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How Seo plays a crucial role to grow your business.

Seo is getting your website to feature in the top results of the

search engines.In other words it is optimising your website in an
intelligent way so that search engines would rank you higher in the
search results.

Awareness and driving clients

People are using search engines to find the things they are looking
for so it becomes imperative for websites to feature in top results
of the serp.The top 10 web results in google search engines get 95%
of the traffic.

Being among the top shown results in search results means more people
will know about your product offering and service.Attention is the
most important thing in the current fast paced digital world.More
attention means more traffic or visitors to your webpage and more are
your chances to convert those prospects into sales.

Being there at the right time

User post search queries in search engines and top results that are
relevant to their search query or keyword are shown as top pages,
therefore selection of keywords is a very important task to carry out
before you plan your content.Keyword tools like google keyword
planner, semrush, ahrefs can be used by businesses to find relevant
highly searched keywords and accordingly they can make content around
those keywords to get shown in the search results.

Seo has higher return on interest and better conversion rate than
paid ads therefore it’s a good long term strategy to invest in
seo.Seo keeps giving returns in the long run whereas in case of ads
you have to keep spending in order to keep featuring in the search
results and once you stop investing you will not get any traffic.

Right content gets you the sales

Content can be considered a form of sales pitch,if you address all

the queries through your content then your prospects are more likely
to convert. With content you can strategically highlight your product
features and explain to them how your product can add value to their

You can write informational content for your audience i.e the kind of
content which educates them about your product and tells them how
your product can solve their particular problem.
On the other side you can write transactional content, this kind of
content is for the prospects who already know about the product
offering and are looking to buy a product or a service.

Therefore you can write content for people who are at different
stages of the sales funnel.
With a good seo strategy in place, you wouldn’t need to actively look
for prospects as they will be coming to you and you wouldn’t need to
invest in outbound methods like cold calling, emails etc.This is in
turn will reduce the customer acquisition cost.

Brand building and enhancing the user experience.

The language that you use in the content should resonate with your
target audience.You should use the kind of language that resonates
with your target audience.For example if your target audience is the
multi-million corporates then you will using sophisticated terms and
professional language in your content, if your target audience is
young millenials you will use language that is casual and
friendly.The correct language and tone makes quite a big difference
as it helps in establishing a personal connection with your target

If you write good content that educates your prospects in an

intelligent, clear and unambiguous manner then you will establish
yourself as someone of authority in your prospects minds and
prospects are more likely to think of you as the expert in your area
or discipline.It will also help in building trust and people will be
more likely to buy your product offering.

Good content will get shared on social media by the people, this will
increase your brand value and also enhance brand image.A product or a
service of a known brand will be more likely to be bought by the

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