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Symbiotic Relationships

Isabella Troxell and Emma Wilczynski

Decorator Crab Sea Sponge
Phylum: Arthropoda Phylum: Porifera

Genus: Stenorhynchus Genus: Scypha

Species: Decorator Crab Species: Sea Sponge

Decorator Crab and Sponges
Interactions Between Organisms: The crab
uses the sponges to camouflage from its
predators while the sponges are able to
find food easier because they are almost
constantly on the move.

Effect on the Interaction on Each

Organism: The crab and the sponge both
Manta Ray Remora
Phylum: Chordate Phylum: Chordate

Genus: Manta Bancroft Genus: Remora

Species: Manta Ray Species: Common Remora

Manta Ray and Remora
Interactions between Organisms: The ray
is cleaned while the remora feeds off their
bacteria as well as getting transportation.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The ray and the remora both
Cleaner Shrimp Moray Eel
Phylum: Arthropoda Phylum: Chordate

Genus: Lysmata Genus: Gymnothorax

Species: Banded Coral Shrimp Species: Moray Eel

Cleaner Shrimp and Moray Eels
Interactions Between Organisms: The
shrimp feeds off the body and mouth of
the eels and the eels get rid of unwanted
parasites and bacteria.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: Both the cleaner shrimp and
the eel benefits from this relationship.
Sea Cucumber Cherry Shrimp
Phylum: Echinoderm Phylum: Arthropod

Genus: Stichopus Genus: Neocaridina

Species: Sea Cucumber Species: Cherry Shrimp

Sea Cucumber and Cherry Shrimp
Interactions Between Organisms: The
shrimp travels on the sea cucumber as it
moves to new food sources.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The sea cucumber is unaffected
while the shrimp benefits.
Humpback Whale Acorn Barnacle
Phylum: Chordate Phylum: Arthropoda

Genus: Megaptera Genus: Balanus

Species: Humpback Whale Species: Acorn Barnacle

Humpback Whale and Acorn Barnacle
Interactions Between Organisms: The
barnacle travels on the whale and is
exposed to a near limitless food source
because it is a filter feeder.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The whale is unaffected while
the barnacle benefits heavily.
Barrel Jellyfish Small Fish
Phylum: Cnidaria Phylum: Chordate

Genus: Rhizostoma Genus: Too General

Species: Barrel Jellyfish Species: Too General

Barrel Jellyfish and Small Fish
Interactions Between Organisms: The fish
find shelter in the jellyfish's tentacles as
well as protection from other predators.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The jellyfish is virtually
unaffected while the small fish are
Isopods Fish
Phylum: Arthropoda Phylum: Chordate

Genus: Too General Genus: Too General

Species: Too General Species: Too General

Isopods and Fish
Interactions Between Organisms: The
isopod takes most of the food consumed
by its fish counterpart and the fish suffers
loss of nutrition and substance.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The isopod benefits while this
relationship is detrimental to the fish who
will eventually die of malnourishment.
Sunfish Tapeworm
Phylum: Chordate Phylum: Flatworm

Genus: Sunfish Genus: Taenia

Species: Too General Species: Sea Tapeworm

Sunfish and Tapeworms
Interactions Between Organisms: The
sunfish acts as the host of the tapeworm
which takes a lot of the fish’s nutrients
and substance as well.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The tapeworm benefits and
thrives while they are detrimental to the
fish they live inside who will eventually
die of malnourishment.
Sea Lice Salmon
Phylum: Arthropod Phylum: Chordate

Genus: Copepods Genus: Salmon

Species: Sea Lice Species: Too General

Sea Lice and Salmon
Interactions Between Organisms: The lice
feeds off of the salmon’s bodily fluids by
leeching onto their sides.

Effect of the Interaction on Each

Organism: The sea lice benefits from the
salmons nutrients but the salmon will
eventually die due to dehydration, loss of
blood, or malnourishment.

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