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Two Further Patients with the 1q24 Deletion

Syndrome Expand the Phenotype: A Possible Role
For the miR199–214 Cluster in the Skeletal
Features of the Condition
Tazeen Ashraf,1* Morag N. Collinson,2 Joanna Fairhurst,3 Rubin Wang,4 Louise C. Wilson,4
and Nicola Foulds5
Guy’s Clinical Genetics Service, Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Radiology Department, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
North East Thames Regional Genetics Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Manuscript Received: 2 November 2014; Manuscript Accepted: 2 August 2015

Submicroscopic deletions within chromosome 1q24q25 are as-

sociated with a syndromic phenotype of short stature, brachy- How to Cite this Article:
dactyly, learning difficulties, and facial dysmorphism. The Ashraf T, Collinson MN, Fairhurst J, Wang
critical region for the deletion phenotype has previously been R, Wilson LC, Foulds N. 2015. Two further
narrowed to a 1.9 Mb segment containing 13 genes. We describe patients with the 1q24 deletion syndrome
two further patients with 1q24 microdeletions and the skeletal expand the phenotype: A possible role for
phenotype, the first of whom has normal intellect, whereas the the miR199–214 cluster in the skeletal
second has only mild learning impairment. The deletion in the features of the condition.
first patient is very small and further narrows the critical interval
Am J Med Genet Part A 167A:3153–3160.
for the striking skeletal aspects of this condition to a region
containing only Dynamin 3 (DNM3) and two microRNAs that
are harbored within intron 14 of this gene: miR199 and miR214.
Mouse studies raise the possibility that these microRNAs may be techniques [Franco et al., 1991; Chaabouni et al., 2006; Callier
implicated in the short stature and skeletal abnormalities of this et al., 2007; Descartes et al., 2008; Nishimura et al., 2010].
microdeletion condition. The deletion in the second patient By aligning the deletion and phenotypic data in their nine
spans the previously reported critical region and indicates patients, Burkardt et al. [2011] identified a critical deletion region
that the cognitive impairment may not always be as severe as spanning 1.9Mb at 1q24.3q25.1 containing 13 genes. They pro-
previous reports suggest. Ó 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. posed that the growth deficiency and microcephaly might result
from deletion of the gene CENPL, encoding a centrosomal protein,
Key words: genetics; microdeletion; 1q24; dynamin-3; DNM3; based on the involvement of centrosomal genes in other growth
dysmorphology; syndrome; skeletal; phenotype; miR199 deficiency syndromes. They also surmised that the cognitive dis-
ability in their patients might result from deletion of DNM3, which
is expressed in brain and has a role in synaptic function.
We report two further patients with small 1q24 microdeletions
INTRODUCTION who share the characteristic physical phenotype but not the severe
cognitive disability. One is an adult with normal intellect, whereas
Burkardt et al. [2011] reported nine patients with 1q24q25 dele-
tions defined by oligonucleotide-based array comparative genomic 
Correspondence to:
hybridization (array-CGH). These patients had a consistent phe-
Tazeen Ashraf, Guy’s Clinical Genetics Service, Guy’s Hospital, London
notype of prenatal onset growth deficiency with severe propor-
SE1 9RT, United Kingdom.
tionate short stature, microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, a E-mail:
distinctive pattern of brachydactyly, and severe cognitive disability. Article first published online in Wiley Online Library
The phenotype is consistent with that previously reported in other ( 3 September 2015
patients including those defined using traditional cytogenetic DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a.37336

Ó 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 3153


the other has been assessed as having only mild cognitive im- born in a good condition and admitted to the Special Care Baby
pairment at 12 years of age. Comparison of the array-CGH results Unit (SCBU) for nasogastric tube feeding to maintain adequate
in our patients with those previously reported allows the critical blood sugar levels. She was described as dysmorphic in the neonatal
region of overlap for the skeletal phenotype to be substantially period with small and deeply set eyes, apparently low-set ears and
narrowed to a region that contains only the DNM3 gene and two an upturned nose. She had a small anterior fontanelle and large
microRNA’s that are harbored within intron 14, miR199 and posterior fontanelle. A skull X-ray confirmed partial coronal
miR214 (Fig. 5). Dynamin-3 is highly expressed in human adult craniosynostosis. Cranial ultrasound of the brain identified normal
brain, but has little or no expression in the skeleton [Nagase et al., structures. She had a negative congenital infection (TORCH)
1998]. However it has been observed that in mice, downregulation screen and normal female karyotype. A diagnosis of Saethre–
of miR199 and miR214 expression results in embryos that exhibit Chotzen syndrome was suspected. Her twin sister had similar
several skeletal abnormalities including craniofacial hypoplasia, features and skeletal findings, but did not seek further genetic
defects of dorsal neural arches, and spinous processes of the input. Both sisters required calvarial surgery for craniosynostosis at
vertebrae and osteopenia [Watanabe et al., 2008]. More recently, 6 months of age.
further work on the miR199–214 cluster has shown that it is on the By the age of 3 years, the patient had undergone surgical
opposite strand of DNM3 in an arrangement that is highly con- correction of a strabismus and had also had an umbilical hernia
served across vertebrate species [Gradus and Hornstein, 2010; Scott repair. She was in good health but concerns were raised regarding
et al., 2012]. These authors show expression patterns for the two short stature. Provocation tests demonstrated normal growth
microRNA’s predominantly in tissues surrounding developing hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and binding
craniofacial skeletal elements and conclude that miR199 and protein-3 levels (BP3). She was commenced on GH at 10 years of
miR214 have a conserved role in vertebrate skeletogenesis. We, age for 4 years when she measured 110.3cm (4.5 SD).
therefore, suggest that the miR199–214 gene cluster within DNM3 At age 14, she was seen again by clinical genetics. Examination
is the most likely candidate to account for the striking skeletal revealed a generalized brachydactyly with broad thumbs, clino-
phenotype observed in the 1q24 deletion syndrome. dactyly of fifth fingers and broad feet with widened great toes. She
had bilateral ptosis, more marked on the left than the right (Fig. 1).
There were distinctive radiographical features noted on X-ray
The patient was lost to follow-up until the age of 25 years when
Patient A she presented to genetics. Her final height was 142 cm (4 SD). She
Patient A is one of monozygous twins. She was born at 38 weeks had hypermetropia with a prescription of þ6.75 and þ5.75. She
gestation via forceps delivery weighing 1.84 kg (<0.4th centile). had not required any additional support at school and was
The parents were non-consanguinous Caucasians and the family employed in a skilled profession.
history was unremarkable. There were no antenatal concerns and Due to the history of coronal craniosynostosis, sequencing of
no significant maternal illnesses during pregnancy. The patient was exon 7 of FGFR1, exons IIIa and IIIc of FGFR2, exons 7 and 10 of

FIG. 1. Photographs of Patient A. (a) Facial appearance: fullness of upper eyelids with mild bilateral ptosis, bulbous nasal trip. (b) Hands:
small hands, brachydactyly, proximally placed thumb, fifth finger clinodactyly, small nails. (c) Foot: wide foot, pes planus, broad great toe,
brahydactyly of all toes, small nails. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at

FIG. 2. Radiographs of Patient A. (a) Radiograph of right wrist aged 18 years 7 months: broad distal ulna, underdeveloped ulnar styloid, and
shortened fifth metacarpal and mildly shortened fourth metacarpal. (b) Trauma radiograph of left foot aged 23 years: short and broad proximal
phalanges of second, fifth and great toe, shortened second to fourth middle phalanges, and shortened distal phalanges in all toes.

FGFR3, and exon 1 of TWIST1 was undertaken together with functioning around the 10-month level for locomotor skills and at a
MLPA for TWIST1, RUNX2, ALX1, ALX3, ALX4, MSX2, EFNB1. 14–15-month level in all other areas. She walked independently just
No pathogenic mutations, deletions or duplications were identified after 2 years of age. Speech milestones were within normal limits.
excluding Muenke syndrome and as far as possible excluding Reassessment at 3 years 9 months showed she was functioning
Saethre–Chotzen, Crouzon, and Pfeiffer syndromes. Biochemical around the 2.5 to 3-year level. Behavior and social interactions have
testing for pseudohypoparathyroidism was also normal. been normal throughout. The patient attends mainstream school.
Array-CGH was undertaken which identified a deletion involv- She has required additional support for her fine motor skills,
ing the region 1q24.2 to 1q24.3 with a minimum size of 2.4 Mb hearing, and phonics but assessment at 12 years of age showed
(arr[hg18] 1q24.2q24.3(168,007,914–170,448,198) x1) and a max- that her literacy is above average, while her reasoning and numer-
imum size of 2.6 Mb (arr[hg18] 1q24.2q24.3(167,916,942– acy are below average but within normal limits. She has not had any
170,502,632) x1). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with special educational needs to date.
the probes RP11-33H27 and RP11-277C14 confirmed the deletion At 2 years 9 months, when she presented to clinical genetics, she
in this patient and showed that it was de novo. had a height of 74.5 cm (5 SD) weight 9.64 kg (2.5 SD), and
This chromosomal deletion is smaller than those in previously OFC of 44.5 cm (2.5 SD). GH commenced at 5 years of age with
reported cases. It contains 17 genes: C1orf112, METTL18, SCYL3, good response, with an initial growth velocity of 9 cm/year. She
KIFAP3, METTL11B, GORAB, PRRX1, MROH9, FMO3, FMO2, continues to respond with her most recent growth velocity being
FMO1, FMO4, PRRC2C, MYOC, VAMP4, METTL13, and DNM3. 6.3 cm/year at 11.4 years of age.
MYOC lies just centromeric of DNM3 and although missense and Her medical history has also included recurrent episodes of otitis
nonsense mutations have been associated with autosomal-domi- media with effusion for which she has had four sets of grommets.
nant primary open angle glaucoma, there is no current evidence She developed a conductive hearing loss and wears hearing aids
that haploinsufficiency increases the risk [Kwon et al., 2009]. bilaterally. She developed amblyopia secondary to mild hyperme-
However, as a precaution the patient is being followed by ophthal- tropia of the right eye, which responded to patching. She was noted
mology services because of the deletion of MYOC. incidentally to have myelinated nerve fibers at the optic disc. She
developed headaches associated with snoring and sleep studies
confirmed obstructive sleep apnea which has improved consider-
Patient B ably following adenotonsillectomy at 10 years of age.
Patient B is a 12-year-old girl, the second child of non-consan- On examination, she had characteristic features described pre-
guinous Caucasian parents. She was noted to have short femurs on viously in this condition (Fig. 3). Additionally, she had delayed
an ultrasound scan at 20 weeks gestation but otherwise her dentition, generalized joint laxity, and an everted umbilicus. When
antenatal course was unremarkable. She was born at 39 weeks last reviewed at 10 years of age, after 5 years of GH treatment, she
gestation weighing 2.64 kg (2–9th centile). At 10 days of age, she had a height of 116 cm (3.5 SD), weight 24.35 kg (2nd centile),
had a length of 44 cm (<0.4th centile). She had a patent ductus and OFC of 49.1 cm.
arteriosus diagnosed at 5 weeks of age, which required catheter Her radiographs at 2 years 9 months, 4 years, and 9 years 11
closure, but was otherwise well. months are illustrated. The salient abnormalities are disharmoni-
There were concerns about short stature and motor delay from ous skeletal maturation with delays in carpal ossification to a
around 18 months of age when Griffiths assessment showed she was greater degree than epiphyseal ossification, only 11 pairs of ribs,

FIG. 3. Photographs of Patient B. (a) Facial appearance at 2.75 years: Metopic narrowing with overlaying capillary stain, mild bilateral partial,
micrognathia, bulbous nasal tip. (b) Ear: small, posteriorly rotated with thickened helices. (c) Hand aged 10 years: small hand with
generalized brachydactyly, fifth finger clinodactyly, short nail beds. (d) Foot aged 10 years: short broad foot and hallux, generally short toes
with broad nail beds. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at].

mild coxa valga, and brachydactyly which initially predominantly and parental FISH studies using probe RP11-64I24 confirmed
involved the second and fifth middle phalanges associated with the deletion in this patient was de novo. The deletion spans the
cone epiphyses and progressed to involve the lateral metacarpals critical region reported by Burkardt et al. [2011] (Fig. 5). It
and distal phalanges (Fig. 4). includes the anti-thrombin 3 (SERPINC1) gene, deletion of
Investigations included a normal female karyotype and nor- which is associated with increased thrombophilia risk due to
mal ADAMTSL2 sequencing undertaken because of the possi- a 50% reduction in antithrombin III activity. The patient has
bility of acromicric dysplasia. Further detailed chromosome had detailed hematology investigations which have confirmed,
testing by array-CGH revealed a submicroscopic 1q24.2q25.2 as expected, that she has type 1 antithrombin deficiency for
deletion with a minimum size of 9.2 Mb (arr[hg19] 1q24.2q25.2 which advice has been given. The deletion also includes MYOC,
(170,042,861–179,275,314) x1) and a maximum size of 9.4 Mb for which she attends an annual eye check at her high street
(arr[hg19] 1q24.2q25.2 (169,995,664–179,420208) x1). Proband optician.

FIG. 4. Radiographs of Patient B. (a) Radiograph of left hand aged 2 years 9 months: delayed bone age approximating 2 years in epiphyses
and 1.5 years in carpals. Shortened distal phalanges, shortened and broad fifth metacarpal, cone epiphyses in thumb distal phalanx. Short
proximal phalanges 2–5 with distal pointing giving a bullet-shaped configuration. The proximal epiphyses were significantly thickened. All of
the middle phalanges were short and broad, but this was most marked in the index and little fingers. The distal phalanges were slightly
shortened and moderately broad, again with thickened epiphyses. Mild metaphyseal flaring of the distal radius and ulna. (b) Radiograph of
the left foot (4 years): shortened and broad proximal phalanges with cone epiphyses, shortened distal phalanx of the hallux. Skeletal Survey
aged 9 years 11 months: (c) Radiographic of left hand/wrist: delayed bone age, disharmonious carpal maturation. (d) Radiographic of pelvis:
mild flattening of the femoral head, mild coxa valga, prominant broad-based greater trochanters. (e) Radiograph of the ankle: flattened,
irregular, and sloping talar dome with associated thinnings of distal tibial epiphysis. (f) Skull radiograph: shallow anterior cranial fossa with
very shallow markedly sloping floor.

FIG. 5. Schematic demonstrating chromosome deletions in previously reported patients, patients A and B and magnification onto the common
region of overlap containing DNM3, miR199, and miR214. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at http://].

METHOD Raw data were normalized, LOESS correction applied, and the data
ratios calculated using DEVA v1.01 Software (Roche NimbleGen).
Chromosome analysis was carried out on cultured peripheral
The normalized data were processed using Infoquant Fusion v6.0
blood lymphocytes following routine G-banding analysis proce-
software (Infoquant, London, UK). Fluorescence in situ hybrid-
dures. Oligonucleotide array comparative genomic hybridization
ization (FISH) was carried out on Patient A and both parents using
(array-CGH) was performed using the Oxford Gene Technology’s
standard methods. The Ensembl 30 K cloneset bacterial artificial
(OGT, Oxford, UK) International Standard Cytogenomic Array
chromosomes (BACs) RP11-332H7 and RP11-277C14 were used
Consortium (ISCA) custom 8  60 K array, manufactured by
to confirm the deletion and showed that it was de novo.
Agilent Technologies (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA),
on patient A according to manufacturer’s instructions. Promega
pooled control DNA was used as a reference. The results were
analyzed using OGT CytoSure Interpret Software version 3.4.8.
Array-CGH was performed on patient B using the NimbleGen Several cases of 1q24q25 microdeletions have been described in the
135 k CGH microarray in accordance with manufacturer’s instruc- literature associated with a recognizable phenotype comprising
tions (NimbleGen Arrays User’s Guide: CGH and CGH/LOH facial dysmorphism, small hands and feet with fifth finger clino-
Arrays v9.1, Roche NimbleGen, Madison, WI). The microarray brachydactyly, severe proportionate short stature with microceph-
was washed and then scanned on an Axon GenePix 4400A Scanner aly, and severe cognitive disability. The facial dysmorphism
using GenePix Pro 7 software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA). includes partial ptosis, mild micrognathia, and small ears with

attached lobes in a number of patients, including our Patient B DNM3 comprises 18 exons and is predicted to encode a 702
(Fig. 3b). Our patient A adds craniosynostosis to the list of clinical amino acid protein called Dynamin-3. It appears to be highly
features that have occurred with this microdeletion and it is of expressed in adult brain and spinal cord and at intermediate levels
interest that Patient B has metopic narrowing but without a in adult heart, lung, kidney, testis and ovary, and in fetal liver and
clinically significant degree of trigonocephaly. However, additional brain [Nagase et al., 1998]. In neurons, Dynamin-3 appears to have
in-utero factors associated with twinning could also have contrib- a role in endocytosis of clathrin-coated vesicles [Lu et al., 2007].
uted to the craniosynostosis in patient A. The short stature is Although expression studies have not supported a role for DNM3
typically prenatal in onset, proportionate, and is not associated in skeletal development to date, more recently intron 14 of DNM3
with any demonstrable endocrine abnormality. Many reported was found to harbour a 7.9 kb antisense transcript that codes for
patients have failed to respond to growth hormone treatment two microRNAs, miR199 and miR214 [Watanabe et al., 2008]. This
[Burkardt et al., 2011]. Patient A achieved a final adult height of 7.9 Kb antisense transcript is expressed in mouse embryos in the
4 SD despite 4 years of treatment with growth hormone. Al- nasal process, pharyngeal arches, limb buds, and somites in a stage-
though Patient B is felt to be responding, her height remains at dependent manner during development. In later embryos, it is
3.5 SD despite 5 years of treatment. expressed in perichondrial cells and periarticular chondrocytes,
The skeletal features seen in our patients resemble those previ- tracheal cartilage and bronchi, all striated muscle and smooth
ously reported with 1q24 deletion, namely the delayed and dishar- muscle of the great arteries, the dermis, upper and lower jaw,
monious carpal ossification, metacarpal and phalangeal and the cardiac cushions and valves. Knockout mice heterozygous
shortening, soft tissue syndactyly in the toes, and occasional for the miR199–214 cluster were not reported to show any discern-
cone epiphyses. Coxa valga and 11 pairs of ribs have also previously ible phenotype. Homozygous miR199–214 knockout mice, which
been described in this condition. Novel findings in our cases had apparently normal expression of dynamin-3, had feeding
include the modelling deformity of the distal ulna, the sloping difficulties, growth retardation, craniofacial hypoplasia, defects
talar dome, the broad and large lesser trochanters, and the marked- in the dorsal neural arches, and spinous processes of the vertebrae
ly shallow anterior cranial fossa. and osteopenia. Most died within 1 month of birth [Watanabe
The pattern of brachydactyly associated with this microdele- et al., 2008]. Further work on DNM3 and its two guest miR’s has
tion is distinct from the widely recognized Types A–E but appears supported the notion that the expression profile for this host gene
to evolve consistently according to the reports where it is and its guests are different, and that miR199 and miR214 are
adequately documented. Initially it predominantly involves the expressed strongly in mesenchyme and perichondrium around
second and fifth middle phalanges and later the lateral meta- the developing craniofacial skeletal elements [Desvignes et al.,
carpals and distal phalanges, although more generalized phalan- 2014]. Further functional studies have also supported a role for
geal shortening may occur. The bony shortening may be miR199 and miR214 in skeletogenesis including work that has
associated with cone epiphyses and similar changes are observed shown that TWIST1 regulates expression in the mouse [Lee et al.,
in the feet. All patients reported to date have had both short 2009]. This observation is particularly interesting in relation to the
stature and brachydactyly raising the possibility that both result skeletal phenotype of the 1q24 deletion because Saethre–Chotzen
from haploinsufficiency of the same gene. Patients who have syndrome, which results from haploinsufficiency of TWIST1, has
short stature and brachydactyly with normal intellect may escape significant phenotypic overlap. Of particular note, coronal cranio-
detailed chromosome testing by array-CGH but recognition of synostosis is often a prominent part of Saethre–Chotzen syndrome
this pattern of brachydactyly in the future may help identify and this occurred in patient A. Additionally, the cutaneous syn-
patients with smaller deletions or even intragenic mutations of a dactylies observed in a few patients in the 1q24 cohort and in
candidate gene in the region. patient A, together with the ptosis, broad thumbs, and halluces that
Our patient A has the smallest deletion reported to date. were seen in patient A and B are all features of Saethre–Chotzen
Burkardt et al. [2011] suggested CENPL as a candidate gene for syndrome. It is also of note that in early medical notes for patient A,
growth failure, but since the chromosome deletion in Patient A a working diagnosis of Saethre–Chotzen syndrome was proposed,
did not contain CENPL which lies telomeric to the distal deletion despite a failure to find any changes in this gene at the time.
breakpoint, it is unlikely that CENPL is solely responsible for Functional studies have also shown that miR199 expression
short stature in these patients. Comparison of the deleted responds to BMP2 induction in human cell lines and inhibits
intervals (Fig. 5) shows that Patient A’s findings narrow the chondrogenesis by downregulating SMAD1, which is known to be
critical region for the short stature and brachydactyly substan- a regulator of bone and cartilage formation [Lin et al., 2009].
tially, essentially to DNM3 together with the miR199–214 Additional work in human cell lines has shown that miR214
cluster. In support of this locus as the candidate for the skeletal inhibits bone formation by targeting ATF4 (encoding a transcrip-
features of 1q24 is the case report by Della Monica et al. [2007], tion factor required for osteoblast function) and SP7 (an osteoblast
whose patient is reported to have significant learning disability specific transcription factor) [Shi et al., 2013]. The data that are
and autism but not short stature or brachydactyly and whose emerging on several species suggest a conserved role for miR199
deletion does not include DNM3 or the miR199–214 cluster. and miR214 in vertebrate skeletogenesis. Intron 14 of DNM3 (and
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have also shown a its guest miR’s) are deleted in both of our patients A and B and is
significant correlation between DNM3 sequence variants and clearly within the critical region for the 1q24 deletion syndrome
final adult height [Gudbjartsson et al., 2008; Lango et al., 2010; and we suggest that this is the most likely candidate for the striking
Berndt et al., 2013]. skeletal phenotype of this condition.

DNM3 was proposed by Burkardt et al. [2011] to be responsible CN, Palotie A, Peden JF, Pedersen N, Peters A, Polasek O, Pouta A,
for cognitive disability in patients with a 1q24 microdeletion Pramstaller PP, Prokopenko I, P€ utter C, Radhakrishnan A, Raitakari O,
because it is highly expressed in brain. However, the region deleted Rendon A, Rivadeneira F, Rudan I, Saaristo TE, Sambrook JG, Sanders
AR, Sanna S, Saramies J, Schipf S, Schreiber S, Schunkert H, Shin SY,
in our patient A included the majority of the DNM3 gene. Patient A Signorini S, Sinisalo J, Skrobek B, Soranzo N, Stancakova A, Stark K,
is of normal intelligence and now works in a skilled profession Stephens JC, Stirrups K, Stolk RP, Stumvoll M, Swift AJ, Theodoraki
indicating that haploinsufficiency for DNM3 is unlikely to be the EV, Thorand B, Tregouet DA, Tremoli E, Van der Klauw MM, van
sole cause for cognitive impairment in this microdeletion syn- Meurs JB, Vermeulen SH, Viikari J, Virtamo J, Vitart V, Waeber G,
drome. Furthermore, her deletion included C1orf112, METTL18, Wang Z, Widen E, Wild SH, Willemsen G, Winkelmann BR, Witteman
JC, Wolffenbuttel BH, Wong A, Wright AF, Zillikens MC, Amouyel P,
SCYL3, KIFAP3, METTL11B, GORAB, PRRX1, MROH9, FMO3, Boehm BO, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Caulfield MJ, Chanock SJ,
FMO2, FMO1, FMO4, PRRC2C, MYOC, VAMP4, and METTL13 Cupples LA, Cusi D, Dedoussis GV, Erdmann J, Eriksson JG, Franks
making those unlikely candidates in patients whose deletions PW, Froguel P, Gieger C, Gyllensten U, Hamsten A, Harris TB,
extend more centromeric to the critical region outlined by Bur- Hengstenberg C, Hicks AA, Hingorani A, Hinney A, Hofman A,
kardt et al. Our patient B has a deletion that is similar in extent to Hovingh KG, Hveem K, Illig T, Jarvelin MR, J€ ockel KH, Keinanen-
Kiukaanniemi SM, Kiemeney LA, Kuh D, Laakso M, Lehtim€aki T,
several previously reported deletions and spans the critical region Levinson DF, Martin NG, Metspalu A, Morris AD, Nieminen MS,
of overlap identified by Burkardt et al. (Fig. 5). It is of interest that Njølstad I, Ohlsson C, Oldehinkel AJ, Ouwehand WH, Palmer LJ,
our patient’s cognitive impairment is relatively mild and it is Penninx B, Power C, Province MA, Psaty BM, Qi L, Rauramaa R,
anticipated that she will achieve independence as an adult. Of Ridker PM, Ripatti S, Salomaa V, Samani NJ, Snieder H, Sørensen TI,
note, she does not have associated autism or behavioral problems Spector TD, Stefansson K, T€ onjes A, Tuomilehto J, Uitterlinden AG,
Uusitupa M, van der Harst P, Vollenweider P, Wallaschofski H,
which may have accentuated speech delay and learning disability in Wareham NJ, Watkins H, Wichmann HE, Wilson JF, Abecasis GR,
other patients. There are several possible explanations for her mild Assimes TL, Barroso I, Boehnke M, Borecki IB, Deloukas P, Fox CS,
cognitive phenotype which include the possibilities that the cog- Frayling T, Groop LC, Haritunian T, Heid IM, Hunter D, Kaplan RC,
nitive impairment results from cumulative haploinsufficiency for Karpe F, Moffatt MF, Mohlke KL, O’Connell JR, Pawitan Y, Schadt EE,
more than one gene in the region, from sequence variations in the Schlessinger D, Steinthorsdottir V, Strachan DP, Thorsteinsdottir U,
van Duijn CM, Visscher PM, Di Blasio AM, Hirschhorn JN, Lindgren
non-deleted alleles within the region, or that haploinsufficiency for CM, Morris AP, Meyre D, Scherag A, McCarthy MI, Speliotes EK,
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clarify the contribution of genes within the deleted interval to Gripp KW, Moline J, Moran RT, Niyazov DM, Stevens CA, Zackai E,
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