Mike McMcKnight, and Pastor Tedd Tripp to serve as ‘a fact
finding committee from ARBCA’ to go to MVBC.” [AC Part II Report, page 12, third paragraph]

Dec 6, 2000 Bob Selph announces to Miller Valley Elders that an “informal” church council has been secured for
Dec 13-16. [MVBC Timeline]

David Dykstra wrote a letter of instruction to men on the Informal Council. [Letter from David
Dykstra to the Informal Council dated December 6, 2000]

Bold = according to the referenced documentation, men who received the “Report, Conclusions and
Recommendations,” aka “Level 2 Report” “middle level report” “sanitized report” “unsealed report.”

Underlined = according to the referenced documentation, men who received the “Confidential Report and
Recommendations,” aka “Level 1 Report” “fuller report” “sealed report.” All men who received this report received
it as a part of the Complete Report. “This Complete Report contained copies of the Level 1 Report, including the
separate recommendations to each family involved; the Level 2 Report; the Level 3 Report; and ‘statements
from Mr. Chantry, the parents, and one of the children; the letters that had been exchanged between MVBC
elders and Mr. Walt Chantry; Tom Chantry’s Resignation; Special Meeting Minutes; Tom Chantry’s Severance
Schedule; Tom’s acknowledgment of having received the Severance Schedule; two letters to the Informal
Council; and a timeline of events.’” [AC Report Part 2, page 13, last paragraph]

Dec 13-16 The “informal council” met with the families and wrote recommendations and reports. The
informal council consists of: Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight, and Rich Jensen. Don Lindblad was also
present as Tom Chantry’s advocate.

It is uncertain if Don Lindblad saw the “Level 1/fuller report.” It is probable that he did, but he is not
listed in the Distribution Agreement and he only signed the “Level 2/middle level report.”

Dec 16, 2000 Distribution of the Complete Report written and signed by Thomas Chantry, Rich Howe, and Eric
Owens. The nine individuals to have received the report were: “1. Tom Chantry; 2. Elders of Miller
Valley Baptist Church; 3. Bob Selph, ARBCA; 4. Mike McKnight, Informal Council; 5. Tedd Tripp,
Informal Council; 6. Rich Jensen, Informal Council; 7. The Elders who assume oversight of Tom
Chantry [Tom Lyon]; 8. The Counselor used by Tom Chantry [Devon Berry]; 9. Walt Chantry.”
[Distribution of the Complete Report, Attachment 4 in ARBCA Part 2 Report]

Jan 4, 2001 These reports were received at the AC Meeting. As reflected by the confidential minutes:

“Three reports will be distributed: a general report to be sent to all churches, a middle level report
sent to all the AC members (to remain confidential), and a much fuller report to be given only to
nine individuals involved.

Mike McKnight is to email the public statement to be inserted. Distinction of 3 levels of reports is to
remain confidential!! Only the public statement is to be sent to the churches or noted in the public
minutes.” [AC Meeting Minutes January 4, 2001, page 9]

2001/2002 AC Members who were noted to receive the middle level report: Bob Selph, Larry
Vincent, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo, David Dykstra, Dale Smith,
Mike McKnight, Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom Lutz. [Photograph]

Spring 2001 AC Members: Bob Selph, Tedd Tripp, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo,
David Dykstra, Dale Smith, Mike McKnight, Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom
Lutz. [Photograph]

Jan 1, 2002 Tom Lyon and Mark McCormick (elders of Providence Reformed Baptist Church) submitted the
“Report of Compliance” stating that Tom Chantry had fulfilled his obligations and return to ministry.
“This report is being sent to: Tom Chantry, Walt Chantry, Earl Blackburn (chairman of the ARBCA
Administrative Council), Don Lindblad (witness to the informal council’s proceedings at Tom
Chantry’s request), and the counselor mentioned in this report. We authorize Earl Blackburn to
further publish this report to the elder(s) of Miller Valley Baptist Church and grant him permission
to abstract this report to the ARBCA Administrative Council.” [Tom Lyon: Report of Compliance
dated January 1, 2002; ARBCA Report Part 2, Attachment 8]

Spring 2010 AC Members: Gordon Taylor (Coordinator), Fred Pugh (Chairman), Jon Hueni (Secretary), Pete Van
Dorn (Treasurer), Steve Marquedant, Donny Martin, Ron Baines, Fred Malone, Larry Vincent, John
Giarrizzo, Bob Selph, David Campbell, and Hank Rast. [Spring ‘10 ARBCA Update]

July 27, 2016 A warrant was issued for the arrest of *Tom Chantry* for five counts of molestation of a child and
two counts of aggravated assault. [Arrest Warrant Case No. P1300CR201600966]

Aug 21, 2018 *Tom Chantry* found guilty of 2 counts of aggravated assault, not guilty of 1 count of aggravated
assault and 1 count of molestation, and the jury was hung on 4 counts of molestation.

Sep 10, 2018 *Tom Chantry* was arrested on 4 counts of molestation, 4 counts of aggravated assault, and 1
count of child abuse.

Oct 19, 2018 *Tom Chantry* was sentenced to three years of supervised probation for 2 counts of aggravated

May 8, 2019 *Tom Chantry* was found guilty of 4 counts of molestation.

May 9, 2019 The delegates of the 2019 General Assembly released the Statement of 2019 General Assembly
[Statement of 2019 ARBCA General Assembly dated May 9, 2019]

May 2019 AC Members: *Jeff Massey* (Chairman), Matt Vincent (Vice Chairman), *Jason Walter* (Secretary,
Bob Adams (Treasurer), *Fred Pugh* (Coordinator), Jason Montgomery, David Shiflet, and Bob
Curley. [FBC Resignation page 4, paragraph 3 for Bob Curley; Spring 2019 ARBCA Update for the

July 19, 2019 *Tom Chantry* was sentenced to 24 years for each count of molestation (counts 2 to 5) to be
served concurrently.

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