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1, 2000
© 2000 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology ISSN 0002-9270/00/$20.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0002-9270(99)00745-5

Alcohol Levels Are Increased in

Social Drinkers Receiving Ranitidine
Satish Arora, M.D., Enrique Baraona, M.D., and Charles S. Lieber, M.D.
Alcohol Research and Treatment Center, Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center and
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York

OBJECTIVE: Ranitidine increases blood alcohol concentra- The effect of these drugs on BAC has been found to be
tions by decreasing the first pass metabolism of ethanol. The variable when using single large doses of alcohol or condi-
effect of ranitidine on alcohol levels has been found to be tions such as fasting or dilute alcohol solutions, in which
variable when using large doses of alcohol or conditions in FPM has been reported to be minimal (8, 9). While there is
which its first pass metabolism is known to be minimal. a general consensus that ranitidine increases BAC after a
Despite a consensus that the drug increases alcohol levels single small dose of ethanol (150 mg/kg) (10), this effect has
after small doses of ethanol, this effect has been considered been considered clinically inconsequential because the re-
inconsequential, because of the low alcohol levels. How- sulting BAC are low. However, social drinking encom-
ever, social drinking comprises repetitive consumption of passes repetitive consumption of small doses of alcohol. In
small doses of alcohol and the ranitidine effect could this setting, the inhibitory effect of cimetidine on FPM was
thereby be potentiated. potentiated and clinically relevant differences in BAC were
METHODS: To study this factor, alcohol levels were deter- achieved after several drinks (11). Because ranitidine and
mined by breath analysis in nine men (social drinkers), after cimetidine affect the FPM by different mechanisms, this
four drinks of 0.15 g/kg ethanol given postprandially every study was undertaken to determine to what extent ranitidine
45 min, before and after ranitidine (150 mg b.i.d. for 7 days). affects BAC under conditions of repetitive consumption of
small alcohol doses, mimicking social drinking.
RESULTS: Their blood alcohol increased with repeated
doses, reaching peak values of 24 ⫾ 3 mg/dl before raniti-
dine and 33 ⫾ 2 after ranitidine (p ⫽ 0.04). In seven of the
nine subjects blood alcohol exceeded 25 mg/dl, a level at
which impairment of judgment and of finely tuned skills After approval by the Institutional Review Board and ob-
occurs and which exceeds legal limits of driving in some taining informed consent, 12 healthy men (30 to 45 yr old)
European countries. Moreover, the high levels persisted for who drank ⬍60 g of alcohol (less than five standard drinks)
a longer time with than without the drug. These effects were per week, were used in this study.
associated with a 62% decrease in first pass metabolism.
CONCLUSION: Under conditions mimicking social drinking, Ethanol Administration
ranitidine increases blood alcohol to levels known to impair Because we previously showed that 20 –30% of apparently
psychomotor skills needed for driving. (Am J Gastroenterol healthy subjects display minimal or no FPM (11, 12), we
2000;95:208 –213. © 2000 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterol- first screened the 12 volunteers for FPM, using a single dose
ogy) of ethanol (300 mg/kg) randomly administered by the oral
route (as a 15% solution in orange juice) or intravenously
(as a 5% solution in isotonic dextrose). Each alcohol dose
INTRODUCTION was given 1 h after a standard meal to avoid the inhibitory
We previously reported that the H2-receptor antagonists effects of fasting on FPM (8). All experiments were initiated
cimetidine and ranitidine (but not famotidine) increase in the morning, but we previously did not find diurnal
blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) by decreasing the first differences in FPM (12).
pass metabolism (FPM) of ethanol (1, 2). Whereas the effect In nine of the subjects, who displayed a substantial FPM,
of cimetidine appears to be linked to its capacity to inhibit we determined the alcohol levels and calculated the amount
gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity (3– 6), the of ethanol reaching the systemic blood after postprandial
inhibitory effect of ranitidine on FPM is primarily associ- administration of four small drinks (150 mg/kg) given at
ated with an acceleration of the gastric emptying of ethanol 45-min intervals and alternating with potato chips to simu-
(due to its anticholinesterase activity), which shortens the late social drinking. This procedure was repeated after 1 wk
exposure of the enzyme to alcohol (7). of ranitidine administration.
AJG – January, 2000 Alcohol Levels and Ranitidine 209

Ranitidine Administration Statistics

After completion of the baseline measurements, 150 mg of All values were expressed by their means ⫾ SEM. The
ranitidine were given orally twice a day for 1 wk. Subjects significance of the ranitine effect (factor A) was tested as
were given the weekly dose of ranitidine and asked to keep repeated measures at four levels of the number of drinks
it with them at all times to assess compliance by pill count. (factor B) by a two-factor analysis of variance. Other dif-
ferences were analyzed by Student’s t test for paired com-
Blood Ethanol Concentrations parisons.
To obtain a large number of measurements, the blood alco-
hol levels were determined at 5-min intervals by breath RESULTS
analysis with a calibrated breathalizer, with a sensitivity of
0.1 mmol/L (13). This procedure was previously validated Before ranitidine administration, 9 of the 12 men screened
by comparison with direct blood measurements by gas chro- displayed a substantial FPM (⬎30 mg ethanol/kg body
matography in the same subjects (11). After drinking, the weight) after a single postprandial dose of ethanol (300
mouth was washed and the first breath sample was obtained mg/kg). They were selected to assess the inhibitory effects
15 min thereafter to avoid the early contamination of ex- of ranitidine on FPM after repetitive drinking of small
pired air with alcohol remaining in the mouth. alcohol doses. The other three subjects displayed none or
minimal FPM (⬍10% of the dose) before ranitidine and,
First Pass Metabolism of Ethanol therefore, they were excluded.
The first pass metabolism of ethanol was quantified by the In the nine selected subjects, the BAC after intravenous
difference between the amount of ethanol reaching the sys- administration were considerably higher than those after
temic blood after intravenous and after oral administration oral administration of the same dose (300 mg/kg) (Fig. 1). In
of the same dose (14). To calculate these amounts, we used every subject, the parameters of ethanol elimination (Vmax,
the Michaelis-Menten kinetics of ethanol elimination (15, Km, and Vd) were calculated by fitting the Michaelis-
16). In each subject, we first obtained their parameters of Menten function to the descending blood alcohol levels after
ethanol elimination, Vmax (maximal elimination velocity), intravenous administration. Vmax was 193 ⫾ 9 mg ⫻
and Km (Michaelis constant) by curve fitting of an appro- kg⫺1 ⫻ h⫺1; Km was 2.20 ⫾ 0.02 mmol/L; and Vd was 0.65
priate expression of the Michaelis-Menten function [t ⫽ ⫾ 0.02 L/kg. Using these parameters, the total quantity of
⫺(Ct/Vmax) ⫹ (Km/Vmax) ⫻ ln(Co/Ct) ⫹ Co/Vmax] to ethanol eliminated from the blood was calculated. After
the decreasing blood levels after the intravenous infusion of intravenous administration, the calculation of the amount of
ethanol (300 mg/kg). The best fitting was generally obtained ethanol eliminated was equal to the dose (300 mg/kg),
after 60 min, once most of the ethanol had distributed in the confirming the validity of the parameters used. In contrast,
total body water. The volume of alcohol distribution (Vd) after oral administration, only two-thirds of the dose (about
was calculated by dividing the dose by the concentration at 200 mg/kg) entered the systemic blood and was eliminated
time zero, which was obtained by extrapolation of the in 3 to 3.5 h. The difference between the intravenously and
Michaelis-Menten function to zero time. As reported previ- orally produced amounts of ethanol reaching the blood (94
ously (7), Vmax, Km, and Vd did not change after raniti- ⫾ 17 mg/kg) indicates the average magnitude of the FPM in
dine; therefore, for each subject, the same values were used the nine subjects selected.
before and after ranitidine administration. Before and after 1 wk of ranitidine administration (150
The quantity of ethanol reaching the blood (Qabs) was mg twice a day), the same subjects were administered four
calculated as the sum of the amount present in body water small alcohol drinks (150 mg/kg) in the postprandial state at
(Ct ⫻ Vd) plus the amount eliminated up to that time. The 45-min intervals and the calculated amount of ethanol
amount of alcohol eliminated from the systemic blood after reaching the systemic blood was compared with the imbibed
intravenous and oral administration of the dose was calcu- dose (Fig. 2). Before ranitidine, the amount of alcohol
lated by integration of a more classical expression of the reaching the systemic blood increased with each subsequent
Michaelis-Menten equation: Qelim ⫽ Vd ⫻ 兰[(Ct ⫻ drink, but only two-third of the total dose imbibed (600
Vmax)/(Ct ⫹ Km)] ⫻ dt. After administration of a single mg/kg) reached the blood, documenting again in these sub-
dose of alcohol, the total amount reaching the systemic jects a FPM of about one-third of the dose (201.4 ⫾ 20.8
blood becomes equal to that eliminated once ethanol has mg/kg). The fraction of the alcohol dose reaching the sys-
disappeared from the circulation. The difference between temic blood (bioavailability) after the four small drinks was
either of these two amounts (Qabs or Qelim) after the same similar to that found after the single ethanol dose (300
intravenous and oral dose indicates the magnitude of the mg/kg) given to the same subjects 1 wk before (68 ⫾ 5% vs
FPM, expressed in milligrams per kilogram body weight. 74 ⫾ 5%; p ⫽ not significant).
After multiple doses, FPM was assessed from the difference After 1 wk of treatment with ranitidine, the subjects were
between the quantity of alcohol imbibed and that reaching given the same four doses of alcohol under the same con-
the systemic blood because the quantity reaching blood after ditions. Now, after each drink, the amount of alcohol en-
intravenous administration should be equal to the dose. tering the blood was greater than before ranitidine, reaching
210 Arora et al. AJG – Vol. 95, No. 1, 2000

Figure 1. Baseline first pass metabolism (FPM) in the nine subjects selected to study the inhibitory effects of ranitidine. FPM was assessed
with an alcohol dose (300 mg /kg) given, on alternate days, either by the oral (p.o.) or the intravenous (i.v.) route. Blood alcohol levels
were higher after i.v. than p.o. Curve fitting of an expression of the Michaelis-Menten function over the descending blood levels after i.v.
administration provides the pharmacokinetic parameters (Vmax, Km, and Vd) to calculate the cumulative elimination from blood (Qiv and
Qpo). At the completion of the alcohol curves, the quantities of ethanol eliminated (Qpo and Qiv) became equal to those reaching the blood
and Qiv ⫺ Qpo quantifies the FPM.

a maximum of five-sixth of the alcohol dose. Thus, the FPM in FPM. In terms of BAC, the effect of ranitidine was
after ranitidine (77.3 ⫾ 4.1 mg/kg) was 38% of that before potentiated by the repetitive drinking of small alcohol doses.
the drug. Moreover, after ranitidine, blood alcohol reached levels
The blood ethanol levels also increased with each drink known to be associated with impairment of psychomotor
(Fig. 3). After ranitidine, the peak BAC (33 ⫾ 2 mg/dl) were skills, and these levels persisted for periods of time consid-
significantly higher than before (24 ⫾ 3; p ⫽ 0.043, on erably longer than in the absence of the drug.
paired t test). Their 95% confidence intervals were 20.0 to Since the initial reports of inhibitory effects of H2-recep-
38.2 and 15.5 to 28.5, respectively. Moreover, the period tor antagonists on the FPM of alcohol (1– 4, 17), their effects
during which BAC exceeded 15 mg/dl was greater after than on BACs after oral administration have been the subject of
before ranitidine (165 ⫾ 16 min vs 98 ⫾ 26; p ⫽ 0.040). controversy (for a review, see Ref. 18). However, the neg-
Similarly, BAC ⬎25 mg/dl persisted for a longer time after ative studies consistently used conditions known to be as-
ranitidine (54 ⫾ 15 min) than before (25 ⫾ 12; p ⬍ 0.05). sociated with minimal FPM, such as fasting (8), dilute
Also the areas under the curve were greater after ranitidine alcohol solutions (9), or high alcohol doses (5-fold or more
(72 ⫾ 6 mg/dl per h) than before (51 ⫾ 9; p ⫽ 0.023). The than the FPM). Furthermore, except for a negative study
increased BAC were associated with an apparent change in (19), which unfortunately did not provide individual values,
mood; whereas only three of the nine subjects were euphoric all the other studies did not assess the presence and magni-
before ranitidine, eight of the nine manifested clear euphoria tude of FPM before the treatment. In this study, as well as
after ranitidine. in previous ones (11, 12), 25–30% of the volunteers dis-
played minimal or no FPM at baseline. Under these condi-
tions, one would expect no modifications of BAC by drugs
that primarily decrease the FPM of alcohol. This has been
Our results indicate that, under conditions mimicking social documented in the case of cimetidine, which increased BAC
drinking, ranitidine strikingly increased blood alcohol con- in subjects with substantial FPM, but did not enhance BAC
centrations. This effect was associated with a 60% reduction when given to subjects with minimal or no FPM at baseline
AJG – January, 2000 Alcohol Levels and Ranitidine 211

Figure 2. Effect of ranitidine on the amount of ethanol entering the systemic blood in nine subjects taking four alcohol drinks. Here, at
each point in time, the quantity of ethanol reaching the blood (sum of ethanol present in body water [Ct ⫻ Vd] and that already eliminated)
was compared with the imbibed dose. The total amount of ethanol reaching the blood was 68% of the dose before (open circles) and 87%
after ranitidine (solid circles).

Figure 3. Effect of ranitidine (150 mg b.i.d. for 7 days) on blood alcohol levels after four small drinks in nine normal men. After repetitive
drinking, blood alcohol levels reach clinically relevant concentrations. The decrease in FPM produced by ranitidine was associated with
significant increase in blood alcohol to reached levels that are known to be associated with impairments of skills and judgment.
212 Arora et al. AJG – Vol. 95, No. 1, 2000

(11). Therefore, in the present study, we excluded the sub- blood (FPM) by shortening the exposure of ADH to optimal
jects with minimal (⬍30 mg/kg) or no FPM. concentrations of ethanol. Although the role of hepatic
It has been claimed that ranitidine affects BAC only when oxidation has not been excluded in these experiments, it
given in small doses, resulting in inconsequential changes of would be unlikely that the FPM persists or increases at
BAC (10). However, the repetitive drinking of small alcohol ethanol concentrations higher than those found to produce
doses (often alternating with snacks), which is common saturation of the ethanol extraction in the human liver (21).
during social drinking, could potentiate the effects of rani- For hepatic FPM to occur, the extraction rate must be higher
tidine on BAC. This was shown to be the case with cime- at ethanol concentrations resulting from absorption than
tidine (11), an H2-receptor antagonist that inhibits gastric from recirculation, which typically occurs with very small
ADH activity. Because ranitidine decreases FPM primarily doses.
by a different mechanism, namely by accelerating the gas- These effects of ranitidine on FPM were associated with
tric emptying of ethanol, we wondered whether its effect clinically relevant changes in BAC. One hour after a stan-
would nevertheless be potentiated after repetitive drinking. dard breakfast, the repetitive drinking of four small doses at
A previous study used three drinks, the first one in the fasted 45-min intervals resulted in stepwise increases of BAC (Fig.
state and the other two postprandially and found no differ- 3). After 1 wk of treatment with ranitidine, the increases in
ences in BAC after ranitidine (20). However, the marked BAC after each drink were greater than before ranitidine,
effect of fasting on gastric emptying and FPM of alcohol and BAC reached levels known to be associated with im-
may have obscured the smaller effect of the drug. Therefore, pairment of skills needed to perform complex tasks (15
in the present study we administered the alcohol dose 1 h mg/dl) (22, 23) or to exercise judgment (25 mg/dl) (24).
after a standard meal and maintained the postprandial status Moreover, after ranitidine, the blood alcohol levels ex-
with potato chips. ceeded legal limits for driving in some countries, such as
Traditionally, FPM has been assessed by differences in Sweden, and they were maintained for almost 2 h. There-
areas under the curve of blood concentrations between those fore, social drinkers treated with ranitidine should be
produced by intravenous and oral administration of the same warned of the possibility of developing unexpected func-
dose. This is valid for substances with a rate of elimination tional impairment when drinking amounts of alcohol they
proportional to their BAC (first order kinetics), but ethanol might consider safe.
elimination follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, which re-
sembles the first order only at very low ethanol concentra-
tions and becomes independent of concentration (zero order ACKNOWLEDGMENT
kinetics) at higher, clinically more relevant, concentrations. This study was supported by National Institutes of Health
Under the latter conditions, the rate of elimination is virtu- grants AA 05934 and AA07275, Department of Veterans
ally constant and the BAC depends not only on the amount Affairs and Kingsbridge Research Foundation.
but, principally, on the rate of entry of ethanol into the
blood. Indeed, marked differences in areas under the curve
of BAC were produced by changes in the rate of infusion Reprint requests and correspondence: Charles S. Lieber, M.D.,
despite an equal amount of ethanol entering the blood (14). Alcohol Research Center, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 130
West Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10468.
Thus, the ranitidine-induced acceleration of gastric empty- Received Jan. 8, 1999; accepted Aug. 4, 1999.
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