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About The Author

Yash Sharma is a former state-level football player, Now a Fitness- Coach,
YouTuber & Amateur Powerlifter. He has been strength training for 8 years
and transformed over a 100 people. He is also an author for top fitness
websites such as MensXP Health and Nutrabay.

You can connect with him ​on:

Instagram​ & ​Youtube
This program is designed to facilitate the ​fastest rate of strength &
neurological adaptations​ to perform pull up / chin up. It can be incorporated
with an Upper-Lower, Full-Body or Push-Pull-Legs routine.

Every exercise or drill is mentioned with its goal. Do not try to complete the goal
on day 1 itself. The human body takes time & repeated training sessions to build
strength, slowly increase your reps or weight load, moving towards the goal.
Primary movement: ​Lat Pull Downs

This exercise will be performed throughout the program 2 times a week

either on upper body or pull days.

Day 1:
3 sets 5 Reps

Goal: ​Lift more than your bodyweight for 5 reps. Meaning if you're 84 Kg.
Gradually take your strength where you can lift up to 94Kg for 5 reps.

Day 2:
3 sets 10 Reps

Goal:​ Lift your bodyweight for 10 reps. Meaning if you're 84 Kg. Gradually
take your strength where you can lift up to 84Kg for 10 reps.

The Drills: ​These drills are designed to build ​core strength, concentric
strength & eccentric strength​ for pull-ups/chin-ups. These drills can be
performed on every alternative day. Only move from one drill to another
drill, once the previous goal is fully met. ​Meaning: Start performing Drill 2,
only when you are able to complete both the goals of Drill 1.

⚠Take as many days/weeks as your body requires to complete the

goal of a particular drill.

Drill 1

Bodyweight Planks
Goal: 2 sets 1 Mins

Bent Knee Inverted Rows

Goal: 2 Sets 20 Reps
Drill 2

Bodyweight Planks
Goal: 2 sets 1.5 Mins

Straight Leg Inverted Rows

Goal: 2 sets 15 Reps

Drill 3

Bodyweight Planks
Goal: 2 sets 2 Mins

Decline Inverted Rows

Goal: 2 sets 12 Reps

Drill 4

Weighted Planks
Goal: 2 sets with 30% of your bodyweight for 45 seconds

Jump Chin Ups

Goal: 2 sets 10 Reps with minimum jump leverage

Drill 5

Weighted Planks
Goal: 2 sets with 40-50% of your bodyweight for 45 seconds

Resistance Band Assisted Chin Ups

Goal: 2 sets 12 Reps

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