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The Universe Around My Name

My name, Emma, means “whole or universal.” Emma comes from the german root,
Ermen. My first name suits me because my life is whole. I have an amazing family,
lots of friends, good grades, and a very successful soccer career so far in my life.
Even though my parents named me Emma because they thought it sounded nice,
you could say that my name is a very accurate way of describing myself. Named
after my Grandma, is Gale, my middle name. Gale means joy, and in case you haven’t
noticed I’m a very joyous person. My last name is kind of confusing. My last name
can be kind of hard to pronounce so some people just say “Aberson”. My last name
is Abramson! Abramson means “son of Abram”, which I don’t really understand. My
friends call me “Em” or just Emma. My soccer coach calls me “Abe” because there’s
another Emma on the team and it’s a simple word to pronounce. So no, my name
isn’t just Emma Gale Abramson. It’s joy, memories, soccer, friends, family and so
many other things that make me who I am.

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