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The law is clear.

Amadeo's family committed a violation of the law in which they

entered with a visitor's visa or also known as a type V visa in which they are granted
a maximum term of 2 years, but it was to visit the territory for leisure or tourism
purposes. It gives them 180 continuous days in which they would be breaking
Chapter I of RESOLUTION 6045 OF 2017 since they have been more than 12 years,
if they thought of staying for work it was an immigration visa or a type M visa in which
we as a State cannot deny it because we would be violating Article 17 (conditions)
of Chapter II that stipulates in point 5 in which it determines that they must have a
permanent or long term employment in Colombia. and with 3 years of stay they had
to apply for a residence visa to comply with Article 21 of Chapter III.

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