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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2017/068392 Al
27 April 2017 (27.04.2017) PO PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
G08G 1/00 (2006.01) B60Q 9/00 (2006.01) MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
B60Q 5/00 (2006.01) PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
(21) International Application Number: TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
PCT/IB20 15/05 8081
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(22) International Filing Date: kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
20 October 2015 (20.10.201 5)
(25) Filing Language: English TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
(26) Publication Language: English DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
(72) Inventor; and LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
(71) Applicant : TAVAKOLI, Davood [IR/IR]; Apt. 5, Build SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ,
ing No. 2, Shahin Street, Noorafshar One, Jamaal Abaad, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Niavaran, PO No. 197886543 1., Tehran, 197886543 1 (IR). Declarations under Rule 4.17 :
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every — as to the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.1 7(Ϊ))
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, Published:
BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, — with international search report (Art. 21(3))


(57) Abstract: This invention is related to an electronic device and a method of using it. It comprises of sending and receiving units
and notification techniques that enables the method of wirelessly alerting nearby vehicles as an alternative to vehicle's (traditional)
o honk, Horn and Siren. The said device, where it is made present inside vehicles, functions in collaboration with other such device/s
o to enable drivers communicating silent honking (signals) between two or more vehicles. Said device transmits (alert/honking) signals
to be received by other such device/s inside vehicles in its range. Signals are then translated to isolated honking notifications heard
only inside vehicles replacing traditional honking noise. As part of this invention, interaction strategies enable a more specific target
o and range for alerting nearby vehicles. Furthermore a formatting module is employed to allow the receiving vehicle/s recognise some
aspects of the identity of alerting vehicle in which such device is made present. The method of using this device can reduce or elim
o inate noise pollution generated by vehicle's traditional honks and Sirens. This method spares the population and residents from hear
ing the sound of honking Horns and Sirens that are not meant to hear them and results in cities and roads without the noise of honk -
(HARP) The method and apparatus
of (isolated) wireless honking and
reducing urban noise pollution.


IR: refers to Infra Red.

RF: refers to Radio Frequency
LED: refers to Light Emitting Diode
NOISE POLLUTION: Refers to the sound generated by man-made equipment or activity
that is of no interest to a certain population or unwanted and above 30 Decibels.
{ 1} DECIBEL/ dB: Refers to a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or a degree
of loudness.
{2} TRADITIONAL HONK/ING: refers to the sound of a car horn to alert other vehicles.
{3} VEHICLE/S: mean/s vehicle, Automobiles/ Private vehicles, Buses, Mini-buses,
Motorcycles, Bicycles, Emergency vehicles, Police cars, Ambulances, Fire-fighting
vehicles, Vans, Lorries, Trucks, Electric cars, Driverless cars, Public transport and any
form of transportation that is capable of speeding between 5 km/h to 700 km/h.
{4} INSIDE VEHICLE: Any placement covered by a vehicle's volume and belongings.
VEHICLE/ DRIVER: If the functionality of this invented apparatus is discussed then it
is further assumed that all vehicles or drivers have this invented apparatus present or
installed inside the vehicle.
NOTIFICATION: refers to audio/ visual indication or alerts to attract attention or bring to
{5} ALERT/ HONK(ING): refers to the sound or beep produced or transmitted by this
device in order to warn or alarm nearby vehicles.
INSTALL(ED): means (partially or entirely) made present in or at. Means set up at to
make available for.
{6} HARP/ H.A.R.P./ Device: refers to this invented apparatus and/or the unique setup
and method of using this apparatus.
{7} RANGE: If this invented device is discussed the RANGE refers to an area or radius
around this invented device (or a vehicle in which this device is made available for)
that the said device's transmitted signal is accessible/ receivable by other such device.
If Traditional Honking is discussed, RANGE refers to the area covered by the radius
around vehicle that sound of traditional honks are audible.

Field of this invention; This invention is related to method of reducing urban noise
pollution which can substitute traditional honking of vehicles and is made possible by
this apparatus that comprises of sending and receiving and notification units, formatting
modules and interaction strategy between two or more of said devices enabling wireless
honking for vehicles sound of which is isolated to inside the said vehicles.

Background; An earlier electro-mechanical device is known as vehicle honk or Horn that
is used as a loud noise-making unit to vaguely alert/ warn nearby cars/ vehicles to attract
their driver's attention for warning purpose. These traditional known techniques have
an ambiguous and unnecessary wide audience while creating redundant and annoying
noise pollution for public as a source of great anxiety and distraction and stress.



Honking is a primitive yet popular method of communicating between more than a billion
vehicles worldwide and alerting nearby drivers. It is an ambiguous language of uncertainty,
rage and bewilderment. Despite many rules and regulations, the noise pollution caused
by honking is nearly out of control in today's world and affects well-being of people
especially in urban and crowded areas where a single honking of a Horn can be heard by
thousands of residents, public, by-passers and people and drivers who are not meant to
be alerted/warned and in some cases entirely out of range of the alerting driver's interest.

The purpose of honking a vehicle's Horn is alerting nearby drivers and any other traditional
usage of honking causes unnecessary noise pollution which is either illegal or unethical.
Honking solves less problem than it causes unless it is used to expect a reaction on the
road and not in the nearby residences. There are more than a billion vehicles worldwide
some of which honk many times a day. In most crowded cities such noises have become
a background noise pollution at all times which continue to be heard by billions of people
everyday over and over again who don't wish or need to hear them.

In addition, the traditional honk device is larger, more expensive and consumes about
500 times more power than this invented apparatus.


[FIGURE assumes all vehicles have this invented apparatus present in their vehicles.
This device and method of using it is designed and programmed that uses a wireless
messaging technique based on Pulse Code Modulation and additionally Infra-red
transmitters and receivers that makes audible alerting sound only inside the vehicles in
specific range and is not heard outside the vehicles.

By replacing the traditional electro-mechanical Horn device of vehicles with this invented
apparatus, or simply adding that to vehicles, the drivers are enabled to alarm nearby
vehicles without disturbing the public. This device wirelessly sends a signal (as an
example range of 0 to 70 metres) around it [F!G. 0 1 1] and received by vehicles in
this range that have this same invented device installed in their vehicle. The signal is
translated to beeping or honking alert sounds that are equivalent to sound of honking a
traditional Horn but only inside the vehicles in range [FIG. 03.4]. By isolating the sound
to be only heard inside the nearby vehicles, the noise pollution caused by honking the
traditional vehicles' Horns is reduced to a fraction and is not heard outside vehicles. The
residents and population around such (honking) vehicle that uses this invented apparatus
are spared from the unwanted noise [FIG. 03.2 to 03 3]. This device also advantageously
ensures the drivers hear the alarm/sound of this device even if they're listening to loud
music or have a hearing condition.

This invention in general broad terms enables communicating between drivers of vehicles
near each other (in a simple and specific manner). It can reduce noise pollution as the
result of such communication. The following are further comparison and advantages:

Primary advantageous effects of this device and method, if compared to traditional
electro-mechanical Horn of vehicle, are based o n the following functions:
• Alert sounds are only heard inside vehicles [FIG. 03 4] and barely heard or entirely
not heard outside the vehicles. [FIG. 03 3] and [FIG. 03 6] Hence reducing noise
pollution for public.
• Furthermore providing a more specific range that could be of the driver's interest
[FIG. 03.5] and not outside of such range. [FIG. 03. 1]

Secondary advantageous effects or additional functions of this invention are
based o n the following functions:
• Providing a more specific target through dual communication module. For example
the volume of alert sounds are set to be higher in the case that alerting/ transmitting
vehicle is close enough to be in direct proximity of receiving vehicle/s. [FIG. 05. 1]
• This device also enables drivers with hearing conditions and drivers in loud ambience
of vehicle be notified primarily via the sound generated by the device inside the vehicle
near the driver and additionally, the optional feature of this invention that comprises of
series of LED or digital lights that can allow visual alerts. [FIGURE 12]
• The attribute of the transmitted signals from one HARP device is specifically coded
using Pulse Code Modulation [FIGURE 6 1 Such coding results in transmitting
(secure and) unique signals and eventually enables the device function/ alert/ sound
differently considering what type of vehicle is attempting to warn nearby vehicles being
an Ambulance or bicycle or any other vehicle which can be translated to different alert
sounds. [F!GURE 47 and [FIGURE 12].
• The same apparatus and strategy of this invention can be used by Traffic Authorities
for alerting vehicles in danger via pre-installed devices on specific sites. /6 ¾E 14]
• The range of send-and-receive is easily amendable.

[FIGURE 4] shows increased range of 100 metres to 300 metres for Emergency vehicles
using the same device according to this literature paragraph [0007]. The received
signal from such device is heard in nearby vehicles with unique siren (alert) sound that
differentiates it from standard vehicles and cars. [FIG 04 1 and 04 2]

To ensure functionality of the alarming system the current alphabets of traditional honking,
volume and sequence, are maintained. Sequence; The alarm will sound inside nearby
vehicles as soon as and only as long as a driver presses the switch (or traditional honk
switch on the steering wheel). Therefore drivers may choose to transmit a (for example)
long beep or multiple beeps. Also an additional supportive communication method of
Infra-red send-and-receive function allows the devices to detect if the vehicle, that is
to attempt to transmit the alert signal, is in very close or direct proximity of theirs. Such
additional signal received will result to a louder alert sound inside the nearby cars /F/G.
05. 1 than the one received by the RF signal [FIG 05.2] which could be from a device on
another side of the street or 50 metres far away.

[FIGURE ] demonstrates example installation and usage of vehicle's electricity as its 12
Volt power source /F/G. 02.4/.
This invention and device may make traditional honk devices redundant and inappropriate.
Same buttons/ switch functions and wiring can be used /F/G. 02. 1 t 2 .3]. I isconsiderably
smaller [FIG. 13.2 and 13.4] than traditional vehicle's electro-mechanical Horn (and can
be optionally connected to existing cables and use the same space with minor additional


[FIGURE 6] shows the messaging protocol. Device's circuits comprises of two modules
of Transmitter and Receiver circuits and is capable of transmitting and receiving within
0-1 00 metres range (or more) without interruption or error. Parts of the circuit are globally
available technology and are not expensive. 3 channels from the total 4 channels of the
IC is used for this device. The transmitted and received signals are in legal range and
frequency of 433 MHz.

In order to avoid disruption of transmitted frequencies, the transmitter is using an available
international protocol as shown in / /G . based on PCM standards. Such protocol
is set with the main purpose to enable the transmitting activity along with reliability in
error detection and use of broadband and other conditions and limitations which are
already set by the international protocol and made accessible and free of charge for the
public. Also a globally and commercially available IC is used made by many integrated
circuits IC companies, in this case IC number 87LPC768 [FIG. 03.2] made by PHILIPS ®

In order to maintain the known alphabets of traditional honking, as long as the alerting
driver is pressing the devices switch Receivers (inside nearby vehicles) stay activated
and alert sound is heard.
Standard vehicles use 12 Volt battery. Therefore both modules work with 12 Volt battery
of all types of vehicles. [FIG. 03.3] and [FIG. 10 4]

F G ? / is the technical Block Diagram of the Transmitter which is shown in general
form and individual switches are used while showing 2 modules of transmission both IR
and RF. The transmitting signal is produced and formatted by a Microcontroller F /G. 07.3/
using an appropriate, standard, legal and secure frequency of 433 MHz. It is transmitted
wirelessly through Radio Frequency [FiG. 07. i ] (and additionally Infra-red [ F IG . 07.2]).
The coded signal is transmitted by TX or IR module after creation. The transmitter uses
12 Volt battery of the vehicle that is perfectly functional in the range of 6V to 30V.

The Microcontroller used is vastly programmable. The additional frequency is transmitted
after being formatted through Pulse Code Modulation on 36 Kilo Hertz frequency [FIG. 07.2]
which allows high security and low power consumption. The total electricity consumption
of the device is related to the instance of pressing the switch only. Such consumption is
nearly 500 times lower than of electricity consumed by vehicle's traditional honk/ Horn.

[FIGURE B]\s the Transmitter Circuit Diagram. The R5 Resistance limits the Amperage of
IR Transmitter's Diod (IR LED TSUS5201 ) which transmits the 950 nanometres Infra-red
light with 230 Ml. Watt with half angel of ± 1 5 degrees. Therefore for this invention more
number of LED lights provide a wider angle. Three switches are used from four possible
switches /F/G. OS. //that are eventually routed to the main switch which is installed inside
the vehicle (or connected to traditional Horn (Honking) button on the steering wheel
of vehicles or such switch wherever it was installed for honking purpose prior to this
[FIGURE 9] is the Receiver Block Diagram. The RF is also designed for 433 MHz. The
type of RX2 is Radiometrix and with TX2. RX2 consuming about 13 Ml. A and is very
light and small. The advantage of such setup is that the range can be increased for an
additional 300 metres by a 5 cm to 15 cm antenna [FIG. 09 1 1 The Superheterodyne
Receiver is used with 107 DBM and 3V to 6V and 14 Ml. A . that will immediately function
in the instance that power is conveyed to its Receiver Module. Silence (no function) is
parked in the absence of transmission.

[FIGURE 10] is the Receiver Circuit Diagram comprising 2 modules of Radio Frequency
and Infra Red. Hence the dual communication as the Infra-red is an additional function to
this invention. Relay /F/G. is used in this invented apparatus to eventually activate
the beeping/ notification function and optionally to activate additional LED lights. /F/G

The central Microcontroller [FIG. 1 2] is programmed to control the digital input and in
due course activate the Receiver Relays /F/G. 10 . 1]. Dual communication is enabled by
the additional IR Receiver Circuit /F/G. 70.3/ that enables a secondary function of higher
volume of alert for IR signals received from transmitting device of vehicles that are in
very close range or direct proximity of IR Transmitter of such device. Such difference
equips driver to recognise the immediate warnings from those in a further range that
could be of less importance.

[FIGURE 1 1/ demonstrates the result of an instance where two nearby (HARP) devices
begin transmitting simultaneously. In such condition all vehicles with this invented
apparatus installed in their vehicles that are in the collective range of both devices' main
RF signals receive and hear the alert inside the vehicle [FIG 11 1 to FIG 1 6] . The
transmitted signal of the device that started transmitting RF earlier is prioritised. The
transmitted signal of Emergency vehicles overrides both earlier signals.

Additionally, the vehicles (with this invented apparatus) that are in very close and direct
proximity of both transmitting (alerting) vehicles (devices) I.e. [FIG 11 2] and [FIG 11 4]
and [FIG. 7.5/ receive an additional IR signal from dual transmitter of those two vehicles
/F/G. 11. 1] and [ FIG 11.3/ and hear a louder alert inside their vehicles compared to those
that are only in range of transmitted Radio Frequency 11.6]. Such dual signals
are not overridden by each-other's priority as the result of louder alerts remain the same.

This invented apparatus produces similar alert sound inside the transmitting vehicle that
initiated the signal as well, as soon as it begins transmitting. Such sounds are similar to
the sound produced by other devices in range from such transmitted signal.

This device is designed to function and to be understood by all types of urban vehicles
including but not limited to Automobiles/ Private vehicles, Buses, Mini-buses, Motorcycles,
Bicycles, Emergency vehicles, Police cars, Ambulances, Fire-fighting vehicles, Vans,
Lorries, Trucks, Electric and Driverless cars and Public Transport .

As an additional and secondary function, a set of LED lights are added to this invented
apparatus to add visual alert in addition to the audio alert. The sounds and colours of
light are unique for Emergency vehicles (such as Ambulances, Fire-fighting vehicles,
Police) and motorcycles to enable a more specific warning [FIG, 2 1 to 12 3].

[FIGURE 12] demonstrates the response of unique signals. Such differentiation
according to this literature paragraph [0008] and [001 8] is demonstrated in [FIGURE 121.
In this demonstration one HARP device, capable of sending and receiving, is installed
on each of the three dummy miniature vehicles. The response of devices in vehicles to
transmission of each transmitter is different if the transmission is recognised as different
type of vehicle. As tested via alert sound and colour of LEDs that determine the identity
or type of transmitting signal. For example the transmitted signal from 'Yellow' vehicle in
this case representing a standard vehicle is received by other devices and identified as
'Yellow' vehicle in all vehicles [FIG, 12.2]. Therefore appropriate colour (in this example
yellow) LED light turns on and the 'Yellow' vehicle's specifically designated alert sounds.
Red colour LED light appears when the white car (representing Emergency vehicle in
this test) transmits alert signals F G. 12. /. LED lights are additional functions for visual
alert and function via both RF and IR Receivers. They can be replaced with more specific
digital notification.

According to an additional advantage of this invention, Transport and Traffic Authorities
can use the same technique and device to provide statistics and information to enhance

G E 14] demonstrates that according to an additional advantage of this invention,
Transport and Traffic Authorities can use same method and apparatus [FIG.. 14. ] to
send certain notifications to certain vehicles in specific checkpoints or locations on/by
the roads [FIG, 14. //to notify them about significant hazards and warnings of attention-
worthy driving conditions [FIG. 4.3] in pre-installed locations [FIG. 14. II. A landslide on
the road or a closed bridge is an example case in point.

Additionally a stationery unit similar to [FIGURE 10] can be installed at Traffic Lights or
Pedestrian Lines or similar locations on the road which enables a similar placement to
[FIGURE 14] but instead of transmitting function it primarily receives honk signals from
vehicles nearby. Such unit can comprise of receiving circuits of RF and/or IR mentioned
in this patent literature and sounds an alert for attention of pedestrians (that for example
are crossing the road) in a case that vehicles honk alert may be of any interest to


There are more than a billion vehicles worldwide and their Horns have been a standard
part of those vehicles. By replacing the traditional honks with this invention (or adding
it) to vehicles the population of the earth has a chance to experience an urban area
free from annoying and unethical noise pollution created by traditional honks making a
happier generation. The sounds created by those honks have been always criticised as
they cause disturbance and imply ethical and health issues for human. Authorities can be
advised on enforcing cities to equip all vehicles with such device. Vehicle manufacturers
can also simply implement such technology to significantly reduce urban noise pollution.
This device is produced with minimal costs, less than of traditional honks'.

[FIGURE 13] is the tested prototype of this invented apparatus created by the inventor
of this invention.
Wires are exiting the box of the device [FIG. 13.4]. These wires can be simply attached
to any vehicle's 12 Volt battery and the Honk switch inside vehicle and the device will
begin functioning on stand-by when the vehicle is switched on. The dimensions of the
device can be smaller than 9 cm to 5 cm [FIG. 13.3 and 13.4] which allows effortless
installation that requires no modification or setup. Nearly 100 million vehicles are currently
produced every year. So such simple installation allows vehicle manufacturers, individual
manufacturers and/ or Road and Transport Authorities all across the planet to implement,
use and promote this device very easily.

The packaged exterior box for this device is perfectly isolated and packed that may
protect it from impact, dust and water. Produced devices are easily coded for each type of
vehicle i.e. cars or motorcycles and bicycle or Emergency vehicles (with advantageously
additional range) to be recognised as such by other devices. The cost-effectiveness of
this device compared to its prior art (Horn) and easy setup (of 'plug and play') makes it

The signal transmitted by each device is unique so this invented apparatus can be used
to recognise the identity of the transmitting device (vehicle). Such recognition is crucial
when distinguishing different types of vehicle such as Police car from bicycles that result
to unique alert sound.

All aspects of this invention will at-least result in quieter and safer roads and urban
areas without noise of traditional honking and significantly reduced noise pollution.
Advantageously, the power consumption is about 500 times lower than of other Horns
and Honks. The secure and unique Pulse Codes transmitting module can be additionally
used in possible future enhancement of this invention to provide more specific alerting
versions that enable drivers to recognise certain attributes of the alerter.

According to an additional advantage of this invention, this invented apparatus can
enable drivers to interact with and alert Driverless (self-driving) cars. Considering the
same technology according to this literature paragraph 0022 and 001 7 , any automatic or
Driverless car or vehicle known as self-driving vehicle that does not have a living driver
may receive such transmitted signals from other HARP devices of other vehicles in their
close-range that are with or without drivers using this invented apparatus. Furthermore
such vehicle instead of producing an alert sound inside the receiving vehicle uses and
adopts such protocol for further necessary actions as per their own technology. Harp
routes such warning signals to vehicle's own analysing systems that may analyse their
driving behaviour to configure any corrective actions based on their surroundings entirely
based on their own available technology.

/F E demonstrate an estimated technical value of effectiveness of this method
and apparatus on noise pollution reduction shown in a theoretical case study. Residents
and public entirely remain unaffected from the noise of honking alerts as they do not
poses receivers to translate those signals to sound. Furthermore the radius of driving
audience (range) are controlled and reduced. Additionally the intensity of noise of the
alert made by this apparatus is considerably lower than standard Horns and Sirens as
the honking 5 sounds are generated next to the driver and need not be too loud as shown
in Decibel units < in [FIGURE 151.
HARP alert sound Decibel shown is an example for standard vehicle.


is an illustration of example send-and-receive range in a case that all vehicles have this
invented apparatus present in the vehicle. (It is assumed that all vehicles in all diagrams
and figures have this invented apparatus)

is placement and installation of this invention inside vehicles and attachments to existing
power source and switches.
Shows the silent zones and where the possibility of noise pollution is eliminated. Honking
signal produced by one car is received by the vehicles inside the range and sound of
its alert heard only inside those vehicles. Other vehicles are out of range. Public and
residents are unaffected too as they don't carry a receiving device.

is a demonstration of this invented apparatus enabling Emergency vehicles an extended
transmitting range of 100 metres to 300 metres. Such devices' transmitted signal sounds
differently and louder inside other vehicles.

is illustration of an example demonstration of functionality of additional Infra-red send-
receive module that enables louder alert sound inside vehicles (devices) in direct
proximity (range) of transmitting device.

is a diagram of messaging protocol used in the legal frequency.

is the block diagram of Transmitter part of this invented apparatus.

is the detailed circuit diagram of Transmitter part of this invented apparatus.

is the block diagram of Receiver part of this invented apparatus.

is the detailed circuit diagram of Receiver part of this invented apparatus.
In this diagram both Radio Frequency circuit and additional Infra-red circuit are shown.
RF receiver module enables longer range signals to be received and the (Gray) upper
circuit shows the IR receiver that additionally allows the device to detect if the alerter is
in close or direct range.

is the demonstration of result of more than one devices transmitting simultaneously inside
each other's range. In such case all vehicles (devices) in range will receive and sound
the alert. The priority remains for the device that started transmitting earlier. Additionally,
the vehicles (devices) in direct proximity of both transmitting devices' Infra-red signals
sound louder for those in close proximity of transmitters.

is the testing of the fact that signals are unique and demonstrates 3 devices response on
prototype created by the inventor. Each device can transmit a unique signal and results
in different colour of LED lights and different alert sound. This enables identifying types
of alerting vehicles and more.

is the view of this invented apparatus produced by the inventor for demonstration purpose

is an example case for additional usage of this invented apparatus for pre-installed
warning transmitter by Traffic and Transportation authorities.

is an example demonstration of efficiency of this invention estimated o n reducing urban
noise pollution which is generated by honking Horns.


[FIGURE 15] is an estimated calculation of efficiency of this invention o n reducing
urban noise pollution. The formulas, case study and examples are merely for estimating
possible positive effects of this invention o n reducing noise pollution. The contents of
[FIGURE 15] are not related to any claims made by this invention. This visualisation is
solely to showcase the point of view of inventor of this invention o n such positive effects.

[FIGURE 5] consists of two charts and one formula. [FiG. 15. 1] demonstrates one
aspect of this calculation which is based o n the difference between intensity of traditional
honks made by cars [FIG 15 2] with estimated intensity of alert sound made by this
invented device / . 5 . / (shown in Decibel (dB) measurement unit) wherein the 20
Decibels difference in such intensity [FIG 15 4] is used in the formula to estimate the
overall efficiency of the method [FIG. 15 7] by this device to reduce the noise heard by
unwanted audience. Other intensities of noise created by man-made equipment shown
in the this figure, i.e. [FIG. 15 5] are for comparison purpose.

G. 15 6 1 brings to attention the trend of calculating "Highly Annoyed Public" (HA)
introduced by World Heath Organization ®, Denmark Office and published as "Burden of
Disease from environmental Noise" further described in below formula: (this formula is
not related to any claims made by this patent literature and is not invented by the inventor
of this invention)

HA [%] 0.5 18 · (L . - 2} - .436 · -2 · ( -42) 2 9.868 . G4 ( - 2

/F/G. is the primary aspect of efficiency of this method on reduction of noise pollution
5. /
generated by vehicles traditional honks. This chart is an example case study wherein
example number of vehicles and residents are proposed in one honking instance and
the reduction of the said noise pollution is calculated (estimated) in percentage unit for
demonstration purpose.
As a good case in point /F/G, 5 .9 / shows the (drivers) of vehicles in which the alert of
this invented device is heard if an alerter honks using this method in the centre of shown
radius. [FIG 75. 0 / shows the unaffected public and nearby residents that do not hear
the said alerts whereas in the case of traditional honking sounds of honking Horns could
be heard in the total radius /F/G. 15. 11] by drivers and population.

/F/G. the ultimate end of the equation as the efficiency of this method in reducing
75. / is
urban noise pollution (generated by traditional honking) demonstrated in percentage unit
/F/G. 15. 14]. The total reduction efficiency [FIG. 15 7] shown as 98.7% is calculated by
adding primary efficiency aspect of this method being eliminating the unwanted audience
/F/G 75 12] and minor aspect of enabling reducing the intensity of the required alerts
[FIG. 15.4], where the alert is heard by vehicles in range /F/G. 75. 13], from the average
intensity of traditional honk [FiG. 75. 12].

Example noise pollution reduction

# pe p o - - - _ # people
ar a r Ca - A P j

total # people total people

i ra ge n range


Thisformula and calculation is suggested by the inventor of this invention for demonstration
purpose and is not related to any claims made by this patent literature.
1. A method by an electronic device for communicating alerts and/or honks 5 wirelessly
between vehicles 3 that comprises of
- a signal transmitter and signal receiver that enables sending and receiving signals
for warning or alerting or honking purpose and/or sending signals receivable by
other vehicles 3 within a range provided by such devices.

- a unit that provides audio or visual or vibration notification/alerts based on

received signals and related to transmitted signals that are sent to such units to
be used for specific notifications or reactions inside such vehicle/s 4 .

- A strategy of communicating from or to at-least one vehicle from another

transmitter being part of another vehicle or in a pre-installed location capable of
generating signals receivable and used by vehicle/s.

2. The method of claim ( 1 ) wherein the alerts are sent or received or activated within a
limited range made possible by apparatus explained in any of the following claims.

3. The apparatus of claim ( 1 ) comprising a sending - receiving unit capable of

transmitting or receiving Radio Frequency signals for the purpose of same signal
being received by similar said unit/s inside other vehicle/s.

4. The apparatus of claim (3) wherein an additional send and receive module enables
transmitting or receiving Infra-red signals.

5. A method according to apparatus of claim (4) wherein the Infra-red signals can be
transmitted and received to other nearby said apparatus that enables differentiating
range or proximity of device inside vehicle that is attempting to transmit such signals.

6. An audio and/or visual notification unit that utilises any of the methods and apparatus
of claim ( 1 ) to (5) that enables some type of notification inside vehicle/s.

7. A method of notifying driver of a vehicle according to claim (6) wherein the notification
indicates alerting/ warning/ honking that is transmitted from other apparatus
according to any of the claims ( 1 ) to (5) in a range near the said driver (vehicle).
8. The method of coding the transmitted signals according to any apparatus of claim
(3) to (5) that further enables the receivers of the said apparatus to differentiate
certain types of vehicles (in other words the transmitters inside the said vehicles).

9. The apparatus of coding and decoding the send and received signals according to
claim (8) that can further comprises of Pulse Code Modulation technique to code
and decode transmitted signals from different vehicles into a recognisable format
for the purpose of generating unique audio and/or visual notification/ alerts.

10. The method of identifying the received alerts and providing relevant notification for
a driver of a vehicle according to claim (9) wherein the said notifications enable
the driver to identify certain attributes or type of the vehicle in which this present
invention is made available (that is attempting to communicate with nearby vehicles).
I.e. enabling driver via type of notifications to be notified if the honking alert 5 is
transmitted by an Ambulance or a motorcycle, etc.

11 . A method made possible according to any of claims (1) to ( 1 0) that enables or

results to isolated and/ or range-specific honking.

12. A method according to claims (11 ) enabling or resulting to reduction or elimination

of noise pollution that is generated by traditional honking 2 of vehicles Horn.

13. The wireless honking unit according to any of claims ( 1 ) to ( 1 2) wherein the said
unit can be installed inside (or made available for) a vehicle that comprises of an
activation switch of which can be used by the driver to send honks wirelessly to
other nearby vehicle/s within an amendable range of 0 metre to 300 metre radius
from the said unit.

14. The wireless honking unit of claim (13) that is made available to more than one
vehicle enabling the said units to send and receive honking alerts to one another
where such units are available.

15. The apparatus of claim (14) and the method of claim ( 1 ) further comprising the
method of providing audio or visual notification according to claim (5) and (6) using
digital notification or small lights or vibration that enables driver to be notified of
other vehicle/s alert signals.

16 . The apparatus of claim ( 1 5) further comprising different type of the said notifications
to enable driver/s to identity certain types of vehicles that are honking (attempting
to alert others).

17. The apparatus of claim ( 1 5) additionally comprising LED lights for notification

18. An additional stationery wireless transmitter unit similar to claim (3) or (4) that is
in a fixed location near the roads that can alert vehicles nearby by activating the
notification unit of claim (6) or (7) that is inside a vehicle 4 in order to send such
vehicle/s any specific notification including but not limited to conditions of the road
or to regulate traffic.

19. An additional stationery wireless receiver unit similar to claim (3) or (4) that are in
a fixed location near the roads or traffic signals or pedestrian lines that can receive
honking signals of nearby vehicles according to claim ( 1 ) in order to make audio
and/or visual notifications for the nearby pedestrians, public warning and alerting
the public based on such honking alert of a nearby vehicle.

20. An additional wireless receiver unit according to any of claim (3) or (4) for personal/
individual/ pedestrian or out of vehicle use that provides individuals that carry such
unit of alerts according to claim ( 1 ) made by a vehicle attempting to honk.

2 1 . A wireless send-receive unit according to claim ( 1 ) that communicates between at-

least one Driverless or Self-driving vehicle and another vehicle (being self-driving or
not) that is used to transmit or receive alerting signals from or to apparatus described
in claim (3) or claim (4) and enables communication between such vehicles in order
to provide warning, alert or notification.

22. A target-specific alerting unit according to claim ( 1 ) that reduces the possibility of
alerting certain vehicles or public and maintains or increases possibility of alerting
specific vehicles nearby based on type of transmitted signals as long as those
signals are received and used in any way to notify/alert a vehicle/ driver.

23. The setting up, manufacturing, assembling or fabricating any of the collective or
claimed technology of this invention that is described in claims ( 1 ) to (22) and can
be in anyway related to commercial interests of this invention.


G08G1/0 0 , B60Q5/00,B60Q9/0 0 Version=2016 .0 1

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

G08G, B60Q

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

Databases: PatSeer, IPO Internal

Search terms :wireless honking ,noise pollution, alert


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No

WO 2003085619 A l ( GOYLE Naresh Kumar) 1 6 OCTOBER 1-17,21-22

2003 (16-10-2003) . Page 4 , line 25 - page
6 , line 6;page 8 , line 28-page 9,line2


2010(12-10-2010) . Page2 ,line4-page 4 , line
27;page 6 , line 26-line44;

U S 6707391 B l ( MONROE Louis R ) 1 6 MARCH 18-20

2004(16-03-2004) . Page 3 , line 63-page 4 , line
2 ,Claim 1 .

Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. See patent family annex
* Special categories of cited documents: later document published after the international filing date or priority
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention
"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
speciai reason (as specified) Ύ document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to t international filing date but later than & document member of the same pate family
the priority date claimed
Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report
04-02-2016 04-02-2016

Name and mailing address of !he ISA/ Authorized officer

Indian Patent Office Srinivasarao Reesu
Plot No. 32, Sector 14,Dwarka, ew Delhi-110075
Facsimile No. Telephone No. +91-1125300200
Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (January 2015)

Box No. Π Observations where certain claims were foand unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)

This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons:

1. Claims Nos.:
because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Aiithorit

Claims Nos.: 23
because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an
extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:
Because the said claim i s not definitive ".

3. Claims Nos.:
because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences o f Rule 6.4(a).

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:

As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers al searchabl

2. j [ As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of
additional fees.

As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers
only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.:

No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is
restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.:

Remark on Protest The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the
payment of a protest fee.
The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest
fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation.
No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees.

Form PCT ISA 2 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (January 2015)

Information on patent family members
PCT / IB2 0 1 5 / 0 5 8 0 8 1

Citation Pub. Date Family Pub. Date

WO 2 0 0 3 0 8 5 6 1 9 Al 1 6- 1 0 - 2 0 0 3 WO 03 0 8 5 6 1 9 Bl 11- 12- 2003

AU 2 0 0 3 2 3 1 9 2 3 A l 20- 1 0- 2003
US 7 8 1 2 7 4 0 B 2 12- 10- 2 010 US 2 0 0 9 0 8 5 7 7 0 A l 02- 0 4- 2009
US 6 7 0 7 3 9 1 B l 1 6- 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 AU 9 1 2 3 1 0 1 A 08- 0 4- 2002
WO 0 2 2 7 3 4 7 A2 04- 0 4- 2002
WO 0 2 2 7 3 4 7 A3 04- 0 7- 2002

Form PCT/IS A/210 (patent family annex) (January 2015)

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