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Hastl Penetitian gJurnat Teknol. dan Industri Pangan, Vol. XVII No. 1 Th. 2006 PENGARUH KONSUMSI KAPPA-KARAGENAN TERHADAP GLUKOSA DARAH TIKUS WISTAR (Ratus norvegicus) DIABETES [The Effect of Kappa-Carrageenan Consumption on Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Wistar Rat (Ratus norvegicus)} Hardoko Fakultas Perkanan UNIBRAW JI Veleran No.1 Ma‘ang Diterima 29 Api! 2008 /Disetj 18 Su 2005 ABSTRACT The effect of keppacarrageeran consumption on Dood glucose lvel were studied on dabetic male wistar rt (Retus norvegicus). The rate wore mado dabetic by slaxan injection, and then were givan thet e ration conan §, 10, 15, 20% (wh) Kappe:

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