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The Rocketeet CIRRUS X3 JETPACK Template by David J. Guyton Thank you for picking up this template from Be sure to chenck out all the other templates available there. This template is free, but instead of sharing it with others, please direct them to the website where they can get their own free copy. I did not work from a model to get the proper dimensions, so they are as close as | could get going by pictures alone. If you follow the template properly, you will have a reasonably accu- rate jetpack in the end. Make no mistake, this build is not for beginners. | strongly suggest building a few of my armor pieces before you attempt this build, as you will need several of the skills from those builds to be able to pull this one off. | should also note that although this template is very accurate, there are MANY parts that need to interface with other parts, and how those parts interact will affect fitment in other areas. Because of these complexity of this build, you will need to come up with some of the parts on your own, in order for the pieces to fit your jetpack exactly. An example would be the vent sections and the piece in the center of the radiator area at the top. | have provided accu- rate measurements of all parts of the jetpack. Be sure to do your best to keep within those pa- rameters to avoid fitment issues. Precision is EVERYTHING in this build. Print out your template and find the part with the 1” (or 1cm) mark on it. Measure this to see if it printed to exact size. If it didn’t, or if some of the lines near the end of the pages are miss- ing, you will need to check your printer settings and adjust accordingly. All printers are differ- ent, so | can’t walk you through the fix, but it is usually a box that says something like “print to page” or “print page to fit’. Check or uncheck this box and try again. If that does not fix your issue, look into other settings your printer might have. You will notice that many of the parts are far too large to fit onto printer paper. Because of this, you will need to tape the larger pieces together before you trace them out. All parts that re- quire this step are clealy marked. Some of the parts will obviously be used more than once, as you will need to build two boosters. Round the BOOSTERS as you see me do in the video, and carefully mark, drill, and rivet them into cylinders. Weld in 3/16” rod to the bottom. Dish the BOOSTER TOP pieces and as- semble them. Trim as needed to ensure proper size. Cut the top hole so that it is circular and allows for the proper length of the BOOSTER TOP. While measureing, take note that there is a flange around the bottom that needs to go inside the BOOSTERS. Weld the small FINLETS into position at the top, then weld and assemble the BOOSTER CONE and CONE SPACER together. Weld the cone into position from inside the BOOSTER TOP. Now assemble the sOOSTERS and BOOSTER TOPS into complete units. At this point you will need to create a jig to hold the BOOSTERS. Using the measurements provided, create your jig. At the top, the points of the cones should be 12.5” apart. At the bottom, at the nearest point between the two BOOSTERS, it should be 2” apart. The BOOST- ERS are at an angle, and not straight up and down. Note that even though the BOOSTERS are at an angle, the vent holes are straight across. There is no way to measure accurately where the vent holes go exactly, so you will need to place them in the proper place once you have your jig set up. | have provided measurements for the holes, but you will need to determine where the holes are on the BOOSTERS. Form the CENTER BOTTOM section around a piece of pipe and trim it to fit neatly between the BOOSTERS without any gaps. Note that the very bottom of this piece needs to be bent in- wards so that it can hook around a support welded in later (see video). Form the CETER TOP section. This piece does not have a flange on it in the template. If you want to try to build it with the flange, you will need to add that to the template. But unless you are an absolute metalworking master, you will need to weld a flange on instead like you saw me do in the video. This piece takes a ton of work to get right so keep at it until it's perfect. Round the CENTER MIDDLE piece and fit it to the CENTER TOP piece. You will need to flare the upper part so that it fits into the CENTER TOP piece properly when riveted. Now you will need to cut the CENTER BOTTOM piece so that the CENTER MIDDLE piece fits into it with little or no gaps. Weld the CENTER MIDDLE and CENTER BOTTOM pieces together. Make all the vents/grates and weld them into the jetpack from the rear. Trace out the same shape as the top of the CENTER TOP section in 1/8” steel and cut it out. Rivet this piece to the CENTER TOP section. This will be welded to the RADIATOR scetion at the top of the jet- pack between the BOOSTERS later on. Build the RADIATOR by welding the RADIATOR pieces together, using 1/4” steel pieces to space them properly. Depending on exactly where you place your RADIATOR section, you may find that you need more or less RADIATOR pieces. | originally went with 16 total, but it was too wide so | ended up using 14 total. Place the RADIATOR section in position, and tack weld it to the piece that is riveted to the top of the CENTER TOP section. Connect all RADIATOR sections together with welds and then remove it. Weld everything properly at this point from the bottom where the welds cannot be seen Measure and create a piece that spans the distance between the two RADIATOR sides, and then weld it into position too. Bend the FLAPS using the method shown in the video, and then cut long notches where the ridges will go (6 per flap, spaced one inch apart). Cut pieces of 1/8” x 1/4” steel and fit them into the notches. From the rear, weld these pieces in. Using 1.5” round tube, make the “ears” that hold the FLAPS to the BOOSTERS. Weld the ears on, using the FLAPS as a guide to ensure proper fitment. Assemble the jetpack, flip it over, and figure out exactly where the bent section on the bottom of the CENTER BOTTOM piece is. Cut a piece of 1/8” x 3/4” steel to fit in this position EXACT- LY. Weld it in position, and then make a second, longer piece that connects the BOOSTERS. higher up. Measure and cut a piece of 20 gauge steel that covers the area between the bottom of CENTER BOTTOM all the way up to the RADIATOR. Drill holes and rivet this piece into position. Add a small bracket in the middle of this piece and add the 1/4” rods and rod ends to it. Attach the rod ends to the FLAPS. While the jetpack is flipped over, drill holes large enough to fit 5/16” bolts through. Place bolts in the holes, and then secure them with nuts from the inside. Weld these nuts in position from inside the BOOSTERS. Remove the bolts after the nuts cool. Use these holes to secure your jetpack to a harness later on. That's it for assembly. Since the piece is bare metal, | cleaned it very well with lacquer thinner and then painted it with clear spray paint. The paint will not hold up to harsh abuse, but it is easily repaired if scratched, and it will offer some protection from rust. be sure to use proper safety equipment throughout the build. If you are underage, be sure to have an adult help you with this project. Make sure to visit for more exciting projects! armor templates center top A center top B center middle tobooster 6 to booster booster D to boosterB boosterB toboosterD ¥19)5009 0) to booster booster A 4)19)8009 toboosterD toboosterA hooster C toboosterE to booster booster E 4)19)8004 0) "4 rH ta toboosterD booster F toboosterE Cy iyy, Ny yytaysarstnd booster top 1B Vi do ses00g 9 sigs] U1 an aya i (| og say adel so 1}s0 hati al fa ah aa $e si) ash

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