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Mini Project

Mobile Communication and Computing



In the last decade, solving the Sudoku puzzle has become every one’s passion. The
simplicity of puzzle’s structure and the low requirement of mathematical skills caused
people to have enormous interest in accepting challenges to solve the puzzle. Therefore,
developers have tried to find algorithms in order to generate the variety of puzzles for
human players so that they could be even solved by computer programming. In this essay,
we have presented an algorithm called pencil-and-paper using human strategies. The
purpose is to implement a more efficient algorithm and then compare it with another
Sudoku solver named as brute force algorithm. This algorithm is a general algorithm that
can be employed in to any problems. The results have proved that the pencil-and-paper
algorithm solves the puzzle faster and more effective than the brute force algorithm.


Currently, Sudoku puzzles are becoming increasingly popular among the people all over
the world. The game has become popular now in a large number of countries and many
developers have tried to generate even more complicated and more interesting puzzles.
Today, the game appears in almost every newspaper, in books and in many websites. In
this essay we present a Sudoku Solver named as pencil-and-paper algorithm using simple
rules to solve the puzzles. The pencil-and-paper algorithm is formulated based on human
techniques. This means that the algorithm is implemented based on human perceptions.
Therefore the name of the solver is pencil-and-paper algorithm. The Brute force
algorithms then used to compare with this algorithm in order to evaluate the efficiency of
the proposed algorithm. The brute force is a general algorithm than can be applied to any
possible problem. This algorithm generates any possible solutions until the right answers
found. The following subsections describe the problem statement, the purpose of this
project, and the abbreviations and the definitions.


The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of
the nine 3×3 sub grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", or "regions")
contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid,
which for a well-posed puzzle has a single solution.

Completed games are always a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the
contents of individual regions. For example, the same single integer may not appear twice
in the same row, column, or any of the nine 3×3 sub regions of the 9×9 playing board.

Future Scope:

 For starters, everybody can play the game - the kids, the adults, the elderly -
those of who have good eyesight.
 Contrary to the very first impression, Sudoku requires absolutely no math
skills! - Except maybe the knowledge of the first 10 digits
 The mind is active for the entire time you are working on it and nobody ever
said that was bad!
 It has been scientifically proven that a Sudoku a day keeps the Alzheimer's at
bay. While we are here, Sudoku also reduces the risk of dementia.
 This hobby will cost you nothing financially! - Almost all the newspapers have
a Sudoku column. You can check out several websites online if you feel you
need to do more of them. Hard-core Sudoku lovers can always download an
 You tend to develop your very own strategy to solve the puzzle. You can see
yourself using this strategy in your day to day activities in eliminating the
unnecessary alternatives and narrowing down to the very few viable options.
 Ever heard of the term “Earworm"? It refers to a song that gets stuck in your
head and won’t stop replaying. Sudoku takes care of that too.

Most importantly, these puzzles calm you down. They give you the much needed
break from the daily chores. Sit down post dinner or right after a hectic day at office
and sip some green tea while working on your sudoku and tell me if that's not working
out for you!



Step 1:-
Figure no.01 shows the first interface of the app. Here the user has to open the app and
arrange the numbers in a sequences.

Fig no. 01: Sudoku Interface

Once the model is displayed the user can control the model and can move it to their desire
location using the controller.
System details:
The below figure Fig no. 03, shows adding of database using Vuforia api.
The Vuforia Engine Library contains technical documentation to help developers with our
SDK and create AR applications. Along the left side, you will see that the Vuforia Engine
Library is organized by all of the platforms that Vuforia Engine supports. Vuforia Engine
supports both the Unity Engine as well as the three major native platforms: iOS, Android,
and UWP.
Fig no. 03
The below figure Fig no. 04, shows the image to be displayed on the target when the
currency is scanned.
Fig no. 04
The below figure Fig no. 05, shows the camera setting for the poly model so it can be
viewed in all the direction using the concept of the 360˚ world view.
Fig no. 05
Figure no. 06, shows the coding done for the animation of the poly model while in ideal
Fig no. 06
The Fig no. 07, show the coding done for the setting of the low poly while in the walking
Fig no. 07
The Fig no. 08, shows the coding for the controller to move the model.
Fig no. 08
Thus we have successfully implement a mobile application using android studio as a mini
project for mcc.

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