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1. Go back N allows the transmission of new packets before earlier ones are acknowledged.

This uses a window mechanism where the sender can send packets within a window. This
window advances as acknowledgments for earlier packets are received. In this
mechanism the sender continuously sends a number of packets with out receiving an
acknowledgement signal from the receiver. The receiver keeps track of the sequence
number of the next packet it expects, and sends the sequence number with every
acknowledgment it sends. The receiver will ignore any packet that does not match with a
sequence number it expects whether the packet is a duplicate of a packet which have been
already acknowledged or the packet which have the sequence number greater than the
number which it expects. Once the sender has sequentially sent all the packets in its
transmission window, it will check whether all of the packets are acknowledged and will
resume sequential transmission of the packets starting with the next sequence number to
the one that was last acknowledged.
Go Back N is sure to work correctly, independent of the complete choice of which
packets to repeat, if the system is correctly initialized, no failures in detecting errors
packets travel in FCFS order and positive probability of correct reception.

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