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Central ideas/Main theme

This short poem has been written by Dr. Hartmann in which the poetess explains the
reality of life through the example of wind. Both facets of wind i.e. blustery and gentle
have found a spot in the poem.
Wind in the form of storm smashes everything and destroys trees, fields and buildings,
but when the wind is gentle and cool it gives life to buds, birds and humans. It means
that we should face hardships of life with courage and patience to enjoy peace and
tranquility afterwards. We have to experience storm to enjoy peace.

Try Again
Try again by W.E. Hickson gives a moral lesson that one should not lose hope or give
up the struggle after facing failure. One should not eschew working. Rather more
efforts should be put in to succeed. We should learn from our failures as trying again is
the only gateway to success. Our constant labor will finally yield the sweet fruit of

The Rain
This poem by W. H. Davies is a symbolic poem where ‘Rain’ symbolizes the shower
of the facilities and materialistic gains of life, enriching the already
rich or the privileged class of society. Here’ Leaves’ stand for two different strata of
society: the privileged and the downtrodden.
The poem refers to the prevalent social differences and injustices just like during the
rain the upper level gets the rain drops first and quench their thirst. Afterwards they
pass on the drops to the leaves at the level beneath. Similarly in today’s society, the
upper class enjoys the luxury, amenities and conveniences of life; whereas, the poor
have to live without even the basic necessities. In the end, the poet is dreaming a
utopian dream of a promising future with social justice and equality.

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