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1. Who wrote Peter Pan?

a. Jeremy M. Barrie
b. James M. Barrie
c. John M. Barrie
2. What are the names of the 3 children he brings to the Neverland with him?
a. Wendy, John, and James
b. John, Anna, and Michael
c. Michael, John, and Wendy
3. Who was the first of the Darling children to discover Peter?
a. Wendy
b. John.
c. Michael.
4. What is Captain Hook most afraid of?
a. Peter Pan.
b. Smee.
c. A specific crocodile.
5. What tips Hook off to let him know that the crocodile is around?
a. The ticking of a clock it swallowed
b. His hook tingles.
c. Peter always appears right before the crocodile.
6. What is the name of Hook's ship?
a. Jolly Roger.
b. Flying Dutchman.
c. Sea Witch.
7. Who is peter best friend?
a. Wendy
b. The lost boys
c. Tinker Bell (A fairy)
8. How does Captain James Hook die?
a. Peter stabs him
b. The crocodile that has been following him eats him
c. His pirate mates turn on him and kill him
9. Why do Wendy, Michael, and John leave Neverland?
a. Because they hate Peter
b. They realize they miss their parents, and that they have to grow up
c. They can't stand Tinker Bell anymore
10. Name one of the Lost Boys member….. (Twins, Slightly, Curly, Tootles, Nibs)

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