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Unit 1

Stress—recalcar According to—según

Embarrasing= shy On my own—por mi cuenta
Turn down---rechazar Fight—pelea
Appointment—cita Trendy --- moderno
Lie(lay-lain)—tumbarse Endless --- interminable
In a nutshell – en resumen On the one hand/on the other hand
Thin Such—tales
Look --- aspecto Sensitive/sensible
Exhausted/exhausting—agotado/r Recover – recuperarse
Risk Icebreaker ---romper el hielo
Whole – entero Flirt – ligar
Jealous – Noise
Suitable – adecuado Uncertain--- incierto
Strange Find out
Desperately Knowledge
Avoid Chatting up --- ligar con
Device—aparato Tiny – pequeño/minúsculo
Set off--- encender Reject
Speed up--- acelerar Hairstyle --- peinado
Don’t care – no te preocupes Collapse – perder el sentido
Boring Amusing
Glass--- cristal Break up – terminar (relación)
Quarrel – riña Argue--- discutir
Say goodbye to each other ---despedirse True
Truth State--- enunciar
Lie – mentir Fancy --- tener ganas/fantasear
Spotty --- con granos Kind--- tipo
As usual --- de costumbre Honest
Check in ---registrarse Well built --- atractivo
Cheerful --- alegre Easy going--- poco exigente
Shape --- forma Have fun
Appearance Pale--- pálido
Medium height ---media talla To be blame of --- tener la culpa de …
To pull one’s leg---tomar el pelo

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