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Oleh :
Nama : Cindi Anastasia Simarmata
Kelas : 8C


T.A 2019/2020
Dialog tentang merencanakan kerja kelompok bersama teman

Cindi : Hey guys! don't forget that we have a science group assignment.

Messi : Ok Cin, after we finish school, we will do it.

Cindi : OK. please remind our group friends.

Dwi : So where will we do the assignmapent?

Yosa : Just stay at Ratu's house. But we should ask him first.

Cindi : How about you, Ratu? Are you willing to do our group work at your house?

Ratu : It's okay. but my home is far away. I'm afraid you guys will come home in the distance.

Dwi : Yeah that's right too. Moreover, my house and Cindy's house are also far from your house.

Messi : But wait a minute. the task we are doing is the task of the science group right?

Yosa : Yes. told by Mrs. Yosephin.

Ratu : Not too much, it’s better not to be at my home doing group work

Cindi : How about we just do it at school? Because the task is not too much.

Dwi : Yes you are right Cindy. Because it will not complicate us.

Cindi : Alright, let's do it together.

Dialog meminta izin kepada orang tua untuk mendaki gunung

Cindi : What are you doing tonight?

Mama : What are you doing with your cellphone?

Cindi : I want to say something, mom

Mama : What do you want to say?

Cindi : So it's like this, I already want to take a day off so I'm invited by my friends to go on vacation

Mama : Where are you going on vacation deck?

Cindi : Friends say they plan to climb Mt. Sibayak

Mama : oh how come going up the mountain anyway, is there really no other place?

Cindi : Yes, but they say they are bored going to vacation if only to the mall

Mama : Yes, but I'm afraid of deck

Cindi : I'm afraid why?

Mama : Yes there is danger, especially if it rains the road becomes slippery and there is very steep

Cindi : calm down, Mak, we also bring a guide, so every trip we will be on the guide.

Mama : What should I do, Mama is still afraid that the deck will occur that will not be alleviated.

Cindi : Calm down, it's fine, just pray for us to be safe and well.

Mama : I'm sure you pray for deck.

Cindi : So what do you do, is it permitted to go climbing the mountain?

Mama : Mama is still confused and should ask your father first

Cindi : Yes, you may ask the father first

Mama : Dad, how do you want permission to go climbing?

Father : climbing a mountain huh? Yes you have to be more careful there should not be careless, keep
manners, and always pray.

Cindi : Yes, sir, of course, pray for you too

Mama : Yes, the deck is correct, you have to do it

Father : the message that says mama must also be remembered

Cindi : OK, dad

Mama : So what should we do, dad?

Father : Yes, we allow you to go up the mountain

Cindi : OK, dad, thank you for your understanding

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